Superpower Wiki

The power to use an incredible supernaturally powerful slap. Sub-power of Power Fists. Variation of Megaton Strike and Selective Limb Empowerment.

Also Called[]

  • One Hit Bitch Slap
  • Slap of God
  • Strong Slap


The user is able to apply incredible force through their hands, enabling them to throw a superhuman slap. While this term has been used to describe many supernatural slaps, the true megaton slap is packed with 4.18 petajoules of energy. If delivered upward to the face of an indestructible 200 lbs human, the massive kinetic energy dump would accelerate the target to over 6,000 km/s, exceeding escape velocity and launching them on a direction permanently away from earth. Most targets, however, are not indestructible and they will give-way or cease to exist before the full power of the punch is delivered.

That megaton slap delivered to a typical 200 lbs human would result in massive spinal damage, complete obliteration of the head, and still launch the body a considerable distance. The effect of a megaton slap is comparable to a directed nuclear explosion or a supernatural cannon. Users can slap through battle tank armor, smash down powerful fortress walls, and leave massive craters in the earth.




  • The user may need to hit the face for the slap to be effective.

Known Users[]


  • Various Characters (Baki the Grappler)
    • Yuujiro Hanma
    • Baki Hanma
  • Seiya Ryuguin (Cautious Hero: The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious)
  • Kim Minjun (The Dark Mage's Return to Enlistment)
  • Son Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
  • Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!)
  • Kenshirō (Fist of the North Star)
  • Nico Robin (One Piece)
  • Nami (One Piece)
  • Saitama (One-Punch Man)
  • Lee Jaha (Return of the Mad Demon)
  • Hongshin (Return of the Mad Demon)
  • Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscles)
  • Tokita Ohma (Kengan Ashura)
  • Wolfman (Kinnikuman)
  • Kim Suho/Lloyd Frontera (The Greatest Estate Developer)
  • Percival (The Four Knights of the Apocalypse)
  • Cheon Yeo Woon (Nano Machine)
  • Jin Taekyung (Murim Login)
  • Keiko Yukimura (Yu Yu Hakusho)
  • Kei Uzuki/Slur (Sakamoto Days)
  • Sung Jinwoo (Solo Leveling)


  • Darkseid (DCAU)


  • Midnighter (DC Comics/Wildstorm)
  • Practitioners of the Hercules Method (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode)



