Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"I was dangerously hydrated."
― Roger Smith (American Dad)

The power to remove water from objects and/or organisms. Sub-power of Biological Manipulation and Water Absorption.

Also Called[]


The user can remove water from objects and/or organisms, possibly by severe perspiration, dryness, and transpiration on people/objects. Long exposure can cause organisms to become skeletal, soon dying due to total lack of water.




  • Users of Water Generation or Water Manipulation can counter this ability.
  • May not be immune to effects of the same ability.
  • May become prone to rapid occurrences of thirst.
  • May be unable to extract water from inanimate objects.
  • May have to continue draining peoples fluid in such manners to prevent themselves from rapidly dehydrating.
  • Users of Self-Sustenance may be immune.

Known Users[]

Known Objects[]

  • Kimaira Virus (Dr. Blackjack)
  • De-Gun (Megamind)
  • Moisture-Suck-inator (Phineas and Ferb)

