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  1. Are Cultural Explanations for Racial Disparities Racist? in advance.Peter Bornschein - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Research.
    Negative characteristics are sometimes attributed to racial groups on the basis of culture. Sometimes these cultural characteristics are invoked to explain racial disparities. Many antiracist activists and intellectuals argue that such attributions are racist and, in this respect, are no different than attributions of negative characteristics to a racial group based on biology. In a recent essay, Lawrence Blum provides a typology of different kinds of views that attribute negative cultural characteristics to racial groups. One of the views that Blum (...)
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  2. Race, Culture, and the Horizons of Agency: Kant’s Racism, Systematically Understood.Michael Bennett Mcnulty - forthcoming - Journal of the American Philosophical Association.
    ABSTRACT Readers should be aware that content about Kant’s racism may be difficult and distressing to read. In various texts, Kant makes statements alleging that Indigenous Americans have ‘no culture’ and Black people possess only the ‘culture of slaves’. These are straightforwardly repugnant commitments. In order to address the role of Kant’s account of ‘culture’ in his racism and provide additional support to Charles Mills’ ‘Untermensch (subhuman) interpretation’ of Kant’s views on race, this article situates Kant’s comments on ‘racialized cultures’ (...)
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  3. Black and Latinx Hermeneutical Resources, Hip Hop Music and White Supremacy.Eric Bayruns García - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism:1-18.
    I will argue that the diminishment of hip hop music as a hermeneutical resource for Black and Latinx persons by white supremacy promotes the ubiquity of ignorance of racial injustice in North America. To this end, I will defend what I call the hermeneutical-diminishment thesis. According to this thesis, white supremacy has diminished hip hop as a hermeneutical resource for Black and Latinx persons. To defend this thesis, I will substantiate two sub-theses. The first is the prescriptive-rap sub-thesis. According to (...)
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  4. A review of Black Film British Cinema II. [REVIEW]Frédéric Lefrançois - 2025 - Nakan: A Journal of Cultural Studies 5.
  5. “Cultural Racism”: Biology and Culture in Racist Thought.Lawrence Blum - 2023 - Journal of Social Philosophy 54 (3):350-369.
    Observers have noted a decline (in the US) in attributions of genetically-based inferiority (e.g. in intelligence) to Blacks, and a rise in attributions of culturally-based inferiority. Is this "culturalism" merely warmed-over racism ("cultural racism") or a genuinely distinct way of thinking about racial groups? The question raises a larger one about the relative place of biology and culture in racist thought. I develop a typology of culturalisms as applied to race: (1) inherentist or essentialist culturalism (inferiorizing cultural characteristics wrongly but (...)
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  6. Hannah Arendt.Kei Hiruta - 2023 - In Manjeet Ramgotra & Simon Choat, Rethinking Political Thinkers. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 331-348.
  7. Where the Hell have Us White Philosophers Been? The Need for Peace, Love, and Racial Justice in Philosophy.Matt LaVine - 2022 - Blog of the American Philosophical Association.
  8. Dance Ethnography: An Analysis on Aeta Ambala Tribe of Barangay Tubo-tubo, Bataan.Jay Mark D. Sinag - 2022 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 1 (4):218-231.
    Philippine folk dances can be dated back as early as the pre-colonial period which inherited by our forefathers and passed through several generations of Filipinos. These traditional dances are considered treasures of our homeland for they depict the humble beginnings of our native countrymen and serve as a symbol of national identity. The study utilized focused ethnography and was limited on the documentation of the ethnic dance of Ayta Ambala’s tribe, their cultural values along with its cultural heritage situated at (...)
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  9. Rethinking Rachel Doležal and Transracial Theory.Molly Littlewood McKibbin - 2021 - Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Using real-life examples, this book asks readers to reflect on how we—as an academic community—think and talk about race and racial identity in twenty-first century America. One of these examples, Rachel Doležal, provides a springboard for an examination of the state of our discourse around changeable racial identity and the potential for “transracialism.” An analysis of how we are theorizing transracial identity (as opposed to an argument for/against it), this study detects some omissions and problems that are becoming evident as (...)
