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  1. Emergent Universal Economic Models: The Future of Human Dynamics.James Sirois - 2023 - Philosopherstudio.Wordpress.Com.
    Human civilization is very clearly reaching a point of critical mass when it comes to technology and how it transforms culture and the economics that is therefore driven forward. The conversation around the practical aspects of generative artificial intelligence (Chat GPT, Q Star, Bard, Claude, Genesis, Firefly, and others) and their ethical implications is massively trending. The political conversations around it are slow to catch up but will soon take over once the general public feels their impact, which is likely (...)
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  2. The Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman. W.W. Norton, 2019, xvi + 232 pp., $27.95 (hbk), ISBN: 9781324002727. [REVIEW]Gabriele Contessa - 2021 - Economics and Philosophy 37 (3):489-494.
  3. Export logistics of agricultural products of Ukraine in the context of ensuring food security during martial law.Maksym Bezpartochnyi & Igor Britchenko - 2022 - In Maksym Bezpartochnyi, Igor Britchenko, Olesia Bezpartochna, Kostyantyn Afanasyev, Mariia Bahorka, Oksana Bezsmertna, Olena Borschevska, Liliana Chyshynska-Hlybovych, Anna Dybała, Darya Gurova, Iryna Hanechko, Petro Havrylko, Olha Hromova, Tetiana Hushtan, Iryna Kadyrus, Yuri Kindzerski, Svіtlana Kirian, Anatoliy Kolodiychuk, Oleksandr Kovalenko, Andrii Krupskyi, Serhii Leontovych, Olena Lytvyn, Denys Mykhailyk, Oleh Nyzhnyk, Hanna Oleksyuk, Nataliia Petryshyn, Olha Podra, Nazariy Popadynets, Halyna Pushak, Yaroslav Pushak, Oksana Radchenko, Olha Ryndzak, Nataliia Semenyshena, Vitalii Sharko, Vladimir Shedyakov, Olena Stanislavyk, Dmytro Strikhovskyi, Oksana Trubei, Nataliia Trushkina, Sergiy Tsviliy, Leonid Tulush, Liudmyla Vahanova, Nataliy Yurchenko, Andrij Zaverbnyj & Svitlana Zhuravlova, Current issues of security management during martial law. Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach. pp. 163-184.
    The study determined the dynamics of growing grain crops in Ukraine and the geography of their export. The problems of ensuring export logistics as a result of military aggression by russia in the context of ensuring food security are pointed out. The main directions of export logistics of grain crops from Ukraine and the peculiarities of transportation by railway, river and road transport were studied. The directions of diversification of export logistics of grain crops from Ukraine during martial law in (...)
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  4. Investment in the space industry: a comparative analysis of Ukraine and the EU.Svitlana Koshova, Igor Britchenko & Maksym Bezpartochnyi - 2022 - Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 8 (3):92 – 100.
    The identity and institutional capabilities of the European Union (EU) have changed over the years. As a global player in international politics, the EU has recognized the need to develop a comprehensive space policy perspective. This perspective is shaped by changes in the dynamics of the space ecosystem, the "New Space", and this phenomenon consists of new business models, new technologies, new markets, new value chains and new actors. New space actors (private investors) have fundamentally changed the dynamics of space (...)
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  5. Cryptocurrency: Value Formation Factors and Investment Risks.Olena Pakhnenko, Pavlo Rubanov, Olga Girzheva, Larysa Ivashko, Igor Britchenko & Liliia Kozachenko - 2022 - Journal of Information Technology Management 14:179 – 200.
    Scientific sources demonstrate different attitudes of researchers to cryptocurrencies because they treat them as a category of currency, virtual money, commodity, etc. Accordingly, the relation to the valuation and risk of cryptocurrency as an investment object is different. The purpose of the article is to identify cryptocurrency value formation factors and determine the risks of investing in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is simultaneously considered a currency, an asset with uncertain income, and a specific product, the price of which is determined by the (...)
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  6. Environmental and economic security in the conditions of the Ukraine`s economy.Igor Britchenko, Jozefína Drotárová, Mykola Antonov, Juliia Kholodna, Olena Polonska & Yuliia Popova - 2022 - Ad Alta: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2 (12):118-122.
    The article examines the peculiarities and modern specifics of the formation of ecological and economic security in Ukraine in the conditions of digitalization. It was determined that the lack of dynamic growth, the violation of the optimal balance and balance of the ecological and economic system are caused by the depletion of raw resources, a decrease in the overall potential of the environment, and the irrational use of natural resources. It has been proven that in the conditions of digitalization, a (...)
