About this topic

Jean-Luc Nancy (1940-) was born in Caudéan near Bordeaux in France. During his studies at the Sorbonne, he worked closely with Canguilhem as well as Ricoeur, who supervised both his 1963 Master’s thesis on Hegel’s philosophy of religion and his 1973 PhD thesis on Kant’s analogical discourse. Shortly after graduating, Nancy joined the philosophy department at the Université des sciences humaines in Strasbourg, where he remained until his retirement in 2002. He has held visiting positions at the Freie Universität in Berlin and at UC Irvine, and is also a member of the faculty at the European Graduate School. Influenced by Derrida, his first books (some of which were written with Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe), attempted to uncover the subject’s (and hence the system’s) failure at self-foundation. In the 1980s he became known for his work on community, which developed in dialogue with Blanchot and Bataille. Influenced by Heidegger, his concerns for a renewed thinking of being-with led him to rethink the concept of freedom and develop an ontology of what he calls “being singular plural.” Unlike Heidegger’s this ontology is essentially material or embodied. Like Heidegger, but also Marx and Nietzsche, he seeks to overcome nihilism by undermining the opposition between presence and absence, and between inside and outside. He finds resources for this project in a deconstructive engagement with monotheism. Many of his recent works are about politics and directly related to current events. Another growing interest of Nancy is art, not only its theory but also its practice. He has collaborated with choreographer Mathilde Monnier and has written texts and poems to accompany many artists’ works. At the beginning of the 1990s, he received a heart transplant, which he discusses in L’intrus.

Key works

Nancy’s most influential works, aside from his book on community (Nancy 1991), are The Experience of Freedom, The Sense of the World, Being Singular Plural, and the two volumes of Deconstruction of Christianity (Nancy 2010, Nancy 2008). Two collections of essays have also been published in English: Birth to Presence and A Finite Thinking. Other important texts include “The Forgetting of Philosophy” in Nancy 1997 (on meaning and nihilism), Corpus (on the body), The Muses and The Ground of the Image (on art) and The Truth of Democracy (on politics).


Two comprehensive introductions to Jean-Luc Nancy’s thinking exist in English, Ian James's and Marie-Eve Morin's. Many interviews with Nancy are also published and provide a good entry point in Nancy’s thinking, for example Nancy 2003, Fabbri 2007 and Nancy 2007.


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  1. Reading Derrida against Jean-Luc Nancy.Joshua Soffer - manuscript
    Jean-Luc Nancy would appear to have avoided the aura of conceptual determinativeness plaguing John Caputo's reading of Derrida. His rendering of the interweaving of experience is vigilant at depriving us of the ability to capture and possess a temporary presence in the event itself. In 'Elliptical Sense' (Research in Phenomenology,pp.175-190) and `Differance' (Sense of the World, pp.34-36) he thinks Derrida's quasi-transcendental as a being-singular-plural. But is Nancy's differential communication of events understanding itself as Derridean differance? Nancy himself reminds (Ellipsis34) that (...)
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  2. Tangents and Metonymies in Derrida’s “On Touching–Jean-Luc Nancy”.Francesco Tampoia - manuscript
    At a distance of more ten years from publication (2000 French/2005 English translation), with this essay I will re-read, comment and discuss, in different way and in form of anthological sketch, the Derridean volume ‘On Touching-Jean Luc Nancy’, focusing in particular on its ‘tangents and its metonymies’, its manifold entanglements with the metaphysics of touch and bodily connections. Making use of the geometrical figure of the tangent, Derrida affirms that "[if] philosophy has touched the limit [my emphasis-J. D. ]. of (...)
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  3. Sensitive Aesthetics of Jean-Luc Nancy and Moving Images.Kamil Lipiński & Zsolt Gyenge (eds.) - forthcoming - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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  4. At Any Rate.Jean-Luc Nancy, Marie Eve Morin & Travis Holloway - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
    What does the word “value” mean? On the one hand, absolute value is an excellence that is beyond measure. On the other hand, value can also be interpreted as price, as what can be measured and exchanged. In both cases, value lies in relation and is of the same order as sense. But what is the relation between these two senses of value? And why is it so difficult to hold the two apart?