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  10. From Word to Flesh: Embodied Racism and the New Politics.Jacob Rump - 2021 - Journal of Religion and Society:126-45.
    This article stems from my presentation at the 2020 Symposium of the Kripke Center for the Study of Religion and Society, whose theme was "Religion and the New Politics." The article is written for an interdisciplinary audience. Drawing on resources from the philosophical tradition of phenomenology and putting them into dialogue with an important theme in Christian theology, I argue that there is a distinctly non-discursive, embodied form of racism that should be recognized and addressed by the new politics. Because (...)
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  11. Putting the Appropriator Back in Cultural Appropriation.Rebecca Tuvel - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (3):353-372.
    This paper seeks to clear up the confusion surrounding debates over cultural appropriation. To do so, I argue for an agent-centred approach—a focus on appropriators more than appropriation. In my view, cultural misappropriation involves agents who exhibit disregard toward a relevant culture and its members. I argue further that this approach improves upon recent alternative philosophical approaches to cultural appropriation, which I divide into two camps: toleration-based and power-based.
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  12. Philosophical Horizons: P4/WC and Anti-Racism in Memphis, TN.Jonathan Wurtz & Kronsted Christian - 2021 - In Stephen Kekoa Miller, Intentional Disruption: Expanding Access to Philosophy. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press. pp. 91-111.
    Memphis, Tennessee is the Blackest city with a Philosophy for/with Children (P4/WC) program in the United States, making it a unique site of engagement for practitioners. The city faces deeply historically rooted structural problems that continue to manifest themselves, in housing, food security, hate crimes, police brutality, workplace inequality, and segregation; all of which are present in our classrooms where we practice P4C. In this chapter, we illustrate some of the challenges we have faced while practicing P4/WC in Memphis, and (...)
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  13. Ethnic differences and predictors of racial and religious discriminations among Malaysian Malays and Chinese.Nur Amali Aminnuddin - 2020 - Cogent Psychology 7 (1):1766737.
    Studies on racial and religious discriminations in Malaysia tend to be avoided. This is due to their sensitive nature, possibly becoming political ammunition, and individuals being accused of seditious intent. Much that is necessary to discuss discrimination in Malaysia remains unclear. It is not known to what extent contact between groups is undesirable especially as neighbors in Malaysia. This study examined ethnic differences and predictors of racial and religious discriminations among 1200 Malaysians (319 Chinese and 881 Malays). Discrimination was conceptualized (...)
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  14. Is “Race” Modern? Disambiguating the Question.Adam Hochman - 2020 - Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race 1:1-19.
    Race theorists have been unable to reach a consensus regarding the basic historical question, “is ‘race’ modern?” I argue that this is partly because the question itself is ambiguous. There is not really one question that race scholars are answering, but at least six. First, is the concept of race modern? Second, is there a modern concept of race that is distinct from earlier race concepts? Third, are “races” themselves modern? Fourth, are racialized groups modern? Fifth, are the means and (...)
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  15. Race, Technology, and Posthumanism.Holly Flint Jones & Nicholaos Jones - 2020 - In Mads Rosenthal Thomsen & Jacob Wamberg, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Posthumanism. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 161-170.
    This chapter briefly reviews the role of race (as a concept) in the history of theorizing the posthuman, engages with existing discussions of race as technology, and explores the significance of understanding race as technology for the field of posthumanism. Our aim is to engage existing literature that posits racialized individuals as posthumans and to consider how studying race might inform theories of the posthuman.
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  16. A Multicultural Retrospective on Endogenous Chinese Sino-Centric Civilizational Becoming.Yang Immanuel Pachankis - 2020 - Dissertation, Communication University of China
    Contemporary globalization is largely shaped by the predominant position and strength of the United States, and the concept of globalization is cast upon the polity and social aspects of P.R. China after Reform and Opening. Globalization, though substantially varied in a modern scene, is not without historical and cultural roots. The future holds anew, whereas newly arisen pieces of knowledge and information shed new light on the past, the blood and violence of the political progress on the Chinese soil. This (...)