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  7. Pricing Commodity Derivatives Based on A Factor Model.Tim Xiao - manuscript
    This article presents a new methodology for pricing and hedging commodity derivatives. A generic model calibration is provided. The calibration procedure consists of an offline step where the mean reversion rates, the ratio of the long and short factor volatilities and the correlation between the long and short factors are determined via historical analysis. This offline step is performed relatively infrequently. There’s also an online step of the calibration which happens every time the model is used to price an option (...)
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  8. Digitalization for agriculture and rural development in Ukraine.Maksym Bezpartochnyi & Igor Britchenko - 2022 - ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 56 (56):398-406.
    The introduction of digital technologies in agricultural production is one of the most important elements of strategic development in the agricultural sector and rural areas in Ukraine. In agriculture, these new technologies can modernize the industry, promoting innovation in agribusiness and creating new opportunities for rural development. The introduction of digital technologies in agriculture ensures the accuracy of measurements, speed data collection and processing. Digitization in rural areas is an inevitable process that brings a number of economic, social and environmental (...)
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  9. Methodical approaches to assessing the military and economic capacity of the country.Mykola Tkach, Ivan Tkach, Serhii Yasenko, Igor Britchenko & Peter Lošonczi - 2022 - Journal of Scientific Papers «Social Development and Security» 12 (3):81-97.
    The aim of the article is to develop the existing methodological approaches to assessing the military and economic capabilities of the country in conditions of war and peace. To achieve the purpose of the study, its decomposition was carried out and the following were investigated: existing approaches to assessing the military and economic potential of the country, the country's power and national power; the concept of critical load of the national economy is revealed; the generally accepted norms on financing of (...)
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  10. Modern information and communication technologies in the digital economy in the system of economic security of the enterprises.Tetiana Shmatkovska, Igor Britchenko, Serhii Voitovych, Peter Lošonczi, Iryna Lorvi, Iuliia Kulyk & Svitlana Begun - 2022 - Ad Alta: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 12 (01-XXVII):153-156.
    The article considers the features of ensuring the economic security of enterprises in the conditions of intensive introduction of information technologies in their activities in the process of forming the digital economy. It is determined that digitalization creates important advantages for enterprises in terms of implementing a long-term strategy for their development, strengthening economic security, and achieving significant competitive advantages in doing business. It is studied that the system of economic security of the enterprise is an organized set of elements (...)
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  11. Professional Preparation of Future Teachers of Vocational Training in the Transport Area of Expertise with Use of the Author’s Educational Application.Mykhailo Pohorielov, Olena Lavrentieva, Volodymyr Bondarenko, Igor Britchenko, Andrii Dorohan & Aleksandr Uchitel - 2020 - AET 2020 Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology 1:702-713.
    The paper presents the content, as well as approaches to the use in the educational process of the author’s Electronic educational methodical complex (EEMC) “Construction of car”. The course is created for students of the speciality 015 Professional education (Transport, the operation and repairing of automobiles). Its content covers general topics including the study of a car engine, electrical equipment and automotive driveline. The created electronic course embraces, in addition to textual material, illustrations, dynamic models, instructions, manuals, textbooks, reference books (...)
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  12. ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT DECISION TOOL IN BUSINESS.Gabriela Ignat, Nicu ȘARGU & Maksym Bezpartochnyi - 2022 - Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach.
    The book is addressed to those who want to open a business in Romania, to become entrepreneurs or managers and to accumulate necessary accounting information on starting and managing a business. Accounting is the "ace up the sleeve" of any manager because, with the information provided, one can know the past, present and predict the future of a company. This paper presents the theoretical elements of the concepts used in accounting necessary for any manager. The book is intended for those (...)
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  13. Research of the intelligent resource security of the nanoeconomic development innovation paradigm.Tetiana Ostapenko, Igor Britchenko & Peter Lošonczi - 2021 - Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 7 (5):159-168.
    The resources and resource potential of the innovative component of nanoeconomics are analyzed. The factors of production – classical types of resources such as land, labor, capital and technology – are described. Ways of influencing the security resources of nanoeconomics within the innovation paradigm are evaluated. The purpose of the study is to identify the factor of nanoeconomics in the formation of resource security potential in the innovation paradigm. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: to characterize the (...)
