- "There are many masters of illusion in the universe, Rachel. Many manipulators of perception. But only I am a master of reality. A manipulator of the concrete. Well, then, perhaps this is a fantasy, after all. Your fantasy. But I can make it real at any time."
- ― Crayak (Animorphs)
- "On her tenth birthday, Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir learned about mistakes. She had been looking up at the sky and wondered what it would look like if it were pink instead of blue. And then it was. In a panic, she tried to change it back to blue, but she could never get the color quite right. It was either too dark or too light, or it was too green or too purple, or too bright or too dark."
- ― Da Capo al Fine (SCP Foundation)
- "Your honor and indeterminate beings throughout the universe, we all know that Celestialsapiens change the universe as often as my client changes his shirt. (...) Okay, bad example. But my point; and I do have one; is that Celestialsapiens change the universe all the time. Why, even first thinker Azmuth's voice and appearance has changed on at least three occasions. For all we know, Celestialsapiens are out there changing the universe at this very moment."
- ― Chadzmuth about Celestialsapiens (Ben 10: Omniverse)
The power to manipulate reality. Type of Nigh-Omnipotence. Lesser version of Existence Manipulation. Variation of Warping.
Also Called[]
- Essokinesis
- Ontokinesis
- Realitokinesis
- Reality Alteration
- Reality Bending/Control/Distortion
- Reality Manipulation
Reality warping is the ability to change, create, or even destroy parts of or the entirety of reality. Basically, the user can freely control and alter reality, potentially even having complete control over it. While it's difficult to accurately define reality due to different interpretations by different people, for this article we will consider reality as everything that is real or existent within a system such as the universe. From physical phenomenon such as matter and energy or the laws of nature (electromagnetism, gravity, space-time, etc.), to abstract ideas and concepts such as emotions and logic, they can all be considered real and a part of reality.
The power of reality manipulation operates differently depending on the specific setting or context in which it is used. In essence, this ability allows the user to alter the fundamental structure of reality to align with their wishes and desires. With this power, individuals can effortlessly reshape reality to produce a wide array of effects and outcomes. At its pinnacle, wielders of this power can achieve feats that would ordinarily be considered impossible. The boundless possibilities and unmatched potential of reality manipulation make it one of the most formidable superpowers in existence.
Reality Warping is a general term for characters to manipulate reality; they can utilize anything from matter and energy due to their interconnectivity with the layers of reality, potent cosmos, psychic powers, space-time continuum, overwhelming emotions, dreams, imagination, science, and fundamental forces. The main limitations of reality warping are an advanced variation of the superpower or understanding the sophistication of reality itself; everything requires understanding to be used effectively.
At basic or advanced levels, the user can manifest their imagination (beings or objects) into reality, generating corporeal forms of their role models, superpowers, families, pets, to fantasy, bend reality to cause only beneficial events to happen only to the user, denying the laws of physics, or re-editing their current condition to achieve godhood. At master or ultimate scale, the user overrides anything tangible on a large scale, shaping massive quantities of planets, stars, or galaxies into any form the user desires, manipulating the laws of physics that they can only benefit from or make beings suffer from their renewed laws, or warping the universe akin to photo editing. Due to reality warping's potential, the user can manipulate the universe, multiverse, omniverse, possible totality, and even anything that doesn't possess a tangible form or is nonexistent.At absolute levels the user can do absolutely anything including impossible and illogical things .
Due to the nature of reality warping, its the author who decides what the limits (Or lack thereof) of it is in their verse/character, if there are any limits in the first place. It can be limited (Omniverse and below) or truly boundless (Totality).
Applications (General)[]
- Warping: A reality warper is essentially a warper, but does it in the context of the concept of reality.
- Distortion: Reality warpers can distort reality as a whole or aspects of reality.
- Freedom: (Metaphysical Tier 3/Ultimate Level) A powerful reality warper is unshackled to do as they see fit, with no restraints.
- Logic Manipulation: A lot of the time, reality warpers are usually powerful beings that can do practically anything and rewrite what is and isn't logically possible.
Application (Details)[]
- Absolute Creation: Users can create whatever they want and when they want to with no restrictions, even advance and go even further with more complex creations, living beings, advanced technology, cosmic creations and even superpowers.
- Absolute Character Creation: Can create any and all kinds of characters without limits.
- Absolute Life Creation: Can create life of any form and all variations without any restrictions.
- Absolute Setting Creation: Can create any kind setting and surrounding specifically designed by the user’s will.
- Absolute Recreation: Can recreate and reconstruct absolutely anything and everything.
- Almighty Object Manifestation: Can create and manifest any kind of object and/or weapon imbued with limitless power.
- Grand Design Construction: Can construct and personally design an entire existence and everything within its confines.
- Imagination Manifestation: Can create absolutely anything through imagination and sheer force of will.
- Infinite Supply: Can conjure an unlimited supply of everything and anything in existence.
- Meta Ability Creation: Can create any kind of power and/or supernatural ability and either bestow it upon themselves, others and even objects.
- Omnifabrication: Can invent, craft and construct absolutely anything from literally everything else around them.
- Omnireplication: Can create perfect duplicates of anything and everything in existence without any limitations.
- Absolute Destruction: Destroy any kind of material, element and even non-physical things from a small scale to cosmic scales and even absolutely anything that exists.
- Abolishment: Can destroy and eliminate any law in existence, including divine laws.
- Concept Destruction: Can destroy and erase entire concepts.
- Irreversible Destruction: Cause destruction that can’t ever be fixed nor reversed.
- Meta Power Destruction: Can destroy and erase any superpower and/or supernatural ability regardless of it nature.
- Omnicide: Can kill and murder anyone and everything.
- Omni Distortion: Can cause distortions to occur upon anything and everything.
- Omniverse Destruction: Can destroy the entire Omniverse and everything within it on any scale, including multiversal, universal, cosmic, planetary, etc.
- Origin Destroyer: Can completely destroy the origin of any entity.
- Phenomenon Elimination: Can eliminate any kind of event and/or phenomenon.
- Totality Collapse: Can destroy and erase all of existence and everything within it.
- Self-Existence Manipulation: Control the state of one's own existence.
- Absolute Condition: The user can warp reality to increase every aspect of their physiology to unlimited levels.
- Absolute Body: The user can acquire a body that possess limitless potential beyond normal physical capabilities.
- Absolute Mind: The user can enhance all aspects of their mind to reach immeasurable level of mental capabilities.
- Absolute Spirituality - The user has a status of being spiritually almighty and possesses limitless spiritual attributes and capabilities.
