Ancient Roman Soldiers were seen in a past event occurring in the Seraph of the End, specifically during a recollection in the Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign manga. They were involved in Ancient Rome's invasion of Ancient Greece. Their commander at the time was Lord Bartley, who Ferid Bathory was known as when he was a human.
It is likely that all the Roman soldiers were male. Roman Legionnaire armor was used for the invasion. The lorica segmentata was banded armor that they were cladded with. Each soldier also wore a galea helmet. Unlike the Greek soldiers who bore aspis shields, the Roman soldiers were equipped with large rectangular tower shields.
The Roman soldiers' scutum shields were adorned with a wing design, almost certainly the eagle which was the symbol of the Roman army. A zig-zag pattern which was also featured on the shield may have been a representation of the lightning bolts that signified Jupiter, the king of the gods. Due to the culture it is more likely than not that the Romans' shields were red in coloration since for them that was a symbol of power.
They were ready to invade another country. Keeping an eye on what was transpiring on the other side, a soldier shouted what the Greek forces were doing and warned that they were coming. Possibly uneasy as this was taking place, a rallying call of saying for them to not fear was given. They followed orders to ensure their victory, and yet some were concerned for their commander Ferid who charged ahead. After their massacre, there was praise for those who were felt to have battled well. One soldier spoke of Ferid being afforded glory for his prowess.
In Ancient Rome's invasion of Ancient Greece there were battalions of soldiers ready for battle on a grassy plane. One soldier shouted that the Greek forces had formed a phalanx. Seeing who had responded to this, a soldier called to Vice-Commander Bartley and warned him that the Greek forces were coming.[1]
Instructed to start throwing javelins, the Roman forces were to lure the Greek soldiers to uneven ground. They were rallied by Ferid to not fear, and assured that victory would be theres'. Approaching the Greek soldiers, the Roman soldiers responded to Ferid's sudden command to turn and draw their blades. While they complied, there were concerns that Lord Ferid was running to the front.
Ordered to smash into the Greek forces from the flank, the Roman soldiers joined in the massacre. Some shouted to not let the Vice-Commander get killed.
The battle was won in their favor.[2]
One Roman soldier approached Ferid and enthusiastically told Lord Bartley that was amazing. He raised how many battles had they won in a row, now. Although Ferid claimed he found it boring since they were using the same strategy over again, the solider replied for him to not be so humble. Judging that Ferid was always putting his life on the line, the soldier felt that he was ensuring that they won the critical battles. He added that everyone says that Ferid would make Vice-general.
Although Ferid stated he was not interested in promotions, the soldier commented on his rank and what is is at his age before remarking that he was sure that Ferid's parents must be proud. He added that Ferid had brought glory to the Bartley name.
Asked about the General's activity, the soldier responded that the General was attacking the port. He questioned Ferid whether they should reinforce the General. The suggestion declined, the soldier heard Ferid say there was something he wanted to do first. For why Ferid came all the way to the East as it was, the soldier wondered what else this was. He may heard heard Ferid speak of an immortal who drinks the blood of men.[3]
The ancient Roman soldiers are learned of by Crowley Eusford in the present day when he accesses Ferid's memories.
Javelins were ready for short-range combat and available for throwing. It is likely gladius swords that were also wielded by the ancient Roman soldiers. Tactics were utilized to overcome the phalanx formation that the Greek soldiers were using. They moved to make use of the terrain, and were ready to act quick for sudden changes in battle strategy.
Ferid Bathory[]
They knew Ferid as Vice-Commander Bartley and served under him. They looked to him when enemy activity was being reported and followed his orders without question. Concern was shown when Ferid was riding too far ahead, where other soldiers were also against him being killed. They respected his battle prowess that had secured them victories. Aware of his family name, they commended him for his titles and the glory he had gained for himself. What the soldiers would likely not know was that shortly after their battles here, Ferid would be transformed into a vampire to become a seventh progenitor throughout later ages.
Ancient Greek Soldiers[]
Invading Greece, they attacked the Greek soldiers who were defending their homeland. Attentive to their battle strategies, the Roman legions had won multiple victories. They knew their own forces were also attacking a Greek port around the time of their battle.
- ↑ Owari no Seraph chapter 144 (p. 26-27)
- ↑ Owari no Seraph chapter 144 (p. 28-32)
- ↑ Owari no Seraph chapter 144 (p. 33-34)