Taïtikis - La baie des baleines
Image description
Cover art
Romuald Racioppo
Éditions Gallimard
Taïtikis - La baie des baleines (English: "Taïtikis - The Bay of Whales") is the second book in the Taïtikis series. It was first published in French on April 4, 2024 [ 1] .
Official Summary
It's a beautiful sunny day. The Taïtikis organize a sea trip to introduce children and their parents to cetaceans. But the whales are no longer in the bay! Pounamu , the spirit of the ocean, appears and gives them a highly sophisticated submarine to help them find the mammals. The four children do not take long to spot the whales, which are in very bad shape... Another blow from the Crapirates ! Fortunately the Taïtikis are there, ready to act to save their cetacean friends!
Book list
| Les Pyjamasques et le Grogarou | Les Pyjamasques au zoo (Mass Market Paperback ) | Les Pyjamasques et Roméo Mécano | Les Pyjamasques et Lilifée | Les Pyjamasques et Utupë, l'esprit de la forêt | Le secret des Pyjamasques | Les Pyjamasques et les mascrapules | Les Pyjamasques et le père Noël rebelle | Les Pyjamasques et le marchand de sable (Mass Market Paperback ) | Les Pyjamasques et la machine à bisous | Les Pyjamasques et la soupe à la citrouille | La petite sœur des Pyjamasques | Les Pyjamasques et le Sablotin | Les Pyjamasques et le croque-chaussettes | Les Pyjamasques et le rêveur de l'arc-en-ciel | Les Pyjamasques et Magistère la sorcière | Les Pyjamasques et Energuman | Les Pyjamasques et le robot-blizzard | Les Pyjamasques et l'opération zéro | La Légende des Pyjamasques (Audiobook Edition ) | Les Pyjamasques et le cadeau de Sorceline | Les Pyjamasques et la graine d'Orticia | L'école des Pyjamasques | Les Pyjamasques et la momie d’Apophis, Tome I | Les Pyjamasques et la momie d’Apophis, Tome II | Les Pyjamasques sauvent la nature | Le grand livre d'Apophis | Le cristal des Pyjamasques | Les Pyjamasques fêtent Noël |
| Les Pyjamasques coloring wall | La minibibliothèque des Pyjamasques |
| Roméo Mécano (comic) | Taïtikis (Taïtikis - Les gardiens de l'océan | Taïtikis - La baie des baleines ) |
| Be a Hero! | Big Birthday Cake Rescue | Calling All Heroes! | Catboy Does It Again | Feathered Friends | Five Little Ninjalinos | Fly High, Owl-Glider! | The Flying Factory! | Friendship Saves the Day! | Gekko Saves the City | Gekko Takes Charge | Go, Go, Gekko-Mobile! | Good Night, Heroes | Hero School | Heroes Everywhere! | Into the Night to Save the Day! | It's Time to Save the Day! | Mayhem at the Museum | Meet Carly and Cartoka! | Meet Catboy! | Meet Gekko! | Meet the Heroes... and the Villains, Too! (Australia ) | Meet Newton Star! | Meet Owlette! | Meet the PJ Masks! | Meet PJ Robot! | Meet the Power Heroes! | Meet the Wolfy Kids! | Merry Christmas, PJ Masks! | Mission Accomplished! | Monster of the Deep! | Mystery Mountain Adventure! | Operation Easter Egg | Owlette Gets a Pet | Owlette and the Giving Owl | Party Heroes | Pedal Power | PJ Masks 3-Minute Bedtime Stories | PJ Masks 5-Minute Bedtime Stories | PJ Masks: Battle of the HQs | PJ Masks: Explore the Night | PJ Masks: Halloween Heroics | PJ Masks: Here We Go! | PJ Masks: Heroes on Halloween | PJ Masks: Heroes Stick Together | PJ Masks: My Busy Book | A PJ Masks Collection | PJ Masks and the Dinosaur! | PJ Masks Make Friends! | PJ Masks Save the Daytime! | PJ Masks Save the Earth! | PJ Masks Save Halloween! | PJ Masks Save Headquarters! | PJ Masks Save the Library! (Australia ) | PJ Masks Save Lunar New Year! | PJ Masks Save Lunchtime! | PJ Masks Save the School! | PJ Masks Save the Sky | PJ Masks Save the Sleepover! | PJ Masks Storyboard: Race to the Moon | PJ Masks Super Moon Mission Movie Theater Storybook & Projector Book | PJ Masks Take-Along Adventures! | PJ Masks Vs. the Baddies | PJ Riders to the Rescue! | PJ Robot | PJ Seeker to the Rescue!: A Lift-the-Flap Adventure | Power Up, PJ Masks! | Race for the Ring | Race into the Night! | Race to the Moon! | Ride with the PJ Masks | Speed into Action! | Spring into Action! | Super Cat Speed! | Super Moon Adventure | Super Team | Team PJ Masks | Time to Be a Hero! | To the Cat-Car! | Wheels of a Hero! |
