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Sticky Splat(s)

Sticky Splat

Catboy pinned down by Sticky Splats

Sticky Splats, also known as Sticky Stars in certain regions, are multicolored gooey blobs that Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos use as their primary weapons, first appearing in the episode "Catboy and Master Fang's Sword."

Origin and abilities

Sticky Splat, like its name suggests, is a very sticky substance, capable of immobilizing anything or anyone it is thrown at. Even superpowered individuals like the PJ Masks can be affected by it.

It is unknown what they are made out of, but they are apparently strong enough to pin down people, as they have successfully been used to incapacitate PJ Masks members. Oddly enough, despite being durable enough to keep them trapped, the PJ Masks members can peel them off other members with ease.

The splats seem to be a good substitute for glue, because in "Owlette's Two Wrongs," Amaya used remnants to fix her Flossy Flash statue that had been broken prior.

The exact source of the Sticky Splat varies. Some episodes, in particular "Who's Got the Owl Power?" and Werejalinos," show Night Ninja and the Ninjalinos making the splat themselves in a large cauldron. However, other episodes like "Lionel's Powers" and "Meet An Yu" show Mystery Mountain to be a source of sticky splat, where it can be harvested from splat geysers. It's unknown how these two sources are connected.


Besides the regular sticky splat, several variations have been introduced:

In "Catboy and the Sticky Splat Slingshot," Night Ninja attempted to project large sticky splats across the city, but ultimately failed. In the same episodes, sticky splat webs were introduced. Sticky splat webs are similar to spider webs but are made of the same gooey matter.

In "Take to the Skies, Owlette," Night Ninja introduced splat grabbers, which are versions of sticky splats that can be extended to grab hold of something (in this case, the Owl-Glider).

In "Who's Got the Owl Power?," Night Ninja tricked the PJ Masks into finding 3 hidden treasures for him, with which he could improve his formula for the Sticky Splats, turning them into heavy splats, which are heavy instead of sticky. The episode also revealed that Night Ninja and the Ninjalinos use a cauldron to create Sticky Splats. The improvements only lasted for the duration of this episode.

In "Bounce-a-Tron," Night Ninja stole Romeo's Bounce-a-lot Machine to turn his Sticky Splats into Bouncy Splats. Now, instead of acting as a glue, the splat caused everyone and everything to bounce off it. The change was undone by the PJ Masks once they got hold of the machine. In "Flight of the Ninja," the Bouncy Splats make a return appearance.

In "Gekko Vs. the Splatcano," Mountain Splat (also known as Sticky Lava in French) is introduced. The source for the splats originate in Mystery Mountain.

In "Armadylan Menace," it reveals that Armadylan can't break out of large Sticky Splats, but in "PJ Masks Vs. Bad Guys United," Armadylan can only break out of smaller Sticky Splats by using his Thunder Thump power.

In "Lionel's Powers," Night Ninja introduces supersplat; a red splat harvested from a geyser on Mystery Mountain. This splat has the power to absorb the levitation powers generated by the Ninjalino's Ninja Finger technique, and improve it. Once done, it grants whoever wields the splat telekinetic powers. Lionel gained these powers when he ate some of the supersplat.

"The Splat Monster" introduces transforming splat, which ends up turning Teeny Weeny Ninjalino into the Splat Monster.

In "Gekko Takes Charge," Night Ninja introduces Sleepy Splats; a purple splat bubble that has the power to put people to sleep for 100 years.

In "Newton and the Ninjas," Heavy Splat is introduced; it weights about as much as 1000 stones, and once thrown it hardens into solid rock. Night Ninja used this to weigh himself down with them to exhaust Newton Star by having the latter carry the former. Newton is able to break out of the stone splats with his powers.

In "Newton and the Animals," Extra Strength Super Sleepy Splat is introduced; it is a variant of normal Sleepy Splat with the same color as regular splat, but puts anyone trapped in it into a deep sleep. The victim can be woken up when they're freed from the splat. The same episode also introduces Sticky Star Splat, a blue splat that can be powered up by absorbing Newton Star's star power. Once powered up, the Star Splat projectiles can fly and be controlled telepathically by Night Ninja.

In "The Whiff of Badness," Night Ninja uses a pile of trash and his new Six Rings of Ninja Magic to create an extremely smelly green sticky splat called Stinky Splat.

In "Space Fairy Hero," Splat 14 is introduced; it is warm, and weakens the target upon contact. Night Ninja and the Ninjalinos used this to depower Ice Cub, since polar bears can't tolerate the heat. However, one of Lilyfay's snowflakes froze the splat, allowing Ice Cub to break free. This splat isn't very strong against Lilyfay's astral energy powers, but regular Sticky Splat seems to affect her the same as it would anyone else.


