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  1. Proposal for an evolutionary synergy linking anxiety management to self-consciousness (ESPP2021 Poster).Christophe Menant - manuscript
    Representing oneself as an existing entity and having intense fear of the unknown are human specificities. Self-consciousness and anxiety states are characteristics of our human minds. We propose that these two characteristics share a common evolutionary history during which they acted in synergy for the build-up of our human minds. We present that perspective by using an evolutionary scenario for self-consciousness in which anxiety management plays a key role. Such evolutionary background can introduce new relations between philosophy of mind and (...)
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  2. The need for an Evolutionary Perspective in Philosophy and in Psychology (July 2024).Christophe Menant - manuscript
    The nature of human mind is a key subject for philosophy and for psychology. It is agreed that many of its characteristics and performances have been built during the last 7 million years of our primate evolution. That period began with what is called the pan-homo split, the divergence in primate evolution from the Last Common Ancestor (LCAncestor) we share with chimpanzees. The mental specificities that differentiate us from our chimpanzee cousins have been built up during that time. As consequence, (...)
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  3. Gründe einsehen . Visuelle Repräsentationen im Prozess des wissenschaftlichen Verstehens.Nicola Mößner - forthcoming - In Marcel Lemmes, Stephan Packard & Klaus Sachs-Hombach, Bilder im Aufbruch Herausforderungen der Bildwissenschaft. Herbert von Halem Verlag.
    Was macht wissenschaftliches Verstehen aus? Und inwiefern können visuelle Repräsentationen, wie sie vielfach in der (Ergebnis-)Präsentation (Publikationen, Vorträgen etc.) in unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen Verwendung finden, zum Verstehen untersuchter Fragestellungen beitragen? Diesen Themen soll im folgenden Beitrag genauer nachgegangen werden. Den Ausgangspunkt bildet dabei Henk W. de Regts Studie (2017) zum wissenschaftlichen Verstehen. De Regt plädiert dafür, Kriterien des wissenschaftlichen Verstehens aus der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Praxis zur Anwendung zu bringen – was auch bedeutet, ihre historische Variabilität ernst zu nehmen. Ein Punkt (...)
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  4. Subjectivity in Film: Mine, Yours, and No One’s.Sara Aronowitz & Grace Helton - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11.
    A classic and fraught question in the philosophy of film is this: when you watch a film, do you experience yourself in the world of the film, observing the scenes? In this paper, we argue that this subject of film experience is sometimes a mere impersonal viewpoint, sometimes a first-personal but unindexed subject, and sometimes a particular, indexed subject such as the viewer herself or a character in the film. We first argue for subject pluralism: there is no single answer (...)
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  5. We-Intentions and How One Reports Them.Kyle Ferguson - 2023 - In Jeremy Randel Koons & Ronald Loeffler, Ethics, practical reasoning, agency: Wilfrid Sellars's practical philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 37–61.
    In this chapter, Kyle Ferguson argues for an individualist account of Sellarsian we-intentions. According to the individualist account, we-intentions’ intersubjective form renders them shareable rather than requiring that they be shared. Contrary to collectivist accounts, one may we-intend independently of whether and without presupposing that one's community shares one's we-intentions. After providing textual support, Ferguson proposes and implements a strategy of reportorial ascent, which strengthens the case for the individualist account. Reportorial ascent involves reflecting on the sentences one would use (...)
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  6. Na cestě k relačnímu výkladu afektivity.Jan Halák - 2023 - Filosoficky Casopis 71 (2):251-270.
    [This paper is written in Czech.] The aim of this article is to briefly introduce and critically analyze the dialogue between phenomenology and contemporary theories of embodied cognition in relation to the study of affectivity. The author explains how these theoretical approaches interpret the dynamic relationship between affective experiences on the one hand and bodily behavior and intersubjectively observable processes taking place in the environment on the other. He first summarizes the positions of Joel Krueger and Giovanna Colombetti, who draw (...)
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  7. Book Review: Nicolle Zapien and Susi Ferrarelo. Ethical Experience: A Phenomenology. London: Bloomsbury 2019. 256 pp. [REVIEW]Srajana Kaikini - 2023 - Ethical Perspectives 29 (3):394-397.
    This book discusses the ethics of engaging with the paradigm of lived experience, particularly through an interest in the spatiotemporal constructs of such experiences via a comparative conceptual map across Husserlian phenomenology and Nishida’s moral philosophy. The overall commitment of the book is towards the vision of a ‘better life’ through insights into two themes, that of time and intimacy.
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  8. Searching for the Present, Where? Being-becoming in Akbar Padamsee's Figurations (1995-2006).Srajana Kaikini - 2023 - Mumbai: The Guild.