- Almighty Mind: Can immensely augment their mental capabilities to achieve a mental state that possesses omnipotent powers.
- Existential Perfection: Can warp all of reality to achieve an existence of absolute perfection.
- Infinite Energy: A reality warper can make themselves have an infinite amount of energy.
- Omni-Augmentation: Powerful users can freely augment/empower everything, including themselves or anything else around them without any limitations and as often as they wish.
- Omni-Empowerment: Some users can gain an endless supply of strength, energy and power from an infinite number of sources.
- Omnifarious: Powerful users can transform/shapeshift into anything they want.
- Omni-Intuition: The user can innately understand and comprehend every that exists within or is beyond their own reality.
- Omni-Mastery: Having total mastery over everything there is to know within the confines of reality.
- Omni Profession: Possessing every knowledge, efficiency and expertise in every profession and all walks of life.
- Nigh/Complete-Arsenal: Possess almost every or every single superpower ever.
- Personal Probability Manipulation: Can alter all aspects of probability related to them.
- Absolute Condition: The user can warp reality to increase every aspect of their physiology to unlimited levels.
- Absolute Change: Can freely change absolutely everything that exists in reality.
- Absolute Command/Domination: Can command and dominate absolutely anything and everything in existence and bend it to the user’s will.
- Absolute Fusion/Absolute Separation: Can fuse and separate absolutely anything and everything in reality.
- Absolute Restoration/Recreation: Can restore and recreate absolutely everything in existence.
- Absolute Storage: Can store absolutely anything and everything they desire into a personal storage, that’s separated from reality itself.
- Reality Energy Manipulation: control the engeries of reality.
- Reality Level Manipulation: Control the levels of existence/reality.
- Answer Manipulation: Can manipulate the answer to any question to any aspect of reality.
- Biological Manipulation: Can easily manipulate/control their biological functions, possibly from other living beings as well.
- Causality Manipulation: Can manipulate casuality, the relationship between cause and effect.
- Concept Manipulation: Can manipulate abstract concepts and ideas.
- Cosmic Manipulation: Powerful users can easily manipulate the cosmic aspect of the universe.
- Cosmic Awareness: Most users have complete awareness on a cosmic level.
- Cosmological Force Manipulation: Powerful users can manipulate forces that form up the cosmos.
- Cosmic Telekinesis: Can manipulate and control everything on a cosmic level
- Cosmic Telepathy: Can read and control the minds of every being in the entire universe. Controlling trillions at once.
- Cosmic Teleportation: Can travel to any location in the universe instantly.
- Destiny Manipulation: Can manipulate destiny/fate.
- Elemental Manipulation: Can control, conjure and manipulate all of the elements.
- Energy Manipulation: Can generate and manipulate all forms of energy.
- Imagination Manifestation: The user can bring anything from their imagination into reality, from structures, objects, weapons, creatures, elements, or any fictional or non-fictional material that the user can think of.
- Law Manipulation: Can manipulate this world's very laws and rules.
- Life and Death Manipulation: The power to control both life and death.
- Science-Magic Manipulation: Can manipulate science and magic.
- Magic Manipulation: Control magic and the powerful/lesser mystic arts.
- Adaptive Magic: Possesses magic and mystical abilities that’s immensely adaptable.
- Meta Magic: Can surpass the very laws of magic and possess power that exceeds them.
- Science Manipulation: Can manipulate and completely alter the laws of science.
- Meta Science: Can surpass the very laws of science and possess power that exceeds them.
- Magic Manipulation: Control magic and the powerful/lesser mystic arts.
- Matter Manipulation: Can create, destroy and even manipulate all forms of matter.
- Atomic Manipulation: Can control all matter at the atomic level.
- Inorganic Manipulation: Can control all inorganic matter.
- Molecular Manipulation: Can control all matter at the molecular level.
- Organic Manipulation: Can control all organic matter.
- Particle Manipulation: Can manipulate all particles and particle energies.
- Subatomic Manipulation: Can control all matter at the subatomic level.
- Memory Manipulation: Can manipulate, rewrite and even recreate the memories of everyone and everything in reality.
- Mental Manipulation: Can easily manipulate the mental aspect of anyone.
- Nature Manipulation: Manipulate nature and all that is natural ever.
- Space-Time Manipulation: Can manipulate the laws and concepts of the space-time continuum.
- Space Manipulation: Control the aspect and laws of space.
- Time Manipulation: Control every rule and aspects of time itself.
- Supernatural Manipulation: Can manipulate and control the entire supernatural and paranormal world.
- Superpower Manipulation: Can manipulate/control various/all superpowers easily.
- Power Apex Inducement: Can unlock the true potential of someone on its full capability.
- Power Absorption: Can absorb the powers of others easily.
- Power Augmentation: Can easily augment any power in the blink of desire.
- Power Bestowal/Self-Power Bestowal: Can bestow powers to oneself or others.
- Power Erasure: Can make others' powers unreal/rejecting the reality of power.
- Power Evolution: Can induce evolution on one's superpowers or others.
- Power Limitation Inducement: Can place various limitations on anyone.
- Power Negation: Can negate any superpower effect against them.
- Power Opposition: Can developer powers/abilities to counter others.
- Power Reflection: Can reflect any power used to its source.
- Power Replication: Can replicate and reapply the same powers others have.
- Paradox Manipulation: Powerful users can manipulate paradoxes or contradictions.
- Physics Manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate the Laws of Physics, everything dealing with matter and its motion and behavior through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force, including momentum, friction, vectors, inertia, etc.
- Fundamental Forces Manipulation: Powerful users can manipulate the forces that form up the material universe.
- Electromagnetism Manipulation: Control the fundamental forces of electromagnetism.
- Gravity Manipulation: Control the fundamental forces of gravity.
- Nuclear Manipulation: Control both the strong force and weak force behind nuclear reactions.
- Strong Force: Control the strong nuclear force.
- Weak Force: Control the weak nuclear force.
- Fundamental Forces Manipulation: Powerful users can manipulate the forces that form up the material universe.
- Dimensional Manipulation: Can manipulate the dimensional spectrum and distort reality.
- Unreality Manipulation: Manipulate the unreality or things that aren't real.
- Universal Manipulation: Control the whole universe and all that exists within its confines.
- World Manipulation: Control the entire world from past, present, and future.
- Absolute Command/Domination: Can command and dominate absolutely anything and everything in existence and bend it to the user’s will.
- Alternate Reality Creation: Can create completely new alternative realities of their choice.
- Fictional Physics: Can alter and influence reality based on all forms of fiction.
