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Park Verdant Court

Verdant Court is a location in PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond. It is a part of the Arbor Area and connects with Windmill Way and the Arcane Area. The Area Keeper, Queen Serperior, resides here.


Pikachu and Oshawott travel to Verdant Court to find the missing poster piece. They speak to the Area Keeper, Serperior, who reveals Deerling has the invitation made from the missing piece. The two find Deerling, and after being joined by Serperior's daughter, Snivy, retrieve it from a stump and head back to restore the portal.

In the Post-Game, the group asks Serperior how to rescue Darkrai from the Dark Void and she suggests asking Reshiram for assistance. She explains that Reshiram can be found in the Arcane Area, which can now be accessed since the bridge leading to it has been restored, by bringing 40 Vast White Quills to Reshiram's shrine.


Pokémon Location Skill Game Notes
Park Seismitoad Seismitoad Near Serperior's chamber Battle N/A
Park Leavanny Leavanny In Serperior's chamber Battle N/A
Park Lilligant Lilligant In Serperior's chamber Battle N/A
Park Serperior Serperior In her chamber Battle (Defeat two Leavanny and Lilligant) Can only be challenged in the Post-Game
Park Deerling Deerling Near Serperior's chamber Chase N/A
Park Vaporeon Vaporeon Up the hill Obstacle Course Appears after being rescued from Wish Park
Park Psyduck Psyduck Atop the hill None Befriended by showing Psyduck a picture of Emolga
Park Shroomish Shroomish Near the entrance to Windmill Way Quiz Appears after being rescued from Wish Park
Park Venipede Venipede Near the stump Battle N/A
Park Whirlipede Whirlipede Near the entrance to Windmill Way Chase Appears after Venipede is befriended
Park Scolipede Scolipede Near the entrance to the Arcane Area Battle N/A
Park Skiploom Skiploom On a ledge near Serperior's chamber None Befriended by giving Skiploom three Dewdrops
Park Surskit Surskit Floats on the lake Chase N/A
Park Basculin Basculin In the lake Chase Appears after Surskit is befriended
Park Dugtrio Dugtrio Near the cave entrance None Befriended by speaking with Dugtrio after befriending Excadrill, speak with Dugtrio to visit the hidden lake
Park Ducklett Ducklett At the hidden lake Chase N/A
Park Stunfisk Stunfisk On a ledge near the stump Hide-and-Seek Appears after Sesmitoad is befriended
Park Excadrill Excadrill Atop the hill Battle Appears after speaking to Dugtrio
Park Woobat Woobat In the blocked cave Chase N/A
Park Ferrothorn Ferrothorn In the blocked cave Battle N/A
Park Bronzong Bronzong Buried in the back of the blocked cave None Dash into Bronzong to awaken it and clean its back with Water Gun to befriend it
Park Burmy Burmy Hangs from the tree near the entrance to the Arcane Area None Befriended by speaking to him

Findable Items[]

  • Sweetleaves
  • Joy Seed
  • Honey Jars
  • Chilly Crystals