- "Hey, it was all a coincidence."
"Yep... There's your answer fish-bulb." - ― Lisa and Bart Simpson on Mr. Sparkle and Homer (The Simpsons)
- "Why did your ego entering a cat's body give birth to that monster?!"
"Dear god. He's not just my other Half. He's a big lump of the negative parts of me. A sorry combat machine, made of nothing but memories of blood-stained battles in war and pachinko." - ― Toshiro Hijikata and Gintoki Sakata on Dozaemon (Gintama)
The power to form a mixture between existing creations. Variation of Fusionism and Life Creation. Not to be confused with Hybrid Physiology or Hybridization.
Also Called[]
- Coalescence/Combination/Composition/Combining
- Merge Effect
- Merging/Mixture
- Molecular Combination
- Unitation/Unification
- Weld
The user can merge two or more separate objects into one, regardless of whether the objects are organic, inorganic, living, dead, technological, etc. They can decide which parts of the objects are dominant in the union, what is deleted and which merge. Unlike Hybrids, this does not guarantee in Hybridization, but it can technically qualify if one of the subjects are of different species.
- Fuse inorganic materials and create new substances with all the strengths and none of the weaknesses of their precedents.
- Fuse Organic and Inorganic materials.
- Fuse living beings.
- Animal Morphing
- Chimerism
- Collective Entity Physiology
- Gestalt Form
- Gestalt Mind
- Gestalt Soul
- Hybridization (when different races are involved).
- Blend into the surroundings by fusing with the surrounding materials.
- Intangibility by merging and then emerging materials.
- Solid Merging
- Absorptive Merging
- Body Manipulation
- Body Modification
- Culmination/Division
- Fusionism/Fissionism
- Fusion Independence
- Life Creation
- Merged Activity
- Organic Abomination
- Shiftmorphing
- Superior Human Physiology
- Fusion Negation
- Merging Immunity
- Some fusions may be permanent or temporary.
- May not be able to control the result of the merging.
- May cause Divided Mind if the separate minds don't merge, even if the subjects are of different moralities like evil, good, to even neutral. In essence, the different memories and/or personas will happen to fight over the fused body, and this makes the fusion erratic and opinion-shifting, or even untrustworthy in nature depending on the moralities in question.
- Users of Mind Melding can fix that problem, while those of Mental Release can get rid of the evil fusee personas.
- Useless against Nothingness Manipulation, as there is nothing to fuse with.
Known Users[]
- Dozaemon (Gintama)
- Clark Kent/Super-Soldier (Amalgam Comics)
- Logan Wayne/Dark Claw (Amalgam Comics)
- Dr. Kurt Sallis/Bat-Thing (Amalgam Comics)
- Princess Koriand'ru/Shatterstarfire (Amalgam Comics)
- Hal Stark/Iron Lantern (Amalgam Comics)
- Colonel Bruce Wayne (Amalgam Comics)
- Arthur McKenzie/Mariner (Amalgam Comics)
- Pete Ross/Spider Boy (Amalgam Comics)
- Frightful Five (Amalgam Comics)
- Thunder Crusaders (Amalgam Comics)
- Challengers of the Fantastic (Amalgam Comics)
- Reed Richards/Prof Richards
- Benjamin Grimm/Four-Armed Thing
- Johnny "Red" Storm/Red Storm
- Susan "Ace" Storm/Ace Storm
- X-Patrol (Amalgam Comics)
- Judgment League Avengers (Amalgam Comics)
- Justice League X-Men/JLX (Amalgam Comics)
- Blaze Allen/Speed Demon (Amalgam Comics)
- Thorion (Amalgam Comics)
- Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099 (Amalgam Comics)
- New Titans (Amalgam Comics)
- Niles Cable (Amalgam Comics)
- Sinistron (Amalgam Comics)
- Charles Xavier/Doctor Strangefate (Amalgam Comics)
- King Lizard (Amalgam Comics)
- Goliath (Amalgam Comics)
- Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099 (Amalgam Comics)
- Bruce Banner/Skulk (Amalgam Comics)
- Ororo/Amazon (Amalgam Comics)
- Dr. Doomsday (Amalgam Comics)
- Access (Amalgam Comics)
- Bakugan (Bakugan series)
- B'wana Beast (Batman: The Brave and the Bold)
- Various Characters (Ben 10 series)
- Toa Kaita Wairuha and Akamai (Bionicle); natural fusions of Lewa, Gali, and Kopaka, and Tahu, Onua, and Pohatu respectively
- Vezon (Bionicle); via Spear of Fusion
- Makuta (Bionicle); can, but chose not to
- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach); via Final Getsuga Tensho
- Kenpachi Azashiro (Bleach: Spirits Are Forever With You)
- Karn (Breath of Fire); with allies
- Amalgamation (Codename: Kids Next Door Operation V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E)
- Firestorm (DC Comics)
- Michael Maxwell/B'wana Beast (DC Comics)