- Anime & Manga Physics: Can influence reality based on anime and manga.
- Board Game Physics: Can influence reality based on board games.
- Cartoon Physics: Can influence reality based on cartoon antics.
- Comic Physics: Can influence reality based on comic book fiction.
- Live-Action Physics: Can influence reality based on live-action movies and television.
- Musical Physics: Can influence reality based on musicals.
- Video Game Physics: Can influence reality based on video game based format.
- Dating Simulator Physics: Can influence reality based on dating simulators.
- Personal Reality/Universe/Multiverse: Users can freely control their personal reality/Universe distinct from the objective external existence.
- Real World Immunity: Usually, users are immune to real world laws and logic.
- Reality Armor: Create armor out of reality.
- Reality Anchoring: Some users are unaffected by reality-altering abilities.
- Reality Alteration Negation: Powerful users can reject the alteration of reality by others in the act.
- Reality Attacks: Release/use reality/reality energies for various attacks.
- Reality Awareness: Usually, users are aware of reality in its actual state.
- Reality Breaking: Break reality into rifts.
- Reality Clarification: Allow others to perceive reality and truth.
- Reality Constructs: Can create constructs out of layers of reality or reality energies.
- Reality Combat: Fuse reality warping with physical combat.
- Reality Consumption: Consume reality.
- Reality Condition: Advanced users can make their conditioning so inconceivable that they distinguish themselves from the natural logic of reality.
- Reality Creation: Can create entire realities within the same reality.
- Reality Dreaming: Dream of a reality that the user has control over.
- Reality Defense: Can defend themselves using reality layers or reality energy.
- Reality Exchange: Some users can exchange anything with anything from other realities.
- Reality Expulsion: Expel anything from reality.
- Reality Field Projection: Project an effect field that grants the user control over all reality in it.
- Reality Filtering: Redefine reality with the application of filters.
- Reality Hacking: Hack reality like it's in a game.
- Reality Healing: Can heal oneself and others using reality warping.
- Reality Immunity: Reality warpers are utterly immune to effects of reality itself.
- Reality Inducement: Induce realness into things.
- Reality Infusion: Infuse reality in objects, beings or powers.
- Reality Interaction: Interact with reality via interacting with it fundamentals.
- Reality Level Travel: Travel to various layers/levels of existence/reality.
- Reality Manipulation Bestowal: Grant reality warping abilities unto others.
- Reality Modding: Overwrite reality with custom modifications.
- Reality Perception: Usually, users can perceive the actual state of reality beyond illusions and other deceptive ability-sense of reality.
- Reality Playing: Play with reality like it's a game.
- Reality Power Link: Have one's reality energy linked to one's powers.
- Reality Overlapping: Create a new reality that overlaps existing reality.
- Reality Randomization: Control reality unexpectedly.
- Reality Recreation: Recreate a reality.
- Reality Rejection: Achieve supernatural feats by rejecting reality.
- Reality Restoration: Experienced users can restore reality to its natural state.
- Reality Searching: Search and find realities.
- Reality Selection: Make a reality or timeline be the "true" reality or timeline.
- Reality Solidification: Can solidify reality energies into solid material.
- Reality Shifting: Shift existence into another plane of reality.
- Reality Sundering: Can easily rip and sunder upon the fabric of reality.
- Reality Weaving: user can transform, control and create reality through means of weaving (Varies)
- Shrink Warping: Travel between realities by shrinking.
- Warping Speed: Move at extreme speed without physical motion or moving fast enough to warp/ignore reality.
- Scientific Warping: Manipulate reality with scientific means, and principles.
- Bio-Reality Manipulation: Manipulate bio-generated reality energies.
- Dynamic Warping: Manipulate Reality through physical might.
- Cosmic Warping: Manipulate reality using cosmic power.
- Natural Warping: Change reality via tapping into natural energies.
- Radiational Warping: Manipulate reality by radiations.
- Electromagnetic Warping: Alter reality by controlling electromagnetism on the subatomic/quantum level.
- Nuclear Warping: Manipulate and warp the aspects of reality by nuclear forces/energies.
- Dimensional Warping: Manipulate reality through dimensional conventions.
- Spatial Warping: Control reality via spatial powers.
- Temporal Warping: Control reality via temporal powers.
- Ergo-Matter Warping: Control reality through both matter and energy.
- Ergokinetic Warping: Control reality through energy.
- Materiokinetic Warping: Control reality through matter.
- Reality Material Manipulation: Control reality through specialized materials.
- Reality Technology: Manipulate reality by using advanced technologies.
- Biomechatronic Interface: Manipulate reality using technorganic micromachines.
- Biomech Interface: Warp reality via organites.
- Reality Nanites: Have domain over reality through nanites.
- Reality Remote: Control reality through a remote.
- Virtual Warping: Manipulate reality in a computer-like fashion.
- Choicifery: Change the reality through a set of options or choices.
- Computer Warping: Distort reality through computers.
- Data Warping: Manipulate reality based on available information.
- Numerical Reality: Manipulate reality on a numerical basis.
- Video Warping: Manipulate reality through videos.
- Biomechatronic Interface: Manipulate reality using technorganic micromachines.
- Reality Technology: Manipulate reality by using advanced technologies.
- Bio-Reality Manipulation: Manipulate bio-generated reality energies.
- Mentifery: Manipulate reality through pure mind power alone.
- Imaginative Warping: Can warp reality with their imagination.
- Reality Mind: User imagines the whole reality.
- Oneiric Reality Manipulation: Warp reality via dreams/nightmares.
- Reality Dreaming: To some powerful beings, reality is nothing but their every sleep dream.
- Psychic Warping: Control reality by psychic/psionic means.
- Cerebral Warping: Manipulate reality through pure/raw brain power alone.
- Thought Warping: Users distorts reality with their thoughts.
- True Illusion: Turn and manipulate reality through illusive manipulation.
- Unconscious Warping: Warp reality without conscious acts.
- Faithifery: Alter reality according to one's belief.
- Pathifery: Control reality based on instincts/emotions rather than actual coherent thoughts or words.
- Volifery: User can manipulate reality through sheer force of desire and want
- Xenopsychic Reality Warping: Control reality based on the thoughts and imagination of others.
- Imaginative Warping: Can warp reality with their imagination.
- Esoteric Warping: Warp reality via preternatural means.
- Etherius Warping: Warp and distort reality through control of The Fifth Element.
- Destructo-Creative Warping: Warping reality by selectively creating and destroying it.
- Magical Warping: Control reality through magic.
