Powerpuff Girls Wiki

"A Made-Up Story" is the ninth episode of the sixth season of The Powerpuff Girls and the 123rd episode overall.

It premiered in the United States on Cartoon Network on May 14, 2004.


A fashion-related vandal is going around Townsville, putting makeup on everything with a face, and Blossom is the only one dodging it.


After the "trashy" look gets replaced with the "dull" look, a mysterious villain named Mask Scara awakens. She gives the people of Townsville bad makeovers that are seemingly permanent. She puts it on everyone and everything and there is no help in sight. Buttercup is the first human victim of Mask Scara. This is not at all to Buttercup's liking. The other two Powerpuff Girls try to remove the make-up from Buttercup's face, but they are unsuccessful. They try finding Mask Scara to strike her down, but they can't. Suddenly Bubbles also falls victim to Mask Scara's horrible game. But she decides to like her new makeover. Mask Scara then goes wild, putting make-up on everybody in Townsville, no matter if they're good or evil. The only one saved is Blossom (and a few citizens), much to Blossom's liking. Near the end, Professor Utonium has successfully created a cream to ridden Mask Scara's horrible make-up. Bubbles and Buttercup starts fighting over it, eventually causing it to spill on Mask Scara which removes her power and makes all her make-up vanish and Townsville is freed. Blossom once again acts stuck up as Mask Scara didn't smear her with makeup. She proudly claims that everyone received the trashy look but not her as she is smarter than the average Townsville citizen. Then Blossom suddenly slips and falls into some mud, red paint, a sack of flour, and foam peanuts. As a result, she looks repulsive and everyone laughs themselves silly at how ridiculous she looks, even the narrator.


Blossom and Bubbles trying to remove Buttercup's permanent make-up from Mask Scara with a hose.


Major Characters[]

Minor Characters[]


  •  This is the second time when everyone laughs at Blossom, the first being The Mane Event.
  •  This is the second time when Bubbles and Buttercup wear make-up, the first being City of Clipsville (non-canon).
    Narrator - hand

    The Narrator's hand

  • When the Mayor is sleeping in the podium, the Narrator's hands and arms can be seen, waking the Mayor up. This is the only episode where the Narrator was seen, albeit partially.
  • It doesn't explain why Mask Scara didn't put make-up on Blossom.
  • This is the only appearance of Mask Scara.
  • Blossom, Sedusa, and The Rowdyruff Boys are the only characters are not shown with makeup on.
  • Guest voice: Phyllis Diller as Mask Scara.
  • Moral: True beauty comes from within.