Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
HD Imp Worker Wrench
They can be tough nuts to crack.
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Dave-bot 3000 is an NPC character that appears in Backyard Battleground in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. He appears to be a robot with Crazy Dave's face put onto it. The Dave-bot 3000 gives out L.E.A.F. agent quests to the player. He is located inside the garage in the plants' base of the Backyard Battleground.



  • The Dave-bot 3000 has a counterpart that looks just like him, called the Dave-bot 3000.1.
  • After the 4th quest is completed of Dave-bot 3000 he says ''Your the bestest! Better than all the restest!'', which could be referring to Tina turner's hit song: The best .
  • Dave-bot explodes after the last quest (before the underground area with Dave-bot 3000.1 is unlocked), but he reappears the next time the backyard is reloaded, allowing players to replay his quests.
  • Dave-bot 3000 said that Crazy Dave hates cats, as he mentions this password: 123CrazyDaveHatesCats.
  • There are blueprints on the wall in Crazy Dave's garage for Dave-bot 3000 with finer details, suggesting he was supposed to be built out of custom made parts, before Crazy Dave built him out of random things he found on the streets.