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Pokémon Wiki

Watchtower Ruins is a Wild Area in Galar. The Watchtower Lair, a special Pokémon Den that activates only by using Dynamax Crystals, is located here.


All Pokémon's levels are increased to 60 after the Darkest Day, unless if its level is already at or higher than 60.

Normal encounters[]


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0622Golett Pokémon HOME Golett SW/SH 11-14 40%
0425Drifloon Pokémon HOME Drifloon SW/SH 11-14 30%
0761Bounsweet Pokémon HOME Bounsweet SW/SH 11-14 20%
0519Pidove Pokémon HOME Pidove SW/SH 11-14 10%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 11-14 40%
0066Machop Pokémon HOME Machop SW/SH 11-14 30%
0761Bounsweet Pokémon HOME Bounsweet SW/SH 11-14 20%
0092Gastly Pokémon HOME Gastly SW/SH 11-14 10%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 11-14 40%
0535Tympole Pokémon HOME Tympole SW/SH 11-14 30%
0278Wingull Pokémon HOME Wingull SW/SH 11-14 20%
0519Pidove Pokémon HOME Pidove SW/SH 11-14 10%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0309Electrike Pokémon HOME Electrike SW/SH 11-14 40%
0736Grubbin Pokémon HOME Grubbin SW/SH 11-14 30%
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 11-14 20%
0519Pidove Pokémon HOME Pidove SW/SH 11-14 10%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0361Snorunt Pokémon HOME Snorunt SW/SH 11-14 40%
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 11-14 30%
0459Snover Pokémon HOME Snover SW/SH 11-14 20%
0425Drifloon Pokémon HOME Drifloon SW/SH 11-14 10%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0459Snover Pokémon HOME Snover SW/SH 11-14 40%
0361Snorunt Pokémon HOME Snorunt SW/SH 11-14 30%
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 11-14 20%
0425Drifloon Pokémon HOME Drifloon SW/SH 11-14 10%

Intense Sun[]

Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0622Golett Pokémon HOME Golett SW/SH 11-14 40%
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 11-14 30%
0037Vulpix Pokémon HOME Vulpix SW 11-14 20%
0058Growlithe Pokémon HOME Growlithe SH 11-14 20%
0425Drifloon Pokémon HOME Drifloon SW/SH 11-14 10%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0622Golett Pokémon HOME Golett SW/SH 11-14 40%
0557Dwebble Pokémon HOME Dwebble SW/SH 11-14 30%
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 11-14 20%
0519Pidove Pokémon HOME Pidove SW/SH 11-14 10%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 11-14 60%
0509Purrloin Pokémon HOME Purrloin SW/SH 11-14 30%
0519Pidove Pokémon HOME Pidove SW/SH 11-14 10%



Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0622Golett Pokémon HOME Golett SW/SH 26-29 60%
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 26-29 25%
0425Drifloon Pokémon HOME Drifloon SW/SH 26-29 15%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0622Golett Pokémon HOME Golett SW/SH 26-29 60%
0092Gastly Pokémon HOME Gastly SW/SH 26-29 25%
0043Oddish Pokémon HOME Oddish SW/SH 26-29 10%
0425Drifloon Pokémon HOME Drifloon SW/SH 26-29 5%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 26-29 50%
0092Gastly Pokémon HOME Gastly SW/SH 26-29 35%
0278Wingull Pokémon HOME Wingull SW/SH 26-29 10%
0509Purrloin Pokémon HOME Purrloin SW/SH 26-29 5%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0092Gastly Pokémon HOME Gastly SW/SH 26-29 50%
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 26-29 35%
0425Drifloon Pokémon HOME Drifloon SW/SH 26-29 10%
0509Purrloin Pokémon HOME Purrloin SW/SH 26-29 5%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0425Drifloon Pokémon HOME Drifloon SW/SH 26-29 60%
0225Delibird Pokémon HOME Delibird SW/SH 26-29 25%
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 26-29 15%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0225Delibird Pokémon HOME Delibird SW/SH 26-29 60%
0092Gastly Pokémon HOME Gastly SW/SH 26-29 25%
0509Purrloin Pokémon HOME Purrloin SW/SH 26-29 15%

