The power to have your jackets/coats fight as if was alive. Techniques of Coat Manipulation. Variations of Clothing Combat and Combat Merging.
Also Called[]
- Coat Combat/Fighting/Proficiency/Weaponry
- Jacket Fighting/Proficiency/Weaponry
The user's jackets/coats has the ability to fight and defend the wearer of its own accord as if it were a living thing.
- Cape Manipulation
- Cloth Manipulation
- Combat Merging
- Elemental Weaponry
- Empathic Weaponry
- Fashion Ability Manifestation
- Cloth Mimicry
- Magic Weaponry
- Sentient Weaponry
- Sharpness Manipulation
- Stiffness Manipulation
- Symbiotic Weaponry
- Weak against Breaker Touch.
- The user's jacket/coat could be burnt/destroyed.
- The user's jacket/coat could become too heavy to fight with if wet.
Known Users[]
See Also: Badass Longcoat
- Ryūnosuke Akutagawa (Bungou Stray Dogs)
- Captain Bravo (Buso Renkin)
- Snow Villiers (Final Fantasy XIII); via Emblems as weapons with Antimatter Manipulation Principle.
- Dix-Neuf (GunBuster/DieBuster)
- Clone Zero (King of Fighters 2000)
- Zero (King of Fighters 2001)
- Barrer Jacket users (Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force)
- Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto); via Nine-Tails Chakra Mode
- Kelly Funk (One Piece); via Jacket-Jacket Fruit
- Sleepy Ash (Servamp)
Known Objects[]
- Silver Skin and Silver Skin: Alternate Type (Buso Renkin)