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  5. Nichts jenseits des Nihilismus.Jean-Luc Nancy, Marie Eve Morin & Travis Holloway - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
    Nihilism, as the absence of sense and goal, is the most familiar climate of the world in which we live. While this absence is often denounced, such denunciations remain subject to the logic they seemingly oppose. More than exhibiting the collapse of truth, however, nihilism revives our confrontation with “nothing.” The task is henceforth not to denounce nihilism but to think it. Such thinking is guided by Nietzsche’s highest thought: How does nihilism harbor its own excess?
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  6. Freedom Comes from the Outside.Jean-Luc Nancy, Marie Eve Morin & Travis Holloway - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
    On the one hand, freedom is said to be the property of a subject. On the other, freedom only happens in the space of being-in-common. Freedom, then, is the place of a conflict between the “self” and the “with,” between independence or autonomy and dependence or sharing. Resolving this apparent antinomy requires showing how the with ontologically constitutes the self. This, in turn, allows for a rethinking of freedom beyond what liberal democracy and political economy have to offer, as the (...)
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  7. L’anastasis de Jean-Luc Nancy.Valentin Husson - 2024 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 55 (55):17-29.
    This article endeavors to interpret the work of Jean-Luc Nancy through the idea of “anastasis”. Each time, something rises from the dead: meaning emerges from significance, the world from the unworldly aspects of globalization, Christianity from the decline of religion, the body from its Western devaluation in favor of the spirit, and community from the failure of state-controlled communism and rampant individualism. Could it be that life, in a unique manner across all those phenomena, arises from death and sustains itself (...)
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  8. Le foyer obscur de l’évidence.Édouard Mehl - 2024 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 55 (55):175-189.
    Jean-Luc Nancy’s work revolves around the concept of existence, modified or rather explicated as co-existence. Nancy performs the same operation on existence as Heidegger did on being-in-the-world. Indeed, just as Heidegger could say that there is not at first a subject, then a world, then the question of how the former accesses the latter, Nancy asserts, (with regard to Mitsein, being-with, sociality in the purest and most eminent sense), that there is not at first a subject, a self, then another (...)
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  9. L’époque de l’espace.Jean-Luc Nancy† - 2024 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 55 (55):13-16.
    Pendant le déroulement de cette journée doctorale consacrée à l’espace, je ne cessais pas d’être sollicité par une constatation toute simple, venue du fait même de cette rencontre : s’il y a, bien évidemment, d’autres thèmes sur lesquels peuvent se retrouver ou se recouper plusieurs recherches, il n’y en a peut-être pas beaucoup qui présentent autant que l’« espace » une sorte de force ou de prégnance qui renvoie, d’emblée, à la configuration d’une époque. À travers la diversité des questions...
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  10. Legami, empatia e co-ontologia. Kingdom Hearts di Tetsuya Nomura.Simone Santamato - 2024 - Fata Morgana Web.
    In this paper, I present the Kingdom Hearts series as a video game declination of the ontological concept of relation and the phenomenological view on the empathy. My aim is to explicit the philosophical background of the video games, concluding that they offer a solidly grounded analysis of what is about to be a self, and what are bounds for the subjectivity.
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  11. (1 other version)Review: Marie-Eve Morin: Merleau-Ponty and Nancy on Sense and Being. [REVIEW]Vanessa Ossino - 2023 - Phenomenological Reviews 2023.
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  12. Chi sono io o...chi siamo noi? Analitica esistenziale e analitica co-esistenziale per una prospettiva del riconoscimento.Simone Santamato - 2023 - le Voci di Sophia 2:66-78.
    Philosophy battles with some recurring themes, one of which, maybe the most one, is the complicated relation between identity and otherness. It is a match that struggles to get to the gong: the net that binds the self and the other looks more like a tangle hard to unroll. So, we don’t have the claim to settle it down, but we would like to present some strategies useful to loosen it. We will follow a precise trajectory: we will consider the (...)