- Dominic Mndawe/Freedom Beast (DC Comics)
- Joseph Meach/Composite Superman (DC Comics)
- Incubus (DC Extended Universe)
- Digimon (Digimon series); via DNA Evolution and Digixros
- Appmon (Digimon Universe: App Monsters); via Applink
- Kimeramon (Digimon)
- Ogudomon (Digimon)
- Dalek Sec (Doctor Who)
- Goku & Vegeta (Dragon Ball series); via Potara/Fusion Dance
- Goten & Trunks (Dragon Ball series); via Fusion Dance
- Android 17 & Hell Fighter 17 (Dragon Ball GT); via Synchronizing
- Uub/Majin Buu (Dragon Ball Series); Contact Fusion
- Supreme Kai & Kibito (Dragonball Z); via Potara
- Various Characters (Dragon Ball series); via Absorption
- Goku Black & Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super); via Potara
- Caulifla & Kale (Dragon Ball Super); via Potara
- The Undying (Final Fantasy XII)
- Wrath (FMA 2003)
- Destroyah (Godzilla)
- "Future" Peter Petrelli (Heroes)
- Lexiac/Luthoriac (Justice League Unlimited)
- Sora (Kingdom Hearts); via Drive Forms (excluding Limit Form) and carrier of Ventus' heart
- Roxas (Kingdom Hearts); via Sora's Nobody, Ventus' heart and Xion's essence
- Terra-Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep); via Terra with Master Xehanort's heart
- Ventus-Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts); via Ventus and Vanitas merging together
- Thirteen Seekers of Darkness (Kingdom Hearts); via Xehanort splitting his heart into different vessels
- Twinrova (The Legend of Zelda)
- Symbiotes (Marvel Comics)
- Harlan/Sven Kleinstock (Marvel Comics); through one another
- Rick Wilder/Combo Man (Marvel Comics)
- Ultron Sigma (Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite)
- Mega Man.exe (Mega Man Battle Network 4-6); via fusion with data from other Net Navi's with Double Soul or Cybeasts with Beast Out)
- Cavenpuss (Milo Murphy's Law)
- Gimmi (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir)
- Mixels (Mixels); via cubits
- Momoka (Momo Kyun Sword)
- Kai Chisaki/Overhaul (My Hero Academia)
- Yosetsu Awase (My Hero Academia)
- Nachtwal (Nanoha)
- Zetsu (Naruto)
- Sakon and Ukon (Naruto)
- NiGHTS (NiGHTS into Dreams)
- Reala (NiGHTS into Dreams)
- Wapol (One Piece)
- Edison (One Piece); following the rebuilding of his body
- Mega Kaiju (Pacific Rim Uprising)
- Kyurem (Pokémon); via fusion with Zekrom or Reshiram through the DNA Splicers
- Necrozma (Pokémon); via fusion with Solagelo or Lunala through the N-Solarizer or N-Lunarizer
- Megazords (Power Rangers)
- Precure (Precure Series); via different upgrades
- Alex Mercer (PROTOTYPE)
- Gigabyte (Reboot) via Megabyte and Hexadecimal
- Baby Ducks (Regular Show)
- Geese (Regular Show)
- Saturday Hybrid (The Secret Saturdays)
- Seraph (Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga)
- Solaris, Iblis and Mephiles the Dark (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Mizune Sisters (Soul Eater)
- Clown (Soul Eater); via Insanity Fusion
- Black Clown (Soul Eater); via Insanity Fusion
- Purple-Dyed Clown (Soul Eater); via Insanity Fusion
- Norman Osborn/Green Goblin (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)
- Tuvix (Star Trek Voyager)
- Gems (Steven Universe)
- Lily and Lilia (The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids)
- Most Sentai Robos (Super Sentai); via gattai (combination)
- Ternion (Teen Titans)
- Transformers (Transformers Unicron Trilogy)
- Nexus Prime and all Combiners (Transformers)
- Akidra (UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie)
- Ultras (Ultraman Franchise)
- Amalgamates (Undertale)
- Alphys (Undertale)
- Ascendant Council (Warcraft)
- The Oddity (Wild Cards series)
- Ayaka Kagari (Witch Craft Works)
- Agate's Crystal Gem (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Vivid Blue (Vividred Operation)
- Vivid Green (Vividred Operation)
- Vivid Yellow (Vividred Operation)
- Vivid Red (Vividred Operation)
- Duel Monsters (Yu-Gi-Oh! Series); via Polymerization
- Lona (The Science House)
- Chevalier (Worm)
- Composite Man (DC Comics)
- Chronodia (Final Fantasy)
- Frankencreep (Scooby Doo! Frankencreepy)
- Monsterex (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures)
- Soul of Cinder (Dark Souls 3)
- Supreme Superman (Legion of Super-Heroes/DC Comics)
- Brotherhood of Injustice (DC Comics)
- Lex Joker
- Lana Quinn
- Jimmy Two-Face
- Brainycat
- Doomstroke
- Penguello
- Terra Mark V/Terranado
- The Ventrilomaker
- New York Special Crimes Unit (Amalgam Comics)
- Gothamopolis Police Department (DC Comics)
- Doctor Octopus/Monster-Ock (Spider-Man 2/Spider-Man Video Game)
- Sixtar (W.I.T.C.H.)
