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The Smorg is a massive combination of smaller organisms also called Smorgs that appears as a boss in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, it is the main boss of Chapter 6 and is overall the eleventh boss of the game.


Not much is known about their species or what their agenda is, but the Smorgs were first spotted in Riverside Station, blocking the lever which lowers the bridge. After that, they're seen again on top of the Excess Express train holding all the passengers captive. When Mario and the Partners goes on top of the train, all of the Smorgs gathered around and combined, turning into a large hydra-like creature with the passengers inside it called "Smorg", it later turns into a giant claw, after Mario beats it, the mass of Smorgs dissolves and all the tiny Smorgs fly off the train and all the passengers are released, it remains unknown as to what happened to them afterwards.


In battle, the creature called "Smorg" cannot attack, instead it summons its tentacles, the Smorg Miasmas. These Miasmas can slap Mario or his partner, each of which can do 5 points of damage to either Mario or Partner, which if combine can do up to 15 points of damage if not blocked. There is also a claw-shaped Miasma. It grabs Mario and his partner at the same time for double attack power of 10 points of damage if not blocked.

Battle Tactics[]

It is best to use Vivian's Fiery Jynx or a Thunder Rage to knock out the Miasmas and then proceed to attack the Smorg.

It also must be noted Yoshi's Stampede is another useful way to attack the Miasmas under the influence of Power Lift or any attack buffs of any sorts. However, once the Miasma tentacles are gone, any other party member can also be used.

When all three of the tentacles or giant claw is defeated, a large pulsing red colored Smorg will appear in the middle, that's Mario and the Partner's chance to deal actual damage to Smorg, it takes two turns for Smorg to regain its bits, so the Player should go all out of the weak point, Players should be warned, as after the Smorg regain either its three tentacles or its giant claw, it gets a free turn to attack.

Name Origin Theories[]

  • The name "Smorg" is possibly derived from "smörgÃ¥sbord," a very large Swedish buffet sometimes called in English as "Smorgosboard", due to "ö" and "Ã¥" not being in the English alphabet. (compare to the immense amount of Smorgs).
  • Also, rearranging two letters in "smorgasbord" can create a new phrase, "Smorgs aboard," possibly referring to their presence on the train.
  • It may also come from the term "Smog", based on their dark, cloudy appearance.
  • The term "Miasma" refers to a poisonous cloud and/or dangerous atmosphere, likely referencing the appearance and hostile nature of the Smorgs.


  • As stated, it remains unknown on what Smorg is and what its here for. There are four possibilities.
    • The first is that it that Smorg might be a spawn created by Beldam since she raised the bridge in the first place, and there was said to be originally an additional part to the chapter that involved the Shadow Sirens confronting Mario & Co. on the train and then summoning the Smorg. (Why they took it out for the final version of the game is unknown.)
    • The second of which is that Smorg might have been created by either Sir Grodus or Lord Crump, considering that they live in a lab, it is likely that either have created it to distract Mario and Co. so that the Shadow Sirens and Doopliss can get the Crystal Star.
    • The third possibility, is that Smorg might have been created by the Shadow Queen off-screen.
    • The fourth is that it was always an organism that Sir Grodus found and took it to study in the lab on the X-Naut moon, and then use it to guard the Crystal Star.
  • The Smorg is the only Chapter Boss in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year-Door to not be guarding the Crystal Star.
  • The Smorg is very similar to Lava Piranha from the previous Paper Mario game, seeing as:
    • Both bosses are larger three three-head versions of that enemy (Lava Piranha: Paranha Plant, Smorgs).
    • Both bosses (in Smorgs' first form) can attack for three turns.
    • Both bosses have a second phase.
  • If counting both the Smorg Tentacles and the Smorg Claw, which are mandatory to beat in order to do any real damage to Smorg, then Smorg would have 68 HP.
  • Larry's boss fight in Paper Mario: Color Splash almost perfectly parallels the Smorg. They both serve as chapter bosses to obtain the penultimate major star-like object in the game; instead of guarding the star, however, they are both fought on top of a train prior to the train arriving at the star's location.
    • However they are difference in therms of their roles as bosses and abilities.
      • Smorg is a large monster made out of a bunch of Smorgs with no real personality and has no real firepower-type abilities.
      • Larry however is a Koopa with a personality and has firepower-type abilities.
  • In the Tattle log, Smorg and Miasma appear black, but in-game, Miasma appears very dark blue while Smorg appears crimson pink.
  • Smorgs don't speak any language; they only blurt out the word SMORG!, similar to how Fuzzies tend to blurt out MEORK!