Dit is een archief. Maak geen verdere bewerkingen aan deze pagina. Als je een nieuwe discussie wil beginnen, of een oude discussie wil hervatten, doe dit dan op de huidige overlegpagina. |
Looking for feedback on my funding proposal to work with UNESCO
Hi all
Firstly I'm sorry to post this in English, I hope I have put it in the right place. I’m looking for feedback and endorsement for my Wikimedia Foundation PEG grant to be Wikimedian in Residence at UNESCO. I’d very much appreciate if you would have a look, I want to include as many different projects and languages as possible and creating sustainable connections between existing Wikimedia contributors and some of UNESCO's 380+ partner organisations. The most relevant goals to Wikiviyage are:
- 1. Train UNESCO and its partner organisations to contribute to Wikimedia projects: Provide UNESCO and its partners with the skills, tools, resources and connections to contribute to Wikimedia projects in a meaningful, measurable and sustainable way. To integrate into the Wikimedia community both online and by matching them with local Wikimedia organisations and volunteers for in person support and collaboration. The project will create and improve content receiving 100,000,000 views per year on Wikimedia projects, educate 1000 people in over 200 organisations to learn more about Wikimedia projects. This will include 500 newly registered users trained to contribute to Wikimedia projects and 500 articles formally reviewed by experts.
- 2. Make content from the archives of UNESCO and its partners available on Wikimedia projects: This project will facilitate the upload of 30,000 images, audio files, videos, data and other content to Wikimedia projects from UNESCO archives (24,000 images), UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and other sources including 10 organisations changing their content license to be Wikimedia compatible, a completed pilot project is outlined in the Goal section.
The release of images of World Heritage sites is probably the most relevant to Wikivoyage , I ran a pilot project that resulted in the images found in the Wikimedia Commons category Images from the archive of UNESCO, here are a few of them:
- The Soda volcano, Oromia, Ethiopia.
- Rubble of the cathedral after the earthquake that hit the Capital Port au Prince just before 5 pm on 12 January 2010.
- Young monk, wearing a special costume, July-August 1991, Sikkim, India.
- The Aral sea is drying up. Bay of Zhalanash, Ship Cemetery, Aralsk, Kazakhstan
- Not far from Mohenjo-Daro (or Mohenjodaro) - These Mohana fishermen/hunters use lures from real birds to catch more birds. They will either eat them or sell them. Mohenjodaro, Pakistan.
- Priest of rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela, a high place of Ethiopian Christianity, still today a place of pilmigrage and devotion.
I'm working towards this as an example for other UN organisations to emulate, if you think this is a worthwhile project please click this link and click the endorse button. If the project is funded I hope we can work together.
Many thanks
Uitnodiging Wikimedia Belgium Project Days
Wikimedia Belgium wants to work on a better Free Knowledge and wants to support all efforts in this regard. Wikimedia Belgium cannot do this on their own and needs your help. We can assist you with your plans and projects. Please talk to us during the Wikimedia Belgium Project Days, organized every three to six months. The first Project Day is scheduled for Wednesday 4 February 2015. Lotje (overleg) 2 feb 2015 16:59 (CET)
VisualEditor News #1—2015
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has fixed many bugs and worked on VisualEditor's appearance, the coming Citoid reference service, and support for languages with complex input requirements. Status reports are posted on Upcoming plans are posted at the VisualEditor roadmap.
The Wikimedia Foundation has named its top priorities for this quarter (January to March). The first priority is making VisualEditor ready for deployment by default to all new users and logged-out users at the remaining large Wikipedias. You can help identify these requirements. There will be weekly triage meetings which will be open to volunteers beginning Wednesday, 11 February 2015 at 12:00 (noon) PST (20:00 UTC). Tell Vice President of Engineering Damon Sicore, Product Manager James Forrester and other team members which bugs and features are most important to you. The decisions made at these meetings will determine what work is necessary for this quarter's goal of making VisualEditor ready for deployment to new users. The presence of volunteers who enjoy contributing MediaWiki code is particularly appreciated. Information about how to join the meeting will be posted at mw:Talk:VisualEditor/Portal shortly before the meeting begins.
Due to some breaking changes in MobileFrontend and VisualEditor, VisualEditor was not working correctly on the mobile site for a couple of days in early January. The teams apologize for the problem.
Recente verbeteringen
The new design for VisualEditor aligns with MediaWiki's Front-End Standards as led by the Design team. Several new versions of the OOjs UI library have also been released, and these also affect the appearance of VisualEditor and other MediaWiki software extensions. Most changes were minor, like changing the text size and the amount of white space in some windows. Buttons are consistently color-coded to indicate whether the action:
- starts a new task, like opening the ⧼visualeditor-toolbar-savedialog⧽ dialog: blue ,
- takes a constructive action, like inserting a citation: green ,
- might remove or lose your work, like removing a link: red , or
- is neutral, like opening a link in a new browser window: gray .
The TemplateData editor has been completely re-written to use a different design based on the same OOjs UI system as VisualEditor. (T67815, T73746.) This change fixed a couple of existing bugs and improved usability. (T73077, T73078.)
Search and replace in long documents is now faster. It does not highlight every occurrence if there are more than 100 on-screen at once.(T78234.)
Editors at the Hebrew and Russian Wikipedia requested the ability to use VisualEditor in the "Article Incubator" or drafts namespace. (T86688, T87027.) If your community would like VisualEditor enabled on another namespace on your wiki, then you can file a request in Phabricator. Please include a link to a community discussion about the requested change.
The Editing team will soon add auto-fill features for citations. The Citoid service takes a URL or DOI for a reliable source, and returns a pre-filled, pre-formatted bibliographic citation. After creating it, you will be able to change or add information to the citation, in the same way that you edit any other pre-existing citation in VisualEditor. Support for ISBNs, PMIDs, and other identifiers is planned. Later, editors will be able to contribute to the Citoid service's definitions for each website, to improve precision and reduce the need for manual corrections.
We will need editors to help test the new design of the special character inserter, especially if you speak Welsh, Breton, or another language that uses diacritics or special characters extensively. The new version should be available for testing next week. Please contact User:Whatamidoing (WMF) if you would like to be notified when the new version is available. After the special character tool is completed, VisualEditor will be deployed to all users at Phase 5 Wikipedias. This will affect about 50 mid-size and smaller Wikipedias, including Afrikaans, Azerbaijani, Breton, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Mongolian, Tatar, and Welsh. The date for this change has not been determined.