- Life-Force Warping: Control reality through the user's life-force.
- Chi Warping: Control reality via Chi.
- Spiritual Warping: Control reality via spiritual means.
- Ecto-Warping: Control reality via ectoplasm.
- Reality Artistry: Control reality via art.
- Comic Narration: Control reality via comic books.
- Fairytale Warping: Manipulate reality with principles of narrative causality and storytelling.
- Gesturify: Affect reality via certain gestures.
- Pencil Warping: Wield a pencil that allows you to mess with the world.
- Reality Chanting: Control reality via songs.
- Vocal Narration: Manipulate reality by narrating vocally.
- Narration: Manipulate reality via writing.
- Vocifery: Control reality with the power of one's voice.
- Belief Vocifery: Speak beliefs into existence.
- Figurative Vocifery: Warp reality by speaking metaphorically.
- Precognitive Vocifery: Speak any occurrence into existence.
- Reversed Vocifery: Always be wrong.
- Supreme Voice: Create and command via Voice.
- Reality Cooking: Create, command and manipulate via cooking.
- Reality Weaving: Control reality through weaving.
- Subjective Reality: Manipulate what is defined as fantasy or reality.
- Collective Warping: Manipulate reality along with the consciousness of more than one person.
- Conceptual Plane Manipulation: manipulate reality by manipulating the concepts that make it up.
- Dual Warping: Power to manipulate reality dually.
- Force Warping: Manipulate/warp reality via natural or unnatural forces.
- Fun Reality Manipulation: Manipulate everything they wishes from logic to the plot, as long as it's fun, and allowing them to manipulate reality.
- Logic Manipulation: Control reality by manipulating the rules of logic.
- Reality Embodiment: Some users embody reality itself and thus have absolute control over it.
- Totality Embodiment: Some users may embody the whole totality itself and thus be able to absolutely manipulate every single reality.
- Reality Energy Manipulation: Manipulate quasiphysical energy of reality.
- Reality Forging: Control reality through forging.
- Reality Object: Control reality through objects.
- Reality Weaponry: Wield or create weapons that can control reality.
- Reality Artillery: Use reality-altering powers using ranged weapons.
- Reality Weaponry: Wield or create weapons that can control reality.
- Reality Warping Location: Be or possess/utilize a reality-distorting location.
- Reality Level Manipulation: Manipulate various layers/levels of existence/reality.
- Reality Symbiosis: Possess a symbiotic relationship with a reality-warping being.
- Primordial Reality Manipulation: Manipulate the state of pre-reality.
- Noir Reality Manipulation: Manipulate a noir reality or make reality noir
- Basic Level: At this stage, the user can exploit the natural laws of reality, stretching or twisting them without outright breaking them. Their abilities might seem extraordinary, such as defying gravity or manipulating probability, but they still operate within the boundaries of what’s conceivable in reality. These effects are often localized and temporary, showcasing the user's knack for finding loopholes in the rules rather than rewriting them entirely.
- Advanced Level: The user's power evolves into creating and altering reality based on their thoughts and desires. Their imagination becomes a tool for reshaping the world around them, whether by manifesting objects, reshaping matter, or influencing time and space within a limited scope. While powerful, this stage still involves constraints such as the user's energy, focus, or the laws of the particular reality they operate in. At this level, they’re not merely exploiting the existing rules but beginning to rewrite them to suit their whims.
- Ultimate Level: The user achieves mastery over the fundamental aspects of reality itself. At this stage, they are no longer bound by the structure of the universe. They can freely manipulate existence, creating or erasing entire universes, dimensions, or timelines. Their power extends beyond the physical, allowing them to control abstract and metaphysical concepts like time, causality, and even the essence of emotions or ideas. Reality becomes a malleable substance they can mold and shape on a universal or multiversal scale, making them an architect of existence itself.
- Absolute Level: At this stage, the user transcends all limitations, becoming the ultimate authority over all forms of reality and nonexistence. They possess absolute dominion over every aspect of existence, from the physical to the abstract, and can rewrite or erase even the foundational principles that define what "reality" means. This level of power surpasses logic and reason, encompassing total control over infinite dimensions, multiverses, and even the narrative structures that bind lesser beings. In this state, the user is not just part of reality—they are reality itself, the source and ultimate expression of all creation and destruction.
- Jinx/Meta Jinx: Some users don't manipulate reality themselves, although their jinx is so bad that it breaks reality in disasters.
- Luck/Meta Luck: Some users don't manipulate reality themselves, although their luck is so powerful that reality bends to their liking.
- Reality Guardianship: The user becomes a protector of reality, thereby receiving abilities from it.
- Reality Mutation: The user can undergo mutation through a reality-based source.
- Reality Power Link: The user is connected to the source of reality.
- Depending on the level and creativity of the user it may be negated by Omni-Negation, Reality Alteration Negation, Reality/Conceptual Anchoring and Reality Separation.
- Depending on the warper's level, Paradox Inducement can break the reality warping through its unreal nature.
- May not work on other realities at the same way, even when the warping power still works.
- In Marvel Comics, reality manipulation involves affecting the (sub) atomic structure of matter and energy, as well as altering space-time in some cases; non-Marvel Comics basis actually revolves around altering the existential state of things. This is because Marvel has a subjective view of how this power might be used.
- Reality Warping is one of, if not the most well-known almighty power to people on this wiki and even people who don't know what this wiki is. It is also one of the most wanted almighty powers due to its boundless and unique nature.
Known Users[]
See Also: Reality Warper.
- Drago (Bakugan: Battle Brawlers); via the Perfect Core
- Uriel (Bastard!!)