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  14. Identification of regularities in the development of the baby economy as a component of the nanolevel of economy system.Tetiana Ostapenko, Igor Britchenko, Peter Lošonczi & Serhii Matveiev - 2022 - Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 (13 (115)):92-102.
    This study has proven that the economic system is determined by various components, in particular, it includes the real sector of the economy, which is formed on mega-, macro, meso-, micro-and nano-levels. In addition, it was proved that the nano-level is determined by the activities of individuals whose economic activity begins with the birth and attitude of parents, attending various educational and upbringing institutions, and studying at university. A separate segment of the nano-level of the economic system is the baby (...)
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  15. The Sharing Economy in Europe: From Idea to Reality.Cristina Miguel, Gabriela Avram, Andrzej Klimczuk, Bori Simonovits, Bálint Balázs & Vida Česnuitytė - 2022 - In Vida Česnuitytė, Andrzej Klimczuk, Cristina Miguel & Gabriela Avram, The Sharing Economy in Europe: Developments, Practices, and Contradictions. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 3–18.
    This chapter explains the rationale behind the book. It provides basic definitions of the concept of the sharing economy as well as the primary meanings related to the subject of the analysis undertaken in the subsequent chapters. This Introduction also includes a description of the main benefits of the analysis of the sharing economy from a European perspective. It highlights that the idea of the book emerged from the collaboration of most co-authors in the COST Action CA16121 ‘From Sharing to (...)
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  16. Comparative analysis of models for adjustment procedure in assets value independent evaluation performed by comparative approach.Yuri Pozdnyakov, Zoryana Skybinska, Tetiana Gryniv, Igor Britchenko, Peter Losonczi, Olena Magopets, Oleksandr Skybinskyi & Nataliya Hryniv - 2021 - Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 6 (13 (114)):80–93.
    This paper addresses the field of economic measurements of the value of assets, carried out by the methods of independent expert evaluation. The mathematical principles of application, within a comparative methodical approach, of additive and multiplicative models for correcting the cost of single indicator of compared objects have been considered. The differences of mathematical basis of the compared models were analyzed. It has been shown that the ambiguity in the methodology of correction procedure requires studying the advantages and disadvantages of (...)
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  17. Current Shopping Trends In Slovakia.Jana Mitríková, Martina Marchevská, Irina Kozárová, Maksym Bezpartochnyi, Igor Britchenko & Radostin Vazov - 2021 - Young Science 9 (3):1-18.
    Understanding the buying and shopping behaviour of current and potential consumers is essential in formulating a successful marketing strategy. It is no longer sufficient for companies to merely produce goods or provide services; companies must know who their consumers are, why they buy, when, where and at what price they buy, and what benefits they expect to gain from the purchase. Companies also need to identify how far consumers are willing to travel to make their purchases and whether the size (...)
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  18. Definition of conceptual basics of nanoeconomics as inclusive society environment.Tetiana Ostapenko, Igor Britchenko & Valentyna Marchenko - 2021 - Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 5 (13 (113) 2021):34-43.
    The definition of nanoeconomics can relate to different levels and areas of economic life. First of all, this is the nanolevel of the economic system. As a human economy, nanoeconomics provides for the allocation of an individual factor within the framework of a socio-economic phenomenon. The nanoeconomic aspect is central to the definition of inclusion. So, the inclusion of a person, as the main subject of nanoeconomics, to the formation and stabilization of economic systems is the initial one in the (...)
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  19. Ensuring the financial safety of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in the context of export products and the impact on macroeconomic indicators.Maksym Bezpartochnyi, Igor Britchenko & Olesia Bezpartochna - 2021 - VUZF REVIEW 3 (6):186-195.
    This article is devoted to the study of directions of financial safety of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises through the assessment of indicators economic activity and analysis of the export potential of agricultural products. The financial indicators of economic activity of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises, which affect the ensuring of financial safety, are determined. The activity of large Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in terms of their capitalization and formation of own capital are studied. Analyzed the commodity structure of exports agricultural products of Ukrainian agricultural (...)
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  20. The establishment of the inflation target and the corridor of fluctuations of the target: analysis of world trends and practice in Ukraine.Vitaliy Shapran & Igor Britchenko - 2021 - VUZF REVIEW 3 (6):13-20.