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  13. “La Resurrection Infinie” de Jean-Luc Nancy : Pour Une Lecture Blanchot-Nietzscheenne de la Communaute Desœuvree.Salatyiel Zue Aba’A. - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 30 (30):134-149.
    Il est question de montrer que l’une des clés de compréhension de l’idéal communautaire chez Jean-Luc Nancy, passe par sa mise en relation avec la critique littéraire de Maurice Blanchot. Autrement dit, l’idée de communauté recèle une essence poétique de l’absence-présence. Elle est le lieu de trame d’un évènement tragique qui neutralise l’essentielle possibilité du ‘vivre ensemble’. Cette conception de la communauté comme évènement tragique de la transvaluation, décrit comment le dernier homme à parler c’est-à-dire celui qui possède les mots (...)
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  14. Sana esiintyy lihassa. [REVIEW]Jussi M. Backman - 2022 - Tiede Ja Edistys 47 (4):348-351.
    Book review of Esa Kirkkopelto, Logomimesis: tutkielma esiintyvästä ruumiista (Helsinki: Tutkijaliitto, 2020).
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  15. Singularitas dan Identitas dalam Cerpen “Aroma Tanah Moncongloe”.Wahyu Gandi G. - 2022 - Jentera: Jurnal Kajian Sastra 11 (2):306-317.
    This study aims to uncover the praxis of singularity and self-identity (kedirian) as presented in a short story titled Aroma Tanah Moncongloe (ATM). This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method by applying the post-marxist perspective by Antonio Negri and Jean-Luc Nancy. The results signified that there is a labeling of identity constructed by the state as a form of uniformity that is in line with the empire or external power. This uniformity can be seen from the identity of former political prisoners (...)
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  16. Scandalous death.Jean-Luc Nancy, Marie-Eve Morin & Travis Holloway - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (1):8-13.
    Around people who were close to him, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe would sometimes cry out with anger: “Death is a scandal! It is intolerable!” When he died almost fourteen years ago, prematurely and af...
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  17. Freedom Comes from the Outside.Jean-Luc Nancy, Marie-Eve Morin & Travis Holloway - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (1):1-11.
    On the one hand, freedom is said to be the property of a subject. On the other, freedom only happens in the space of being-in-common. Freedom, then, is the place of a conflict between the “self” and the “with,” between independence or autonomy and dependence or sharing. Resolving this apparent antinomy requires showing how the with ontologically constitutes the self. This, in turn, allows for a rethinking of freedom beyond what liberal democracy and political economy have to offer, as the (...)
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  18. Adieu à Jean-Luc Nancy.Jacob Rogozinski - 2022 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 51:11-13.
    Un jour, j’aperçois Jean-Luc à la Bibliothèque universitaire. « Comment vas-tu, Jean-Luc? Il y a bien longtemps… – Ça va. Oui, ça va bien maintenant. Mais que veux-tu, la semaine dernière j’ai encore failli mourir. Et toi, comment ça va? ». J’avais fini par le surnommer Trompe-la-mort. Il aurait sans doute trouvé ce surnom terriblement naïf. Il m’aurait dit que personne ne parvient à la tromper jusqu’au bout. Que l’on peut sans doute mourir et renaître plusieurs fois, de même que (...)
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  19. Le spectre de la biopolitique à l’ère de la pandémie.Anne Elisabeth Sejten - 2022 - Diogène n° 275-276 (3):7-19.
    Parmi les premières interventions philosophiques au sujet du coronavirus, les voix de Giorgio Agamben et de Jean-Luc Nancy se sont confrontées dans un vif débat qui fournit à cette étude ses sources et le champ restreint de sa réflexion. Il s’agit de montrer comment le paradigme de la biopolitique auquel Agamben fait référence pour expliquer la vraie nature de l’épidémie virale s’expose aux dangers totalisants de ce que Nancy nomme un « néo-viralisme » à peine séparable du néolibéralisme. En reconstruisant (...)
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  20. Review of Jean-Luc Nancy,The Fragile Skin of the World[REVIEW]Jonathan Wren - 2022 - Phenomenological Reviews 1.