- Skull Knight (Berserk)
- Griffith/Femto (Berserk)
- God Hand (Berserk)
- Emperor Ganishka (Berserk); via Shiva form
- Idea of Evil (Berserk)
- The Doctor (Black Cat); only his own Warp World
- Orihime Inoue (Bleach); via Reality Rejection
- Gremmy Thoumeaux (Bleach); via Mentifery
- Yhwach (Bleach); after absorbing the Soul King
- Aion (Chrono Crusade)
- Cyanixe (Cyanixe's Domain)
- Hei (Darker than Black); Only within Hell's Gate or when extremely angry
- Mio Takamiya (Date A Live); via Ain Soph
- Sir Isaac Ray Pelham Westcott (Date A Live); via Belial
- Shido Itsuka (Date A Live); via Ain Soph
- Tohka Yatogami (Date A Live); via Ain Soph
- Akuto Sai (Demon King Daimao)
- Demonbane (Demonbane)
- Nyarlathotep (Demonbane)
- Ryo Asuka/Satan (Devilman)
- X (DICE: The Cube That Changes Everything); via the Final Die
- Nono (Diebuster)
- Shenron (Dragon Ball); via Wish Granting
- Super Shenron (Dragon Ball Super); via Absolute Wish
- Angels (Dragon Ball Super)
- Porunga (Dragon Ball Z); via Wish Granting
- Janemba (Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn)
- Shinrabanshōman (Fire Force)
- Yuno Gasai (Future Diary)
- Ginji Amano (GetBackers)
- Kirinmaru (Hanyou no Yashahime)
- Guu (Hare + Guu)
- Ai Enma (Hell Girl)
- Master of Hell (Hell Girl)
- Labra (Jewelpet series)
- Giorno Giovanna (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind/Vento Aureo); via Gold Experience Requiem
- Ungalo (JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VI: Stone Ocean)
- Versus (JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VI: Stone Ocean)
- Funny Valentine (JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VII: Steel Ball Run)
- Tooru (JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VIII: JoJolion)
- Takaba Fumihiko (Jujutsu Kaisen)
- Rena Saito (Kanojo To Himitsu To Koimoyou); Limited to once a day.
- Mr. VTR (Kinnikuman)
- Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka?)
- Libertà Libertà (La storia della Arcana Famiglia)
- Hadou Gods (Masadaverse)
- Misogi Kumagawa (Medaka Box)
- Ajimu Najimi (Medaka Box)
- Medaka Kurokami (Medaka Box)
- Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya); via Pathifery
- Yuki Nagato (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
- RX-0 Unicorn Gundam (Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn); via Luminous Crystal Body mode
- Star and Stripe (My Hero Academia)
- Users of Gearshift (My Hero Academia)
- Kudo
- Izuku Midoriya/Deku
- Kaguya Ōtsutsuki (Naruto)
- Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki (Naruto)
- Users of Izanagi (Naruto)
- Akasha/Akashic Records (Nasuverse)
- Lilith (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
- Noein (Noein: To Your Other Self)
- Haruka Kaminogi (Noein: To Your Other Self)
- Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece); via Gear 5
- Electra Roberts (Paradox Saga)
- Vashun (Paradox Saga)
- Kyukey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
- Altair (Re:Creators)
- Pandora (Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World)
- Hikaru (The Red Team)
- Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
- Most Deities (Saint Seiya)
- Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
- Arthur Pendragon (The Seven Deadly Sins); as the King of Chaos
- Alice Anotherbible (Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index)
- Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
- Yūji Sakai (Shakugan no Shana)
- Snake of the Festival (Shakugan no Shana)
- Experiment 610 "Witch" (Stitch!)
- Kami Tenchi (Tenchi Muyo!)
- Z (Tenchi Muyo!)
- The Chousin (Tenchi Muyo!)
- The Counter-Actor (Tenchi Muyo!)
- Anti-Spiral (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
- Othinus (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
- Pure and Perfect Magic Gods (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
- Phantaminum (Tower of God ); via Axis users
- Arcueid Brunestud (Tsukihime); called Marble Phantasm
- Beatrice (Umineko: When They Cry)
- Virgilia (Umineko: When They Cry)
- Eva-Beatrice (Umineko: When They Cry)
- Maria Ushiromiya (Umineko: When They Cry)
- Battler Ushiromiya (Umineko: When They Cry)
- Bernkastel (Umineko: When They Cry)
- Lambdadelta (Umineko: When They Cry)
- Featherine Augustus Aurora (Umineko: When They Cry)
- Takeo Sasaki (X-Men: The Anime)
- Yōka Nakatomi (Train to the End of the World); via 7G Incident
- Mammoth Mogul (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Chaos Knuckles (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Enerjak (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Yellow Face (Battle For Dream Island)
- Dagon (Ben 10)
- Prue Halliwell (Charmed comics)
- Joel (Concession)
- Zatanna (DC Comics)
- Various Metahumans (DC Comics)
- Anti-Monitor (DC Comics)
- Bat-Mite (DC Comics)
- Captain Atom (DC Comics)
- Matthew Stuart/Bedlam (DC Comics)
- Rift (DC Comics)
- Mr. Mxyzptlk (DC Comics); via Gesturify
- Superman Prime One Million (DC Comics); With the power of another 5th Dimensional Imp.
- The Great Evil Beast (DC Comics)
- Trigon (DC Comics)
- Raven (DC Comics)
- The Spectre (DC Comics)
- The First Lantern/Volthoom (DC Comics)
- Lantern corps (DC Comics)
- Green Lantern Corps
- Hal Jordan
- Kyle Rayner
- John Stewart
- Ion
- White Lantern Corps
- Hal Jordan
- Kyle Rayner
- Life Entity
- Green Lantern Corps
- Life Equation Users
- Highfather
- Kyle Rayner
- The Batman Who Laughs (DC Comics)
- Perpetua (DC Comics)
- Locus (DC Comics)
- Augustus (Demonbane)
- Dave Strider (Homestuck)
- Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
- Alt-Calliope (Homestuck)
- Spawn (Image Comics); via Omni-Magic
- Mother of Existence (Image Comics)
- Various Mutants (Marvel Comics)
- Abraxas (Marvel Comics)
- Molecule Man (Marvel Comics)
- Phoenix Force (Marvel Comics)
- Amenhotep IV (Marvel Comics)
- Alfie O'Meagan (Marvel Comics)
- Galactus (Marvel Comics)
- Jamie Braddock (Marvel Comics); via Quantum String Manipulation
- The Beyonder (Marvel Comics/Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur)
- Kobik (Marvel Comics)
- Franklin Richards (Marvel Comics)
- Miranda (Marvel Comics)
- Nathaniel Grey/X-Man (Marvel Comics)
- Onslaught (Marvel Comics)
- Proteus (Marvel Comics)
- Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Marvel Comics); via Chaos Magic.
- Nico Minoru (Marvel Comics); via Blood Magic.
- Wiccan (Marvel Comics); via Chaos Magic.