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  17. Enlightening the unEnlightened: The Exclusion of Indian Philosophies from the Western Philosophical Canon.Ashwani Peetush - 2020 - In Sonia Sikka & Ashwani Peetush, Asian Philosophies and the Idea of Religion: Beyond Faith and Reason. Oxon, UK: Routledge. pp. 76-105.
    My purpose in this paper is to challenge the continued exclusion of Indian philosophies from the Western philosophical canon on the supposed basis that such philosophies are really religion, mysticism, and mythology. I argue that many schools of Indian philosophy, such as Advaita Vedānta, resist and problematize historically particular Euro-Western conceptions of both philosophy and religion, and the conceptual borders between them, where philosophy is understood as grounded in various substantive notions of reason and rationality, defined as a purely theoretical (...)
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  18. Schooling for Critical Consciousness: Engaging Black and Latinx Youth in Analyzing, Navigating, and Challenging Racial Injustice.Scott Seider & Daren Graves - 2020 - Harvard Education Press.
    __Schooling for Critical Consciousness_ addresses how schools can help Black and Latinx youth resist the negative effects of racial injustice and challenge its root causes._ Scott Seider and Daren Graves draw on a four-year longitudinal study examining how five different mission-driven urban high schools foster critical consciousness among their students. The book presents vivid portraits of the schools as they implement various programs and practices, and traces the impact of these approaches on the students themselves. The authors make a unique (...)
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  19. Asian Philosophies and the Idea of Religion: Beyond Faith and Reason.Sonia Sikka & Ashwani Peetush (eds.) - 2020 - Oxon, UK: Routledge.
    With a focus on Asian philosophical traditions, this book examines varieties of philosophical thought and self-transformative practice that do not fit neatly on one side or another of the standard Western division between philosophy and religion. It contains chapters by experts on Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, Upaniṣadic and Jain philosophies, as well as ancient Greek philosophy and recent contemplative and spiritual movements. The authors problematize the notion of a European philosophical canon distinguished by "reason and rationality" in contrast to “religious Eastern (...)
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  20. From Völkerpsychologie to Cultural Anthropology: Erich Rothacker’s Philosophy of Culture.Johannes Steizinger - 2020 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 10 (1):308-328.
    Erich Rothacker (1888–1965) was a key figure in early-twentieth-century philosophy in Germany. In this paper, I examine the development of Rothacker’s philosophy of culture from 1907 to 1945. Rothacker began his philosophical career with a völkerpsychological dissertation on history, outlining his early biologistic conception of culture (1907–1913). In his mid-career work, he then turned to Wilhelm Dilthey’s (1833–1911) Lebensphilosophie (philosophy of life), advancing a hermeneutic approach to culture (1919–1928). In his later work (1929–1945), Rothacker developed a cultural anthropology. I shall (...)
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  21. Multicultural Literacy, Epistemic Injustice, and White Ignorance.Amandine Catala - 2019 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 5 (2):1-24.
    The traditional blackface character Black Pete has been at the center of an intense controversy in the Netherlands, with most black citizens denouncing the tradition as racist and most white citizens endorsing it as harmless fun. I analyze the controversy as an utter failure, on the part of white citizens, of what Alison Jaggar has called multicultural literacy. This article aims to identify both the causes of this failure of multicultural literacy and the conditions required for multicultural literacy to be (...)
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  22. Integration, Community, and the Medical Model of Social Injustice.Alex Madva - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (2):211-232.
    I defend an empirically-oriented approach to the analysis and remediation of social injustice. My springboard for this argument is a debate—principally represented here between Tommie Shelby and Elizabeth Anderson, but with much deeper historical roots and many flowering branches—about whether racial-justice advocacy should prioritize integration (bringing different groups together) or community development (building wealth and political power within the black community). Although I incline toward something closer to Shelby’s “egalitarian pluralist” approach over Anderson’s single-minded emphasis on integration, many of Shelby’s (...)