Laten we samenwerken
- Share your ideas and ask questions at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback.
- Please help complete translations of the user guide for users who speak your language.
- Join the weekly bug triage meetings beginning Wednesday, 11 February 2015 at 12:00 (noon) PST (20:00 UTC); information about how to join the meeting will be posted at mw:Talk:VisualEditor/Portal shortly before the meeting begins, and you can also contact James F. to learn more about this initiative.
- Talk to the Editing team during the office hours via IRC. The next session is on Thursday, 19 February 2015 at 19:00 UTC.
- Subscribe or unsubscribe at Meta. If you would like to help with translations of this newsletter, please subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
5 feb 2015 19:31 (CET)
Belangrijk: Beoordeling beheerdersactiviteit
Goedendag. In 2013 is een beleid met betrekking tot het verwijderen van "geavanceerde rechten" (moderator, bureaucraat, etc.) bij consensus vastgesteld door de gemeenschap. Op basis van dit beleid beoordelen de stewards de activiteit van de moderators op alle wiki's van de Wikimedia Foundation waar geen eigen inactiviteitsbeleid geldt. Voor zover ons bekend, heeft deze wiki geen formeel proces voor het intrekken van "geavanceerde rechten" van inactieve accounts. Dit betekent dat de stewards zich hierover gaan ontfermen op basis van admin activiteitsbeoordeling.
We hebben vastgesteld dat de volgende gebruikers voldoen aan de inactiviteitscriteria (geen bewerkingen en geen gelogde acties in de afgelopen twee jaar):
- Hansm (bureaucraat, moderator)
Deze gebruikers ontvangen binnenkort een bericht, waarin hen gevraagd wordt het binnen de gemeenschap aan te geven als zij enkele of alle van hun rechten willen behouden. Als de gebruikers niet reageren, zullen hun geavanceerde rechten door de stewards worden ingetrokken.
Wil jullie gemeenschap haar eigen activiteitsbeoordelingsproces vaststellen, dat voor gaat op het globale proces, willen jullie een andere beslissing nemen met betrekking tot deze inactieve gebruikers met rechten of hebben jullie hier al een beleid voor dat niet bekend is bij de stewards, wil je dit dan aangeven op het berichtenbord van de stewards op Meta-Wiki, zodat we weten dat we niet verder hoeven te gaan met het beoordelen van de rechten op jouw wiki. Hartelijke dank. Openbk (talk) 5 feb 2015 20:42 (CET)
- For the record, we did not see that you had a local policy, but the local community is responsible for notifying the user and sending the requests to m:SRP. --Rschen7754 14 feb 2015 04:08 (CET)
Kan er misschien even een bot aan het werk worden gezet die alle pagina's op Wikivoyage voorziet van een {{pagebanner}}?
Ischa1 (overleg) 23 feb 2015 21:39 (CET)
- Ja, gebruiker Globe-trotter had ook al aangegeven dat de {{pagebanner}} eigenlijk op iedere pagina zou moeten staan. Toch moeten er vóór een dergelijke bot-operatie wel eerst enkele problemen met de {{pagebanner}} worden opgelost. Het gaat daarbij om een tweetal probleemsoorten rond de balk met de (verkorte) inhoudsopgave:
- Een browser-georiënteerd probleem
- Een functioneel probleem
- Het browser-georiënteerde probleem bestaat uit het feit dat het alleen goed gaat met de Google Chrome browser. Met Microsoft Internet Explorer en met Mozilla Firefox gaan er dingen fout:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer toont de balk niet op de wijze van Google Chrome. De balk verschijnt niet in de kleurstelling die wordt opgegeven en is daardoor vrijwel onleesbaar (witte letters op een heel lichtgrijze achtergrond heeft te weinig contrast). Als tijdelijke oplossing heb ik een andere default ingesteld in {{pagebanner}}, waardoor het er nog aanvaardbaar uitziet. Het probleem is oplosbaar, wat te zien is op de Franse Wikivoyage. De Engelse Wikivoyage heeft overigens het zelfde probleem als de Nederlandse.
- Mozilla Firefox toont de balk gedurende een fractie van een seconde op de zelfde wijze als Microsoft Internet Explorer, maar daarna is deze in het geheel niet meer zichtbaar. Zowel de Engelse als de Franse Wikivoyage hebben dit probleem niet.
- Het functionele probleem is het ontbreken van de mogelijkheid de balk te tonen dan wel te verbergen. Het enige dat je kunt doen om de balk te tonen dan wel te verbergen, is naar een pagina gaan waar geen {{pagebanner}} op voor komt en daar de inhoudsopgave open of dicht te klappen. Een dergelijke actie wordt natuurlijk onmogelijk als iedere pagina een {{pagebanner}} heeft.
- Als beide problemen zijn opgelost, lijkt het me dat een bot aan het werk gezet kan worden.
- --FredTC (overleg) 24 feb 2015 07:22 (CET)
- Zowel in IE als FF doet de pagebanner het nu gewoon. Mij lijkt het dus dat de pagebanner overal geplaatst kan worden. Als jullie willen en er geen bezwaren verder zijn, kan ik dat met mijn bot uitvoeren. Romaine (overleg) 24 mei 2015 10:57 (CEST)
- Nog even wachten. Het gaat anders, maar soms goed en soms nog niet goed. Het is verschillend op oude en nieuwe computer.
- Oude computer: Windows 7 Engels met IE11, Chrome en FF Engels (scherm 1920x1080).
- Nieuwe computer Windows 8.1 met IE11, Crome en FF (
FF moet ik nog even installeren), alles Nederlands (scherm 3200x1800). - Smartphone met Android 4.2.2 met de standaard meegeleverde browser (scherm 1920x1080), Wikivoyage-pagina in desktop-weergave.
- Ik moet nu even weg, later zal ik een uitvoerige analyse geven. --FredTC (overleg) 24 mei 2015 11:54 (CEST)
- Na enig experimenteren bemerkte ik dat het vooral ging om aangelogd (fout) / niet-aangelogd (goed), en niet welke browser werd gebruikt. Toen heb ik aangelogd alle "Voorkeuren" naar standaard gezet, waarna het aangelogd ook goed ging. Na nog enig experimenteren kon ik de instelling vinden die het fout laat gaan: Voorkeuren → Diversen → Drijvende inhoudsopgave moet aangevinkt zijn.
