Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"Only best-buddy buddies execute pedophiles together!"
― Deadpool to Cable (Deadpool 2)

The power to combine a duo's or pairs' abilities and techniques to accomplish a task. Sub-power of Team Synergy.

Also Called[]

  • Duet Attack/Combination
  • Twosome Attack/Combination
  • Pair Attack/Combination
  • Pair Attack
  • One-N-Two Combo
  • Match Attack


Users, in a pair, can combine their strengths to form powerful attacks against common adversaries. For example, if someone with sword master can watch and cover someone that wields a long-ranged weapon like a bow and arrow or ability. Not only do they do more damage than their combinations alone, but most likely be done at a bigger radius to take out more foes.

Unfortunately, some pairs are ineffective against a certain being or fail to take out an opponent(s) if the wrong power(s) are used or if the coordination is interrupted.



  • May need a certain level of power.
  • Users may have to have complete harmony.
  • Users may need to be in contact.
  • Users may need to become one with each other.
  • Users may need similar abilities/weapons/magic/etc.
  • May become depended on when working together.

Known Users[]

See Also: Action Duo, Adventure Duo, Battle Couple, Back-to-Back Badasses, Bash Brothers.


Live Television[]

Video Games[]

  • Akira and Daigo Kazama (Rival Schools/Street Fighter)
  • Mayday and Zuke (No Straight Roads)

Web Animation/Comics/Series/Original[]

  • Garen and Wake (Skylark)
  • Various Characters (Ordeal)





Live TV[]

Video Games[]