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  23. ‘Good in the Hood’ or ‘Burn It Down’? Reconciling Black Presence in the Academy.Bryan Mukandi & Chelsea Bond - 2019 - Journal of Intercultural Studies 40 (2): 254-268.
    This paper provides a phenomenological analysis of the navigation of academia as experienced by two Black scholars, situated in dissimilar disciplinary and cultural traditions and origins. What is shared is an interest in the academic space that exists within which Black scholars may freely roam, and the structure and function of the boundaries that are present. The policing of Black thought and Black emotion within those boundaries, the violence with which the boundaries are enforced, and the strategies and rationales employed (...)
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  24. (1 other version)The Secret Life of Violence.Elena Ruíz - 2019 - In Dustin J. Byrd & Seyed Javad Miri, Frantz Fanon and Emancipatory Social Theory. Brill.
    This chapter proceeds in two ways. First, I argue that Fanon’s structural witnessing of racism yields important insights about the nature of violence that challenges the settler colonial concept of violence as the extra-legal use of force. Second, I argue that his analysis of violence is insufficient for combating colonial racism and violence because, using the terms of his own analysis, it leaves intact logics and mechanisms that allow racism to structurally renew itself in perpetuity: violence against women. Without a (...)
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  25. Religious Racial Formation Theory and its Metaphysics.Sameer Yadav - 2019 - In Blake Hereth & Kevin Timpe, The Lost Sheep in Philosophy of Religion: New Perspectives on Disability, Gender, Race, and Animals. New York: Routledge. pp. 365-390.
    While the intersection between race and religion has been an important site for research for the sociology of religion and religious studies (in its descriptive dimensions) as well as theology (in its religiously normative dimensions), neither of these disciplines has incorporated recent work in the analytic philosophy of race. Analytic philosophy of race, for its part, has largely neglected the race/religion intersection, while analytic theologians by and large ignore the theological significance of race altogether. In this paper I aim to (...)
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  26. Individual Autonomy: Self, Culture, and Bioethics.Ashwani Peetush & Arjuna Maharaj - 2017 - Bioethics UPdate 4 (1):24-34.
    This paper problematizes the concept of individual autonomy in the on-going project of attempting to understand and construct global principles of bioethics. We argue that autonomy as it is commonly defined and interpreted, and the emphasis that is placed on it, presupposes an individualistic concept of the self, family, and community that arises out of a Euro-Western liberal tradition and that is often in tension with various non-Western perspectives. We conclude that a more globally dialogical approach to bioethics is required.
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  27. Human Rights: India and the West.Ashwani Kumar Peetush & Jay Drydyk (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford University Press.
    The question of how to arrive at a consensus on human rights norm in a diverse, pluralistic, and interconnected global environment is critical. This volume is a contribution to an intercultural understanding of human rights in the context of India and its relationship to the West. The legitimacy of the global legal, economic, and political order is increasingly premised on the discourse of international human rights. Yet the United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights developed with little or no consultation from (...)
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  28. Justice, Diversity, and Dialogue: Rawlsian Multiculturalism.Ashwani Kumar Peetush - 2014 - In L. Beaman & S. Sikka, Multiculturalism and Religious Identity: Canada and India. pp. 153-168.
    In this chapter, I argue that John Rawls’ later work presents one of the most fruitful liberal frameworks from which to approach global cultural diversity. In his Law of Peoples (1999), the normative architecture Rawls provides is much more open to an intercultural/religious dialogue with various non-Western communities, such as the First Nations, than are other liberal approaches. Surprisingly, this has gone unnoticed in the literature on multiculturalism. At the same time, Rawls’ framework is not problem free. Here, I am (...)
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  29. RACE IN ANTIQUITY - D.E. McCoskey Race. Antiquity and its Legacy. Pp. x + 250. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2012. Paper, £12.99 . ISBN: 978-1-84885-158-0. [REVIEW]Rebecca Futo Kennedy - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (1):260-262.
