Superpower Wiki
"It is pointless to try and explain. They are now beyond our understanding..."
― Miltary Advisor (Diebuster)
"If you know who we are as you claim, what shall you do with this knowledge? You cannot understand what you have no context for...and we are beyond you."
― Those Who Sit Above In Shadow (Marvel Comics)
"I seek that which lies beyond strength."
― Jiren (Dragon Ball Super)
"But once you stepped through that broken existence and looked the statue in the eyes, you discovered all the names and descriptions were all so meaningless. No language could truly express what lay below that weak surface, a beauty exceeding all mathematical infinities."
― Overwatch Command (SCP Foundation)
"The Reflection Principle is an old theological notion which we use in Set Theory. Any specific description of the full universe of Set Theory also applies to some little set inside the universe. Any description of The Absolute also applies to some limited, relative thing. Franx made a dissapointed noise. "You're just saying that the Absolute is unknowable, that's the most elementary teaching of Mysticism""
― The White Light (Chapter 14)

The state of being infinitely beyond all scaling, description and definition. Form/Expression of Nigh-Omnipotence (Rational) and Omnipotence (Irrational).

Also Called[]

  • Absolutely Boundless/Fathomless/Indeterminable/Unrestricted Power
  • Beyond/Trans-Conceptual
  • Definition Transcendence
  • Irreducibility
  • Omnipotenception
  • Power Beyond All Rational/Irrational Conception/Imagination
  • The Power of God
  • Undefined/Undefinable Power
  • Absolutely Incomprehensible Power
  • Above-All Power
  • Truly Unquantifiable/Incalculable Power
  • Power Beyond All Sentient Comprehension
  • Absolutely Unimaginable Power
  • Off-the-Charts/Scales Power


The users are infinitely beyond all logical scaling and definition, which can extend to various attributes of their being, such as power, speed, strength, stamina, intelligence, durability, dimensions, etc. Users are beyond absolute infinity as absolute infinity is still logical scaling.

There are two main types: Rational Indeterminacy and Irrational Indeterminacy.

Rational Indeterminacy: the user is beyond all scale and limits except for those that would defy reason. For example, no user with this rendition of the power could achieve something irrational as "greater than Omnipotence" or "smarter than Omniscience" as there is no more space left for advancement beyond that. In which case, their power could be relatively gauged as less than or equal to totality.

Irrational Indeterminacy: The same as above, except without the reason barrier. The users of this power are so far beyond completely everything that the mere argument of their power is invalid. The power also extend to every other trait of their being. The user's existence would transcend logic, as they are beyond every concept that could anchor them, even infinity and whatever is beyond that as well.

In simple terms, if Rational Indeterminacy is Nigh-Omnipotence, then Irrational Indeterminacy is True Omnipotence.


