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Julia Barrow

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Julia Barrow – brytyjska historyk-mediewistka, profesor na University of Leeds[1].

W 1978 ukończyła studia historyczne na University of St. Andrews, w 1983 uzyskała doktorat (D.Phil.) na Uniwersytecie Oksfordzkim[1]. Tematem jej pracy doktorskiej byli biskupi Hereford i ich dokumenty z lat 1163–1219[1]. Później była stypendystką British Academy (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship) w Birmingham w latach 1986–1989[1]. Pracowała w Victoria County History of Cheshire w latach 1989–1990[1]. Wykładowczyni na University of Nottingham do 2012[1].


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  • The Clergy in the Medieval World: Secular Clerics, Their Families and Careers in North-Western Europe, c.800-c.1200 (Cambridge, 2015)
  • English Episcopal Acta, vii: Hereford 1079–1234 (Oxford, 1993)
  • English Episcopal Acta, 35: Hereford 1234–1275 (Oxford, 2009)
  • St Wulfstan and his World, red. Julia Barrow, Nicholas Brooks (Aldershot, 2005)
  • Myth, Rulership, Church and Charters: Essays in Honour of Nicholas Brooks, red. Julia Barrow, Andrew Wareham (Aldershot, 2008)
  • ‘Grades of ordination and clerical careers, c.900-c.1200’, w: Anglo-Norman Studies XXX, red. C.P. Lewis (Woodbridge, 2008)
  • ‘Demonstrative behaviour and political communication in later Anglo-Saxon England’, Anglo-Saxon England, 36 (2007)
  • ‘The ideas and application of reform’, w: The Cambridge History of Christianity, vol. iii, 600-1100, red. J.M.H. Smith, T. Noble (Cambridge, 2008)
  • ‘The chronology of the tenth-century English Benedictine “reform” in Edgar’s reign’, w: Edgar, King of the English, 959-975, red. Donald Scragg (Woodbridge, 2008)
  • ‘Bishop Brictius – Saint Brice’, w: Beretning fra seksogtyvende tværfaglige vikingesymposium, red. Niels Lund (Højberg, 2008)
  • ‘The ideology of the tenth-century English Benedictine “reform„, w: Texts, Histories, Historiographies: the Medieval Worlds of Timothy Reuter, red. P. Skinner (Turnhout, 2010)
  • ‘How Coifi pierced Christ’s side: a re-examination of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, II, chapter 13’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 62 (2011)
  • ‘Way-stations on English episcopal itineraries, c.700-c.1300’, English Historical Review, 127 (2012)
  • Who served the Altar at Brixworth? Clergy in English Minsters c.800-c.1100 (Leicester, 2013)
  • 'Danish ferocity and abandoned monasteries: the twelfth-century view’, w: The Long Twelfth-Century View of the Anglo-Saxon Past, ed. Martin Brett and David Woodman (Farnham, 2015), 77–93


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  1. a b c d e f Julia Barrow. s. University of Leeds. [dostęp 2016-09-27]. (ang.).