- "Idiots... Nothing can live forever."
- ― Magus (Chrono Trigger)
- "Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time!"
- ― Bender Bending Rodríguez (Futurama)
- "Dying and coming back again and again. The old Death thought it was funny. But now there's one hard, fast rule in this universe. What lives...dies."
- ― Billie to Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
- "I'm only human, and every human has a heart, no matter how large or small. People can call me a monster all they want, but the reality is I can't be the strongest pirate forever. If I can save this one young man's life, I'll have earned the right to retire from this world once and for all."
- ― Edward Newgate/Whitebeard (One Piece)
The trait of being mortal. Opposite to Immortality.
The trait of physiologies vulnerable to death. This trait is inherent in all non-supernatural physiologies, most supernatural physiologies, and many transcendent physiologies. Even some gods are mortal. It should be assumed, if not explicitly stated otherwise, that a physiology is mortal.
For those rare physiologies that are inherently immortal, mortality can still be induced through loss of immortality, loss of invulnerability, falling from grace, etc., whatever the case may be, the user becomes a mortal being and/or were always mortal.
Mortality can be revoked, if the user is forced to live a cursed existence or becomes an undead.
Known Users[]
See Also: Anyone Can Die.
- Shiro (Deadman Wonderland); after the Branch of Sin was destroyed
- Tyrael (Diablo)
- Merus (Dragon Ball Super)
- Celestial Spirits (Fairy Tail); if trapped in the natural world
- Bender Bending Rodríguez (Futurama)
- Utsuro (Gintama)
- Kouka (Gintama)
- Kratos (God of War)
- The Man in Black (Lost); after the Heart of the Island was extinguished
- Nathan Young (Misfits), while his power was reversed
- Lilin/18th Angel/Humanity (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
- Raiden (Mortal Kombat)
- Demigods (Mythology); half-mortals
- Clark Kent (Smallville); temporarily
- Anna Milton (Supernatural); after removing her grace
- Castiel (Supernatural); when his grace was removed
- God (Supernatural); when Jack absorbed all his powers.
- Metatron (Supernatural); when his grace was removed
- Imhotep (The Mummy franchise); twice
- Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries); after she was cured of her vampirism
- Screamapillar (The Simpsons)
- Third Corvinus Son (Underworld)
Known Objects[]
- Mortal Potion (Disney's Hercules)
Bender Bending Rodríguez (Futurama) is a robot built without a backup unit, so he does not possess the immortality that he boasts about, rendering him a mere "mortal coil".
Utsuro (Gintama) was on the verge of becoming mortal when Umibozu jammed the Altana of a foreign planet into his body.
Kouka (Gintama) became mortal once she left Kouan, ceasing to draw from its Altana, and when the supply she accumulated ran dry, she eventually died.
After being tricked into draining his godly power into the Blade of Olympus, Kratos (God of War) became mortal and vulnerable, allowing Zeus to kill him.
Chuck Shurley/God (Supernatural) was mortalized by Jack when he absorbed all his god power, forcing him to live the rest of his life as a weak and defenseless mortal.