The power to possess maximum and limitless strength. Sub-power of Absolute Body. Absolute version of Enhanced Strength.
Also Called[]
- Limitless/Supreme/True/Ultimate Physical Strength
- Incalculable/Immeasurable/Limitless/Maximum/Godly/Unlimited/Infinite/Infinitely/Conceptual Strength
- Godly Strength
- Strength of God
- Indeterminate Strength
- Strength Absolute
Users can generate limitless and unsurpassed physical strength, able to go toe-to-toe and even surpass the strongest of beings with nothing but the raw force of their physical blows. Any level of weight the user needs to lift or move is irrelevant as their body can emit limitless amount of force that can repel an object of any mass.
With this ability, the user could travel massive distances in a single jump, unleash strikes of unparalleled might, obliterate massive life forms with one hit, shatter planetary systems with their fists, destroying universes, breaking realities and dimensions with their bare hands, etc. It should also be noted that they are immune to most powers that could manipulate, affect or rob them of their strength.
- All Strength Based Powers
- Absolute Attack
- Absolute Balance
- Absolute Bite
- Absolute Endurance
- Absolute Leap
- Absolute Lifting
- Absolute Speed
- Absolute Stamina
- Concussive Force (Absolute Level)
- Critical Impact
- Crushing (Absolute Level)
- Dynamic Warping
- Ground Pounding (Absolute Level)
- Ground Ripping (Absolute Level)
- Ground Rupturing (Absolute Level)
- Indomitable Will
- Incisive Appendages
- Logic Independence - Destroy concepts that according to logic shouldn't be physically destructible via sheer strength.
- Non-Relative Strength
- Pincer Grip (Absolute Level)
- Power Abdomen (Absolute Level)
- Power Body (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Hip Check (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Shoulder (Absolute Level)
- Power Elbow (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Elbow Strike (Absolute Level)
- Power Finger (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Poke (Absolute Level)
- Shockwave Snap
- Power Fists (Absolute Level)
- Knuckle Shockwave
- Megaton Backhand (Absolute Level)
- Megaton One-Inch Punch (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Punch (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Uppercut (Absolute Level)
- Power Headbutt (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Headbutt (Absolute Level)
- Power Legs (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Heel (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Kick (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Knee Strike (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Stomp (Absolute Level)
- Shockwave Stomp
- Strength-Based Speed
- Power Palm (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Chop (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Palm (Absolute Level)
- Megaton Slap (Absolute Level)
- Powerful Slap (Absolute Level)
- Shockwave Clap
- Powerhouse Physiology (Absolute Level)
- Pulverization (Absolute Level)
- Shattering (Absolute Level)
- Raw Power (Absolute Level)
- Situational Strength
- Strength/Power Arts (Absolute Level)
- Strength-Based Enhancement (Absolute Level)
- Strength Augmentation (Absolute Level)
- Strength Concentration
- Strength Regulation
- Vibration Emission
- Peak Human Strength: The user can lift one's body weight twice or triple their own bodyweight, over-head 220 to 468 lbs., and bench-press 500 to 782 lbs. and perform any offensive action with the combined force of numerous bodybuilders. The user can lift and move small trees, motorcycles, overweight humans, and animals with ease and control. The user can perform any bodily strike or hand-held weapon with overwhelming force that could kill land-based or aquatic-based animals that humans have a low probability of defeating.
- Enhanced Strength: User's strength is augmented to beyond peak human levels, but not too high supernatural levels. Users of this are able to perform strength feats such as moving or lifting heavy objects such as moderate-sized vehicles.
- Supernatural Strength: Supernatural strength comes in six primary levels.
- Type I: The user can lift tens of thousands of pounds to hundreds of pounds and perform any offensive action with the force of destructive conventional explosives. The user can lift and move several construction vehicles such as bulldozers, backhoe loaders, motor graders, tanks, or several thousand-pound trucks. The user can perform any biological strike or use objects that can cause severe damage to tall buildings, neighborhoods, and house-sized asteroids.
- Type II: The user can lift hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of pounds and perform any offensive action with the output of a low-yield nuclear bomb. The user can move and lift boats to various cruise ships, airplanes, battleships, or bridges similar to the Brooklyn bridge. The user can perform any biological strike or use objects to cause massive damage to towns, small mountains, or dense metals.