- Opmerking 1: Op de oude computer bleef FF het doen zoals op de afbeelding te zien is, er werd daar dus geen TOC in de pagebanner getoond. Op beide computers was het versienummer van FF 38.0.1. Op de Engelse, Franse en Spaanse WV-pagina's gaat het met FF op de oude computer overigens wel goed!
- Opmerking 2: Het functionele probleem moet ook worden opgelost. (knopje links-onder in de banner?)
- Mijn conclusie: Na het oplossen van het functionele probleem kan een {{pagebanner}} op iedere pagina staan.
- --FredTC (overleg) 25 mei 2015 11:33 (CEST)
- Nog even wachten. Het gaat anders, maar soms goed en soms nog niet goed. Het is verschillend op oude en nieuwe computer.
- Zowel in IE als FF doet de pagebanner het nu gewoon. Mij lijkt het dus dat de pagebanner overal geplaatst kan worden. Als jullie willen en er geen bezwaren verder zijn, kan ik dat met mijn bot uitvoeren. Romaine (overleg) 24 mei 2015 10:57 (CEST)
[Global proposal] (iedereen) Pagina's bewerken
Hi, this message is to let you know that, on domains like, unregistered users cannot edit. At the Wikimedia Forum, where global configuration changes are normally discussed, a few dozens users propose to restore normal editing permissions on all mobile sites. Please read and comment!
Thanks and sorry for writing in English, Nemo 1 mrt 2015 23:33 (CET)
- Ik heb op dit proposal gereageerd met vóór wijzigen door unregistered users. --FredTC (overleg) 2 mrt 2015 03:38 (CET)
Inspire Campaign: Improving diversity, improving content
This March, we’re organizing an Inspire Campaign to encourage and support new ideas for improving gender diversity on Wikimedia projects. Less than 20% of Wikimedia contributors are women, and many important topics are still missing in our content. We invite all Wikimedians to participate. If you have an idea that could help address this problem, please get involved today! The campaign runs until March 31.
All proposals are welcome - research projects, technical solutions, community organizing and outreach initiatives, or something completely new! Funding is available from the Wikimedia Foundation for projects that need financial support. Constructive, positive feedback on ideas is appreciated, and collaboration is encouraged - your skills and experience may help bring someone else’s project to life. Join us at the Inspire Campaign and help this project better represent the world’s knowledge!
(Sorry for the English - please translate this message!) MediaWiki message delivery (overleg) 4 mrt 2015 21:01 (CET)
SUL finalization update
Hi all,apologies for writing in English, please read this page for important information and an update involving SUL finalization, scheduled to take place in one month. Thanks. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 13 mrt 2015 20:45 (CET)
nieuwe bestemming in de spotlights
Bestemming in de spotlights
Onderaan de pagina staat Indonesië heel erg in de spotlights, omdat we daar samen aan zouden werken hier op Wikivoyage. Echter heb ik het idee dat Indonesië er best al even staat! Ik vroeg me af of het daarom niet eens tijd zou worden om een nieuwe bestemming te kiezen om in de schijnwerpers te zetten. Want ik denk dat er wel meer noemenswaardige bestemmingen op de wereld zijn waarvan de pagina wel een opsteker kan gebruiken.
Zo was ik bijvoorbeeld zojuist op de pagina over Zuid-Afrika, om een Nederlandse versie van het regiokaartje neer te zetten. ZA is toch wel een best wel noemenswaardige bestemming op de wereld, maar eigenlijk zou de pagina veel uitgebreider moeten zijn! Ook de afzonderlijke pagina's van de regio's in Zuid-Afrika zouden een facelift kunnen gebruiken. En zo zijn er nog veel meer pagina's op Wikivoyage die wel een facelift kunnen gebruiken, los van Indonesië.
Mijn vraag is dus: zou er een nieuwe bestemming gekozen kunnen worden om in de spotlights te zetten?
Ischa1 (overleg) 18 mrt 2015 23:02 (CET)
- Een andere bestemming lijkt mij wel een goed idee. Misschien moeten we ook de lay-out van de hoofdpagina wat aanpassen. Bij mij is "Wij werken samen aan..." niet in beeld als ik de hoofdpagina oproep, daarvoor moet ik eerst wat naar beneden scrollen. Welk criterium zou er moeten gelden voor de keuze van de bestemming? De Engelse WV is vrijwel altijd veel uitgebreider dan de Nederlandse, zelfs voor veel Nederlandse bestemmingen. We zouden naar bestemmingen kunnen kijken die in het Engels zeer uitgeberid zijn en in het Nederlands heel beperkt. In dat geval zou "Wij werken samen aan..." ook kunnen verwijzen naar een project als "Aanvullen Nederlandse artikelen door vertalen Engelse artikelen". --FredTC (overleg) 19 mrt 2015 12:03 (CET)
Mexico is misschien ook wel heel goed. Ook best wel een noemenswaardige bestemming, maar bijna alle regio's hebben nog rode/dode links en de pagina zelf is nog erg basic... Ischa1 (overleg) 20 mrt 2015 17:21 (CET)
- OK, Mexico, dat voldoet ook aan "veel info in het Engelse artikel", dus met het nodige vertaalwerk kan er al heel wat worden bereikt. Het lijkt mij dat de tekst onder "Wij werken samen aan..." dan behalve Mexico, ook meteen de Mexicaanse regio Yucatán zou kunnen vermelden. Dus:
- Wat denk je er van dit de rest van de maand en in april "in de spotlights te zetten"?
- --FredTC (overleg) 21 mrt 2015 10:36 (CET)
Wikimania Mexico
Je kunt een beurs aanvragen voor Wikimania Mexico. Ad Huikeshoven (overleg) 22 mrt 2015 21:46 (CET)
Stewards confirmation rules
Hello, I made a proposal on Meta to change the rules for the steward confirmations. Currently consensus to remove is required for a steward to lose his status, however I think it's fairer to the community if every steward needed the consensus to keep. As this is an issue that affects all WMF wikis, I'm sending this notification to let people know & be able to participate. Best regards, --MF-W 10 apr 2015 18:12 (CEST)
VisualEditor News #2—2015
Did you know?
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has fixed many bugs and worked on VisualEditor's performance, the Citoid reference service, and support for languages with complex input requirements. Status reports are posted on The worklist for April through June is available in Phabricator.
The weekly task triage meetings continue to be open to volunteers, each Wednesday at 11:00 (noon) PDT (18:00 UTC). You do not need to attend the meeting to nominate a bug for consideration as a Q4 blocker. Instead, go to Phabricator and "associate" the Editing team's Q4 blocker project with the bug. Learn how to join the meetings and how to nominate bugs at mw:Talk:VisualEditor/Portal.