  • Autopotence: Having absolute omnipotent control over one's own self - being beyond all definition allows for the user to be whatever they want to be; 'I Am that I Am'.
    • Absolute Inner Power: Have unimaginable and limitless power.
      • Absolute Potential: It is impossible to define a limit, mathematical or otherwise, to the user's development.
      • Overpowered: User possesses the trait of being completely overpowered compared to everyone else or mostly everyone.
    • Absolute Invincibility: It is absolutely impossible for the user to lose physically, metaphysically, conceptually, intellectually, theoretically or in any other fancy way. They are truly unstoppable.
    • Solipsistic Manipulation: Users are able to alter anything that can be related and connected to them (from memory or their knowledge) limited by their knowledge/experiences of their very self existence.
  • Existential Distinction: In their truest form, the user is beyond all scaling and definition, making them completely distinct from everything.
    • Complete Arsenal: The extent of the user's abilities is indeterminate, so they can be considered to have every discovered, undiscovered, known and unknown ability.
      • Omni-Empowerment: Users can draw an indeterminate supply of energy, speed, strength, etc., from an indeterminate number of sources.
    • Omni-Distortion: The user can distort, twist and warp everything, including matter, energy, space, time, vectors, distance/location, reality, logic, perspectives, identity, variables, physics, concepts, powers/skills, rules/laws, paradoxes, etc. Warping them for either offensive or defensive purposes.
  • Freedom: user's of indeterminacy are beyond any type of physics, logic, concept, fate, causality law that govern reality
  • Infinite Supply: The amount of something a user has is beyond scaling, and so cannot be considered to have an end.
    • Infinite Energy: The user's energy is beyond scaling, and so cannot be considered to have an end.
  • Omni-Manipulation: Users of Indeterminacy are so far beyond everything that there is practically nothing they can't manipulate.
  • Perspective Designing: An indeterminate perspective could be absolutely anything.
    • Threads of Fate Manipulation: By controlling the narrative of interpretation and how it is perceived, one can redesign the very nature of causality.
  • Selective/Absolute Transcendence: Users of Indeterminacy are either at the level of the totality (Rational) or more than infinitely beyond it (Irrational). It is impossible to define the user's limits - the only ones they have are those they impose on themselves, so they can transcend them any time they want.
    • Beyond-Dimensional Physiology: Dimensional scaling cannot be applied to the user, making them superior to even the concept of dimensions.
    • Conceptual Transcendence: The user surpasses all concepts that could anchor them.
    • Duality Transcendence: The user cannot be defined by dualities.
    • Hierarchy Transcendence: Beyond all dimensional, conceptual, and infinite hierarchies, hierarchies are a form of scaling.
    • Transcendence Manipulation: A sliver of the user's power can make the weakest species strong enough to rival the mightiest gods.
    • Logic Independence: Exists beyond and independently from logic itself, being able to perform logically impossible feats, as even logic can't define what the user is capable or incapable of.
      • Paradox Immunity: Unaffected by paradoxes by performing things that are either inconsistent, contradictory or impossible, remaing unaffected by consequences them.
    • Numerical Transcendence: Transcend mathematical concepts, as they are forms of scaling and definition.
    • Science-Magic Transcendence: The user's capabilities cannot be defined as 'science' or 'magic', and neither system can define a limit to the user's power. This means that the user possesses capabilities far beyond both.
  • Uncertainty Creation: What the user does not currently perceive is indeterminate, and so could be absolutely anything.
    • Absolute Unpredictability: The user's future is indeterminate, and they are so unpredictable that nothing can guess what they will do next.


Known Users[]

  • The Supreme Archetype (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • The Archetypes (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Sogiita Gunha (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
  • White Girl/Objective Alice (A Simple series)
  • Undoubtedly First (Cryptozoi)
  • Anita (Darkstalkers)
  • God (Star Maker)
  • Empty Hand (DC Comics)
  • Monitor-Mind/The Overvoid (DC Comics)
  • Luminous Being/The Dungeon Master (Forgotten Realms)
  • Divine Presence (I/O)
  • Supreme Consciousness (Idol Mahou Shoujo Chiruchiru Michiru)
  • Mother of Existence (Image Comics)
  • Auren Da'at/The Absolute (I Can Tell You What Is Killing The Stars)
  • Hajun (Kajiri Kamui Kagura); with the tumor
  • Dyntos (Kid Icarus Uprising)
  • Gan (The Dark Tower)
  • The Beyonders (Marvel Comics)
  • Molecule Man/Owen Reece (Marvel Comics); after absorbing The Beyonder Race’s powers
  • The Infinites (Marvel Comics)
  • The One Above All (Marvel Comics)
  • Pre-Retcon Beyonder (Marvel Comics)
  • Primordial Entities (Mythology/Religion)
  • The Supernormal State (SCP Foundation)
  • Sam Howell/SCP-3812 - A Voice Behind Me (SCP Foundation)
  • 0 (Star Trek)
  • Tenchi Masaki (Tenchi Muyo)
  • The White Light (Transrealist)
  • Ryu (Breath of Fire IV); as the Yorae Dragon
  • White Demon (Toriko)
  • Minus (minus)
  • The Creators/The Gods (Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
    • Featherine Augustus Aurora
    • Maria Ushiromiya; eventually via The Magic of Origins
  • Cu Chulainn (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Fire God Surtr (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • The Harrowing (Warhammer 40k)
  • Lord of Nightmares/L-sama (Slayers/Lost Universe)
  • Eru Ilúvatar (Tolkienverse)
  • God (World of Darkness)
    • The Essential Divinity/The I Am That I Am
    • Jehovah
    • The One Giver
    • The Buddha
    • Bondye
    • The Weaver
    • The Wyrm
    • The Wyld