    This research essay was published in the monograph dedicated to the first major exhibition dedicated to photography and drawings by theAkbar Padamsee in India after his demise early 2022 at the age of 91. “Searching for the present, where?...” is drawn from The Guild and some important private collections. The exhibition is a tribute to Padamsee’s commendable contribution to the Indian art. This is also the first time the photographs and drawings spanning from over a decade are contextualised in an (...)
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  9. Intersubjectivity, Mirror Neurons and the Limits of Naturalism.Anthony Longo - 2023 - In Andrej Božič, Thinking Togetherness: Phenomenology and Sociality. Institute Nova Reijva for the Humanities. pp. 103-116.
    The paper explores the possibilities and limits of naturalizing the experience of intersubjectivity. The existence of mirror neurons illustrates that an experience of intersubjectivity is already present on a more primitive, precognitive, and embodied level. A similar argument had been made in the first half of the twentieth century by phenomenologists, such as Edmund Husserl. This motivated Vittorio Gallese, one of the discoverers of mirror neurons, and other philosophers to connect the functioning of mirror neurons with Husserl’s phenomenology of intersubjectivity (...)
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  10. Disfunzione. Vivere nell'occasione del problematico.Simone Santamato - 2023 - Mimesis Scenari.
    Everyday we face problems, but just what are they and why are they? Here my aim is to develop a theoretical perspective of the problematic as such: recognizing what the problems tells us in everyday life is a chance that, as a subjectivity, we cannot miss. My claim is that the resolution of the problem, as well as its legitimation, leads us to empower ourselves as unique and unrepeatable individuals: throughout this paper i try to advance this thanks to Heidegger's (...)
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  11. Empathy, Embodiment, and the Person: Husserlian Investigations of Social Experience and the Self.James Jardine - 2022 - Cham: Springer.
    This text explores how self-consciousness and self-understanding differ phenomenologically from the experience and comprehension of others, and the extent to which such relations are constitutively interdependent. -/- Jardine argues that Husserl’s analyses of selfhood and intersubjectivity are animated by the question of what's at stake in recognising an agent’s engagement as the situated response of a person, rather than simply as the comportment of an animal or living body. Drawing centrally from the freshly excavated Ideas II drafts and manuscripts, the (...)
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  12. O sujeito anímico e o sujeito espiritual em Ideias II.Nathalie de la Cadena - 2021 - Revista de Abordagem Gestáltica 27 (3):339-347.
    Neste artigo pretendo evidenciar como a relação entre sujeito anímico e sujeito espiritual é fundamental para a compreensão da intersubjetividade e do mundo da vida (Lebenswelt). Em Ideias II, Husserl explica como, a partir do eu, sujeito e objeto são constituídos no mundo: natureza, alma e espírito. Estes três estratos do sendo são conhecidos a partir da atitude teorética e da atitude espiritual e, no processo, se dá a explicitação do eu. Numa atitude teorética, temos constituição da natureza, para o (...)
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  13. Body, Self and Others: Harding, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty on Intersubjectivity.Brentyn J. Ramm - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (4):100.
    Douglas Harding developed a unique first-person experimental approach for investigating consciousness that is still relatively unknown in academia. In this paper, I present a critical dialogue between Harding, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty on the phenomenology of the body and intersubjectivity. Like Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, Harding observes that from the first-person perspective, I cannot see my own head. He points out that visually speaking nothing gets in the way of others. I am radically open to others and the world. Neither does my (...)
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  14. Stellvertretung: Zur Szene der Person.Katrin Trüstedt - 2021 - Konstanz: Konstanz University Press.
    Current crises give new urgency to the question of speaking and acting for others. How does one advocate for those whose voices are not heard? For stateless people, future generations, non-human actors, environments? The question of the possibilities and limits of representation arises anew against this backdrop and can be turned differently through the technique of "representation by proxy" (Stellvertretung) that steps in here. This technique does not prove to be a mere exception for supposed borderline cases. Rather, as this (...)
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  15. Check and Summons (Anstoß and Aufforderung).Steven Hoeltzel - 2020 - In Marina F. Bykova, The Bloomsbury Handbook to Fichte. New York: Bloomsbury. pp. 353-61.
    Fichte offers separate analyses of the conditions for the possibility of representing or referring to (i) material objects and (ii) other minds – extra-subjective entities of importantly distinct sorts. These analyses are importantly akin, in that both postulate, as a necessary condition for the mental accomplishment under consideration, some sort of basic incapacity or limitation that is partly constitutive of human rationality. But the two accounts also involve interestingly different understandings of the nature and implications of the basic constraints in (...)