Recent improvements
VisualEditor is now substantially faster. In many cases, opening the page in VisualEditor is now faster than opening it in the wikitext editor. The new system has improved the code speed by 37% and network speed by almost 40%.
The Editing team is slowly adding auto-fill features for citations. This is currently available only at the French, Italian, and English Wikipedias. The Citoid service takes a URL or DOI for a reliable source, and returns a pre-filled, pre-formatted bibliographic citation. After creating it, you will be able to change or add information to the citation, in the same way that you edit any other pre-existing citation in VisualEditor. Support for ISBNs, PMIDs, and other identifiers is planned. Later, editors will be able to improve precision and reduce the need for manual corrections by contributing to the Citoid service's definitions for each website.
Citoid requires good TemplateData for your citation templates. If you would like to request this feature for your wiki, please post a request in the Citoid project on Phabricator. Include links to the TemplateData for the most important citation templates on your wiki.
The special character inserter has been improved, based upon feedback from active users. After this, VisualEditor was made available to all users of Wikipedias on the Phase 5 list on 30 March. This affected 53 mid-size and smaller Wikipedias, including Afrikaans, Azerbaijani, Breton, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Mongolian, Tatar, and Welsh.
Work continues to support languages with complex requirements, such as Korean and Japanese. These languages use input method editors ("IMEs”). Recent improvements to cursoring, backspace, and delete behavior will simplify typing in VisualEditor for these users.
The design for the image selection process is now using a "masonry fit" model. Images in the search results are displayed at the same height but at variable widths, similar to bricks of different sizes in a masonry wall, or the "packed" mode in image galleries. This style helps you find the right image by making it easier to see more details in images.
You can now drag and drop categories to re-arrange their order of appearance on the page.
The pop-up window that appears when you click on a reference, image, link, or other element, is called the "context menu". It now displays additional useful information, such as the destination of the link or the image's filename. The team has also added an explicit "Edit" button in the context menu, which helps new editors open the tool to change the item.
Invisible templates are marked by a puzzle piece icon so they can be interacted with. Users also will be able to see and edit HTML anchors now in section headings.
Users of the TemplateData GUI editor can now set a string as an optional text for the 'deprecated' property in addition to boolean value, which lets you tell users of the template what they should do instead. (T90734)
Looking ahead
The special character inserter in VisualEditor will soon use the same special character list as the wikitext editor. Admins at each wiki will also have the option of creating a custom section for frequently used characters at the top of the list. Instructions for customizing the list will be posted at
The team is discussing a test of VisualEditor with new users at the English Wikipedia, to see whether they have met their goals of making VisualEditor suitable for those editors. The timing is unknown, but might be relatively soon. (T90666)
Let's work together
- Share your ideas and ask questions at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback.
- Can you translate from English into any other language? Please check this list to see whether more interface translations are needed for your language. Contact us to get an account if you want to help!
- The design research team wants to see how real editors work. Please sign up for their research program.
- File requests for language-appropriate "Vet" and "Cursief" icons for the character formatting menu in Phabricator.
Subscribe, unsubscribe or change the page where this newsletter is delivered at Meta. If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
10 apr 2015 21:49 (CEST)
This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.
I am pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections. This year the Board and the FDC Staff are looking for a diverse set of candidates from regions and projects that are traditionally under-represented on the board and in the movement as well as candidates with experience in technology, product or finance. To this end they have published letters describing what they think is needed and, recognizing that those who know the community the best are the community themselves, the election committee is accepting nominations for community members you think should run and will reach out to those nominated to provide them with information about the job and the election process.
This year, elections are being held for the following roles:
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long term sustainability of the Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. There are three positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the board elections page.
Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC elections page.
Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) Ombud
The FDC Ombud receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC Ombudsperson elections page.
The candidacy submission phase lasts from 00:00 UTC April 20 to 23:59 UTC May 5 for the Board and from 00:00 UTCApril 20 to 23:59 UTC April 30 for the FDC and FDC Ombudsperson. This year, we are accepting both self-nominations and nominations of others. More information on this election and the nomination process can be found on the 2015 Wikimedia elections page on Meta-Wiki.
Please feel free to post a note about the election on your project's village pump. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the talk page on Meta, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections -at-
On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, 05:03, 21 April 2015 (UTC) • Translate • Get help
WMNL Nieuws
Dit Nederlandstalige bericht is geplaatst in De Kroeg of soortgelijke pagina op de projecten Wikipedia, WikiWoordenboek, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikivoyage, Commons en Wikidata in de bestaande taalversies Nederlands, Fries, Limburgs, Nedersaksisch en Zeeuws van deze projecten. Dit bericht is in de eerste plaats bedoeld voor mensen die in Nederland wonen.
Voel je vrij om dit Nederlandstalige bericht te vertalen in het Fries, Limburgs, Nedersaksisch of Zeeuws. De Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland ondersteunt onder andere het werk van de vrijwilligers die op Wikipedia of een van de zusterprojecten daarvan actief zijn.
- De Koning reikt op woensdag 25 november 2015 de Erasmusprijs uit aan een Wikipediaan.
- De Wikimedia Conferentie Nederland is dit jaar op zaterdag 28 november 2015.
- De Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland (WMNL) heeft een nieuw bestuur.
- Het jaarverslag 2014 is gepubliceerd.
- Het bestuur van WMNL start binnenkort consultatie voor meerjarenplan 2016-2020.
- Het bestuur van WMNL start binnenkort consultatie voor jaarplan 2016.
Leden vrijstelling van geldelijke contributie voor actieve bewerkers Wikimedia-projecte
Hoogtepunten van Wikimedia, februari 2015
- Liefde in de Wikis
- Een Wiki liefdesverhaal
- Wie is tot Wikipedia aangetrokken ?
- Wat is Wikipedia Zero ?
- Sluit je aan bij het Wikimedia strategieberaad
- Zwarte-Geschiedenis-Maand-schrijfsessies dichten de multiculturele gaten in Wikipedia
- De Wiki-Houdt-Van-Afrika-fotowedstrijd maakt winnende foto's bekend
- Help is welcome for translating the March 2015 Wikimedia Highlights, too.
This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.
Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson will continue during the voting. Nominations for the Board of Trustees will be accepted until 23:59 UTC May 5.
The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions on the committee being filled.
The FDC Ombudsperson receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled.