    The article presents an analysis of global trends in setting the inflation target and the acceptable corridor of inflation target fluctuations. Inflation targeting is an important attribute of the monetary regime of inflation targeting, its main quantitative parameter. The tendency of the inflation targeting regime in 70 countries all over the world are considered, of which 41 countries have official recognition by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) regarding the inflation targeting regime. It was found that most countries set the inflation (...)
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  21. El fin de lo humano en el concepto de desarrollo humano de Naciones Unidas.Felipe Correa - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía 19 (2):11-29.
    El concepto de desarrollo humano del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) surge en 1990 como una crítica a la consideración de la economía como el fin último de los esfuerzos del desarrollo. En la visión del PNUD, la economía es considerada un fin relativo, es decir, un fin y un medio para el desarrollo humano. Al considerar, por su parte, el fin del desarrollo humano, este es identificado con el ensanchamiento de las opciones y libertades de (...)
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  22. Selection and application of appropriate analytical methods needed to assess the risks reducing the security of the protected system.Josef Reitšpís, Martin Mašľan & Igor Britchenko - 2021 - Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 7 (3):1 – 8.
    Risk assessment is one of the prerequisites for understanding its causes and possible consequences. We base our risk assessment on the principles described in the European standard EN 31000 - Risk Management Process. This standard comprehensively describes the continuous activities that are necessary in managing risks and minimizing their possible adverse effects on the operation of the system under investigation. In this activity, it is necessary to first identify the existing risks, then analyze and evaluate the identified risks. In the (...)
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  23. Business communications.Yaroslava Levchenko & Igor Britchenko - 2021 - Sofia, Bułgaria: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
    Communication problems not only every year arouse more and more interest among people of different ages, diffrent professions and education, but, above all, are a necessary component of the professional competence of specialists in all areas of their activity. In 1941, Fethullah Gülen, an Islamic scholar and Turkish public figure, said that "thanks to advances in communications and transport, one of the driving forces of globalization, the distances between countries and peoples are rapidly blurring". But during communication, a person commits (...)
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  24. Regional clustering of financial ensuring of dual education introduction on the example of Ukraine road sector.Igor Britchenko, Levchenko Yaroslava, M. Bezpartochnyi & Prylutska Liudmyla - 2020 - In Igor Britchenko & Maksym Bezpartochnyi, Pandemic Economic Crisis: Changes and New. Sofia, Bułgaria: pp. 80-89.
    In accordance with Order No. 548 of the Ministry of Infrastructure dated December 21, 2015 “On measures for the development of road transport and the road economy for the period until 2020”, strategic directions and strategic development goals were developed. This is necessary to ensure the implementation of plans and the implementation of EU legislation in accordance with the Association Agreement. In accordance with the Order, the priorities were to reform the road sector and to ensure the development and maintenance (...)
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  25. Global pandemic economic crisis: consequences and opportunities for Ukraine.Igor Britchenko & Maksym Bezpartochnyi - 2020 - In Igor Britchenko & Maksym Bezpartochnyi, Pandemic Economic Crisis: Changes and New. Sofia, Bułgaria: pp. 18-22.
    Citizens are the most important economic priority for the economy of Ukraine in comparison with any territory values in the number of its territories and from this position easy needs any position. The pandemic economic crisis did not reveal anything new, but it finally and irrevocably confirmed and proved the priority of the human factor in the economy of any state over the geographical boundaries and regional structure of the state.
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  26. Diagnostics the economic efficiency of agricultural enterprises.Igor Britchenko & Bezpartochna Olesia - 2020 - In M. Bezpartochnyi, I. Britchenko, O. Bezpartochna, R. Dmuchowski, S. Szmitka, O. Shevchenko, M. Artman, P. Jarosz, V. Kubičková, M. Čukanová, D. Benešová, R. Narkūnienė, R. Bražulienė, T. Németh, M. Hegedűs, M. Borowska, B. Cherniavskyi, R. Vazov, M. Lalakulych, N. Tsenkler, N. Štangová, A. Víghová, P. Havrylko, T. Hushtan, V. Petrenko, A. Karnaushenko, A. Sokolovskа, O. Tymchenko, O. Dragan, L. Tertychna, N. Rybak, R. Pidlypna, M. Kovach, K. Indus, O. Sydorchuk, A. Kolodiychuk, V. Kuranovic, O. Nosachenko, M. Baldzhy, K. Andriushchenko, K. Teteruk, E. Yuhas, L. Rybakova, E. Mikelsone, T. Volkova, A. Spilbergs, E. Liela, J. Frisfelds, M. Kurleto, I. Vlasenko & S. Gyrych, New trends in the economic systems management in the context of modern global challenges. Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”.