  21. Jean-Luc Nancy’de Sosyo-Ontoloji ve Tekil-Çoğul Varlık Kavramı.Atilla Akalın - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (3): 1273-1288.
    Jean-Luc Nancy takes the concept of "essence" in order to indicate its drawbacks on the singularity of being. The concept of essence is not a universal and necessary origin, but contingent and historical meanings for Nancy. This historicity in meaning leads Nancy to question the concept of the individual and the rules of the social/public sphere allocated through individuality. Nancy's argument on the ontological environment of finite beings aims to highlight those beings are mixed singular, not belonging to a universal (...)
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  22. Monenkeskisestä ainutkertaisuudesta, sen ontologiasta ja politiikasta. [REVIEW]Jussi M. Backman - 2021 - Tiede Ja Edistys 46 (4):317-321.
    Book review of Jean-Luc Nancy, Singulaarinen pluraalinen oleminen [Être singulier pluriel], translated into Finnish by Viljami Hukka and Anna Nurminen (Helsinki: Tutkijaliitto, 2021).
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  23. L’« être-avec » et la pluralité dans la philosophie première de Jean-Luc Nancy.Danny Roussel - 2021 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 29 (1-2):148-168.
    Jean-Luc Nancy élabore, depuis quelques années, une philosophie première où le concept d’« être-avec » occupe une place centrale. Celui-ci a suscité son lot d'interprétations. Une des critiques faite à l’encontre du concept est articulée selon l’angle éthique, plus particulièrement en ce qui a trait à la pluralité. En effet, en amalgamant « être » et « avec », Nancy annihilerait, comme Heidegger, la nécessaire pluralité de la vie en commun. C’est ce débat que nous voulons ici commenter. Nous commencerons (...)
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  24. Inuit Songs and Resonating Lyres: Harmony and Resonance in Jean-Luc Nancy’s The Inoperative Community.Krzysztof Skonieczny - 2021 - Substance 50 (1):182-196.
    In The Inoperative Community Jean-Luc Nancy suggests that his conception of speech as the cornerstone of community can be likened to the image of two Inuit women engaging in traditional vocal games (katajjaq). This article (1) elucidates this connection through the analysis of ethnographic and ethnomusicological data on katajjaq; (2) shows how the similarity of this image to that of two resonating lyres present in the works of the Renaissance philosopher Marsilio Ficino can be used to understand Nancy’s political philosophy (...)
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  25. Philosophien der Pluralisierung. Begegnungen des Politischen zwischen Gilles Deleuze und Jean-Luc Nancy.Ralf Gisinger - 2020 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink/Brill.
    Das Verhältnis von Einheit und Vielheit als ein Grundproblem der Philosophiegeschichte erfährt in den Werken von zwei der gegenwärtig einflussreichsten französischen Denker, Gilles Deleuze und Jean-Luc Nancy, eine je spezifische Reformulierung mit weitreichenden ontologischen sowie politischen Konsequenzen. Durch einen innovativen, aber dennoch einführenden Vergleich kontrastiert und verschränkt Ralf Gisinger erstmalig Ansätze beider Philosophen, indem er sein originäres Konzept der „Pluralisierung“ entwickelt. In einem Feld zwischen Allgemeinheit und Partikularität lassen sich so insbesondere klassische Kategorien der politischen Philosophie wie Identität, Subjekt oder (...)
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  26. Mass of Bodies, Body as a Mass: The Other of the Other in Jean-Luc Nancy.Markéta Jakešová - 2020 - Research in Phenomenology 50 (1):17-30.
    This paper aims to explore and expand Jean-Luc Nancy’s notion of the body as a mass as he drafted it in his “On the Soul” lecture. He conceptualizes the soul as the reflection of the fact that we have a body, thus the conception of the body as a mass may offer possibilities to think the body outside or prior to this reflection. In the article, I expand on three types of bodies. The first of these possibilities is an abstracted (...)
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  27. Humor, Contempt, and the Exemption from Sense.Bryan Lueck - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (1):205-220.