The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 3 to 23:59 UTC May 10. Click here to vote. Questions and discussion with the candidates will continue during that time. Click here to ask the FDC candidates a question. Click here to ask the FDC Ombudsperson candidates a question. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 FDC election page, the 2015 FDC Ombudsperson election page, and the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.
On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 03:45, 4 May 2015 (UTC) • Translate • Get help
This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.
Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Board will continue during the voting.
The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.
The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 17 to 23:59 UTC May 31. Click here to vote. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.
On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 17:20, 17 May 2015 (UTC) • Translate • Get help
Wikinic zondag 7 juni 2015 in Louveigné
Vanaf 16 uur op de Place des Combattants in Louveigné, vlak over de grens onder Maastricht.
Fort de Tancrémont is vlakbij en is zondag 7 juni met een gids of zelfstandig te bezichtigen. Dat kan 1 keer in de maand. Dit fort is zeer goed intact gebleven en heeft zich tijdens de tweede wereldoorlog als laatste overgegeven. Na de capitulatie! Een icoon van Belgische heldhaftigheid en verzet.
Vlakbij is ook Notre-Dame de Banneux. In 1933 is de Heilige Maagd Maria hier acht keer verschenen. Ze sprak : Je Suis La Vierge des Pauvres (Nederlands: Ik ben de maagd van de armen), ze vertelde dat het water uit de bron bedoeld is voor de zieken en vroeg een kleine kapel te bouwen. Sindsdien is Banneux een bedevaartsoord, jaarlijks komen er zo'n 700.000 pelgrims voor gebed en om water uit de bron te drinken. Het bovennatuurlijk karakter van de verschijningen werd in 1952 door het Vaticaan erkend. Zou iemand dit bericht ik de wikipedia kroeg willen zetten? Het lukt op een of andere manier momenteel niet om daar in te loggen. Alvast bedankt! Voor meer info raadplege men het Forum de la communauté van wikimedia Belgie. De Kolonel (overleg) 27 mei 2015 12:02 (CEST)
This message was NOT posted by the MediaWiki message delivery
Pywikibot compat will no longer be supported - Please migrate to pywikibot core
Sorry for English, I hope someone translates this.
Pywikibot (then "Pywikipediabot") was started back in 2002. In 2007 a new branch (formerly known as "rewrite", now called "core") was started from scratch using the MediaWiki API. The developers of Pywikibot have decided to stop supporting the compat version of Pywikibot due to bad performance and architectural errors that make it hard to update, compared to core. If you are using pywikibot compat it is likely your code will break due to upcoming MediaWiki API changes (e.g. T101524). It is highly recommended you migrate to the core framework. There is a migration guide, and please contact us if you have any problem.
There is an upcoming MediaWiki API breaking change that compat will not be updated for. If your bot's name is in this list, your bot will most likely break.
Thank you,
The Pywikibot development team, 19:30, 5 June 2015 (UTC)
Wikidata: Access to data from arbitrary items is coming
(Sorry for writing in English)
When using data from Wikidata on Wikipedia and other sister projects, there is currently a limitation in place that hinders some use cases: data can only be accessed from the corresponding item. So, for example, the Wikipedia article about Berlin can only get data from the Wikidata item about Berlin but not from the item about Germany. This had technical reasons. We are now removing this limitation. It is already done for a number of projects. Your project is one of the next ones:
- 11 June 2015: all Wikiquote, all remaining Wikivoyage
- 15 June 2015: Wikipedias: ar, ca, es, hu, ko, ro, uk, vi
We invite you to play around with this new feature if you are one of the people who have been waiting for this for a long time. If you have technical issues/questions with this you can come to d:Wikidata:Contact the development team.
How to use it, once it is enabled:
- Parser function: {{#property:P36|from=Q183}} to get the capital from the item about Germany
- Lua: see mw:Extension:Wikibase Client/Lua
I hope it will be helpful for you and allow you to do useful things with the help of Wikidata.
VisualEditor News #3—2015
Did you know?
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has created new interfaces for the link and citation tools and fixed many bugs and changed some elements of the design. Some of these bugs affected users of VisualEditor on mobile devices. Status reports are posted on The worklist for April through June is available in Phabricator.
A test of VisualEditor's effect on new editors at the English Wikipedia has just completed the first phase. During this test, half of newly registered editors had VisualEditor automatically enabled, and half did not. The main goal of the study is to learn which group was more likely to save an edit and to make productive, unreverted edits. Initial results will be posted at Meta later this month.
Recent improvements
Auto-fill features for citations are available at a few Wikipedias through the citoid service. Citoid takes a URL or DOI for a reliable source, and returns a pre-filled, pre-formatted bibliographic citation. If Citoid is enabled on your wiki, then the design of the citation workflow changed during May. All citations are now created inside a single tool. Inside that tool, choose the tab you want (⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-auto⧽, ⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-manual⧽, or ⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-reuse⧽). The cite button is now labeled with the word "⧼visualeditor-toolbar-cite-label⧽" rather than a book icon, and the autofill citation dialog now has a more meaningful label, "⧼Citoid-citeFromIDDialog-lookup-button⧽", for the submit button.
The link tool has been redesigned based on feedback from Wikipedia editors and user testing. It now has two separate sections: one for links to articles and one for external links. When you select a link, its pop-up context menu shows the name of the linked page, a thumbnail image from the linked page, Wikidata's description, and appropriate icons for disambiguation pages, redirect pages and empty pages (where applicable). Search results have been reduced to the first five pages. Several bugs were fixed, including a dark highlight that appeared over the first match in the link inspector. (T98085)
The special character inserter in VisualEditor now uses the same special character list as the wikitext editor. Admins at each wiki can also create a custom section for frequently used characters at the top of the list. Please read the instructions for customizing the list at Also, there is now a tooltip to describing each character in the special character inserter. (T70425)
Several improvements have been made to templates. When you search for a template to insert, the list of results now contains descriptions of the templates. The parameter list inside the template dialog now remains open after inserting a parameter from the list, so that users don’t need to click on "⧼visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-add-param⧽" each time they want to add another parameter. (T95696) The team added a new property for TemplateData, "Voorbeeld", for template parameters. This optional, translatable property will show up when there is text describing how to use that parameter. (T53049)
The design of the main toolbar and several other elements have changed slightly, to be consistent with the MediaWiki theme. In the Vector skin, individual items in the menu are separated visually by pale gray bars. Buttons and menus on the toolbar can now contain both an icon and a text label, rather than just one or the other. This new design feature is being used for the cite button on wikis where the Citoid service is enabled.
