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Poké Finder info
For a list of Pokémon organized by their numbers in the Rotom Dex, see List of Pokémon by Rotom Dex number.
Sun Moon Rotom Pokédex artwork

Eilo using the Rotom Pokédex

The Rotom Dex (Japanese: ロトム図鑑, HepburnRotomu Zukantrans. Rotom illustrated encyclopedia), also known as the Rotom Pokédex, is a rare, enhanced regional Pokédex of the Alola region.

In the core series, the Rotom Dex appears in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon and its paired upper versions, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, while in Pokémon the Series, it is Ash Ketchum's companion during Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon.


Sun Moon Poké Finder artwork

Poké Finder artwork

The Rotom Dex is unusual compared to other Pokédexes in that a Rotom lives inside of it, giving it a personality and the ability to communicate with the player. It retains the spiked antenna on a Rotom's head, like other devices that a Rotom can take over. On the other hand, the Rotom Dex has the usual red color of a Pokédex and does not turn orange like other technology possessed by Rotom. The Rotom Dex shows the eyes of a Rotom on its display, and the device also has stubby feet and extendible flap-like arms.

The Rotom Dex is also different from other Pokédexes in that it has functions other than the ability to register Pokémon, namely a built-in map of the Alola region, taking and receiving calls (a function first seen with the Pokégear), registering Pokémon through scanning QR codes as well as discovering the habitats of Pokémon not yet caught, and an integrated camera for taking photos of wild Pokémon.

The habitat search feature has been improved so that the player can find the exact locations of a Pokémon. A evolutionary line is also simplified when displayed.

In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon the Rotom Dex is upgraded with two more functions: the Roto Loto and the Z-Rotom Power.


The Rotom Dex's main function is to work like past Pokédexes. It is divided into sections, similar to the Kalos Pokédex, except each section represents one of the four islands in Alola: Melemele Island, Akala Island, Ula'ula Island, and Poni Island. If all the player has seen every Pokémon on an island, this is marked with a silver crown, and if all have been caught, the crown is gold.

Besides showing a number of all Pokémon seen and caught, the Rotom Dex also calculates a completion percentage. There are also unique entries for some alternate forms and Mega Evolutions of a Pokémon. The player can view the gender differences of a Pokémon species, if it has any.

In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, the Rotom Pokédex starts with Rowlet and ends with Marshadow, and it can store data for up to 302 species of Pokémon, including Ultra Beasts.

In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, the Rotom Pokédex can store information on up to 403 species of Pokémon, starting with Rowlet and ending with Zeraora. Some of the species in the Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon iteration are not in the previous paired games, including Poipole, Naganadel, Stakataka, Blacephalon, and Zeraora.


The map feature of the Rotom Dex shows a high-resolution map of where the player is located. The habitat search has been enhanced to give the player the ability to see the precise locations of Pokémon. The Rotom Dex helps trainers navigate by picking up information from conversations they have and provides suggestions on where to go next.

Poké Finder[]

The Poké Finder function allows players to takes pictures of Pokémon at certain photo spots. Pictures can then be evaluated. As the player gets higher evaluations and takes better pictures, more features, such as the ability to zoom, will become available. This upgrade can be obtained at Hau'oli City.

QR Scanner[]

The Rotom Dex is able to scan QR codes. These QR codes allow the players to register a Pokémon in their Pokédex, allowing them to find that Pokémon's habitat. QR codes can be generated to share with other players. Once 10 different codes have been scanned, Island Scan can be used to obtain additional Pokémon that are not a part of the Rotom Pokédex.

Roto Loto[]

Exclusive to Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, Roto Loto is where Rotom can provide one of eleven special items known as "Rotom Powers." The player can access the Roto Loto's functionality by pressing the Rotom Dex on the Touch Screen whenever it feels sad or by answering the questions it asks. Once the eyes start glowing, the player has to tap either one to activate the Roto Loto and then tap it again to stop the Roto Loto and receive a helpful prize, such as the ability to hatch Pokémon Eggs faster or higher catch rates.

Z-Rotom Power[]

Exclusive to Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, the player can use the Z-Rotom Power once their friendship with Rotom Dex has maxed out. The function allows for two Z-Moves to be used during a battle.


Core series[]

In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, the player receives the Rotom Dex from Professor Kukui some time after rescuing Nebby at Plank Bridge.



  • It is implied by Samson Oak that the Rotom Dex was invented by Clemont. This statement is supported by Clemont's appearance in the Rotom Dex's concept art.