    Building on the theory of humor advanced by Yves Cusset in his recent book Rire: Tractatus philo-comicus, I argue that we can understand the phenomenon in terms of what Jean-Luc Nancy, following Roland Barthes, has called the exemption from sense. I attempt to show how the humorous sensibility, understood in this way, is entirely incompatible with the experience of others as contemptible. I conclude by developing some of the normative implications of this, focusing specifically on the question whether it is (...)
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  28. Disrupting Symmetry: Jean-Luc Nancy and Luce Irigaray on Myth and the Violence of Representation.Sasha L. Biro - 2019 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 3 (2):62-74.
    Through myths that pattern and repeat we figure the world to ourselves. The desire to be done with myth, to surpass mythic thinking in favor of a “more” rational way of thinking, is but one way of perpetrating violence in the guise of similitude. The rejection of muthos by logos is itself a form of violence, with significant ramifications. The following analysis will explore the work of Luce Irigaray’s Speculum of the Other Woman, and Jean-Luc Nancy’s Inoperative Community, focusing on (...)
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  29. Politique de l'exil: Giorgio Agamben et l'usage de la métaphysique.Anoush Ganjipour (ed.) - 2019 - [Paris]: Lignes.
    Homo Socer, de Giorgio Agamben, constitue un ensemble th©♭orique essentiel, o©£ celui-ci d©♭veloppe l'une des constructions les plus saisissantes de la pens©♭e europ©♭enne contemporaine. On en veut pour preuve les lectures, interpr©♭tations et usages multiples qui en sont faits dans des domaines aussi vari©♭s que la th©♭orie contemporaine de l'art, la critique litt©♭raire, les sciences humaines, la philosophie ou encore la pens©♭e politique. Homo Socer est rapidement devenu l'une des r©♭f©♭rences incontournables dans les d©♭bats qui animent actuellement chacun de ces (...)
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  30. Jean-Luc Nancy, Ego Sum: Corpus, Anima, Fabula, translated by Marie-Eve Morin.James Griffith - 2019 - Derrida Today 12 (1):106-112.
    This is a review of Marie-Eve Morin's translation of Jean-Luc Nancy's "Ego Sum.".
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  31. Arendt and Nancy.Yasemin Sari - 2019 - Symposium 23 (1):235-259.
    In light of the recent political events, it is clear that democracy itself has come to be contested and modified in a plethora of democratic practices that have expanded the very articulation of equal citizenship. My argument in this article is twofold: first, I rearticulate Arendt’s conception of “revolution” found in her On Revolution by insisting on its “beginning” and “founding” dimensions for the appearance of freedom. Coupled with Jean-Luc Nancy’s insight into a “spirit of democracy” that does not reside (...)
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  32. Jean-Luc Nancy et l’idée de littérature.Javier de la Higuera - 2018 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 99 (3):291.
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  33. Veilleurs aux frontières: penseurs pour aujourd'hui: Bergson-Rosenzweig, Girard-Ricoeur-Chalier, Derrida-Nancy, Castoriadis-Stanguennec.Francis Guibal - 2018 - Namur (Belgique): Lessius.
    En philosophie comme en d'autres domaines, la puissance de l'Absolu semble bien à présent nous être refusée. Sa relève s'est vue opposer non seulement la violence de la révolte, mais la pluralité invincible des perspectives finies et la reconnaissance raisonnable de l'irréductible multiplicité du patrimoine spirituel de l'humanité. Tout se passe comme si nous avions pris conscience que l'intrigue première n'était pas celle de la pensée et de ses catégories essentielles, mais celle de la liberté et de ses attitudes existentielles. (...)
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  34. Éloge de l'immobilité.Jérôme Lèbre - 2018 - Paris: Desclée de Brouwer.
    Dans ce monde qui semble soumis à une accélération constante, où l'on ne cesse de louer la marche ou la course, nous souhaitons et craignons à la fois que tout ralentisse ou même que tout s'arrête. L'ambivalence de ce désir reste à étudier, comme ce que signifie aujourd'hui le fait de ne pas bouger. La privation de mouvement est une peine ; le droit pénal, les disciplines scolaires ou militaires immobilisent ; les accidents et les maladies paralysent ; l'accélération technique (...)