The team has released a long-desired improvement to the handling of non-existent images. If a non-existent image is linked in an article, then it is now visible in VisualEditor and can be selected, edited, replaced, or removed.
Let's work together
- Share your ideas and ask questions at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback.
- The weekly task triage meetings continue to be open to volunteers, usually on Wednesday at 12:00 (noon) PDT (19:00 UTC). Learn how to join the meetings and how to nominate bugs at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. You do not need to attend the meeting to nominate a bug for consideration as a Q4 blocker, though. Instead, go to Phabricator and "associate" the VisualEditor Q4 blocker project with the bug.
- If your Wikivoyage, Wikibooks, Wikiversity, or other community wants to have VisualEditor made available by default to contributors, then please contact James Forrester.
- If you would like to request the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki, please post a request in the Citoid project on Phabricator. Include links to the TemplateData for the most important citation templates on your wiki.
- The team is planning the second VisualEditor-related "translathon" for July. Please follow this task on Phabricator for details and updates! Announcements will follow in due course.
Subscribe, unsubscribe or change the page where this newsletter is delivered at Meta. If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
13 jun 2015 12:44 (CEST)
VisualEditor News #3—2015
Did you know?
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has created new interfaces for the link and citation tools and fixed many bugs and changed some elements of the design. Some of these bugs affected users of VisualEditor on mobile devices. Status reports are posted on The worklist for April through June is available in Phabricator.
A test of VisualEditor's effect on new editors at the English Wikipedia has just completed the first phase. During this test, half of newly registered editors had VisualEditor automatically enabled, and half did not. The main goal of the study is to learn which group was more likely to save an edit and to make productive, unreverted edits. Initial results will be posted at Meta later this month.
Recent improvements
Auto-fill features for citations are available at a few Wikipedias through the citoid service. Citoid takes a URL or DOI for a reliable source, and returns a pre-filled, pre-formatted bibliographic citation. If Citoid is enabled on your wiki, then the design of the citation workflow changed during May. All citations are now created inside a single tool. Inside that tool, choose the tab you want (⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-auto⧽, ⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-manual⧽, or ⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-reuse⧽). The cite button is now labeled with the word "⧼visualeditor-toolbar-cite-label⧽" rather than a book icon, and the autofill citation dialog now has a more meaningful label, "⧼Citoid-citeFromIDDialog-lookup-button⧽", for the submit button.
The link tool has been redesigned based on feedback from Wikipedia editors and user testing. It now has two separate sections: one for links to articles and one for external links. When you select a link, its pop-up context menu shows the name of the linked page, a thumbnail image from the linked page, Wikidata's description, and appropriate icons for disambiguation pages, redirect pages and empty pages (where applicable). Search results have been reduced to the first five pages. Several bugs were fixed, including a dark highlight that appeared over the first match in the link inspector. (T98085)
The special character inserter in VisualEditor now uses the same special character list as the wikitext editor. Admins at each wiki can also create a custom section for frequently used characters at the top of the list. Please read the instructions for customizing the list at Also, there is now a tooltip to describing each character in the special character inserter. (T70425)
Several improvements have been made to templates. When you search for a template to insert, the list of results now contains descriptions of the templates. The parameter list inside the template dialog now remains open after inserting a parameter from the list, so that users don’t need to click on "⧼visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-add-param⧽" each time they want to add another parameter. (T95696) The team added a new property for TemplateData, "Voorbeeld", for template parameters. This optional, translatable property will show up when there is text describing how to use that parameter. (T53049)
The design of the main toolbar and several other elements have changed slightly, to be consistent with the MediaWiki theme. In the Vector skin, individual items in the menu are separated visually by pale gray bars. Buttons and menus on the toolbar can now contain both an icon and a text label, rather than just one or the other. This new design feature is being used for the cite button on wikis where the Citoid service is enabled.
The team has released a long-desired improvement to the handling of non-existent images. If a non-existent image is linked in an article, then it is now visible in VisualEditor and can be selected, edited, replaced, or removed.
Let's work together
- Share your ideas and ask questions at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback.
- The weekly task triage meetings continue to be open to volunteers, usually on Wednesday at 12:00 (noon) PDT (19:00 UTC). Learn how to join the meetings and how to nominate bugs at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. You do not need to attend the meeting to nominate a bug for consideration as a Q4 blocker, though. Instead, go to Phabricator and "associate" the VisualEditor Q4 blocker project with the bug.
- If your Wikivoyage, Wikibooks, Wikiversity, or other community wants to have VisualEditor made available by default to contributors, then please contact James Forrester.
- If you would like to request the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki, please post a request in the Citoid project on Phabricator. Include links to the TemplateData for the most important citation templates on your wiki.
- The team is planning the second VisualEditor-related "translathon" for July. Please follow this task on Phabricator for details and updates! Announcements will follow in due course.
Subscribe, unsubscribe or change the page where this newsletter is delivered at Meta. If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
13 jun 2015 15:30 (CEST)
Apologies for writing in English.
Hi everyone.
Over the last few years, the Wikimedia Foundation has been working towards enabling HTTPS by default for all users, including unregistered ones, for better privacy and security for both readers and editors. This has taken a long time, as there were different aspects to take into account. Our servers haven't been ready to handle it. The Wikimedia Foundation has had to balance sometimes conflicting goals.
Forced HTTPS has just been implemented on all Wikimedia projects. Some of you might already be aware of this, as a few Wikipedia language versions were converted to HTTPS last week and the then affected communities were notified.
Most of Wikimedia editors shouldn't be affected at all. If you edit as registered user, you've probably already had to log in through HTTPS. We'll keep an eye on this to make sure everything is working as it should. Do get in touch with us if you have any problems after this change or contact me if you have any other questions.
20 jun 2015 00:01 (CEST)
Apologies for writing in English.
Hi everyone.
Over the last few years, the Wikimedia Foundation has been working towards enabling HTTPS by default for all users, including unregistered ones, for better privacy and security for both readers and editors. This has taken a long time, as there were different aspects to take into account. Our servers haven't been ready to handle it. The Wikimedia Foundation has had to balance sometimes conflicting goals.
Forced HTTPS has just been implemented on all Wikimedia projects. Some of you might already be aware of this, as a few Wikipedia language versions were converted to HTTPS last week and the then affected communities were notified.
Most of Wikimedia editors shouldn't be affected at all. If you edit as registered user, you've probably already had to log in through HTTPS. We'll keep an eye on this to make sure everything is working as it should. Do get in touch with us if you have any problems after this change or contact me if you have any other questions.
