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HD Imp Worker Wrench
They can be tough nuts to crack.
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Get ready for some tough shove!

Sir Biff splash screen


Sir Biff is the first of three Gnome Gnight bosses in Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville. He is fought in Town Center by opening a door in the Gnome Shrine, but only if the player has already collected the three Diamond Gnomes in that region.


Sound Description
"Temporary" theme


When fighting Sir Biff, your main enemy is not Sir Biff himself, but the danger of falling off the arena due to the spinning tops he summons, which can knock you backwards. It is recommended to use All Star, as his Dummy Shield is able to defend against attacks, and his Football Cannon and Imp Punt can deal lots of damage to Sir Biff.

If you are near a ledge, just run in the opposite direction to another area where you can't fall off. Keep dealing damage to Sir Biff until you finally defeat him.



  • According to Sven, Sir Biff was the Gnome Gnight who pushed him into King Gnomus' birthday cake.
  • Sir Biff is the only Gnome Gnight to have his own unique theme; Sir Baff and Sir Boff share a slight remix of his theme that lacks electric guitars.
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