Intense Sun[]

Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0425Drifloon Pokémon HOME Drifloon SW/SH 26-29 60%
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 26-29 28%
0037Vulpix Pokémon HOME Vulpix SW 26-29 10%
0058Growlithe Pokémon HOME Growlithe SH 26-29 10%
0213Shuckle Pokémon HOME Shuckle SW/SH 26-29 2%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0092Gastly Pokémon HOME Gastly SW/SH 26-29 60%
0213Shuckle Pokémon HOME Shuckle SW/SH 26-29 25%
0509Purrloin Pokémon HOME Purrloin SW/SH 26-29 15%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0092Gastly Pokémon HOME Gastly SW/SH 26-29 60%
0355Duskull Pokémon HOME Duskull SW/SH 26-29 25%
0280Ralts Pokémon HOME Ralts SW/SH 26-29 10%
0509Purrloin Pokémon HOME Purrloin SW/SH 26-29 5%

On the Sky[]

Cloudy and Thunderstorm[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0714Noibat Pokémon HOME Noibat SW/SH 26-29 60%
0527Woobat Pokémon HOME Woobat SW/SH 26-29 40%
Other Weathers[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0527Woobat Pokémon HOME Woobat SW/SH 26-29 60%
0714Noibat Pokémon HOME Noibat SW/SH 26-29 40%


These Pokémon respawn daily.

West of the Watchtower[]
Clear, Snowing and Intense Sun[]
0426Drifblim VI

Held item:

Other Weathers[]
0093Haunter VI

Held item:

East of the Watchtower[]
Clear, Intense Sun and Sandstorm[]
0623Golurk VI

Iron Fist
Held item:

Snowing and Blizzard[]
0362Glalie VI
Inner Focus
Ice Body
Held item:

Other Weathers[]
0356Dusclops VI
Held item:

Southwest Area[]

It only appears after becoming the Champion.

0823Corviknight SwSh

Held item:

Shaking Berry Tree[]

These Pokémon can be shaken from the berry tree instead of berries. After the battle, some of the berries will be lost.

Wild Pokémon
Berry Tree
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0420Cherubi Pokémon HOME Cherubi SW/SH 11-14 50%
0819Skwovet Pokémon HOME Skwovet SW/SH 11-14 50%


Item Balls[]

Item Games Location/Method
  White Herb SW/SH Near the Dappled Grove border, next to a dead log and a tree against the west wall
  Max Revive SW/SH Behind the watchtower—approximately 90° clockwise from the Berry tree, tucked in a small indentation

Hidden Items[]

These items respawn daily unless otherwise stated, and have a very rare chance of spawning as a Wishing Piece instead.

Item Games Location/Method
  Tiny Mushroom SW/SH Under the tree alongside the southwest wall
  Big Mushroom SW/SH ^
  Poké Ball SW/SH Against the northeast side of the watchtower
  Revive SW/SH Against the northeast side of the watchtower

Shaking Berry tree[]

Item Games Location/Method
  Cheri Berry SW/SH Can fall by shaking the Berry tree
  Leppa Berry SW/SH Can fall by shaking the Berry tree
  Liechi Berry SW/SH Can fall by shaking the Berry tree
  Oran Berry SW/SH Can fall by shaking the Berry tree
  Rawst Berry SW/SH Can fall by shaking the Berry tree
  Sitrus Berry SW/SH Can fall by shaking the Berry tree

Pokémon Dens[]

There are 3 Pokémon Dens in Watchtower Ruins, including Watchtower Lair.