- Millenniummon (Digimon)
- Spankenstine Monster (Codename: Kids Next Door)
- Phionix (Extinctioners)
- Casey Krinsky/Mega Casey (DC Super Hero Girls 2019)
- Gerald Fitzgerald (Paradise PD)
- Josuke Higashikata (Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Jojolion)
- Supers "Supes" (The Boys)
- The Seven
- Homelander
- Black Noir
- Queen Maeve
- Starlight
- A-Train
- The Deep
- Stormfront
- The Boys
- Kimiko/The Female (The Boys)
- The Seven
- Umbrella Academy (The Umbrella Academy)
- Luther Hargreeves/Number One/Spaceboy
- Diego Hargreeves/Number Two/The Kraken
- Allison Hargreeves/Number Three/The Rumor
- Sparrow Academy (The Umbrella Academy)
- Galactiac (Amalgam Comics)
- Silver Racer (Amalgam Comics)
- Richard Grayson/Moonwing (Amaglam Comics)
- Ultra-Metallo (Amalgam Comics)
- Creed H. Quinn/Hyena (Amalgam Comics)
- Beatriz Grey/Firebird (Amalgam Comics)
- Callisto (X-Men Movies); her powers are an amalgamation of Quicksilver and Caliban.
- Stark Odinson/Iron Hammer (Marvel Comics)
- Peter Spector/Arachknight (Marvel Comics)
- Stephen Rogers/Solider Supreme (Marvel Comics)
- Laura Kinney/Weapon Hex (Marvel Comics)
- Green Widow (Marvel Comics)
- Ghost Panther (Marvel Comics)
- Reed Storm/Mister Invisible (Marvel Comics)
- Benjamin Storm/Hot Rocks (Marvel Comics)
- Justice Titans of Earth 32 (DC Comics)
- Super-Martian
- Bruce Wayne/Bat-Lantern
- Aquaflash
- Wonderhawk
- Black Arrow
- Warren Hall/Angelhawk (Amalgam Comics)
- Norman Russell/Goblin-by-Night (Marvel Comics)
- Harry Russell/Goblin-by-Night (Marvel Comics)
- Iron Titania (Marvel Comics)
- Clint Archer (Amalgam Comics)
- William Mar-Vell/Captain Marvel (Amalgam Comics)
- Dinah Barton/Canary (Amalgam Comics)
- Red Vision (Amalgam Comics)
- Wanda Zatara/White Witch (Amalgam Comics)
- Carol Danvers/Huntress (Amalgam Comics)
- Doctor Doomactus (Marvel Comics)
- Sentinoids (Marvel Comics)
- Master Mole (Marvel Comics)
- Harvey Osborn/Two-Faced Goblin (Amalgam Comics)
- Siliconman (Amalgam Comics)
- Jocasta (Amalgam Comics)
- Composite Valiant (Monkeybrain Comics)
- Joey, Dee Dee and Marky/Cockroach Monster (Oggy and the Cockroaches)
- Papalgamate (HELP_Tale)
- Sanstrocity (HELP_Tale)
- Serena Williams/Wonder Woman (DirecTV Commercial)
- Jubilation Lee/Sparrow (Amalgam Comics)
- Jim Rhodes/Monarch (Amalgam Comics)
- Timmy Turner/Costume Superhero (The Fairly OddParents)
- Mutant Bull (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987)
- Dinofrogs (New Tales from the Cryptkeeper)
- Lord MindWaveZ (Transformers RPG)
- Superfly/SuperDuperFly (TMNT: Ninja Turtles)
Known Objects[]
- Energized Protodermis (BIONICLE)
- Spear of Fusion (BIONICLE)
- Mask of Fusion (BIONICLE)
- Metamo-Ring (Dragon Ball Fusions)
- Potara Earrings (Dragon Ball series)
- Ghost Ball Double X/Ghost Ball Z (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment)
- Ghost Lanterns (Hero 108)
- Kernelsprites (Homestuck)
- Combine-inator (Phineas and Ferb)
- DNA Splicers (Pokémon)
- N-Solarizer (Pokémon)
- N-Lunarizer (Pokémon)
- Compound V (The Boys)
- Temp V (The Boys)
Pietro Allen/Mercury (Amalgam Comics) is a combination of Quicksilver (Marvel Comics) and Impulse (DC Comics)
Pete Ross/Spider Boy (Amalgam Comics) a combination of Superboy (DC Comics) and Spider-Man (Marvel Comics).