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  16. Ontological-Transcendental Defence of Metanormative Realism.Michael Kowalik - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (2):573-586.
    If there is something (P) that every possible agent is committed to value, and certain actions or attitudes either enhance or diminish P, then normative claims about a range of intentional actions can be objectively and non-trivially evaluated. I argue that the degree of existence as an agent depends on the consistency of reflexive-relating with other individuals of the agent-kind: the ontological thesis. I then show that in intending to act on a reason, every agent is rationally committed to value (...)
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  17. Expresión, intersubjetividad y mundo perceptual.Alejandro Arango - 2019 - In Luis Rabanaque, Acta Fenomenológica Latinoamericana: Vol. VI. Lima: Círculo Latinoamericano de Fenomenología. pp. 279-193.
    Este artículo presenta y defiende una concepción expresiva del mundo perceptual que depende de la intersubjetividad. En un primer momento se muestra el desarrollo del concepto de expresión en Husserl y en Merleau-Ponty. El punto central de este desarrollo es que, en contraste con la concepción tradicional del concepto de expresión que es lingüística y consiste en el manifestarse exteriormente de algo interno, se propone ahora una idea de expresión que ya no separa radicalmente lo expresado de la expresión, no (...)
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  18. The Genuine Possibility of Being-with: Watsuji, Heidegger, and the Primacy of Betweenness.Carolyn Culbertson - 2019 - Tandf: Comparative and Continental Philosophy 11 (1):7-18.
  19. The Undoing of the Subject: Levinas’ Thought on Ipseity.Floriana Ferro - 2019 - Scenari 10:165-180.
    This paper focuses on Levinas’ concept of ipseity and on its change between the 1960’s and the 1970’s, arguing that this change implies the undoing of the subject. In Totality and Infinity (1961), ipseity is considered as the deep core of the I, whereas, in Otherwise Than Being (1974), it is the other person inside the self. Levinas also theorizes another kind of other-in-the-same, which is illeity, the trace of God inside the human soul. It is shown that illeity is (...)
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  20. Watsuji on nature: Japanese philosophy in the wake of Heidegger.David W. Johnson - 2019 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    "In the first study of its kind, David W. Johnson's "Watsuji on Nature" reconstructs the astonishing philosophy of nature of Watsuji Tetsurō (1889-1960), situating it in relation both to his reception of the thought of Heidegger and to his renewal of core ontological positions in classical Confucian and Buddhist philosophy. Johnson shows that for Watsuji we have our being in the lived experience of nature, one in which nature and culture compose a tightly interwoven texture called "fūdo". By fully unfolding (...)
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  21. Preamble.Roy Tzohar - 2019 - Sophia 58 (1):55-55.
  22. A Formal Ontological Game. Does Meillassoux’s Speculative Realism Need A Correlation?Jan Voosholz - 2019 - In Alexander Kanev, New Realism: Problems and Prospects. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. pp. 225-234.
    Quentin Meillassoux dismisses the question of the right correlation both in his 'After finitude' and in subsequent publications because his work aims to refute correlationism. The central question I want to address in this article is: Does Meillassoux’s position (and the New Realisms more generally) need a correlation to be more than just a formal ontological game? My answer to this question will be a no, but I think that both his and other versions of speculative and new realism need (...)
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  23. Un Juego Ontológico formal. ¿Necesita una Correlación el Realismo Especulativo de Meillassoux?Jan Voosholz - 2019 - Estudios Filosóficos 68 (199):531-542. Translated by Jimmy Hernandez Marcelo.
    Quentin Meillassoux descarta la cuestión de la correlación correcta en su Después de la finitud y en las publicaciones siguientes porque su trabajo tiene como objetivo refutar el correlacionismo. La pregunta central que planteo en el artículo es:¿ necesita la posición de Meillassoux algo más que un juego ontológico formal (y los realismos especulativos y los nuevos realismos en general)? Mi respuesta a esta pregunta será un no, pero creo que él y todos los realistas especulativos y nuevos realistas necesitan (...)
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  24. Constitución horizontal e intersubjetividad. Una aproximación husserliana a la experiencia de lo ajeno.Juan Diego Bogotá - 2018 - Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 11:35-56.
    El propósito de este artículo es presentar una aproximación fenomenológica a la experiencia intersubjetiva en contraste a las teorías de la mente y a como estas conciben dicho tipo de experiencia. Se identificará un supuesto esencial de estas teorías según el cual todo tipo de intersubjetividad supone una inferencia y, por lo tanto, elementos normativos. Se argumentará que las investigaciones de Husserl a propósito del concepto de “sentido noemático”, en relación con su concepción del horizonte experiencial, revelan un tipo de (...)
