Superpower Wiki

The ability to exist or have a physical form in nearly any manner according to the beliefs of oneself or others. Sub-power of Logic Manipulation. Variation of Belief Dependent Capability.

Also Called[]

  • I Think Therefore I Am
  • Subjective Existence


The user is able to alter their existence or physical form in nearly any manner they see fit, according to either their beliefs about themselves, or the beliefs of others. They can prevent themselves from being destroyed or being truly gone by the belief that they cannot disappear, as well as heal themselves by believing they are unharmed from damage.


  • Belief Dependent Capability: Able to commit any action by believing they have the capability to do so.
    • Belief Ability Manifestation: If users belief in themselves or in that they possess the desired skill is strong enough, they can acclimate to accomplish anything.
      • Belief Empowerment: Can become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. from beliefs of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers.
        • Absolute Condition: Based off the users belief they can have all their capabilities, attributes and aspects at a maximum and limitless level.
        • Metabolization: If the user believes they can sustain themselves/their powers by feeding of anything/everything, from matter, energy, emotions, substance, etc, into their body as a source for their powers and/or conditions.
        • Self-Power Augmentation: Can empower their existing abilities to higher levels,certain users can even augment their powers to their highest/absolute level. Increasing their powers would also change the color of their powers if they believe.
        • Self-Sustenance: Users physical needs are greatly reduced or completely removed. If they believe they don't need certain things.
    • Concept Destruction/Nonexistence: Essentialy by not believing in something, it will no longer exist.
    • Energy Transduction: If users believe they can harness energy for various needs.
    • Imagination Manifestation: If the user can vividly envision their beliefs, it will manifest into reality.
    • Omnifarious: If the user believes they can be (or appear to be) a particular being or thing, then they are (or appear to be) that being or thing.
    • Rule Bending: If the users belief is strong enough, they are capable of bending the very rules of reality to their advantage.
    • Unfettered Body: If the user believes they can withstand the rigors of time, sickness, abrasion, etc.
    • Endless Development: If users believe their capabilities are without limit.
  • Belief Technology: Can create technology run by pure belief/faith.
    • Belief Manipulation: Can sense and manipulate the belief of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions, even manifesting it to a physical level.
      • Belief Inducement: Can force others to make them believe whatever they want them to believe.
      • Indomitable Belief: Has indomitably strong belief; a special and very powerful attitude in putting ones trust and confidence in themselves, in someone else or something.
    • Contagious Influence: Through belief users can taint those around them with a physio-psychoactive influence that can bend and alter their very appearance and mindset into whatever the user desires.
    • Fantasy Connecting: Can connect the physical world to the world of dreams/fantasies, linking the land of dreams and imagination to the realm of matter and substance allowing both words to interact with each other by believing they are one in the same.
    • Imagination Manipulation: Can sense and manipulate the imagination, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling imagination, even manifesting the imaginative energy to physical level.
      • Imaginary Physics Manipulation: Manipulate imaginary physics, the part of physics that deals with things that either don't fit into standard categories or are not fully understood or unknown (Imaginary Mass, Virtual Particles, Imaginary Numbers, etc.), possibly relating to higher dimensions or what is now considered to be fringe science.
    • Personal Wishes: Able to manipulate affect individual wishes, changing desires into reality to make it something happen for personal benefit, able to reverse/undo granted wishes, deny them from ever being granted, destroy/create wishes and imbue them onto oneself or others, etc. base on the belief on ones thoughts.
    • Technology Manipulation: Manipulate technology, the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives through ones beliefs.
    • Unreality Manipulation: Manipulate unreality and everything that isn't real, which includes things such as lies, falseness, illusions, dreams, fiction, fantasy, imagination, etc. through one believing they can.


  • Belief Vocifery: Alter the fabric of reality by verbally stating their beliefs. For example, they could say "I believe that I will find true love" and the next moment, they fall in love.
    • Absolute Will: Grab hold of creation and twist, bend, sculpt, and re-sculpt it into whatever form that they desire or can imagine.
    • Parallel Existence Manipulation: Control the existence of alternate versions of places, people, and things in different, alternate universes and perhaps the universes themselves.
    • Reality Mind: Aspects of reality are brought about by the mind of the user who imagines, either from desires and emotions, subconscious, etc, including their current self, and evolve according to these shifting currents.
    • Faithifery: Warp the fabric of reality according to their beliefs. If they believed they were super strong and/or super fast, they would become so.
  • Desired Ability Manifestation: Obtain any power they could possibly desire to have.
    • Meta Ability Creation: Create any ability with or without any limitation and bestow it upon themselves, others or even objects.
    • Potential Creation: Can "unlock" previously nonexistent abilities within themselves and other, that develop and bloom at various paces and to extends, depending on each receiver.
    • Self-Power Bestowal: Can give themselves powers. If they wanted to fly they would give themselves the ability to do so with ease.



  • A user MUST be aware of themselves at all times and may not be able to take on skills which require them to take on multiple forms of consciousness at once (e.g. Fusing abilities, Omnipotence, Unity, etc.).
  • If a user is no longer aware of themselves, their mind and consciousness will disappear.
  • The user must constantly believe they exist in order to stay existent.
  • If what a user thinks, feels or believes in wavers in any way, then they'll physically or mentally portray their faults.
  • User may be limited to their own beliefs or others.

Known Users[]

See also: Clap Your Hands If You Believe

  • Idea of Evil (Berserk)
  • Doppelgänger (Fire Force)
  • Kuroudo Akabane (Get Backers)
  • Schrödinger (Hellsing)
  • Alucard (Hellsing); after absorbing Schrödinger
  • The Plutonian (Irredeemable); unconsciously, through his Eleos heritage
  • The Quantum Man (Mortebianca)
  • SCP-2950 - Just A Chair (SCP Foundation)
  • Old Deus (No Game No Life)