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  30. What's So Bad about Blackface?Christy Mag Uidhir - 2013 - In Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo & Dan Flory, Race, Philosophy, and Film. New York: Routledge. pp. 51-68.
    I argue that what’s so bad (qua film fiction) about the cinematic practice of actor-character race-mismatching—be it the historically infamous and intuitively repugnant practice of blackface or one of its more contemporary kin—is that the extent to which film-fictions employ such practices is typically the extent to which such film-fictions unrealistically depict facts about race. More precisely, I claim that race-mismatching film fictions—understood as a species of unrealistic fiction—are prima facie inconsistent fictions with the capacity to mislead their audiences about (...)
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  31. Race, Empire and the Idea of Human Development by Thomas McCarthy.Amy Allen - 2011 - Constellations 18 (3):487-492.
  32. Sarmiento on barbarism, race, and nation building.Janet Burke & Ted Humphrey - 2011 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia, Forging People: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality in Hispanic American and Latino/a Thought. University of Notre Dame Press.
  33. Concerning the Underspecialization of Race Theory in American Philosophy: How the Exclusion of Black Sources Affects the Field.Tommy J. Curry - 2010 - The Pluralist 5 (1):44-64.
    Despite the recent rise in articles by American philosophers willing to deal with race, the sophistication of American philosophy's conceptualizations of American racism continues to lag behind other liberal arts fields committed to similar endeavors. Whereas other fields like American studies, history, sociology, and Black studies have found the foundational works of Black scholars essential to "truly" understanding the complexities of racism, American philosophy-driven by the refusal of white philosophers to acknowledge and incorporate the foundational works of Black scholars at (...)
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  34. Multiculturalism without culture by Anne Phillips and justice, gender, and the politics of multiculturalism by Sarah song.Brooke Ackerly - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):240-246.
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  35. “If there is nothing beyond the organic...”: Heredity and Culture at the Boundaries of Anthropology in the Work of Alfred L. Kroeber. [REVIEW]Maria E. Kronfeldner - 2009 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 17 (2):107-133.
  36. Indigenizing Human Rights: First Nations, Self-Determination, and Cultural Identity.Ashwani Kumar Peetush - 2009 - In Priti Singh, Indigenous Identity and Activism. Shipra Press. pp. 190-204.
    In this paper I argue that with regard to Indigeneity, there is a profound irony at work in the purportedly emancipatory power of human rights discourse. On the one hand, it is clear that this discourse has made, and continues to make, a significant contribution in supporting Indigenous peoples to articulate their claims for cultural recognition and struggle for freedom and self-rule. On the other hand, I contend that this discourse has a detrimental effect: a Trojan horse of sorts. The (...)
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  37. Caricaturizing Freedom: Islam, Offence, and the Danish Cartoon Controversy.Ashwani Kumar Peetush - 2009 - South Asian Film and Media Studies 1 (1):173-178.
    I argue in this paper that the publication of cartoons caricaturing Islam by Jyllands- Posten is problematic for a number of reasons. First, within liberal political theory itself, there are reasonable arguments that the depictions (at least two) perpetuate prejudice and verge on hate speech. Second, such depictions weaken the social conditions that make possible a thriving democracy (i.e., participation) by marginalizing the already marginalized. Moreover, the caricatures perpetuate an Orientalist discourse about the nature of Islam and the non-West, and (...)
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  38. Einstein, Race, and the Myth of the Cultural Icon.Fred Jerome - 2004 - Isis 95 (4):627-639.
    The most remarkable aspect of Einstein’s 1946 address at Lincoln University is that it has vanished from Einstein’s recorded history. Its disappearance into a historical black hole symbolizes what seems to happen in the creation of a cultural icon. It is but one of many political statements by Einstein to have met such a fate, though his civil rights activism is most glaringly missing. One explanation for this historical amnesia is that those who shape our official memories felt that Einstein’s (...)