- The Living Tribunal (Marvel Comics)
- The Shaper of Worlds (Marvel Comics)
- Sir James Jaspers/Mad Jim Jaspers (Marvel Comics)
- David Haller/Legion/Gestalt/The Origamist/X (Marvel Comics); personas of Legion
- Amatsu-Mikaboshi/The Chaos King (Marvel Comics)
- Reader (Marvel Comics)
- Matthew Malloy (Marvel Comics)
- Clyde Wyncham Jr./Marquis of Death (Marvel Comics)
- Rex Randolph/Edifice Rex (Marvel Comics)
- The Doctor (Wildstorm Comics)
- The Mask (The Mask)
- Galactose (Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Primus (Transformers)
- Unicron (Transformers)
- Jonathan Osterman/Doctor Manhattan (DC/Watchmen Comics)
- Dagon (Ben 10)
- Adam Young (Good Omens)
- Arcade (Marvel Comics) via Murderworld
- Richard Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball); via getting a job
- Rob (The Amazing World of Gumball); via the Universal Remote
- Gumball (The Amazing World of Gumball); via the Universal Remote
- Banana Barbara (The Amazing World of Gumball)
- Book (Battle for Dream Island); when rewriting a definition
- Four (Battle for Dream Island)
- Two (Battle For Dream Island)
- Anodites (Ben 10); limited control
- Verdona Tennyson
- Celestialsapiens (Ben 10)
- Reality Warping Users (Danny Phantom)
- Fairies (The Fairly OddParents); via Wish Granting
- World (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
- Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
- Jack-Jack Parr (The Incredibles)
- Ray Thompson (Justice League)
- Chaos Beast (Martin Mystery)
- Gimmi (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir)
- Discord (My Little Pony series)
- Him (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Butters Stotch (South Park); when in Imaginationland
- Kyle Broflovski (South Park)
- Flying Dutchman (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Lord Poltergeist (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Dwayne McCall (Static Shock/DCAU)
- Experiment 610 "Witch" (Stitch!)
- The Warden (Superjail)
- The Twins (Superjail)
- nosyarG kciD/Larry (Teen Titans)
- Lord Simultaneous (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Ultimate Daimyo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Ultimate Drako (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Demon Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series)
- Wyrm (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series) Via Wish Granting
- Uncle Grandpa (Uncle Grandpa)
- Baron Mordo (Ultimate Spider-Man 2012) Formerly
- Black Hat (Villainous)
- The Great Dragon (Winx Club)
- Lillian Hale (W.I.T.C.H)
- Wuya (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Yin (Yin Yang Yo); via Chaos Magic
- Yang (Yin Yang Yo); via Chaos Magic
- Yo (Yin Yang Yo); via Chaos Magic
- The Collector (The Owl House)
- Gene Khan/Mandarin (Iron Man: Armored Adventures)
- Melvin (Teen Titans)
- Crayak (Animorphs)
- The Drode (Animorphs)
- Ellimist (Animorphs)
- Members of the royal family of Amber and their descendants (Chronicles of Amber)
- Witches (Demon Accords)
- Shapers (The Kingkiller Chronicles)
- Maliki (Maliki)
- Universe (Maliki)
- Little Pete (Gone)
- Madman (The Nightside)
- George Fotheringay (The Man Who Could Work Miracles)
- Firefight/Megan Tarash (The Reckoners Series)
- Asmodeus (Shadowhunter Chronicles)
- Abeloth (Star Wars)
- Dark One (The Wheel of Time)
- Hiro Nakamura (Heroes)
- Peter Petrelli (Heroes)
- Arthur Petrelli (Heroes)
- Tommy Clark (Heroes)
- Arnold (Heroes)
- Kane Montgomery (Reverie)
- Dr. Posey (Reverie)
Live Television/Movies[]
- Cyvus Vail (Angel)
- Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice)
- Vengeance Demons (Buffy the Vampire Slayer); via Wish Granting
- Poltergeists (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Prue Halliwell (Charmed); As the nexus of the All
- Angels of Destiny (Charmed)
- The Tribunal (Charmed)
- Cleaners (Charmed)
- Avatars (Charmed)
- Genies (Charmed); via Wish Granting
- Wyatt Halliwell (Charmed)
- Billie Jenkins (Charmed)
- Genies ("I Dream of Jeannie"); via Wish Granting
- Jeannie ("I Dream of Jeannie")
- T.J. Nelson ("I Dream of Jeannie")
- Jeannie's sister ("I Dream of Jeannie")
- Jeannie's mother ("I Dream of Jeannie")
- Uncle Azmire ("I Dream of Jeannie")
- Uncle Vazmir ("I Dream of Jeannie")
- Blue Djinn ("I Dream of Jeannie")
- Strangers (Dark City)
- John Murdock (Dark City)
- Guardians of Time (Doctor Who)
- The Trickster and his Brigade (Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures)
- Mr. Nobody (Doom Patrol)
- Jobu Tupaki (Everything Everywhere All At Once)
- Emma Alonso (Every Witch Way)
- Nanno (Girl From Nowhere)
- Kayako Saeki (Ju-On/The Grudge franchise)
- Narutaki (Kamen Rider Decade)
- Eaters of the Forbidden Fruit (Kamen Rider Gaim)
- Ace Ukiyo/Kamen Rider Geats (Kamen Rider Geats)
- Jareth (Labyrinth)
- Trick/The Blood King (Lost Girl); via writing in his own blood
- Nathan Young (Misfits)
- Casanova Frankenstein (Mystery Men); via the Psycho Frakulator
- Reverend Henry Kane/The Beast (Poltergeist series); via Uncertainty Manipulation
- Jeggorabax Energy Entity (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
- Q (Star Trek)
- The Shadow (Supernatural)
- Amara (Supernatural)
- God (Supernatural)
- Archangels (Supernatural)
- Demons (Supernatural); via Contract Bestowal
- Deities (Supernatural)
- Angels (Supernatural)
- Witches (Supernatural)
- Howard (Supernatural); via Fear Manifestation
- Fred Jones (Supernatural); via Psychic Warping
- Fairies (Supernatural)
- Jesse Turner (Supernatural); via Faithifery
- Tricksters (Supernatural)
- Loki (Supernatural)
- Anthony Fremont (The Twilight Zone)
- George Fotheringay (The Man Who Could Work Miracles: 1936 film)
- Bullton (Ultraman series)
- Adam Young (Good Omens); formerly
- Allison Hargreeves/Number Three/The Rumor (The Umbrella Academy)
- Lila Pitts/Number Eight (The Umbrella Academy) via Power Mimicry
- Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Marvel Cinematic Universe) via Chaos Magic
- Gabriel and Maddison (Malignant); can change each-other’s reality via Mind Link
- Slava/Eyewash (Doom Patrol)
- Djinn (Wishmaster); via Wish Granting
- Francis/Project Moloch (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)
- Neil Clark (Absolutely Anything): Via Wish Granting
Tabletop/Video Games[]
- Jubileus (Bayonetta)
- Singularity (Bayonetta)
- Yuuki Terumi (BlazBlue); via Phenomena Intervention
- The Baker (Cookie Clicker)
- Shadow Milk Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
- Sugar Swan Cookie (Cookie Run series)
- Black Pearl Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom')
- Moonlight Cookie (Cookie Run series)
- Jedah Dohma (Darkstalkers)
- Mundus (Devil May Cry)
- Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club!)
- Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club!)
- Fu (Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2)
- The Player (Deltarune/Undertale)
- Caster classes (Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms); via Wish
- Giygas (Earthbound)
- Daedra Princes and Gods (The Elder Scrolls)
- Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII Remake)
- Ultimecia (Final Fantasy VIII)
- Several Primals (Final Fantasy XIV)
- The Ascians (Final Fantasy XIV)
- Meteion (Final Fantasy XIV)
- Spirit (Friday Night Funkin)
- Tisiphone (God of War)
- G-Man (Half-Life)
- Herrscher of the Void (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Herrscher of the Ocean (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Heaven Ascension DIO (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven)
- Jotaro Kujo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventures: Eyes of Heaven); via Star Platinum Over Heaven
- Macrosaurus (Kaiju Combat)
- Miyuki Sone (Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi)
- Aoi Mukou (Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi)
- God (Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi)
- Verse/Re Verse (The King of Fighters)
- Star Dream (Kirby: Planet Robobot)
- Lor Starcutter (Kirby’s Return to Dream Land)
- Kain as Scion of Balance (Legacy of Kain)
- Three Golden Goddesses (The Legend of Zelda)
- Sackboy (LittleBigPlanet)
- Gulmoth/Abyssal entities (Mage: the Awakening)
- Entities of Supernal Realms (Mage: the Awakening)
- Eldrazi (Magic: the Gathering)
- Pre-Mending Planeswalkers (Magic: the Gathering)
- Kurome Ankokuboshi (Megadimension Neptunia VII)
- Alex (Minecraft); via Commands
- Steve (Minecraft); via Commands
- Emperor Vigoor (Ninja Gaiden)
- Trenia (Nipponverse)
- Flumpty Bumpty (One Night at Flumpty's)
- Takuto Maruki (Persona 5: The Royal)
- Arceus (Pokémon)
- Unown (Pokémon); in large numbers
- Old Ones (Rifts)
- Robloxians (ROBLOX)
- Lucifer (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Micheal (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Demiurge (Shin Megami Tensei)
- YHVH (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Philemon and Nyarlathotep (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona)
- Alessa Gillespie (Silent Hill)
- Dreamcatcher (Skylanders)
- Brain (Skylanders)
- Solaris (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006)
- Alf-Layla-Wa-Layla (Sonic and the Secret Rings)
- Darkspine Sonic (Sonic and the Secret Rings)
- Infinite (Sonic Forces)
- Mysterio (Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions); via the Tablet of Order and Chaos
- Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
- The Hero (Titan Quest)
- Yukari Yakumo (Touhou Project)
- Sagume Kishin (Touhou Project)
- Archer (TYPE-MOON); via Reality Marble
- Shirou Emiya (TYPE-MOON); via Reality Marble
- Alexander the Great (TYPE-MOON); via Reality Marble
- Brush Master (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Loki (Valkyrie Crusade)
- The Wave of Existence (Xenogears)
- Arona (Blue Archive)
- Plana (Blue Archive)
- Silver Wolf (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Akashic (Mobile Legends: Adventure)
- Raiden Ei (Genshin Impact)
Web Series/Original[]
- Entity 195 - "Endless/Nameless" (The Backrooms)
- Trollge (Creepypasta)
- Zalgo (Creepypasta)
- Chikn Nuggit (Chikn Nuggit)
- X (Sonic.exe)
- Herobrine (Creepypasta)
- Xchara (Underverse)
- Xgaster (Underverse)
- Colin The Computer (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
- The Lamp (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
- HABIT (EverymanHYBRID)
- The Glitch (The Fear Mythos)
- Auditor (Madness Combat); via an Improbability Drive
- Jesus/Jebus (Madness Combat); via an Improbability Drive
- Tricky (Madness Combat); via an Improbability Drive
- Lucifer (The Mandela Catalogue); limited
- The Demiurge/The God of Flesh/Važjuma/Saklas/Samael/God-Eater/Devourer/His Undulating Vastness/The Great Winnower/The God of Flesh/Nüwa/The Dragon in the Great Brass Cage/Yaldabaoth (SCP Foundation)
- The Kingdom of Alagadda (SCP Foundation)
- The Masked Lords of Alagadda (SCP Foundation)
- The Ambassador of Alagadda (SCP Foundation)
- UIU File 2014-014 (SCP Foundation)
- The Hanged King (SCP Foundation)
- The Fragmented One/WAN/he Eternal Network/Fuxi/The Maker of Machines/Hakhama/The Great Voice/Sophia/Mekhane/SCP-001 - TwistedGears/Kaktus Proposal - The Broken God (SCP Foundation)
- Khahrahk/Harak/Khnith-hgor/Shormaush Urdal/Son of the Third Brood/The Devourer of Worlds/The Dread/Devourer/The Crimson Monarch/The King who Rose from the Bleeding/Lord of the Throne of Despair/Defiler of Worlds/Rapist King/Proskellion/SCP-001 - Tufto's Proposal - The Scarlet King (SCP Foundation)
- Yulü, Yama and Kshitigarbha/The All-Death/The Great Death/The Small Death/The Three Lords of Death/The Brothers Death (SCP Foundation)
- The Light-Bringer/The Morning Star/He-Who-Made-Dark and He-Who-Made-Light (SCP Foundation)
- The High Elder Gods (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-001 - The Database - S Andrew Swann's Proposal (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-001 - Djoric-Dmatix Proposal - Thirty Six (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-001 - Proposal - The Children (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-001 - djkaktus's Proposal - The Children (SCP Foundation); via Gravity Manipulation
- SCP-001 - Kalinin - Past and Future (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-001 - Jim North's Proposal - A Simple Toymaker (SCP Foundation)
- The Primordial Form/Archivist Prime/SCP-001 - McDoctorate's Proposal - The Placeholder (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-001-IT/GRAF - The Dragon of Revelation (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-0001 - Meta Ike's Proposal - The Solution (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-017 - Shadow Person (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-106 - The Old Man (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-239 - The Witch Child (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-343 - "God" (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-582 - A Bundle of Stories (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-682 - Hard-To-Destroy Reptile (SCP Foundation); via Superior Adaptation
- SCP-795 - Reality-Bending Cat (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1095 - The Fall of a King (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1162 - Astronaut Joe (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1237-1 - The Epsilon Wave (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1384 - Taker of Turns (SCP Foundation); only if certain conditions are met.
