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Pokémon Wiki

This Snorlax, nicknamed Snor, is a Normal-type Pokémon owned by Red. It was one of the first Pokémon he caught in the wild.


Snor makes its first appearance at Route 12, where it interferes with the bicycle race which Red participates in. It blocks the way at a fishing dock, preventing the racing Trainers from proceeding ahead. Red attempts to attack Snor with his Poli, but the attack bounces effortlessly off its body. However, SNor is roused from his sleep by Red using some Beedrill honey coated on his Saur that he acquired earlier from his trip through the forest. This ultimately results in Snor pursuing after Red, who manages to win the race. However, due to Snor's ravenous appetite, Red is forced to spend the 10,000 prize money all on food.

Red's Snor is Red's strongest Pokémon if looked at level. Snor was seen using Mega Punch against Green (Blue)'s Wartortle, creating a sinkhole.

It also battled Giovanni's Golem and Nidoqueen, Blue's Machamp, wild Magmar, and Forretress, as well as Azumarill.

Red managed to train Snor, thus making it a formidable asset on his Pokémon team.

Known moves[]


  • He is Level 89 and has an Impish Nature.[1]
  • In the Chuang Yi translated version of the Pokémon Adventures manga and the first two volumes of the manga series at the back in the Viz Media versions, Snor is named Lax to match with his Japanese name Gon.


  1. ^ Pokémon Adventures: Volume 14, Trainer Data.
  2. ^ Pokémon Adventures: Volume 23, Pokémon on Team Red 2.


  1. ^ Pokémon Adventures: Volume 23, Pokémon on Team Red 2.