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  35. Hegel: l'Inquiétude du négatif.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2018 - Hachette.
    Avec Hegel, le sens ne se propose plus par le lien religieux d'une communauté et le savoir ne s'ordonne plus à la totalité d'un sens. Depuis Hegel, nous n'avons pas cessé de pénétrer dans cette négativité. Le lire, c'est d'abord penser ceci : le sens n'est jamais donné ni disponible, il s'agit de se rendre disponible pour lui, et cette disponibilité s'appelle liberté.
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  36. La tradition allemande dans la philosophie, de Alain Badiou y Jean-Luc Nancy. [REVIEW]Rodrigo Y. Sandoval - 2018 - Mutatis Mutandis 11:161-164.
    Reseña en español del diálogo entre A. Badiou y J.-L. Nancy, editado por Jan Völker y publicado en 2017.
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  37. Vaaz 551.Engin Yurt, Erdal Yildiz & Meister Eckhart - 2018 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 28:129-134.
    Avrupa felsefe tarihinin en ünlü mistik düşünürlerinden olan Meister Eckhart‘ın burada çevirisi sunulan vaaz Kitab-ı Mukaddes‘te İsa ile Mecdelli Meryem arasındaki bir anlatının Meister Eckhart tarafından yapılan yorumuna dayanır. Bu yorum, daha sonra 20. Yüzyıl felsefesi içinde özellikle Derrida, Heidegger, Jean-Luc Nancy gibi düşünürler arasında fenomenoloji açısından sorunsallaştırılan ten, beden, dokunma gibi öğeleri merkeze alan güncel felsefi tartışmalara yeni bir bakış açısı getirme olasılığı açısından önemlidir.
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  38. La tulipe, l’androgyne et le vulgaire. Sexe en Derrida.Juan-Manuel Garrido, Rosaria Caldarone & Jean-Luc Nancy - 2017 - Rue Descartes N° 89-90 (2):158-171.
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  39. (2 other versions)Présentation.Jérôme Lèbre & Jacob Rogozinski - 2017 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 42:9-14.
    Jean-Luc Nancy est reconnu aujourd’hui comme l’un des plus importants philosophes français contemporains. Ces dernières années, son œuvre a fait l’objet, en France et dans plusieurs pays étrangers, de rencontres suivies de publications. Il était temps qu’un colloque international consacré à son travail ait lieu à l’Université de Strasbourg, où il a enseigné pendant plus de trente ans. Ce colloque s’est tenu en novembre 2015 avec la participation de Jean-Luc Nancy qui l’a accompagné de sa prés...
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  40. Contempt, Community, and the Interruption of Sense.Bryan Lueck - 2017 - Critical Horizons 18 (2):154-167.
    In the early modern period, contempt emerged as a persistent theme in moral philosophy. Most of the moral philosophers of the period shared two basic commitments in their thinking about contempt. First, they argued that we understand the value of others in the morally appropriate way when we understand them from the perspective of the morally relevant community. And second, they argued that we are naturally inclined to judge others as contemptible, and that we must therefore interrupt that natural movement (...)
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  41. Hommage à Werner Hamacher.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2017 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 42:27-30.
    Le 17 juillet 2017, Werner,Werner, toi ici avec nous, toi si proche et si lointain, aussi lointain que proche,Werner, plus loin…Werner je suis sans parole – et tu dis aussitôt : « Qui est sans parole a dans sa privation même quelque chose de la parole ».Quelque chose ou peut-être tout vas-tu dire car on ne parle qu’à partir du manque de parole et on cherche sa propre disparition.Parce que je suis sans parole, je me trouve là où tu veux. (...)
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  42. L’expression “postmoderne” a-t-elle un sens clair?Jean-Luc Nancy - 2017 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):72-85.
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  43. Rethinking beginnings as subjective loss in narrative and the theatre: Philippe lacoue-labarthe’s l’ “allégorie” and scène.Peter Poiana - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (4):35-47.
