Superpower Wiki
"In actuality, I do not have a physical form. I am an 'existence' of a higher dimension. A place where time and space is controlled... The fluctuating void... The 'wave existence'.."
― Wave Existence (Xenogears)

The power to manipulate higher dimensional space and time. ​Form/Expression of Omnipotence. Variation of Meta Space-Time Manipulation. Absolute version of Dimension Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Meta-Dimensiokinesis
  • Absolute Dimensional Manipulation
  • Extradimensional Manipulation
  • Hyperdimensional Manipulation
  • Higher-Dimensionality Manipulation
  • Omni Dimensional Manipulation


The user can manipulate, destroy, and create greater spatial and temporal dimensionality than 3-D space, such as 4-D space and above.

  • Hyperspaces can include the multiverse (i.e 4D space) and complex dimensional layers beyond the common universe, like existencial planes when added with conceptual or elementary forces.
  • Hypertimes can include complex temporal layers, like multiple-timelined multiverses, pocket dimensions with different time laws and the time flow in immaterial worlds like dreamlands.

Unlike the traditional space-time where there are 3 spatial dimensions and 1 temporal dimension, this power is able to control hyperspaces and hypertimes, including universes and multiverses made in more complex cosmologies, as, according to infinity in projective geometry, and the concept of a Hausdorff dimension, each higher spatial (or added temporal) dimension is a more than countably infinite number of times greater than the preceding number.

Applications (General)[]



Known Users[]

Known Objects/Locations[]


