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Octopath Traveler Wiki

Cathedral Cellars is a dungeon location in Octopath Traveler II. It is Temenos's Chapter 1 dungeon.


Name HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf (Collect) EXP JP Item (Droprate %) Steal
Ambling Bones 217 1 Type StavesType WindType Light LeafLeaf 30 (LeafLeaf 60) 7 3 Olive of Life (6%) Olive of Life
Black Bat 190 1 Type SwordsType DaggersType BowsType FireType Light LeafLeaf 12 (LeafLeaf 24) 6 2 Healing Grape (10%) Healing Grape
Giant Slug 286 2 Type DaggersType StavesType IceType Lightning LeafLeaf 60 (LeafLeaf 120) 11 7 Healing Grape (10%) Healing Grape
Scaled Viper 194 1 Type SwordsType AxesType FireType Light LeafLeaf 24 (LeafLeaf 48) 7 3 Inspiriting Plum (7%) Inspiriting Plum
Shadow Wisp 243 1 Type FireType LightningType WindType Light LeafLeaf 48 (LeafLeaf 96) 10 5 Shadow Soulstone (4%) Shadow Soulstone
Crimson Ammonite 168 2 Type SwordsType LightningType LightType Dark LeafLeaf 36 (LeafLeaf 72) 8 4 Inspiriting Plum (7%) Inspiriting Plum


Chance Time Environment Enemies Leaf EXP JP
TBA N/A Land 1 × Giant Slug 60 11 7
TBA N/A Land 1 × Giant Slug
1 × Scaled Viper
84 18 10
TBA N/A Land 2 × Scaled Viper 48 14 6
TBA N/A Land 1 × Ambling Bones 30 7 3
TBA N/A Land 2 × Ambling Bones 60 14 6
TBA N/A Land 2 × Black Bat 24 12 4
TBA N/A Land 1 × Shadow Wisp 48 10 5
TBA N/A Water 1 × Giant Slug 60 11 7
TBA N/A Water 1 × Crimson Ammonite 36 8 4
TBA N/A Water 2 × Black Bat 24 12 4
TBA N/A Water 1 × Shadow Wisp 48 10 5


Provisioner Building Provisioner[]

Type Name Price ( Leaf (White) ) Description
Item Headgear Leather Helm Leaf 200 Phys. Def. +8
Elem. Def. +8
Item Body Armor Fur Armor Leaf 400 Phys. Def. +19
Elem. Def. +14
Item Grapes OT2 Healing Grape Leaf 50 Restores HP to a single ally.
Item Plums OT2 Inspiriting Plum Leaf 240 Restores SP to a single ally.
Item Olives OT2 Olive of Life Leaf 500 Revives and restores HP to a single fallen ally.
  • This Provisioner leaves after completing Temenos' Chapter 1.




  • The Cathedral Cellars is one of the few chapter dungeons where the boss is fought outside of the dungeon.
  • The Cathedral Cellars appear to be a mausoleum, as it contains gravestones and its entrance is lined with caskets.