Superpower Wiki
"See, the day of the Lord is coming—a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger—to make the land desolate and destroy the sinners within it. The stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light. The rising sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless. I will make people scarcer than pure gold, more rare than the gold of Ophir. Therefore I will make the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place at the wrath of the Lord Almighty, in the day of his burning anger."
― Isaiah 13:9-13
"By channeling my divine rage into power, I have forged a new instrument with which to destroy you. You must realize the consequences of my learning rage is a source of power. My fury runs deeper than any mortal mind can ever comprehend which means my might will be unrivaled too. And this scythe will carve a reminder into your mortal flesh with the strength of my divine wrath!"
― Goku Black (Dragon Ball Super)
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT MY HAIR?! I will not forgive anyone who insults my hair, no matter who he is!"
― Josuke Higashikata when somebody insults his hair (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part IV: Diamond is Unbreakable)
"I bore witness to the manifestation of humanity's rage."
― Mikasa Ackerman about Eren Yeager's Attack Titan form. (Attack on Titan)
"I cannot believe this is happening Again. It's Absurd. I Just-- CAN'T. Why do I keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result? Isn't that the definition of insanity? Am I mad? You know... one day, the last one of you will ask me, "why did you help Dracula himself to murder all the people?" And do you know what I'll say? It's because you're all so F!#&*ing RUDE."
― Isaac (Castlevania)
"Athena is dead because of the rage that consumes you, Kratos. What more will you destroy?"
― Zeus (God of War series)
"Can nothing quell my anger?"
― Asura (Asura's Wrath)
"I am Atrocitus, Lord and Master of the Red Lantern Corps. I'm the one who will destroy the Guardians and all they stand for! I am wrath! I am hate! I am righteous vengeance!"
― Atrocitus (Green Lantern: The Animated Series)
"Your skills have become weak, yet I am stronger than ever; fueled by anger, by rage!"
― The Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
"[Incomprehensible screams of melancholy and sheer rage]"
― SCP-096 - The "Shy Guy" (SCP Foundation) upon someone seeing his face.
"[On hearing about the death of his beloved Sati, Shiva fell into a great rage that could reduce the three realms to ashes]"
― Chapter 17, Rudra Samhita, Sati Khanda- Shiva Purana, Hindu Mythology

The ability to possess indomitably strong rage. Combination of Indomitable Will and Anger Empowerment. Variation of Indomitable Emotions. Not to be confused with Indomitable Hatred.

Also Called[]

  • Anger/Rage/Wrath/Relentless/Remorselessness
  • The Anger/Rage That Cannot Be Quelled
  • Enhanced Anger/Rage/Wrath
  • IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder)
  • Indomitable Anger/Wrath
  • Murderous/Sheer Anger/Rage
  • The Sheer Force Of Anger/Rage
  • Strong Anger/Rage
  • Supernatural Anger/Rage
  • Unrelenting/Unyielding Anger/Rage/Wrath
  • Unstoppable Anger/Rage


The user possesses an indomitably intense rage, a dangerous and violent emotion that fuels uncontrollable anger and escalates hostilities. This fury acts as a potent source of power, granting the user unparalleled strength and ferocity. However, the unyielding nature of their rage can be perilous, leaving them immune to pacification and engulfed in an ever-growing tempest of anger.

Through their boundless rage, the user exhibits extraordinary resilience, refusing to surrender even in the face of great pain and trauma. Their fury becomes a powerful catalyst, driving them to fight through excruciating circumstances and transcend their limitations, defying death itself.

User must be cautious not to let their rage consume them entirely due to the intensity of their rage which can isolate them from others and push away understanding, leaving them to grapple with their inner tempest. Mastering their fury becomes a delicate balancing act, but as they harness its power, the user emerges as a force of reckoning, forever driven by their indomitably intense rage.




  • Can blind users be reasoning capabilities.
  • May not grant superpowers, even if it still makes the user strong.
  • If user's rage isn't controlled, it can render them feral, turning into a berserk menace with a lack of rational thought.

Known Users[]


  • Guts (Berserk)
  • Daemon X (Digimon)
  • Belphemon X (Digimon)
  • Frieza (Dragon Ball series)
  • Broly (Dragon Ball series)
  • Goku Black (Dragon Ball Super)
  • Kang Han Soo (FFF-Class Trashero)
  • Chrome Walker (Fixed Damage)
  • Jin Ja Gang (Legend of Asura – The Venom Dragon)
  • Josuke Higashikata (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part IV: Diamond is Unbreakable)
  • Kan Ki (Kingdom)
  • Sara (Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch)
  • Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia)
  • Donquixote Doflamingo (One Piece)
  • Hody Jones (One Piece)
  • Charlotte Linlin/Big Mom (One Piece); when hungry
  • Kurozumi Orochi (One Piece)
  • Meliodas (The Seven Deadly Sins)
  • Ryu Han-Bin (Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World)
  • Raul Evans (The Strongest Brave whom craves revenge shall destroy with the power of Darkness)
  • Ukei Kaito (The Hero Laughs While Walking the Path of Vengeance a Second Time)


  • The Red Lantern Corps (DC Comics)
  • Black Manta (DC Comics)
  • Hercules (Marvel Comics)
  • Bruce Banner/Hulk (Marvel Comics)
  • James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel Comics); when entering a Berserker Rage
  • Super Sonic (Sonic the Comic)
  • Appoplexians (Ben 10 Series)
  • Colonel H. Stinkmeaner (The Boondocks)
  • The Hateocracy (The Boondocks)
  • Nelly Ruckus (The Boondocks)
  • Isaac (Castlevania)
  • Dark Danny (Danny Phantom)
  • Dan Mandel (Dan Vs)
  • Turbo K.O. (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)
  • Monster Steven (Steven Universe Future)
  • Oroku Saki/The Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
  • Red Raven (Teen Titans)
  • The First Human (Unicorn Wars)

Live Television/Movies[]

  • Dark Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Rage Virus infectees (28 Days Later)
  • Godzilla (Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack)
  • Spartacus (Spartacus)
  • Saxa (Spartacus)
  • Sith (Star Wars)
    • Darth Maul
    • Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
  • Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th series)
  • Michael Myers (Halloween)
  • Teth-Adam/Black Adam (DC Extended Universe)

Video Games[]

  • Giganoto (Ark: Survivar Evolved)
  • Asura (Asura's Wrath)
  • Doom Slayer (Doom 2016)
  • Kratos (God of War)
  • Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
  • Painwheel (Skullgirls)
  • Clockwerk (Sly Cooper)
  • Ryu (Street Fighter); as Evil Ryu and Kage
  • Oni (Street Fighter)
  • Kazuya Mishima (Tekken)
  • Sigma (Mega Man X)
  • Man on Fire (Metal Gear Solid V)
  • Raging Raven (Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots)

Web Animation/Series/Original[]

Video Games[]

  • The Knight (Hollow Knight), with the Charm "Fury of the Fallen"

Known Objects[]

  • The Mark of Cain (Supernatural)
  • Fury of the Fallen (Hollow Knight)