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  39. African-American Wildland Memories.Cassandra Y. Johnson & J. M. Bowker - 2004 - Environmental Ethics 26 (1):57-75.
    Collective memory can be used conceptually to examine African-American perceptions of wildlands and black interaction with such places. The middle-American view of wildlands frames these terrains as refuges—pure and simple, sanctified places distinct from the profanity of human modification. However, wild, primitive areas do not exist in the minds of all Americans as uncomplicated or uncontaminated places. Three labor-related institutions—forest labor, plantation agriculture, and sharecropping—and terrorism and lynching have impacted negatively on black perceptions of wildlands, producing an ambivalence toward such (...)
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  40. Poetry: Too Much for the Average Indian.Annette Arkeketa - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (2):133-151.
  41. Going Native: Indians in the American Cultural Imagination (review).Katy Gray Brown - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (3):718-721.
  42. Kymlicka, Multiculturalism, and Non-Western Nations: The Problem with Liberalism.Ashwani Kumar Peetush - 2003 - Public Affairs Quarterly 17 (4):291-318.
    In this paper, I argue that Will Kymlicka’s theory of “mult”-iculturalism serves to unwittingly perpetuate a form of neo-colonial agenda in which Indigenous claims for recognition and sovereignty in Canada are accommodated to the degree and extent to which they are willing to “liberalize” and promote distinctly Euro-Western self-understandings and conceptions of individual autonomy (tied to substantive notions such as private property) – the supposedly foundational value and defining feature of liberalism. In fact, Kymlicka vehemently attacks Rawls’ theory of political (...)
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  43. Cultural Diversity, Non–Western Communities, and Human Rights.Ashwani Kumar Peetush - 2003 - Philosophical Forum 34 (1):1–19.
  44. The Caribbean Continuum: Identity, Representation, and Discourse.Ann Michelle Jarrett Bromberg - 1997 - Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin
    The cultural plurality and experiential diversity which characterizes much of the Caribbean has created a wealth of contexts and perspectives in Caribbean literature and discourse. The near total decimation of pre-Columbian cultures, centuries of slavery and indentured servitude, and the often uninterrupted presence of the West throughout the region, however, has greatly complicated the identification of a Pan-Caribbean view of experience and expression. This study explores three important contemporary responses to the complexities of constructing a Pan-Caribbean theory of culture and (...)
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  45. The veil of Black: (Un)masking the subject of african-american modernism's “native son”.Kimberly W. Benston - 1993 - Human Studies 16 (1):69 - 99.
  46. Native Childbirth in the Canadian North: Are Midwives the Answer?Jennifer M. Dawson - 1993 - Nexus 11 (1):2.
    Native women residing in the Subarctic and Arctic are currently struggling for the right to decide whether they will be hospitalized or have a midwife present for the birth of their children. The argument presented in this review paper outlines the cultural and clinical factors in favour of recognizing and legalizing traditional midwifery in the North and critically examines the statistical and safety concerns raised by those arguing against giving Northern Native women an alternative to evacuation from their home communities.
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  47. Rap, Black Rage, and Racial Difference.Steven Best & Douglas Kellner - unknown
    Ice Cube "What's a brother gotta do to get a message through to the Red, White, and Blue?" Ice-T Rap music has emerged as one of the most distinctive and controversial music genres of the past decade. A significant part of hip hop culture, [1] rap articulates the experiences and conditions of African-Americans living in a spectrum of marginalized situations ranging from racial stereotyping and stigmatizing to struggle for survival in violent ghetto conditions. In this cultural context, rap provides a (...)
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  48. The Concept of Privilege: A Critical Appraisal.Michael Monahan - unknown
    In this essay, I examine the use of the concept of privilege within the critical theoretical discourse on oppression and liberation (with a particular focus on white privilege and antiracism in the USA). In order to fulfill the rhetorical aims of liberation, concepts for privilege must meet what I term the ‘boundary condition’, which demarcates the boundary between a privileged elite and the rest of society, and the ‘ignorance condition’, which establishes that the elite status and the advantages it confers (...)
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