This Croconaw is a Water-type Pokémon owned by Khoury as well as his First partner Pokémon.
As Totodile[]
As Totodile was unhappy with Khoury's food, Brock mixed the food with berries to satisfy Totodile. As Dawn's egg went missing, Khoury had Totodile fire Water Gun in mid-air. This let the other group - Dawn and Lyra - know their location. It later used Water Gun to blast Team Rocket away and retrieve the egg.[1] Finding a lone Gible, Khoury had Totodile use Aqua Tail. However, Gible dodged, causing Totodile's attack to collide with Ash's Buizel's Aqua Jet.
Later, as Khoury wanted to catch Gible, his Totodile used Aqua Tail once more, but got swept by Sandstorm. Gible lifted a rock with Strength to toss it, but Totodile used Crunch on the rock. It tossed the rock back at Gible with Superpower, but Gible's Rock Smash shattered it. As the two sides used Strength and Superpower to crash the rock chunks, causing Gible to become overconfident to attack a rock, shattering it by crashing its head on it. However, Gible became injured and attempted to escape by using Dig, to which Totodile's Water Gun filled that hole. Using Aqua Tail, Totodile attacked Gible, allowing Khoury to catch it with a Poké Ball.[2]
Khoury sent Totodile and Lyra her Chikorita, to battle Ash and Dawn in a Tag Battle, who used Monferno and Cyndaquil, in Lilypad Town. Monferno started off with Flamethrower, along with Cyndaquil's Swift. The attacks were intercepted by Chikorita's Light Screen, whereas Totodile fired Water Gun on Monferno. Cyndaquil repeated its attack, but the move was stopped by Light Screen, which was still active. Chikorita fired Razor Leaf, striking Cyndaquil, while Totodile used Aqua Tail to attack it. As Chikorita went to launch a Solar Beam, Totodile went to use Bite but was stopped by Cyndaquil's Smoke Scrren. As Chikorita launched Solar Beam, Monferno used Dig to evade the attack and hit Totodile. Next, Totodile was struck by Cyndaquil's Swift and Chikorita got hit by Mofnerno's Mach Punch. Despite getting hit, Chikorita and Totodile stood up, and the latter evolved into a Croconaw.
As Croconaw[]
Croconaw fired Hydro Pump, striking Cyndaquil and Monferno at once. Chikorita went to use Tackle, but was defeated by Cyndaquil's Flame Wheel and Flamethrower combo. As for Croconaw, it went to use Aqua Tail but was defeated by Mofnerno's Mach Punch.[3]
Known moves[]
Move notes
- ^ Croconaw knew this move as a Totodile, but executed it in 'DP147: Bagged Then Tagged!'
Voice actors[]
- Miyako Itō (Japanese as a Totodile)
- Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese as a Croconaw)
- Kayzie Rogers (English as a Totodile)
- Jimmy Zoppi (English as a Croconaw)