20 jun 2015 01:43 (CEST)
Ik heb een vraag: warom kun je de kart niet onmiddelijk zien. Je moet altijd op Mapquest open gaan. Is dat de bedoeling? --Zaunkönig (overleg) 6 jul 2015 18:13 (CEST)
- Dat werkte tot voor een paar dagen nog wel. Het heeft eerder ook al eens een paar dagen niet gewerkt. Vooralsnog ga ik er van uit dat het binnenkort wel weer goed gaat. --FredTC (overleg) 7 jul 2015 07:47 (CEST)
- Op dit moment werkt het weer goed. --FredTC (overleg) 7 jul 2015 11:05 (CEST)
Proposal to create PNG thumbnails of static GIF images
There is a proposal at the Commons Village Pump requesting feedback about the thumbnails of static GIF images: It states that static GIF files should have their thumbnails created in PNG. The advantages of PNG over GIF would be visible especially with GIF images using an alpha channel. (compare the thumbnails on the side)
This change would affect all wikis, so if you support/oppose or want to give general feedback/concerns, please post them to the proposal page. Thank you. --McZusatz (talk) & MediaWiki message delivery (overleg) 24 jul 2015 07:07 (CEST)
Proposal to create PNG thumbnails of static GIF images
There is a proposal at the Commons Village Pump requesting feedback about the thumbnails of static GIF images: It states that static GIF files should have their thumbnails created in PNG. The advantages of PNG over GIF would be visible especially with GIF images using an alpha channel. (compare the thumbnails on the side)
This change would affect all wikis, so if you support/oppose or want to give general feedback/concerns, please post them to the proposal page. Thank you. --McZusatz (talk) & MediaWiki message delivery (overleg) 24 jul 2015 10:56 (CEST)
What does a Healthy Community look like to you?
The Community Engagement department at the Wikimedia Foundation has launched a new learning campaign. The WMF wants to record community impressions about what makes a healthy online community.
Share your views and/or create a drawing and take a chance to win a Wikimania 2016 scholarship!
Join the WMF as we begin a conversation about Community Health. Contribute a drawing or answer the questions on the campaign's page.
Why get involved?
The world is changing. The way we relate to knowledge is transforming. As the next billion people come online, the Wikimedia movement is working to bring more users on the wiki projects. The way we interact and collaborate online are key to building sustainable projects. How accessible are Wikimedia projects to newcomers today? Are we helping each other learn?
Share your views on this matter that affects us all!
We invite everyone to take part in this learning campaign. Wikimedia Foundation will distribute one Wikimania Scholarship 2016 among those participants who are eligible.
More information
- All participants must have a registered user of at least one month antiquity on any Wikimedia project before the starting date of the campaign.
- All eligible contributions must be done until August 23, 2015 at 23:59 UTC
- Wiki link: Community Health learning campaign
- Contact: María Cruz / Twitter: Sjabloon:@WikiEval #CommunityHealth / email: evalSjabloon:@wikimediaSjabloon:Dotorg
Happy editing!
MediaWiki message delivery (overleg) 1 aug 2015 01:42 (CEST)
What does a Healthy Community look like to you?
The Community Engagement department at the Wikimedia Foundation has launched a new learning campaign. The WMF wants to record community impressions about what makes a healthy online community.
Share your views and/or create a drawing and take a chance to win a Wikimania 2016 scholarship!
Join the WMF as we begin a conversation about Community Health. Contribute a drawing or answer the questions on the campaign's page.
Why get involved?
The world is changing. The way we relate to knowledge is transforming. As the next billion people come online, the Wikimedia movement is working to bring more users on the wiki projects. The way we interact and collaborate online are key to building sustainable projects. How accessible are Wikimedia projects to newcomers today? Are we helping each other learn?
Share your views on this matter that affects us all!
We invite everyone to take part in this learning campaign. Wikimedia Foundation will distribute one Wikimania Scholarship 2016 among those participants who are eligible.
More information
- All participants must have a registered user of at least one month antiquity on any Wikimedia project before the starting date of the campaign.
- All eligible contributions must be done until August 23, 2015 at 23:59 UTC
- Wiki link: Community Health learning campaign
- Contact: María Cruz / Twitter: Sjabloon:@WikiEval #CommunityHealth / email: evalSjabloon:@wikimediaSjabloon:Dotorg
Happy editing!
MediaWiki message delivery (overleg) 1 aug 2015 04:36 (CEST)
Concept jaarplan Wikimedia Nederland 2016
Wil je meedenken en meepraten over wat Wikimedia Nederland volgend jaar gaat doen? Dat kan nu. Een eerste concept jaarplan is nu beschikbaar. Commentaar leveren kan tot 25 augustus. Op 29 augustus is er tijdens de Wikizaterdag gelegenheid om met bestuursleden en medewerkers van Wikimedia Nederland te praten over het jaarplan en de strategie voor de komende jaren. Ook online via het irc-kanaal wikimedia-nl. SRientjes (overleg) 11 aug 2015 09:15 (CEST)
VisualEditor News #4—2015
Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Did you know?
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team have been working on mobile phone support. They have fixed many bugs and improved language support. They post weekly status reports on Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving language support and functionality on mobile devices.
The team attended Wikimania 2015 in Mexico City. There they participated in the Hackathon and met with individuals and groups of users. They also made several presentations about VisualEditor and the future of editing.
Following Wikimania, we announced winners for the VisualEditor 2015 Translathon. Our thanks and congratulations to users Halan-tul, Renessaince, जनक राज भट्ट (Janak Bhatta), Vahe Gharakhanyan, Warrakkk, and Eduardogobi.
For interface messages (translated at, we saw the initiative affecting 42 languages. The average progress in translations across all languages was 56.5% before the translathon, and 78.2% after (+21.7%). In particular, Sakha improved from 12.2% to 94.2%; Brazilian Portuguese went from 50.6% to 100%; Taraškievica went from 44.9% to 85.3%; Doteli went from 1.3% to 41.2%. Also, while 1.7% of the messages were outdated across all languages before the translathon, the percentage dropped to 0.8% afterwards (-0.9%).
For documentation messages (on, we saw the initiative affecting 24 languages. The average progress in translations across all languages was 26.6% before translathon, and 46.9% after (+20.3%). There were particularly notable achievements for three languages. Armenian improved from 1% to 99%; Swedish, from 21% to 99%, and Brazilian Portuguese, from 34% to 83%. Outdated translations across all languages were reduced from 8.4% before translathon to 4.8% afterwards (-3.6%).
