- "SKRULL! You're a freaking Skrull!!"
- ― Delroy Garrett Jr./3-D Man II (Marvel Comics)
The power to see through a shapeshifter's disguise. Variation of Power Immunity.
Also Called[]
- Shapeshifting Vision
The user can see through a shapeshifter's disguise, seeing their real forms, no matter what form they take.
- They can see through a fake disguise showing their real form.
- Tell if a human is taking a form of an animal.
- Tell if a monster is taking the form of a human.
- Body Language Analysis
- Enhanced Senses
- Power Immunity
- Power Negation
- Reality Perception
- Enhanced Wits
- Supernatural Smell
- May be limited to seeing through certain forms, such as humans.
- Sense Manipulation can fool someone's sense of vision into seeing something else.
- The user may change their bodies, but not their scent.
- May not work on normal disguises or illusions.
Known Users[]
- Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)
- Kang-lim Choi (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment)
- Daniel (QUESTISM)
- Skeleton (The Last Unicorn)
- The Gods (Onyx Equinox); only from god to god
- Charles Chandler/3-D Man (Marvel Comics)
- Delroy Garrett Jr./3-D Man II (Marvel Comics)
- Marie Victoria (The Ring and the Crown)
Live TV[]
- Kelly Olsen (Arrowverse); via a psychic connection to Malefic J'onzz
- Timelords (Doctor Who)
- Simon Bellamy (Misfits)
- Castiel (Supernatural)
- Grimms (Grimm)
- Jacob (Lost)
Video Games[]
- Daniel Robinson (The Fungus Among Us); found out that Oliver's sister Mirabel was a monster taking on a human form.
- Merlon (Paper Mario)
- Super Soldiers (Prototype); via Viral Detection gear
Web Comics[]
- Dame Tara (El Goonish Shive)
Known Objects[]
- Oculus Veritatis (The Order)
Jacob (Lost) immediately knew that "John Locke" was in fact, his twin brother The Man In Black, despite his shapeshifted disguise.
Because he hosted all of the Leviathans, Castiel (Supernatural) can see past their shapeshifted disguise and was able to pick out the real Dick Roman.
When Simon (Misfits) got "Immunity", he was able to see through Lucy's disguise, no matter what appearance she took.
The Gods like Tezcatlipoca (Onyx Equinox) can sense the presence of another god no matter what shape or appearance they take.
Oculus Veritatis (The Order) is a potion that allows whoever drinks it to see the true form of a shapeshifter, no matter how good its disguise. This is only possible by seeing the naked skin of the shapeshifter