    In order to ensure stable functioning and development of the enterprise, they evaluate the effectiveness of economic activity. An effective tool for assessing economic activity in modern conditions is economic diagnostics, which allows you to analyze the main indicators of the enterprise, to explore the factors that led to the change in the relevant results and adversely affected the activities of the enterprise. Agricultural enterprises also need such methodological tools for economic diagnostics. However, the existing tools for assessing the effectiveness (...)
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  27. Бизнес в Украине: социально-экономические процессы ориентирования на внешнеэкономические связи.Igor Britchenko, Бритченко Игорь Геннадиевич & Саенко Владислав Григорьевич - 2016 - Науковий Вісник Ужгородського Національного Університету : Наукове Періодичне Видання; Серія «Міжнародні Економічні Відносини Та Світове Господарство» 10 (1):64-70.
    В статье описаны результаты анализа условий становления бизнеса в Украине, который прошел три стадии развития и утверждения. В их числе такие: 1) фаза начального движения советского предпринимательства в 1985–1991 гг., строящегося на условиях планового командования и распределения; 2) фаза гибридного накопления ресурса бизнеса в 1992–2009 гг., основывающегося на условиях невмешательства; 3) фаза реорганизации бизнеса на научно-методической основе в 2008–2016 гг.
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  28. The improvement of the bank infrastructure of Ukraine.Paweł Maciaszczyk, Viktoria Stoika & Igor Britchenko - 2017 - Proceeding of the International Conference on Marketing, Management, Trade, Financial and Social Aspects of Business (MTS 2017) 217:6.
    The article is devoted to the prospects of creation and functioning of cooperative banks and development banks in Ukraine. The article deals with the peculiarities of cooperative banks and development banks. Sci-entists analyzed the views on the activities of banks and their impact on economic development. The article deals with the peculiarities of development and operation of the cooperative banks of developed countries: Germany and Poland. A three-tier model of national cooperative bank system has been suggested. The influences of developments (...)
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  29. Harmonization of accounting for public sector entities in accordance with the leading international standards: a comparison of Italy and Ukraine.Mariya Lalakulych, Igor Britchenko & Tetyana Hushtan - 2018 - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. – Atlantis Press: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Economic and Academic Leadership (ICSEAL 2018) 217:169-176.
    In recent years, there have been many reforms in the field of accounting. In the same time, scientists focus on the leading methods of accounting, financial management and economic opportunities for the additional use of accounting tools to introduce reforms in the field of the accounting of public sector entities. The main goal of this paper is to reveal the leading features of the accounting system of public sector entities and to study the aspects of a new accounting system, which (...)
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  30. Adaptation of domestic state governance to international governance models.Yulya Danshina & Igor Britchenko - 2018 - Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 3 (5):116 - 125.
    The purpose of the article is to provide the evolving international trends of modern management models and authorial vision of model of state governance system in Ukraine, its subsystems, in particular, the system of provision of administrative services that is appropriate for the contemporary times. Methodology. On the basis of scientific and theoretical approaches to the definitions of terms “state governance” and “public governance”, there was an explanation of considerable difference between them and, taking into consideration, the mentality of Ukrainian (...)
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  31. Net structure of subject-to-subject relations in the management of the system of administrative services provision.Yulya Danshina & Igor Britchenko - 2018 - Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 3 (5):108 - 116.
    The purpose of the work is to form the net structure of management of the system of administrative services provision on the basis of implementation of subject-to-subject interactions between state sector and civil society. Methodology. The methodology basis for the investigation is the abstract-logical analysis of theoretical and methodological backgrounds for management of relations and interactions. For the theoretical generalization and formation of net structure, there are used scientific recommendations of Ukrainian scientists regarding the necessity to implement subject-to-subject relations in (...)
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  32. State regulation of the national currency exchange rate by gold and foreign currency reserve management.Igor Britchenko & Vlasenko Evhenii - 2018 - Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu.
    Status of the national currency of Ukraine exchange rate has been characterized as unstable in recent years. Herewith, the Government has not implemented decisive measures on its stabilization, as a rule, underestimating the importance of the Hryvnia exchange rate stability for the successful economic growth in terms of socio-economic transformations. It should also be noted that in modern conditions among scientific and methodical approaches to the State exchange rate formation mechanisms some uncertainty regarding basic and additional tools for such regulatory (...)
