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Pokémon Wiki

Weiss is a member of Team Plasma in Pokémon: BW Adventures in Unova and Beyond.


Pokémon the Series: Black & White[]

Weiss, with Schwarz, was transporting Braviary to a destination. They were intercepted by N, who rescued Braviary, but they both fell down a cliff after trying to flee from Team Plasma. Schwarz and Weiss followed N and found Braviary in the Pokémon Center. The heroes and N made a plan for distraction, but Schwarz and Weiss, seeing they were fooled, attacked N. Braviary returned and protected N, saving him from Zangoose and Seviper. In the end, Weiss and Schwarz fled, since their Pokémon had been defeated.


On hand[]


  • "Weiss" is German and "Bianco" Italian for the color white, opposite to "Schwarz", which is black.
    • This reflects the tension between Seviper and Zangoose, who are owned by the said trainers that fight until one of them is defeated.