Pee-Wee's Playhouse
Pee-Wee's Playhouse
Series Name
Season 4, Episode 9
Air date November 11, 1989
Written by John Paragon & Lynne Marie Stewart
Directed by John Paragon & Paul Reubens
Episode Guide
Chairry-Tee Drive
I Remember Curtis

Let’s Play Office is the 9th episode of Pee-Wee's Playhouse season 4.

Episode Plot[]

Mrs. Rene comes back from walking Roosevelt and shows Pee-wee tricks she taught him. Miss Yvonne comes over and they play office and take turns playing boss and secretary; when it's Pee-wee's turn to be secretary, he decides to take a break. Pee-wee comes back from playing from Cowboy Curtis and decides to have some juice; everyone wants different flavors, so Pee-wee decides to mix them all together and make fruit punch. Pee-wee proposes a toast. Cowboy Curtis gives Pee-wee a cactus.



  • Mrs. Rene, Miss Yvonne, King of Cartoons, and Cowboy Curtis visit in this episode.
  • El Hombre is shown in this episode.
  • The secret word “that” is said and screamed ten times.
  • Second time Jambi is seen outside his box. First time was To Tell The Tooth.
  • If one were quick to notice, when Jambi was thrown to Pee-wee, you can barely even see his claymation model from "Sick? Did Somebody Say Sick?"
  • For some reason, the flowers singing was changed to chipmunked voices on all versions since the 2004 DVD. It's unclear why Reubens made this alteration.


Secret word: that
Connect-the-dots: magic carpet
Snack: fruit punch
Wish: Pee-wee wishes Jambi could join him on the magic carpet ride.

Home Videos[]