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  33. SME bonds in European countries as a new approach to financing.Yevheniia Polishchuk, Igor Britchenko, M. Dyba & O. Svyrydenko - 2018 - In Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk, Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph. Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu. pp. 8 - 22.
    Nowadays a lot of new financial instruments for SMEs innovation projects are getting more popular in the business environment. A great number of them are traditional like credit loans at the same time we can observe the appearance of innovative ones. Variable set of financial instruments generalized on fig.1. This classification is giving by Organiztion of Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD). As we can see from the fig.1 the classification is based on risk approach. For further research it is (...)
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  34. Electronic governance technologies in the system of providing administrative services.Igor Britchenko & Yulia Danshina - 2018 - In Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk, Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph. Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu. pp. 281 - 295.
    The practice of using the term “electronic governance” does not differentiate the concepts of the subject of management, that is, the three branches of government, with forms, processes and technologies of governance, which is not correct, since the use of information technology in state activities is not a top priority. On the other hand, electronic governance technologies cannot be considered separately from the automated governance processes as well as electronic governance technologies are not a supplement or an analogue of the (...)
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  35. Cluster approach in innovation and investment entrepreneurial activity in free economic zones promoting.Igor Britchenko & Peter Jarosz - 2018 - In Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk, Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph. Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu. pp. 117 - 129.
    In markets globalization and increasing competition context, governments of the world’s leading countries are forced to use complex organizational and economic instruments to support the countries’ economy. One of such instruments is creation of Free Economic Zones (FEZ) with favorable conditions for doing business. Over the last decade activation process of Free Economic Zones mechanism disposal for the economy of a particular country development has been possible to observe. If in 1995 there were approximately 500 zones in the world, now (...)
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  36. Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph.Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk (eds.) - 2018 - Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu.
    The monograph reveals challenging issues of small and medium enterprises development in the European Union and East-Partnership countries. Special attention is paid to a new paradigm of financing investments and fostering innovations at all levels of legal entities including SMEs, enhancing innovative entrepreneurship in conditions of global social and technological challenges as well as determining priority sectors for small and medium enterprises as drivers of economic growth. The authors of the monograph emphasize on such European approaches to financing SMEs as (...)
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  37. Global security and economic asymmetry: a comparison of developed and developing countries.Aida Guliyeva, Igor Britchenko & Ulviyya Rzayeva - 2018 - Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 7 (4):707-719.
    This paper tackles the asymmetry of economic interests and geopolitics between developed and developing countries. Currently, the geopolitics presupposes that the majority of novel technologies are devised and designed in developed countries with their subsequent transfer to the developing countries. Moreover, in the context of the global crisis, the issue of de-dollarization is relevant from the political and economic points of view. Our specific focus is on the small oil countries and the issue how to get off the oil needle (...)
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  38. Leading innovations and investments into the new energy technologies.Anetta Zielińska, Igor Britchenko & Piotr Jarosz - 2018 - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. – Atlantis Press: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Economic and Academic Leadership (ICSEAL 2018) 217:320-324.
    This paper focuses on the novel and leading innovations and investments into the new energy technologies. Energy issues, including sustainability, energy security and energy dependency are probably one of the most crucial and critical issues that humanity must face at the moment. Recent global challenges, such as climate change and the rise of the “green” energy (represented by the increasing deployment of the renewable energy sources (RES)), as well as distributed energy generation and platform energy markets (e.g. peer-to-peer (P2P) markets (...)
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  39. Transformation of entrepreneurial leadership in the 21st century: prospects for the future.Igor Britchenko, Sergyi Smerichevskyi & Igor Kryvovyazyuk - 2018 - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. – Atlantis Press: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Economic and Academic Leadership (ICSEAL 2018) 217:115-121.
    The 21st century imposed many challenges on mankind, among them there is a very important problem of entrepreneurial leadership transformation. Entrepreneurship gradual modification under the pressure of factors of innovation, informatization of the environment and the need for socialization of the relations between businessmen and society has led to the need of new understanding of leadership positions. The purpose of this scientific research is to substantiate the style of entrepreneurial leadership, which will become dominant in the 21st century. Analyzing and (...)
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  40. European smart specialization for Ukrainian regional development: path from creation to implementation.Yevheniia Polishchuk, Alla Ivashchenko, Igor Britchenko, Pavel Machashchik & Serhiy Shkarlet - 2019 - Problems and Perspectives in Management 17 (2):376-391.