| Bibou et l'astéroïde géant | Bibou et l'attaque éclair | Bibou et le Ballon-lune | Bibou et la chasse aux trésors | Bibou et le Ninja-football | Bibou et le Pirate-robot | Bibou et le train supersonique | La disparition de Sorceline | L'école des méchants | En avant la musique! | Gluglu et l'esprit du carnaval | Gluglu marche sur la lune | Gluglu et les œufs puants | Gluglu roi de la glace | Gluglu sauve Noël! | Gluglu et le singe farceur | Gluglu et son petit dinosaure | Grande sœur Motsuki | La grande course des méchants | Mission Père Noël! | Motsuki, la petite soeur de Sorceline | Le Nin'Géant | Ourski et Lilifée - L'héroïne de l'espace | Prêts pour l’aventure! | Les Pyja-destriers | Le Pyja-Robot | Les Pyjamasques et le char d'Apophis | Les Pyjamasques et la chasse aux papinuits | Les Pyjamasques et Flamme rouge | Les Pyjamasques jouent à cache-cache | Les Pyjamasques et les Super-méchants | Les Pyjamasques et Tatouro'Tom | Le Quartier Général des Pyjamasques | Les robots de Roméo | Roméo apprend à voler | Sorceline et les papillons | Le terrible Ninjaka | Tout pour le sport! | Tatouro'Tom et le Pyj'avion | Tiloup et la légende de l'os doré | Vive la rentrée avec Yoyo! | Yoyo et Bastet, les chats dansants | Yoyo et les as du volant | Yoyo et le cadeau surprise | Yoyo connaît la musique! | Yoyo et les Farfeloups | Yoyo et le gâteau d'anniversaire | Yoyo et la nuit du chat | Yoyo et le voleur de doudous |
Activity Books
| Annual 2018 | Annual 2019 | Annual 2020 | Moonlight Hero Math with PJ Masks | PJ Masks 1000 Sticker Book | PJ Masks: 1001 Super Stickers | PJ Masks: Amazing Rescues | PJ Masks: Big Stickers for Tiny Hands | PJ Masks: Coloring Book | PJ Masks: Dot-To-Dot Heroes | PJ Masks: First Writing | PJ Masks: Giant Colouring Pad | PJ Masks: Hooray for Heroes! Sticker Book | PJ Masks: Into the Night Glow-in-the-dark sticker book | PJ Masks: Mighty Masks | PJ Masks: My First Puzzle Book | PJ Masks: Nighttime Heroes | PJ Masks: Power of Three | PJ Masks: Ready to Save the Day | PJ Masks: Rescue Mission Activity Book | PJ Masks: Save the Day | PJ Masks Activity Pack | PJ Masks All Shout Hooray! Deluxe Colouring Book | PJ Masks Book and Masks | PJ Masks Coloring Book: Great Coloring Book For Kids and Adults | PJ Masks Fun Book | PJ Masks Go For It! Colour By Number | PJ Masks Hero Crew Activity | PJ Masks Heroes VS Villains Sticker Activity Book | PJ Masks Let's Go Activity Book | PJ Masks On Our Way! Colouring Book | PJ Masks Paint with Water | PJ Masks Ready to Save the Day | PJ Masks Spot the Difference: Puzzles, Coloring, Stickers | PJ Masks Sticker Book | PJ Masks Sticker Scenes | PJ Masks Super Sticker Book | PJ Masks Super Sticker Scenes | PJ Masks Time to Be a Hero: A Painting and Coloring Book | PJ Masks Time to Be a Hero: A press-out masks book | PJ Masks: To the Rescue! | PJ Masks To the Rescue! Colouring Book | PJ Masks Wipe-Clean Activity Book | PJ Masks Power Heroes: Ultimate Colouring Book | PJ Masks Power Heroes: Giant Activity Pad
| À l'abordage! | C'est l'heure d'être un vrai héros! | Les chiffres | Les couleurs | Les formes | Le livre puzzle des super-bolides! | Le livre puzzle de tes héros | Les nouveaux copains | Super coloriage Pyjamasques | Les véhicules | Vive les vacances! | Yoyo-Rapido Coloriages & Jeux |
| Pyjamasques N° 1 (Automne 2017) | Pyjamasques N° 2 (Janvier-février-mars 2018) | Pyjamasques N° 8 (Juillet-août-septembre 2019) | Pyjamasques N° 1 (Juillet-août-septembre 2019) |