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Soren is a character appearing in Pokémon the Series: Black & White


Pokémon the Series: Black & White[]

Soren is a Tag Team battler, along with Rocko. They encountered Cilan and Ash and challenged them to a battle. Soren and Rocko made many combo moves with Braviary and Drilbur, but were lost by Cilan's Pansage and Ash's Unfezant. Soren and Rocko started accusing each other of the failure, but Cilan proposed they both can catch a water-type Pokémon to make new combo moves. Cilan soon showed them how to fish and Rocko and Soren fished out two Frillish. However, Rocko and Soren continued to bicker, causing Frillish to flee. The brothers remained calm and managed to catch Buizel and a Corphish soon after. Afterwards, Soren and Rocko bid the heroes farewell, as they practiced new moves with their new Pokémon.


On hand[]

Being the "battler of the sky", Soren uses Braviary in battles.
