Its appearance seems to be a masked Imp holding a modern-looking trash can full of miscellaneous garbage with a banana peel at the top. His description refers to his name & class.
Class: Sneaky
Tribes: Pirate Imp Zombie
Traits: Gravestone, Anti-Hero 4
Abilities: None
Set - Rarity: Premium - Uncommon
Card description[]
Don't look, but there's one behind you right now!
Update history[]
Update 1.22.12[]
▲ Tribe change: Garbage → Pirate
This zombie can be very dangerous to your opponent for the relatively low cost of 3 brains. It is best played on lanes unoccupied with plants to make use of its Anti-Hero trait, where it can attack your opponent for 6 damage instead of 2. However, your opponent will not leave it on its own and will attempt to block it if they predict your play, and Stealthy Imp's stats aren't good enough to last it through a single turn of combat against most plants. Thus, it may be better to play it a bit later so that you can assist Stealthy Imp with cards such as Backyard Bounce, Smoke Bomb, Terrify, Sumo Wrestler and Pogo Bouncer so that it can attack on an empty lane safely.
As Super Brainz, playing Carried Away on Stealthy Imp and moving it to the right can allow it to do 12 damage to your opponent in one turn or even 18 if it has already attacked your opponent before Super Brainz blocks and gets the superpower. This serves as a nice early finishing move and is especially effective against opponents who haven't set their defenses well. However, make sure that your opponent's Super-Block Meter has more than 4 empty bars or else they may block one of the attacks. Also, do not use this combo if Wing-Nut is on the field, because that plant prevents zombies from doing bonus attacks.
Since Stealthy Imp is an Imp, Toxic Waste Imp allows Stealthy Imp to destroy any plant in its way, while Imp Commander allows you to draw cards while Stealthy Imp does massive damage to your opponent. It also has access to pirate synergization with Captain Flameface and Swashbuckler Zombie, the former (positively) interacting with not only Swashbuckler Zombie, but also Toxic Waste Imp and Imp Commander. However, do note that even if it has gained the Strikethrough trait, Stealthy Imp's Anti-Hero trait won't activate if there is a plant on its lane. Also, since it has the Gravestone trait, you can also make use of Headstone Carver to give it a slight starting boost, which may help it survive certain plants and allow a hit to be landed on the plant hero.
While Stealthy Imp can hit very hard, this zombie doesn't pose much of a threat without its Anti-Hero trait active due to its low base stats and any plant with 2 or more strength can take it out with no problem. But because of this, your opponent will rarely play it on its own, so expect it to be used in conjunction with support cards like Smoke Bomb and Backyard Bounce. In that case, plants with Team-Up can minimize the harm done by Bouncing cards, while covering as many lanes as possible will lessen the effectiveness of moving this zombie. If you have no option but to leave a lane uncovered, sacrifice the rightmost lane on the field. Also, remove zombies that synergize with it so it can't become too dangerous.
The best counter to this zombie while this is still hidden are anti-gravestone cards like Grave Buster and Blockbuster due to its Gravestone trait. The turns after this is revealed, use Banana Bomb on it.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Stealthy Imp
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Diablotin furtif
Zombolino quatto quatto
매복 임프
Brazilian Portuguese
Zumbinho Furtivo
Zombidito furtivo
He has an unused idle animation that was only present in early version of the game, it is unknown why it was removed, however it could be due to poor coding. The same thing happened with Soul Patch.