- SCP-1765 - Sisters (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1915 - Status Quo (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2090 - Potentially XK Tim Duncan (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2241 - Cameron The Crusader (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2343 - How I Got To Memphis (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2404 - Enki and Enki (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2498 - The Rainbow Body (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2599 - Not Good Enough (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2786 - The Archetype (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3004 - Imago (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3125 - The Escapee (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3143 - Murphy Law, Murphy Lawden (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3145 - The Giving Man (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3293 - You Can't Go Home (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3396 - The Empyrean Parasite (SCP Foundation)
- Kirby/SCP-3450 - OC DO NOT STEAL (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3477-7 - Will the Real Harold Holt Please Stand Up? (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3480-2 instances - Olympus Mons (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3740 - God Is Dumb (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3744 - Dungeons And D-Class Personnel (SCP Foundation); only during Dungeons & Dragons sessions
- Sam Howell/SCP-3812 - A Voice Behind Me (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3999 - I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-4010 - Attempt To Look At What We Accomplished (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-4455 - The Streamliner (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-4486 - Happy Is Relative (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-4971-▽ - The One Who Knows Silence In The Earth (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-5495 - THE GHAZNI INCIDENT (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-6011 - Flat Earth (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-10101-J - Not A Self-Insert At All (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-6820 - TERMINATION ATTEMPT/SCP-682 - Hard-To-Destroy Reptile (SCP Foundation)
- Neverwere (SCP Foundation)
- Achilles Heels (SCP Foundation)
- Reality Benders (SCP Foundation)
- Adam El Ansem
- A█████ H████ C███/Francis Wojciechoski/Agent Ukulele/SCP-4231-B/Dr. Alto Clef
- Doctor Wondertainment
- Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V
- Richard D. Chappell
- Aaron Siegal
- Mortimer J. Denning Von Kronecker/Blackbird/The Black King/The Fifth Overseer/O5-5
- Mortimer J. Denning Von Kronecker
- Ezekiel Valeriy Iepureanu
- Josephine
- Grand Karcist Ion
- Archons of Yaldabaoth
- Robert Bumaro
- Various Creatures (Trevor Henderson Mythos)
- The Operator (Marble Hornets)
- The Daycare Attendant (Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
- Genies/Djinn (Arabian Mythology); via Wish Granting
- Coyote (Gunnerkrigg Court)
- Slender Man (Slender Man Mythos)
- The Awakened (Mage: The Awakening)
- Darkiplier (Markiplier)
- Wilford Warfstache (Markiplier)
- The Colonel (Who Killed Markiplier?)
- Lolz & Roffle/The Demonic Cubes (Charlie The Unicorn)
- Charlie (Charlie The Unicorn); via The Mindscape Realizer
Known Objects[]
- Perfect Core (Bakugan: Battle Brawlers)
- Sacred Orb (Bakugan: Battle Brawlers)
- Shun Shun Rikka (Bleach)
- Hogyoku (Bleach)
- What-If Phone Booth (Doraemon)
- Dragon Balls (Dragon Ball series)
- Meldar Prime's matrix Generators (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius)
- Reality Gauntlet (Danny Phantom)
- Scarab Scepter (Danny Phantom)
- Mask of Loki (Dark Horse Comics)
- Lantern Power Rings (DC Comics)
- Miracle Machine (DC Comics)
- Papyrus of Binding (Ducktales 2017)
- Bonkerton Comet (Grojband)
- Ten Makluan Rings (Iron Man: Armored Adventures)
- Conerstone (LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy)
- Cosmic Cube (Marvel Comics)
- Reality Gem (Marvel Comics)
- Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir)
- The Power (Regular Show)
- The Paradox Prism (Sonic Prime)
- Control Freak's remote control (Teen Titans)
- Time Scepter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series)
- War Staff (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series)
- Universal Remote (The Amazing World of Gumball)
- Remote control (Tracey McBean)
- Dragon's Flame (Winx Club)
Video Games
- Cortex Baker (Cookie Clicker)
- Two Soul Reaver (Legacy of Kain)
- Hylden Gylphs (Legacy of Kain)
- Chaos Emeralds (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Phantom Ruby (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Command block (Minecraft)
- Master Crown (Kirby’s Return to Dream Land)
- Monster 5 (Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion)
- Spooky (Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion)
- Miyuki's Smartphone (Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi)
- The Zero Point (Fortnite Battle Royale)
Live Television/Movies
- Loom of Fate (DC Legends of Tomorrow)
- Spear of Destiny (DC's Legends of Tomorrow)
- Heart of gold (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) via Infinite Improbability Drive
- The Jumanji Game Board (Jumanji)
- Forbidden Fruit/Kiwami Arms Lockseed (Kamen Rider Gaim)
- Boost Mark IX Raise Buckle (Kamen Rider Geats)
- Reality Stone (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- The Mask (The Mask)
- Psycho-frakulator (Mystery Men)
- Twist family's remote control (Round the Twist); via Lightning Strike
- The Sphere (Sphere)
- Tiamat Talisman (Supernatural)
- The Zathura Game Board (Zathura)
- Final Die (DICE: The Cube That Changes Everything)
- The Glasses (Eyes of Kevin Midas)
- RX-0 Unicorn Gundam (Gundam Universal Century)
- SBURB computer game (Homestuck)
- Libris Fabula (The Librarians)
- Improbability Drives (Madness Combat)
- Various SCP's (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-001 - Jonathan Ball's Proposal - Sheaf of Papers
- SCP-001 - Roget's Proposal - Keter Duty
- SCP-001 - qntm's proposal - The Lock
- Kate McTiriss's SCP-001 Proposal - A Record
- SCP-001 - Dr. Mackenzie's Proposal - The Legacy
- SCP-826 - Draws You into the Book
- SCP-946 - A Formal Discussion
- SCP-1425 - Star Signals
- SCP-2117 - Solidarity, Stolen
- SCP-2207 - Dimensional Razor
- SCP-2237 - "There is always a cost…"
- Magic Keryboard (Smosh)
- Tablet of Order and Chaos (Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions)
- Celestine (Valkyrie Crusade)
Known Locations[]
- Backrooms (Creepypasta)
- Dreamlife (Dreamescape The Anime)
- Adolla (Fire Force)
- SCP-001 - Bright's Proposal - The Factory (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-001 - Scantron's Proposal - The Foundation (SCP Foundation)
- Silent Hill (Silent Hill)