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Charlie Brown sings the song "The Kite" in the stage musical You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown and the animated TV special of the same name. In the song he tries to fly a kite but, of course, fails.


(As Linus van Pelt looks at Lucy van Pelt in disbelief, the disappears into blessed darkness. Then quick, urgent music is heard and Charlie Brown lurches in from the wings, struggling with an invisible kite on the end of an invisible string. He sings "The Kite")
Charlie Brown: (Singing) Little more speed, little more rope,
Little more wind, little more hope,
Gotta get this stupid kite to fly.
I gotta make sure it doesn't snag,
Doesn't drop, doesn't drag,
Gotta watch out for ev'ry little - whoops!
Little less speed, little more tack,
Little less rise, little more slack,
Gotta keep my wits about me now.
Gotta make sure it doesn't get the best of me
Till I get it in the air somehow.
Millions of little kids do it ev'ry day,
They make a kite and "poof," it's in the sky.
Leave it to me to have the one fool kite
Who likes to see a little kid cry.
Little less talk, little more skill,
Little less luck, little less will,
Gotta face this fella eye to eye.
Now that I've seen you chasing moles,
Climbing trees, digging holes,
Wrapping your string on everything passing by,
Why not fly?
Wait a minute.
What's it doing?
It isn't on the ground,
It isn't in a tree,
It's in the air.
Look at that, it's caught the breeze now,
It's past the trees now, with room to spare.
Oh, what a beautiful sight.
And I'm not such a clumsy guy,
If I really try
I can really fly a...
(A terrible rending of paper and wood is heard. Charlie Brown watches as his imaginary string goes limp. He slumps, heaves a small sigh of resignation, and heads doggedly for the exit as the music chases him out. Patty walks pertly onstage with a large pencil and a flat, brightly colored board which is, of course, a letter she is writing)