- Type III: The user can lift tens of millions to hundreds of billions of pounds and perform any offensive action with the power of an atomic bomb. The user can move buildings to the skyscrapers, massive bridges, aircraft carriers, tallest trees ever recorded, thousands of feet tall mountains, and industrial structures. The user can perform any violent act on the earth to generate earthquakes, tsunamis, destroy air-mass thunderstorms, and halt any atmospherical meteorological phenomenon such as tornadoes, downbursts, or counter a nuclear warhead's shockwave.
- Type IV: The user can lift and move hundreds of billions of pounds to entire continents worth of weight and perform any action with the output of hydrogen bombs or tectonic plate worth of energy. The user can lift mountains, massive extraterrestrial aircraft, artifacts, thousands of Hyperion-like trees, or minor dwarf planets. The user can perform any action that can split continents and create canyons, mountains, or kilometers-sized craters on Earth.
- Type V: The user can lift and move continents to megastructures, planets, moons, low to high mass stars, to planetary systems worth of weight. The user's lifting capabilities permit them to move main-sequence stars to massive supergiants. Their striking capabilities allow them to destroy several astronomical bodies and severely damage a dwarf or standard galaxy.
- Type VI: The user possesses "near-infinite strength." The user can lift and move galaxies, supermassive galaxies, collections of galaxies to universes, or on a multiversal level. They can bend space-time and aspects of reality with their pure strength. Their lifting and fighting capabilities permit them to demolish them and rival nigh-omnipotent beings.
- Absolute Strength: The user possesses lifting and striking capabilities to an absolute and transcendent scale. With the user's strength there's absolutely nothing they cannot move, lift and/or destroy. There punches have enough power to shatter the space-time continuum on an infinite scale, effectively destroying an infinite number of realities, multiverses, Omniverses, and even all of totality itself.
- Absolute Body
- Absolute Condition
- Physical Powerhouse
- Strength Embodiment
- Strength Infinitum
- Transcendent Physiology
- Though their level of strength is limitless, their level of stamina and endurance may be steadily exhausted/drained by their opponents over time.
- While the user's strength has no limit, it doesn't guarantee that the user is completely Invulnerable and may instead just be highly durable.
- May not be able to harm users of Absolute Invulnerability, if not Nigh-Absolute Invulnerability.
- The user may need to focus their force to do the required damage.
- Those with Absolute Defense or with an equal amount of strength can possibly nullify the impact of the user's blow.
- Without proper restraint, the user could possibly destroy their surroundings, usually from the shockwaves they create.
- The users may not be able to control their full strength. In the process, if not too careful, their infinite strength will lead to catastrophic consequences, such as accidentally manslaughter and a planet.
Known Users[]
- Dark Schneider (Bastard!!)
- Angels (Dragon Ball Super)
- Gods of Destruction (Dragon Ball Super)
- Jiren (Dragon Ball Super)
- Son Goku (Dragon Ball series); via Ultra Instinct
- Vegeta (Dragon Ball series); via Ultra Ego
- Broly (Dragon Ball Super)
- Son Gohan (Dragon Ball series); via Beast form
- Granolah (Dragon Ball Super); after becoming the strongest in the universe
- Gas (Dragon Ball Super); after becoming the strongest in the universe
- Frieza (Dragon Ball series); via Black Frieza
- Vegito (Dragon Ball series)
- Gogeta (Dragon Ball series)
- Hearts (Dragon Ball Heroes); as the Ultimate Godslayer
- Dark Kings (Dragon Ball Heroes)
- EJ (Flame)
- Giorno Giovanna (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind); via Gold Experience Requiem
- Saitama (One Punch Man)
- Zeus (Record of Ragnarok)
- Adam (Record of Ragnarok)
- Black Star (Soul Eater)