    The focus of the research is to develop recommendations of smart specialization (SS) for Ukrainian policymakers using European approaches. The authors revealed that the main SS projects are presented in such sectors as agri-food, industrial modernization and energy. More than 12 EU countries were the plot for conducted analysis of SS, as a result of which the level of activity of each country was determined. The creation of consortiums, including SMEs, associations, universities and other participants, disclosed the successful way of (...)
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  41. Consulting Services in Agriculture.Nadiia Serskykh & Igor Britchenko - unknown
    At the paper the dynamics of the development of the services market in Ukraine and its structure are analized. The influence of global economic processes on the services market has been studied. The concepts of "services" and "outsourcing" are characterized. Attention is paid to the development of services in the field of informatization and consulting. The main functions of information and consulting services in agriculture are defined. The purpose of the paper is to study and analyze the current state of (...)
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  42. Assessment of the determinants of the financial security of railways in Ukraine.Igor Britchenko, N. I. Bohomolova, S. S. Pinchuk & O. O. Kravchenko - 2018 - Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice 4 (27):270-282.
    The paper is devoted to the study of determinants determined the level of financial security of economic systems. It is shown that the financial security of an economic system implies the achievement of a level of financial stability that will contribute to simultaneously maintaining financial equilibrium and ensuring targeted growth in line with the development strategy. The level of financial security of rail transport in Ukraine was analyzed and it was determined that the decline in its security was the result (...)
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  43. Organizational-economic mechanism of management innovative development of economic entities: collective monograph.Maksym Bezpartochnyi (ed.) - 2019 - Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno Gospodarcza w Przeworsku.
    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches the management of innovative development the economic entities in order to increase the efficiency of activity, to ensure competitiveness, to intensify innovation activity. Basic research focuses on assessing the innovation processes, the fourth generation of new industrial revolution, diagnosis of sources of innovation financing, assessment of social innovations. The research results have been implemented in the different models of development innovation management, (...)
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  44. A vontade geral e o sistema autogestionário: necessidade, possibilidade e desafios.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2017 - Revista Opinião Filosófica 8 (1):476-509.
    Consistindo em um processo ético-jurídico de deliberação coletiva, o que se impõe à manifestação da Vontade Geral como um fenômeno histórico-cultural é a condição de imanência que a caracteriza em um movimento dinâmico-dialético que demanda uma formação econômico-social que possibilite a emergência de valores e práticas, condutas e comportamentos, necessidades e objetivos que, tendo como fundamento o interesse comum, se lhe correspondam, convergindo para uma forma de autodeterminação que guarda possibilidade de promover a superação da alienação das capacidades humanas no (...)
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  45. Economics and Technological Change: Some Conceptual and Methodological Issues.Maria R. Di Nucci Pearce - 1989 - Erkenntnis 30 (1-2):101.
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  46. Does a Superior Monetary Standard Spontaneously Emerge?Lawrence H. White - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (2).
    Israel Kirzner cautions us that, because commodity price arbitrage as such does not operate outside commodity markets, the logic of Pareto-improving entrepreneurship does not provide a “copybook example” for explaining the evolution of social institutions in general. He characterizes Menger’s theory of the emergence of money as non-entrepreneurial; by implication, while it assures us that some monetary standard will emerge, it does not assure us that a superior monetary standard will spontaneously emerge. I argue that entrepreneurial opportunities for private gain (...)
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  47. Economic Principles and Monetary Institutions. Review Essay on The Theory of Monetary Institutions - Lawrence H. White.Jörg Guido Hülsmann - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (2).
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  48. Economic Principles and Monetary Institutions. Review Essay on The Theory of Monetary Institutions: By Jörg Guido Hülsmann.Lawrence H. White - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (2-3):421-442.
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  49. New Approaches to Monetary Economics: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics.William A. Barnett & Kenneth J. Singleton (eds.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    New Approaches to Monetary Economics brings together presentations of innovative research in the field of monetary economics. Much of this research develops and applies approaches to modelling financial intermediation, aggregate fluctuations, monetary aggregation and transactions-motivated monetary equilibrium. The contents of this volume comprise the proceedings of the second in a conference series entitled International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. This conference was held in 1985 at the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas at Austin. The symposia in this (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Darwinism and Modern Socialism. F. W. Headley.G. P. Gooch - 1910 - International Journal of Ethics 21 (1):120-121.
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