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  25. Shame, Belonging, and Biopolitics: Agamben Among the Phenomenologists.Nicolai Krejberg Knudsen - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (3):437-455.
    How are we to understand Agamben’s philosophical anthropology and his frequent invocations of the relation between bios and zoe? In Remnants of Auschwitz Agamben evokes a quasi-phenomenological account of shame in order to elucidate this question thus implying that the phenomenon of shame carries an ontological significance. That shame has an ontological significance is also a belief held in current debates on moral emotions and the phenomenology of intersubjectivity, but despite this common philosophical intuition phenomenologists have criticized Agamben’s account of (...)
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  26. On Solidarity: Gramsci’s Objectivity as a Corrective to Buber’s I-It.R. Adams - 2017 - Phenomenology and Mind 12:248-255.
    I and Thou sets out a dichotomy of human interactions between the merely objective I-It and the intense intersubjective relationship of the I-Thou, creating a problem of how one is to differentiate the I-It relations that are healthy and natural, and those that are limiting and detrimental. As a corrective to this ambiguity, I posit the principle of solidarity as a relation which retains the personhood of the Other yet still confines it to what Buber calls the I-It “relation”. To (...)
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  27. Relational psychoanalysis and anomalous communication.Robin Wooffitt - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (1):118-137.
    There has been consistent interest in telepathy within psychoanalysis from its start. Relational psychoanalysis, which is a relatively new development in psychoanalytic theory and practice, seems more receptive to experiences between patient and analyst that suggest ostensibly anomalous communicative capacities. To establish this openness to telepathic phenomena with relational approaches, a selection of papers recently published in leading academic journals in relational psychoanalysis is examined. This demonstrates the extent to which telepathy-like experiences are openly presented and seriously considered in the (...)
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  28. Phenomenology, Mental Illness, and the Intersubjective Constitution of the Lifeworld.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2016 - In S. West Gurley & Geoff Pfeifer, Phenomenology and the Political. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield. pp. 199-214.
  29. Possibility of Hermeneutic Conversation and Ethics.Constantin-Alexander Mehmel - 2016 - Theoria and Praxis 4 (1):16-31.
    In this paper, I aim to defend Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics against what I call the radical hermeneutic critique, specifically the critique developed in Robert Bernasconi’s article “’You Don’t Know What I’m Talking About’: Alterity and the Hermeneutic Ideal” (1995). Key to this critique is the claim that Gadamer’s account does not rise to the ethical task of embracing the alterity of the Other, but instead reduces it to a projection of one’s self. The implication is therefore that Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics (...)
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  30. Husserlian Phenomenological Description and the Problem of Describing Intersubjectivity.H. Williams - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (7-8):254-277.
    Although recent cognitive science and traditional phenomenology has placed great importance on first-person descriptions, exactly what this entails goes undefined. I will seek to answer what's involved in phenomenological description, with reference to Husserl. I define phenomenological description according to its genus and differentia. I compare description in the natural sciences with description in phenomenology. I discuss how the basic particulars for Husserlian phenomenological description stem from the intentional relation -- particularly the distinction between noesis and noema. I discuss the (...)
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  31. Pathologies of Intersubjectivity in Autism and Schizophrenia.T. Fuchs - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (1-2):191-214.
    Most mental disorders include more or less profound disturbances of intersubjectivity, that means, a restricted capacity to respond to the social environment in a flexible way and to reach a shared understanding through adequate interaction with others. Current concepts of intersubjectivity are mainly based on a mentalistic approach, assuming that the hidden mental states of others may only be inferred from their external bodily behaviour through 'mentalizing' or 'mindreading'. On this basis, disorders of intersubjectivity for example in autism or schizophrenia (...)
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  32. Objective Styles in Northern Field Science.Jeff Kochan - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 52:1-12.
    Social studies of science have often treated natural field sites as extensions of the laboratory. But this overlooks the unique specificities of field sites. While lab sites are usually private spaces with carefully controlled borders, field sites are more typically public spaces with fluid boundaries and diverse inhabitants. Field scientists must therefore often adapt their work to the demands and interests of local agents. I propose to address the difference between lab and field in sociological terms, as a difference in (...)
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  33. Reason, Emotion, and the Context Distinction.Jeff Kochan - 2015 - Philosophia Scientiae 19 (1):35-43.
