Buckethead Zombies are introduced in this level. They can be a challenge to newer or inexperienced players, due to their higher amount of health compared to Conehead Zombies. It is easy as long as the player uses effective strategies to deal with them.
This level is slightly more difficult as it forces the player to congregate their defenses.
Generally, use the same strategy for Level 1-7, except that you should plant Wall-nuts once you are done with Snow Peas.
The first Buckethead Zombie comes quite early. When the first Buckethead Zombie comes, use a Potato Mine to kill it. You probably will not be ready to kill the Buckethead with a few Peashooters yet.
With at least two Peashooters and one Snow Pea in each lane with a Wall-nut on each lane, you should be able to kill a Buckethead with no problem.