Watchtower Lair[]

Southern Den[]

Common Pool[]

Max Raid Battle Pokémon
Den 2 (Common Pool)
Pokémon Hidden Ability Games Rarity
1☆ 2☆ 3☆ 4☆ 5☆
0280 Ralts No SW/SH 35%
0281 Kirlia No SW/SH 20% 40%
0282 Gardevoir Possible SW/SH 25%
0337 Lunatone No SH 25%
0338 Solrock No SW 25%
0517 Munna No SW/SH 30%
0518 Musharna No SW/SH 20% 30% 25%
0574 Gothita No SW 10% 30%
0575 Gothorita No SW 20% 30%
0576 Gothitelle Possible SW 10% 25%
0577 Solosis No SH 10% 30%
0578 Duosion No SH 20% 30%
0579 Reuniclus Possible SH 10% 25%
0605 Elgyem No SW/SH 5% 20%
0677 Elgyem No SW/SH 20% 30%
0678 Meowstic No SW 20% 30%
0678A Meowstic No SH 20% 30%
Item Drops[]
Max Raid Battle Item Drops
Den 2 (Common Pool)
Item Games Rate
1☆ 2☆ 3☆ 4☆ 5☆
TR Psychic Sprite TR69 SW/SH 100% 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR97 SW/SH 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR44 SW/SH 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR40 SW/SH 100% 100%
Balm Mushroom Sprite Balm Mushroom SW/SH 20% 25% 30% 35% 50%
Big Mushroom Sprite Big Mushroom SW/SH 20% 25% 30% 35% 50%
Qualot Berry2 Qualot Berry SW/SH 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Mago Berry Mago Berry SW/SH 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Rare Candy Sprite Rare Candy SW/SH 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Bottle Cap Sprite Bottle Cap SW/SH 1% 2% 3%
Dynamax Candy Sprite Dynamax Candy SW/SH 1 1 1 1 2
Exp. Candy XS Sprite Exp. Candy XS SW/SH 5
Exp. Candy S Sprite Exp. Candy S SW/SH 1 5
Exp. Candy M Sprite Exp. Candy M SW/SH 1 5 2
Exp. Candy L Sprite Exp. Candy L SW/SH 1 3 2
Exp. Candy XL Sprite Exp. Candy XL SW/SH 1

Rare Pool[]

Max Raid Battle Pokémon
Den 50 (Rare Pool)
Pokémon Hidden Ability Games Rarity
1☆ 2☆ 3☆ 4☆ 5☆
0122A Mr. Mime No SW/SH 20% 30%
0280 Ralts No SW/SH 35%
0281 Kirlia No SW/SH 20% 20%
0282 Gardevoir Possible SW/SH 5%
0527 Woobat No SW/SH 10% 30%
0528 Swoobat No SW/SH 20% 20% 20%
0686 Inkay No SW/SH 35%
0687 Malamar Possible SW/SH 15%
0856 Hatenna No SW/SH 20% 20%
0857 Hattrem No SW/SH 20% 40%
0858 Hatterene Possible SW/SH 20% 30%
0866 Mr. Rime Possible SW/SH 40% 30%
Item Drops[]
Max Raid Battle Item Drops
Den 50 (Rare Pool)
Item Games Rate
1☆ 2☆ 3☆ 4☆ 5☆
TR Psychic Sprite TR69 SW/SH 100% 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR97 SW 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR17 SH 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR44 SW 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR49 SH 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR40 SW 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR34 SH 100% 100%
Balm Mushroom Sprite Balm Mushroom SW/SH 20% 25% 30% 35% 50%
Big Mushroom Sprite Big Mushroom SW/SH 20% 25% 30% 35% 50%
Qualot Berry2 Qualot Berry SW 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Mago Berry Mago Berry SW 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Hondew Berry Hondew Berry SH 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Aguav Berry Aguav Berry SH 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Rare Candy Sprite Rare Candy SW/SH 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Bottle Cap Sprite Bottle Cap SW/SH 1% 2% 3%
Dynamax Candy Sprite Dynamax Candy SW/SH 2 2 2 2 3
Exp. Candy XS Sprite Exp. Candy XS SW/SH 7
Exp. Candy S Sprite Exp. Candy S SW/SH 2 7
Exp. Candy M Sprite Exp. Candy M SW/SH 2 7 3
Exp. Candy L Sprite Exp. Candy L SW/SH 2 5 3
Exp. Candy XL Sprite Exp. Candy XL SW/SH 3

Northern Den[]

Common Pool[]