- Milim Nava (That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime); via Wrathful King Satan and Mana Breeder Reactor
- Obelisk the Tormentor (Yu-Gi-Oh!); via Soul Energy Max
- Celestialsapiens (Ben 10 series)
- Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman (DC Comics)
- Superboy Prime (DC Comics)
- Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
- Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (DC Comics)
- Billy Batson/Shazam (DC Comics)
- Black Adam (DC Comics)
- Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC Comics); via the Hellbat Suit
- Cythonna (DC Comics)
- The Darkest Knight (DC Comics)
- Yuga Khan (DC Comics)
- Anti-Monitor (DC Comics)
- Thought Robot Superman (DC Comics)
- Darkseid (DC Comics)
- Doomsday (DC Comics)
- Lobo (DC Comics)
- Bruce Banner/The Hulk (Marvel Comics)
- Thor Odinson (Marvel Comics)
- Hercules Panhellenios (Marvel Comics)
- Robert Reynolds/The Sentry (Marvel Comics)
- Hyperion (Marvel Comics)
- Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics)
- She-Hulk (Marvel Comics)
- Blue Marvel (Marvel Comics)
- Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider (Marvel Comics)
- Frank Castle/Cosmic Ghost Rider (Marvel Comics)
- Beyonder (Marvel Comics); Pre/Post-Retcon
- Dormammu (Marvel Comics)
- Galactus (Marvel Comics)
- Thanos (Marvel Comics)
- Apocalypse (Marvel Comics)
- Trion Juggernaut (Marvel Comics)
- Cosmic Spider-Man (Marvel Comics)
- Adam/He-Man (Masters of the Universe)
- Adora/She-Ra (Masters of the Universe)
- Popeye (Popeye the Sailor); via Food Empowerment
- Primus (Transformers)
- Unicron (Transformers)
- Eru (Tolkien’s Legendarium)
- The Valar (Tolkien’s Legendarium)
- Tulkas (Tolkien’s Legendarium)
- Melkor/Morgoth (Tolkien’s Legendarium)
- Ungoliant (Tolkien’s Legendarium)
- Illyria (Angel); pre-depowered
- Gautama Buddha (Buddhism)
- Cailleach/Beira (Celtic Mythology)
- Lug (Celtic Mythology)
- Dagda (Celtic Mythology)
- Ogma/Oghma (Celtic Mythology)
- Pan Gu (Chinese Mythology)
- Nüwa (Chinese Mythology)
- Sun Wùkōng (Chinese Mythology)
- Ra (Egyptian Mythology)
- Isis (Egyptian Mythology)
- The Titans (Greek Mythology)
- Atlas (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Olympians (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Heracles/Hercules (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Brahman (Hindu Mythology)
- Hanuman (Hindu Mythology)
- Shiva (Hindu Mythology)
- Amaterasu (Japanese Mythology)
- Izanagi (Japanese Mythology)
- Izanami (Japanese Mythology)
- Odin (Norse Mythology)
- Thor (Norse Mythology)
- Magni (Norse Mythology)
- Surtur (Norse Mythology)
- Jörmungandr (Norse Mythology)
- Fenrir (Norse Mythology)
Tabletop/Video Games[]
- Asura (Asura’s Wrath); via the Mantra Reactor
- Sparda (Devil May Cry)
- Dante (Devil May Cry)
- Urizen (Devil May Cry)
- Vergil (Devil May Cry); after eating the Qliphoth Fruit as Urizen
- Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII series)
- Lightning Farron (Final Fantasy XIII series); as the Savior
- Clive Rosfield (Final Fantasy XVI); after absorbing all the Eikons
- Kratos (God of War)
- Atlas (God of War)
- Thor (God of War)
- Jormungandr (God of War)
- Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear)
- Ky Kisuke (Guilty Gear)
- Kirby (Kirby)
- Aurelion Sol (League of Legends)
- Zoe (League of Legends)
- Din (The Legend of Zelda)
- Fire God Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat); as the Keeper of Time
- Titan Shang Tsung (Mortal Kombat)
- Shaggy (Multiverses); after eating a strange glowing crystal
- Khorne (Warhammer 40k)
- Raphael (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Id (Xenogears)
- Jones/Wandering Eye (Gunnerkrigg Court)
- Deities/Reality Gods (SCP Foundation)
- The Administrator (SCP Foundation)
Known Objects[]
- The Mantra Reactor (Asura’s Wrath)
- Crimson Gem of Cyttotok (Marvel Comics)
- Destroyer (Marvel Comics)
- Gauntlets of Ares (Marvel Comics)
- Power Gem (Marvel Comics)
- Deities/Reality Gods (SCP Foundation)
- The Administrator (SCP Foundation)
Film/Live Televison[]
Tabletop/Video Games[]