One Piece Wiki

Suzume[2] is a rooster living in the Tower of Justice.[1]


Suzume is a small, pure white rooster with a bright red wattle and comb, a yellow beak, and small, beady eyes.


Suzume has settled down in the Wolf Room of Tower of Justice where he takes daily walks.[2] Notably, instead of crowing, he makes a chirping sound.[1]


Water 7 Saga[]

Enies Lobby Arc[]

When Usopp tried to steal Jabra's CP9 key, Suzume stared him down and chirped at him. Startled by the unexpected sound, Usopp yelled in shock, waking up Jabra.[1]

After the Buster Call on Enies Lobby, Suzume's status is unknown.

Anime and Manga Differences[]

In the anime, Suzume was not the only thing to distract Usopp during his attempt to retrieve the key; he was preceded by Usopp being stung by a bee and almost dying of a heart attack.[3]


  • Suzume's name is the Japanese name for the Eurasian tree sparrow, likely as a reference to the unexpected chirping sound he makes.
  • Suzume placed 65th in the third popularity poll and 365th in the seventh.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 401 (p. 11-14) and Episode 286, Suzume debuts.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (EX Characters: Water 7 Saga Vol. 4 #0436), Suzume's Vivre Card entry.
  3. One Piece Anime — Episode 286.

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