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Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate the fountain of youth. Combination of Youth Manipulation and Water Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Fountain of Youth Control
  • Immortality/Youth Fountain/Spring Control/Manipulation
  • Spring of Immortality/Youth Control/Manipulation


The user can create, shape and manipulate the fountain of youth, a supernatural spring whose waters are capable of restoring youth to those who drink or bathe in them. This location has been a subject of quests in both mythology and fiction, illustrating a longstanding desire to attain immortality. Potentially, the waters could even regenerate wounds should one be injured.

Users with this power could manipulate the properties of the fountain, alter its size and design or even use the waters for unusual tasks like weaponizing them.




Known Users[]

Known Objects[]

Known Locations[]

  • Cave of Wonders (Disney's Aladdin)