Max Raid Battle Pokémon
Den 6 (Common Pool)
Pokémon Hidden Ability Games Rarity
1☆ 2☆ 3☆ 4☆ 5☆
0092 Gastly No SW/SH 35%
0093 Haunter No SW/SH 20% 10%
0355 Duskull No SW/SH 30%
0356 Dusclops No SW/SH 20% 20% 10%
0425 Drifloon No SW/SH 20% 30%
0426 Drifblim No SW/SH 20% 20% 25%
0592 Frillish No SW/SH 5% 20%
0593 Jellicent Possible SW/SH 20%
0708 Phantump No SW/SH 10% 30%
0709 Trevenant Possible SW/SH 50%
0710 Pumpkaboo No SW/SH 20% 40%
0711 Gourgeist Possible SW/SH 20%
Item Drops[]
Max Raid Battle Item Drops
Den 6 (Common Pool)
Item Games Rate
1☆ 2☆ 3☆ 4☆ 5☆
TR Ghost Sprite TR33 SW/SH 100% 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR83 SW/SH 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR38 SW/SH 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR82 SW/SH 100% 100%
Balm Mushroom Sprite Balm Mushroom SW/SH 20% 25% 30% 35% 50%
Big Mushroom Sprite Big Mushroom SW/SH 20% 25% 30% 35% 50%
Kelpsy Berry sprite Kelpsy Berry SW/SH 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Figy Berry Figy Berry SW/SH 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Rare Candy Sprite Rare Candy SW/SH 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Bottle Cap Sprite Bottle Cap SW/SH 1% 2% 3%
Dynamax Candy Sprite Dynamax Candy SW/SH 1 1 1 1 2
Exp. Candy XS Sprite Exp. Candy XS SW/SH 5
Exp. Candy S Sprite Exp. Candy S SW/SH 1 5
Exp. Candy M Sprite Exp. Candy M SW/SH 1 5 2
Exp. Candy L Sprite Exp. Candy L SW/SH 1 3 2
Exp. Candy XL Sprite Exp. Candy XL SW/SH 1

Rare Pool[]

Max Raid Battle Pokémon
Den 47 (Rare Pool)
Pokémon Hidden Ability Games Rarity
1☆ 2☆ 3☆ 4☆ 5☆
0222A Corsola No SH 20% 20% 10%
0302 Sableye No SH 20% 20% 35%
0425 Drifloon No SW/SH 10% 30%
0426 Drifblim No SW/SH 20% 10%
0562A Yamask No SW/SH 35%
0679 Honedge No SW/SH 35%
0680 Doublade No SW/SH 20% 20%
0681 Aegislash No SW/SH 5%
0710 Pumpkaboo No SW 20% 40% 10%
0711 Gourgeist No SW 20% 20% 35%
0711 Gourgeist Possible SW 20% 40% 29%
0854 Sinistea No SW/SH 20% 30%
0855 Polteageist Possible SW/SH 20% 30%
0864 Cursola Possible SH 35% 40% 29%
0867 Runerigus No SW/SH 1%
Item Drops[]
Max Raid Battle Item Drops
Den 47 (Rare Pool)
Item Games Rate
1☆ 2☆ 3☆ 4☆ 5☆
TR Ghost Sprite TR33 SW/SH 100% 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR83 SW/SH 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR38 SW/SH 100% 100% 100%
TR Psychic Sprite TR82 SW/SH 100% 100%
Balm Mushroom Sprite Balm Mushroom SW/SH 20% 25% 30% 35% 50%
Big Mushroom Sprite Big Mushroom SW/SH 20% 25% 30% 35% 50%
Kelpsy Berry sprite Kelpsy Berry SW/SH 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Figy Berry Figy Berry SW/SH 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Rare Candy Sprite Rare Candy SW/SH 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Bottle Cap Sprite Bottle Cap SW/SH 1% 2% 3%
Dynamax Candy Sprite Dynamax Candy SW/SH 2 2 2 2 3
Exp. Candy XS Sprite Exp. Candy XS SW/SH 7
Exp. Candy S Sprite Exp. Candy S SW/SH 2 7
Exp. Candy M Sprite Exp. Candy M SW/SH 2 7 3
Exp. Candy L Sprite Exp. Candy L SW/SH 2 5 3
Exp. Candy XL Sprite Exp. Candy XL SW/SH 3