Hal Stark/Iron Lantern (Amalgam Comics) is a combination of Iron Man in Marvel comics and Green Lantern in DC comics.
Clark Kent/Super-Soldier (Amalgam Comics) is a combination of Superman in DC comics and Captain America in Marvel comics.
Princess Koriand'ru/Shatterstarfire (Amalgam Comics) is a combination of Starfire in DC comics and Shatterstar in Marvel comics.
Arthur McKenzie/Mariner (Amalgam Comics) is a combination of Aquaman in DC comics and Sub-Mariner in Marvel comics.
Ororo/Amazon (Amalgam Comics) is a combination of Storm in Marvel comics and Wonder Woman in DC comics.
Monsterex (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures) is a two-headed mix of vampire, werewolf, gillman, mummy, and Frankenstein's monster.
New York Special Crimes Unit (Amalgam Comics) is an amalgamation of DC's Metropolis Special Crimes Unit and Marvel's version of the New York Police Department.
The Defenders of Warp World (Marvel Comics) are gestalts of numerous superheroes that were accidentally created when Gamora used the Infinity Stones to fold the universe in half, causing every soul to merge into Infinity Warps.
Stephen Rogers/Soldier Supreme (Marvel Comics), the Infinity Warp of Captain America and Doctor Strange.
Gimmi (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir) is a combination of Tikki and Plagg's true forms after someone gets possession of their miraculouses.
Live Television/Movies[]
Homelander (The Boys) is a combination of Superman in DC comics and Captain America in Marvel comics.
Callisto's (X-Men: The Last Stand) powers are a combination of Both Quicksilver and Caliban in marvel comics/marvel movies.
The Sparrow Academy (The Umbrella Academy) are a combination of the X-Men in Marvel Comics and the Justice League in DC Comics.
The Deep (The Boys) is a combination of Aquaman in DC comics and Namor the Sub-Mariner in Marvel comics.
Soldier Boy (The Boys) is a combination of the Comedian in DC comics and the Winter Soldier in Marvel comics.
Ryan Butcher (The Boys) is a combination of Jon Kent/Superboy in DC comics and James Rogers in Marvel comics.
Billy Butcher (The Boys) is a combination of Lex Luthor in DC comics and the Punisher in Marvel comics.
The Mega-Kaiju (Pacific Rim: Uprising) which is a combined amalgamation of the three Category IV Kaiju Shrikethorn, Hakuja, and Raijin with the aid of the Rippers fused into one being.
Menos-class Hollows such as Gillans (Bleach) are mindless amalgamations of countless regular Hollows...
...but if one of them can subdue the others and take complete control over the body, they become Adjuchas-type Hollow.
When Hollow Ichigo (Bleach) takes full possession of Ichigo's body, the body undergoes a full transformation into a Hollow creature. He is granted with high-speed regeneration, enhanced strength, speed, durability and spiritual power, enhancing his Getsuga Tenshō, firing a Cero and having an extra appendage....
...in his new Hollow Form, he was granted with immense strength, durability, speed and spiritual power, enhancing his Cero, developed a Sonido and still has his high-speed regeneration ability...
Kenpachi Azashiro (Bleach: Spirits Are Forever With You) can use his Bankai, "Urozakuro", to fuse with anything, organic or inorganic.
Potara Earrings (Dragon Ball series) can fuse any two individuals together when said individuals each wear one earring on opposite ears...
...Merged Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super) is the result of Goku Black and Future Zamasu using the Potara earrings...
The revived Kaguya Ōtsutsuki (Naruto) is an amalgamation of the nine tailed beasts and the Gedo statue, which became more apparent when she lost control of her powers.
Yosetsu Awase (My Hero Academia) can use his quirk, Weld, to merge things both organic and inorganic at a subatomic level.
Video Games[]
Sora (Kingdom Hearts series) has the ability to combine with his allies to temporarily boost his abilities with his Drive Form ability excluding the Limit Form that was introduced in the Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix version.
The Elementium Monstrosity (Warcraft) is the merging of all four Ascendant Council Members and gains new powers.