    Beginnings can be empirically described, philosophically debated, fictionally recounted or theatrically staged – each kind of discourse approaches beginnings via an examination of representation as an impossible return to source. The work of French philosopher Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe articulates the problem of beginnings by considering them as a form of subjective collapse, loss of integrity and aggravation of emotion resulting from the paradoxical logic of representation. While Lacoue-Labarthe’s position has been largely developed in his philosophical writings, this study focuses more specifically (...)
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  44. Exactitude and Partiality. Merleau-Ponty and Nancy on Cinema.Daniele Rugo - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:201-221.
    While it is possible, as Vivian Sobchack and others show, to illuminate film through Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy, it is more difficult to find within Merleau-Ponty’s work a coherent and systematic reflection on cinema. This absence is seldom interrogated. This article addresses what this absence might reveal by analyzing the reasons why Merleau-Ponty stopped short of an explicit discussion of film. The argument builds on these analyses to show how what Merleau-Ponty found problematic about cinema might turn out to be one of (...)
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  45. An Antihumanist Reinterpretation of the Philosophy of Singularity.Dilara Bilgisel - 2016 - Uludağ University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Philosophy 15 (27):245-261.
    This article takes a close look at the discussion of singularity in Jean-Luc Nancy’s Inoperative Community and Being Singular Plural with the aim to comment on subject-object dichotomy and create a new context for its relationship with resistance. The philosophy of singularity is critical of humanism and the individualist model of subjectivity it advocates. By placing a challenging scenario of antihumanism against the humanist sense of responsibility, the philosophy of singularity questions whether it is possible to do philosophy without saying (...)
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  46. Containing Community: From Political Economy to Ontology in Agamben, Esposito, and Nancy.Greg Bird - 2016 - Albany, New York: SUNY Press.
    Community has been both celebrated and demonized as a fortress that shelters and defends its members from being exposed to difference. Instead of abandoning community as an antiquated model of relationships that is ill suited for our globalized world, this book turns to the writings of Giorgio Agamben, Roberto Esposito, and Jean-Luc Nancy in search for ways to rethink community in an open and inclusive manner. Greg Bird argues that a central piece of this task is found in how each (...)
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  47. Being exposed to love: the death of God in Jean-Luc Marion and Jean-Luc Nancy.Ashok Collins - 2016 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 80 (3):297-319.
    In this article I explore how a philosophical conception of love may be used to draw debate on the death of God beyond the binary opposition between theology and philosophy through a comparative study of the work of Jean-Luc Marion and Jean-Luc Nancy. Although Marion’s reading of love—in both its theological and phenomenological guises—proposes an innovative phrasing of a non-metaphysical notion of divinity, I argue that it is ultimately unable to maintain its coherence in nominal discourse due to Marion’s insistence (...)
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  48. ‘De jour en jour / From day to day’: Documenting Times of Self-Mourning in Hervé Guibert's La Pudeur ou l'impudeur.Anna Magdalena Elsner - 2016 - Film-Philosophy 20 (2-3):250-264.
    Mourning is predominantly understood as an emotional process caused by the loss of a beloved other. This is challenged in this article on Hervé Guibert's 1990 La Pudeur ou l'impudeur, a documentary in which the author and photographer represents his physical and emotional suffering through the last stages of HIV-AIDS. The article explores this suffering via the idea of ‘self-mourning’, which denotes Guibert's reflection on his own mortality in the light of terminal illness. In particular, the article focuses on what (...)
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  49. A Question of Listening: Nancean Resonance, Return and Relation in Charlie Chaplin.Carrie Giunta - 2016 - In Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus, Nancy and Visual Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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  50. Nancy and Visual Culture.Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus (eds.) - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    "In an exciting range of original responses to Nancy's work, these 12 essays reanimate the dialogue between interdisciplinary scholars and practicing artists that originally gave birth to visual culture as a field of study. A new translation of Nancy's essay, 'The Image: Mimesis and Methexis', reveals how Nancy's work informs, challenges and inspires our encounters with visual culture. Jean-Luc Nancy is one of the most original and compelling of those contemporary political and ethical philosophers who, like Jacques Ranciere and Alain (...)
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