Oasis Candypop Bud

From Pikmin Fanon
Oasis Candypop Bud
Family Candypop

The Oasis Candypop Bud is a species of candypop used to propagate Oasis Pikmin.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Oasis Candypop Bud.

In Pikmin: The Continents

Pikmin: The Continents
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Continents, a fanon game created by Akidthatisnew.
Pond Candypop Bud The icon used to represent this plant.
Pond Candypop Bud.png
Scientific name Ponduis floia busia
Family Candypop
Pikmin produced 3 Oasis Pikmin

The Pond Candypop Bud is a candypop bud appearing in Pikmin: The Continents. It floats on the surface of desert oases, using its long roots to anchor itself to the ground and absorb water two meters underneath the oasis. It also is not fed on by any creature it shares its oasis habitat with. Should Pikmin desire to become an Oasis Pikmin, they must be wary of the water the flower sets on as they leap into it.