The power to create weapons from elemental forces. Sub-power of Elemental Constructs. Variation of Inorganic Weaponry and Weapon Creation. Not to be confused with Element Weaponry.
User can create elemental weapons from nothing or by shaping the existing elements, they are capable of creating virtually any weapon and how many they wish. Depending on what elements the weapon is made of, it can posses a variety of abilities and be very effective in both offensive and defensive combat.
- Energy Weaponry
- Elemental Blade Construction
- Elemental Bow Construction
- Elemental Polearm Construction
- Elemental Whip Generation
Solid Weaponry[]
Liquid Weaponry[]
Gas Weaponry[]
Plasma Weaponry[]
Organic Weaponry[]
- Cosmic Weaponry
- Energy Weaponry
- Ethereal Weaponry
- Gravitational Weaponry
- Magic Weaponry
- Nether Weaponry
- Slime Weaponry
- Space-Time Weaponry
- Twilight Weaponry
- Vacuum Weaponry
- Element Weaponry
- Elemental Claws
- Elemental Constructs
- Elemental Manipulation
- Enhanced Weapon Proficiency
- Inorganic Weaponry
- Weapon Creation
- May be limited using single element at a time.
- May be unable to create elements, being limited to shaping from already existing sources.
- How long the blade lasts depends on the users skill and power, some may need near constant attention, others are effectively permanent.
Known Users[]
See Also: Elemental Weapon.
- Shinigami (Bleach); via Elemental Sub-Type Zanpakutō
- Aquaman (Batman: The Brave and the Bold)
- Kaduchimon (Digimon)
- Kratos (God of War)
- Organization XIII (Kingdom Hearts)
- The Ninjas (Lego's Ninjago: Master of Spinjutzu)
- Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
- Ghost Riders (Marvel Comics)
- Hellfire (Marvel Comics)
- Various Playable Onimusha Characters (Onimusha series)
- Trap Team (Skylanders)
- Patrick Donovan (The Young Guardians)
Known Weapons[]
- Bohrok Shields (Bionicle)
- Toa Masks (Bionicle)
- Toa Weapons (Bionicle)
- Elemental Sub-Type Zanpakutō
- Golden Weapons (Lego's Ninjago: Master of Spinjutzu)
- Myrtenaster (RWBY)
- Elemental Swords (Musashi: Samurai Legend)
- Sodom's Fire (Demon Lord Retry)