  • The Sticky Splats are inspired by the Web-Shooters and Pumpkin bombs, the respective weapons of the superhero, Spider-Man; and villain, Green Goblin from the Marvel Comics' Spider-Man comic book series.
    • Web-Shooters, due to how the splats stick on walls.
    • Pumpkin bombs due to how the ninjas toss the splats like bombs which stick on contact.
  • Night Ninja and the Ninjalinos often use Sticky Splats like ninja shurikens, a type of throwable Japanese concealed weapon.
  • It has a similar appearance and effect to Gloop the Third's Gloop.
  • The splats can apparently be any color, but the two most commonly seen in the show are orange and turquoise.
PJ Masks Objects
Transformation Devices & Powers
| Animal Amulets | Totem Animals |
| Control Crystal | Luna Crystals | Moat Crystal | Moon Crystals | Octopus Crystal Statue | Ornamental Crystal | PJ Crystal Totem (PJ Power Crystals) | Pondstone Crystal | The Rock of All Power | Shapeshifting Crystal | Sky Crystal | Teleporting Crystal | Tentacle Crystal | Ultimate Control Device | Zoom Crystals |
| Amaya's laptop | Cellphones | PJ Communicators | PJ Picture Player | PJ Sensors | PJ Wings | Super Costumes (PJ Spacesuits and Riding Armor) | Tablets |
| Airshow Planes | Egyptian Chariot | Flashcar | Gigantogarage | Hot Air Balloon | Luna Board | The Luna Kazoomer | Motorboats | Ninja Bus | Robot Floats (Candy Train, Card Float, Cat Float, Laughing Lizard, Pirate Ship, and Rainbow Float) | Newtron | Romeo's Lab (Laboggan) | Sky Factory | Spanner of the Skies | Super Vehicles (Cat-Car, Gekko-Mobile, Owl-Glider, PJ Jet, PJ Rovers, PJ Seeker, and PJ Sub) | Tracker Whacker | Wolf Wheelz |
Romeo's Inventions
| All-In-One Power Belt | Animal-Metamorpho Ray | Anti-Gravity Boots | Anti-Gravity Machine | Baby Beam | Ball Cage | Battery Remote | Big Box of Bad | Biggie Chews | Book Changer Machine | Bounce-a-lot Machine | Clumsy Ray | Controlling Device | Countdown Timer | Cuddly Transforming Machine | Disguise Machine | Electromagnet | Fly Bots | Flybot Sally | Forcefield Thrower | Freeze Ray | Giant Pinball | Giggle Ray | Go-Slow Ray | Hologram Machine | Holographic Info Cube | Hornswoggle | Ice Machine | Invisibility Ray | Laboggan | Mabel | Magnet | Mind Controlling Masks | Multiplying Machine | Mechanical Bug | Multi-Ray | Neutralizer | Naughty Beam | Naughty Bots | Non-stop Dance Invention | Opposite Ray | Oven | Pinball Machine | Pink Maker | Pirate Robot | PJ Robot | Pogo Dozer | Plant Ray | Power Copier | Power Taking Machine | Radical Romeo Remote | Rainbow-matic | Rewind-O-Ray | Ride Wrecker | Robette | Robo-Cat | Robot Floats | Robo-Gekko | Robo-Owl | Robo-Pterodactyl | Robot | Robot Controller | Rocket Booster | Romeo Dolls | Romeo's Lab | Rottenator | Shrinker | Shrinky Snacks | Sky Factory | Sky Slam Squeegee | Small-Sizer | Sniff-O-Whiff | Space Laser | Speedy Zapper | Spring Trap | Spy-Bot | Squash-a-tron | Strength Booster | Super Computer | Super-Duper Smelly Spray | Tech Suit | Teleporter | Tracker Device | Tracker Whacker | Truth Ray | Ultimate Control Device | Vacuum of Doom | Voice Box | Whizzbot 3000 | Zippy Zapper |
Luna Girl's Weaponry & Gadgets
| Clouds | Holographic Info Cube | Luna Board | Luna Crystals | Luna Magnet | Luna Wand | Lunar Dome | Lunar Fortress | Moon-Ball | Moon Crystal | Moon Dust | Moon Whistle | Moonfizzle Balls | Moonflowers | Psychoactive Asteroid | Ultimate Control Device |
Night Ninja's Weaponry & Gadgets
| Gems of Ninja Dreams | Holographic Info Cube | Motorboats | Ninja Bus | Ninja Trance Gong | Ninja Travel Scroll | Six Rings of Ninja Magic | Smoke Bombs | Sticky Splat (Extra Strength Super Sleepy Splat, Heavy Splat, Sleepy Splat, Sticky Star Splat, Stinky Splat, and Splat 14) | Stone of Splat | Ultimate Control Device | Wand of Storms |
Wolfy Kids' Weaponry & Gadgets
| Wolf Wheelz | Fred |
An Yu's Weaponry & Relics
| Cave Stones | Dancing Flute | Dragon Gong | Dragon Stones (Invisibility Dragon Stone and Petrifying Dragon Stone) | Golden Wand | Magical Monkey Flute | Mountain Dragon Staff | Munki-gu Statue | Ring of Invisibility | Sorcerer's Wand | Thinking Stone | Urn of Dragon Roars | Wiggly Wordy Wand |
Newton Star's Asteroids and Gadgets
| Blue Asteroid | Listening Stone | Mecha Suit | Newton's Emblem | Newton Star's Asteroids | Stellar | Star Splat |
Octobella's Weaponry & Relics
| Bubbles of Badness | Control Crystal | Glowing Orbs | Magic Octopus Ink | Dragon Scale Medal | Moat Crystal | Octo-Legs | Octopus Crystal Statue | Ornamental Crystal | Pondstone Crystal | Pondweed Plant | Phoenix Quill | Shapeshifting Crystal | Tentacle Crystal | Underwater Crystal |
Pharaoh Boy's Weaponry & Relics
| Beetle Gem | Boomerangs | Egyptian Hourglass | Saxophone | Slippery Sphinx Oil | Sphinx Statue | Staff of Ra | The Catastrophe Stone (object) | Treasure Tomb |
Orticia's Plants
| Baby Pumpkins | Pondweed Plant | Sleepy Creepers | Stinging Flowers |
Pirate Robot's Weaponry & Gadgets
| Hornswoggle | Spanner of the Skies | Pirate Crystal |
Speedy Twins' Weaponry & Gadgets
| Flashcar | Gigantogarage | Holographic Disc | Cat Speed Taking Remote | Zoom Crystals |
Bastet's Weaponry & Relics
| Sun Disc |
Gloop the Third's Weaponry & Gadgets
| Gloopster | Gloop | Star Gloop |