    La recherche empirique et philosophique récente remet en question l’idée selon laquelle raison et émotion sont nécessairement en conflit l’une avec l’autre. Pourtant, les philosophes des sciences ont été lents à réagir à cette recherche. Je soutiens qu’ils continuent à exclure l’émotion de leurs modèles du raisonnement scientifique, parce qu’ils considèrent qu’elle appartient typiquement au contexte de découverte plutôt qu’au contexte de justification. Je suggère toutefois, en prenant pour exemple le fiabilisme, que des travaux récents en épistémologie remettent en cause (...)
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  34. Putting a Spin on Circulating Reference, or How to Rediscover the Scientific Subject.Jeff Kochan - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 49:103-107.
    Bruno Latour claims to have shown that a Kantian model of knowledge, which he describes as seeking to unite a disembodied transcendental subject with an inaccessible thing-in-itself, is dramatically falsified by empirical studies of science in action. Instead, Latour puts central emphasis on scientific practice, and replaces this Kantian model with a model of “circulating reference.” Unfortunately, Latour's alternative schematic leaves out the scientific subject. I repair this oversight through a simple mechanical procedure. By putting a slight spin on Latour's (...)
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  35. Herodotus, the First Orientalist?Samuel Buchoul - 2014 - Interviews an Interdisciplinary Journal in Social Sciences 1 (1):7-29.
    Today’s globalization induces a discourse of cosmopolitanism and mixing of cultures that might give the impression of a serene and respectful cohabitation of societies. But behind the surface, power dynamics are still at play, and western ideology prevails. More than three decades ago, Palestinian-American literary theoretician Edward Saïd concluded his masterpiece of historical scholarship, Orientalism (1978), with a vibrant political message: Orientalism is not dead; it is still operating in the minds and habits of populations across the world. How can (...)
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  36. Ricoeur e la fenomenologia ermeneutica della religione.Chiara Cotifava - 2014 - In Stefano Caroti & Alberto Siclari, _Filosofia e religione. Studi in onore di Fabio Rossi_. Raccolti da Stefano Caroti e Alberto Siclari. Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino. pp. 419-450.
    This contribution offers an analysis of the essays gathered and published by François Courtine in 1992 (Phénoménologie et Théologie), and authored by Jean-Louis Chrétien, Michel Henry, Jean-Luc Marion, and Paul Ricoeur. Attention is paid to the possibility of investigating the phenomena of the ‘religious sphere’, by taking into account the historical-cultural context typical of contemporary society, the role of art, and the problem of intersubjectivity. -/- .
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  37. Subjectivity and Emotion in Scientific Research.Jeff Kochan - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (3):354-362.
    A persistent puzzle for philosophers of science is the well-documented appeal made by scientists to their aesthetic emotions in the course of scientific research. Emotions are usually viewed as irremediably subjective, and thus of no epistemological interest. Yet, by denying an epistemic role for scientists’ emotional dispositions, philosophers find themselves in the awkward position of ignoring phenomena which scientists themselves often insist are of importance. This paper suggests a possible solution to this puzzle by challenging the wholesale identification of emotion (...)
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  38. Popper's Communitarianism.Jeff Kochan - 2009 - In Zuzana Parusniková & Robert S. Cohen, Rethinking Popper. London: Springer. pp. 287--303.
    In this chapter, I argue that Karl Popper was a communitarian philosopher. This will surprise some readers. Liberals often tout Popper as one of their champions. Indeed, there is no doubt that Popper shared much in common with liberals. However, I will argue that Popper rejected a central, though perhaps not essential, pillar of liberal theory, namely, individualism. This claim may seem to contradict Popper's professed methodological individualism. Yet I argue that Popper was a methodological individualist in name only. In (...)
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  39. Paul Natorp and the emergence of anti-psychologism in the nineteenth century.Scott Edgar - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (1):54-65.
    This paper examines the anti-psychologism of Paul Natorp, a Marburg School Neo-Kantian. It identifies both Natorp’s principle argument against psychologism and the views underlying the argument that give it its force. Natorp’s argument depends for its success on his view that certain scientific laws constitute the intersubjective content of knowledge. That view in turn depends on Natorp’s conception of subjectivity, so it is only against the background of his conception of subjectivity that his reasons for rejecting psychologism make sense. This (...)
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  40. Intersubjectivity in indo-tibetan buddhism.B. Wallace - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (5-7):209-230.
    This essay focuses on the theme of intersubjectivity, which is central to the entire Indo-Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It addresses the following five themes pertaining to Buddhist concepts of intersubjectivity: the Buddhist practice of the cultivation of meditative quiescence challenges the hypothesis that individual human consciousness emerges solely from the dynamic interrelation of self and other; the central Buddhist insight practice of the four applications of mindfulness is a means for gaining insight into the nature of oneself, others and the relation (...)
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