Phineas and Ferb Wiki
Phineas and Ferb Wiki

"Oh, he's not home. You'll have to come back later."
— Mrs. Thompson[src]

Mrs. Thompson is Doofenshmirtz's senile neighbor.


Doofenshmirtz goes to his building to shut off the portal that is letting Norm Bots into the Tri-State Area. He realizes that his keys are in the other dimension, so he has to call for someone to let him up. He contacts Mrs. Thompson and explains the situation to her, but she does not recognize him. Desperate, he describes himself in an attempt to make her remember who he is, only for her to confuse him with someone looking for him. She tells him to come back later, since her neighbor is not home, and hangs up.

Persisting, Doofenshmirtz reminds Mrs. Thompson that she had borrowed sugar from him in the morning, which she acknowledges. Thinking of Heinz, she says that he is a nice person despite being divorced, to Doofenshmirtz's annoyance. At his wit's end, he lies, exclaiming that he is selling magazines, and is finally let in (Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension).

Physical appearance[]

Mrs. Thompson is not seen, but she presumably has white hair from old age and is similar in appearance to other seniors, such as Arlene.


She is kind and forgetful. She seems to look at the good side of people, focusing on her neighbor's nice doings. Appearing to be absentminded, she often forgets acquaintances and items, having to be reminded of them by others.


She has a somewhat close neighbor relationship with Doofenshmirtz, as she knows about his personal life and they regularly borrow items from each other.

Background Information[]

  • For unknown reasons, the movie leaves out how Doofenshmirtz fibs and tells Mrs. Thompson that he is selling magazines (Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension Junior Novel).
  • According to Doofenshmirtz, Mrs. Thompson has been his neighbor for twelve years.
  • Mrs. Thompson is voiced by the late Doris Roberts, whose guest appearance was first revealed in a press release on June 30, 2011.[1]
  • Mrs. Thompson is mentioned by Doofenshmirtz when he traps Sergei the Snail in a ring of salt, revealing that he got the condiment from her ("Perry The Actorpus").



v - e - dCitizens of Danville
Phineas Flynn | Ferb Fletcher | Baljeet Tjinder | Buford Van Stomm | Isabella Garcia-Shapiro | Gretchen | Holly | Katie | Milly | Ginger Hirano | Adyson Sweetwater | Melissa | Fireside Girl (blond) | Fireside Girl (brunette) | Fireside Girl (brown) | Suzy Johnson | Irving Du Bois | Django Brown | Balthazar Horowitz | Pedro
Pinhead Pierre actress | Cindy | Dimitri Popaunicolas | Sally | Buford's replacement nerd | Bad Singing Kid
Candace Flynn | Vanessa Doofenshmirtz | Jeremy Johnson | Stacy Hirano | Jenny Brown | Birgitte | Mindy | Wendy | Coltrane | Carl Karl | Johnny | Albert Du Bois | Chad | Sassy Miss K | Jeremy's unnamed drummer | Lacie | Carla | Monty Monogram | Jeremy and Coltrane's friend | Heather | Dana | Milo Murphy
Linda Flynn-Fletcher | Lawrence Fletcher | Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Charlene Doofenshmirtz | Mrs. Johnson | Jack Johnson | Danny, Sherman, Bobbi Fabulous (Love Händel) | Dr. Hirano | Vivian Garcia-Shapiro | Beppo Brown | Francis Monogram | J.B. | Roger Doofenshmirtz | P. P. Otter | Ben Baxter | Clyde Flynn | Betty Jo Flynn | Melanie | Biffany Van Stomm | Esmeralda Poofenplotz | Wanda Acronym | Bridgette Oshinomi | Boris | Mr. McGillicuddy | Lewis | Lewis's fiancée | Khaka Peü Peü | Eliza M. Feyersied | Dr. Diminutive | Dr. Bloodpudding | Crazy Old Coot | Aloyse von Roddenstein | Mrs. Tjinder | Mrs. Du Bois | Stanky Dog | Doofenshmirtz's ex-girlfriend | Annabelle Johnson | Elizabeth | Mrs. Khaka Peü Peü | Glenda Wilkins | Mrs. Thompson | André Guilbaud | Don | Mother and Daughter | Du Bois Landscape Artists | Principal Lang | Mrs. Pierpoint
Perry the Platypus | Pinky the Chihuahua | Terry the Turtle | Peter the Panda | Johnson family poodle | Biff | O.W.C.A. | Goldie | Starnose Mole | Steve
Norm | Chloe | Dr. Killbot | Super Computer | Rover | Jerry the Platypus
Amanda | Xavier | Fred | Candace (alternate realities) | Heinz Doofenshmirtz (alternate reality)
Fireside Girls | Phineas and the Ferb-Tones | The Baljeatles | Jeremy and the Incidentals | Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated | Love Händel | O.W.C.A. | L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.