We published some graphs showing the effect of the event on the Translathon page. We thank the translators for participating and the staff for facilitating this initiative.
Recent improvements
Auto-fill features for citations can be enabled on each Wikipedia. The tool uses the citoid service to convert a URL or DOI into a pre-filled, pre-formatted bibliographic citation. You can see an animated GIF of the quick, simple process at So far, about a dozen Wikipedias have enabled the auto-citation tool. To enable it for your wiki, follow the instructions at
Your wiki can customize the first section of the special character inserter in VisualEditor. Please follow the instructions at to put the characters you want at the top. In other changes, if you need to fill in a CAPTCHA and get it wrong, then you can click to get a new one to complete. VisualEditor can now display and edit Vega-based graphs. If you use the Monobook skin, VisualEditor's appearance is now more consistent with other software.
Future changes
The team will be changing the appearance of selected links inside VisualEditor. The purpose is to make it easy to see whether your cursor is inside or outside the link. When you select a link, the link label (the words shown on the page) will be enclosed in a faint box. If you place your cursor inside the box, then your changes to the link label will be part of the link. If you place your cursor outside the box, then it will not. This will make it easy to know when new characters will be added to the link and when they will not.
On the English Wikipedia, 10% of newly created accounts are now offered both the visual and the wikitext editors. A recent controlled trial showed no significant difference in survival or productivity for new users in the short term. New users with access to VisualEditor were very slightly less likely to produce results that needed reverting. You can learn more about this by watching a video of the July 2015 Wikimedia Research Showcase. The proportion of new accounts with access to both editing environments will be gradually increased over time. Eventually all new users have the choice between the two editing environments.
Let's work together
- Share your ideas and ask questions at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback. This feedback page is now using Flow instead of LiquidThreads.
- Can you read and type in Korean or Japanese? Language engineer David Chan needs people who know which tools people use to type in some languages. If you speak Japanese or Korean, you can help him test support for these languages. Please see the instructions at if you can help.
- If your wiki would like VisualEditor enabled on another namespace, you can file a request in Phabricator. Please include a link to a community discussion about the requested change.
- Please file requests for language-appropriate "Vet" and "Cursief" icons for the styling menu in Phabricator.
- The design research team wants to see how real editors work. Please sign up for their research program.
- The weekly task triage meetings continue to be open to volunteers, usually on Tuesdays at 12:00 (noon) PDT (19:00 UTC). Learn how to join the meetings and how to nominate bugs at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. You do not need to attend the meeting to nominate a bug for consideration as a Q1 blocker, though. Instead, go to Phabricator and "associate" the main VisualEditor project with the bug.
If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
VisualEditor News #4—2015
Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Did you know?
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team have been working on mobile phone support. They have fixed many bugs and improved language support. They post weekly status reports on Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving language support and functionality on mobile devices.
The team attended Wikimania 2015 in Mexico City. There they participated in the Hackathon and met with individuals and groups of users. They also made several presentations about VisualEditor and the future of editing.
Following Wikimania, we announced winners for the VisualEditor 2015 Translathon. Our thanks and congratulations to users Halan-tul, Renessaince, जनक राज भट्ट (Janak Bhatta), Vahe Gharakhanyan, Warrakkk, and Eduardogobi.
For interface messages (translated at, we saw the initiative affecting 42 languages. The average progress in translations across all languages was 56.5% before the translathon, and 78.2% after (+21.7%). In particular, Sakha improved from 12.2% to 94.2%; Brazilian Portuguese went from 50.6% to 100%; Taraškievica went from 44.9% to 85.3%; Doteli went from 1.3% to 41.2%. Also, while 1.7% of the messages were outdated across all languages before the translathon, the percentage dropped to 0.8% afterwards (-0.9%).
For documentation messages (on, we saw the initiative affecting 24 languages. The average progress in translations across all languages was 26.6% before translathon, and 46.9% after (+20.3%). There were particularly notable achievements for three languages. Armenian improved from 1% to 99%; Swedish, from 21% to 99%, and Brazilian Portuguese, from 34% to 83%. Outdated translations across all languages were reduced from 8.4% before translathon to 4.8% afterwards (-3.6%).
We published some graphs showing the effect of the event on the Translathon page. We thank the translators for participating and the staff for facilitating this initiative.
Recent improvements
Auto-fill features for citations can be enabled on each Wikipedia. The tool uses the citoid service to convert a URL or DOI into a pre-filled, pre-formatted bibliographic citation. You can see an animated GIF of the quick, simple process at So far, about a dozen Wikipedias have enabled the auto-citation tool. To enable it for your wiki, follow the instructions at
Your wiki can customize the first section of the special character inserter in VisualEditor. Please follow the instructions at to put the characters you want at the top. In other changes, if you need to fill in a CAPTCHA and get it wrong, then you can click to get a new one to complete. VisualEditor can now display and edit Vega-based graphs. If you use the Monobook skin, VisualEditor's appearance is now more consistent with other software.
Future changes
The team will be changing the appearance of selected links inside VisualEditor. The purpose is to make it easy to see whether your cursor is inside or outside the link. When you select a link, the link label (the words shown on the page) will be enclosed in a faint box. If you place your cursor inside the box, then your changes to the link label will be part of the link. If you place your cursor outside the box, then it will not. This will make it easy to know when new characters will be added to the link and when they will not.
On the English Wikipedia, 10% of newly created accounts are now offered both the visual and the wikitext editors. A recent controlled trial showed no significant difference in survival or productivity for new users in the short term. New users with access to VisualEditor were very slightly less likely to produce results that needed reverting. You can learn more about this by watching a video of the July 2015 Wikimedia Research Showcase. The proportion of new accounts with access to both editing environments will be gradually increased over time. Eventually all new users have the choice between the two editing environments.
Let's work together
- Share your ideas and ask questions at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback. This feedback page is now using Flow instead of LiquidThreads.
- Can you read and type in Korean or Japanese? Language engineer David Chan needs people who know which tools people use to type in some languages. If you speak Japanese or Korean, you can help him test support for these languages. Please see the instructions at if you can help.
- If your wiki would like VisualEditor enabled on another namespace, you can file a request in Phabricator. Please include a link to a community discussion about the requested change.
- Please file requests for language-appropriate "Vet" and "Cursief" icons for the styling menu in Phabricator.
- The design research team wants to see how real editors work. Please sign up for their research program.
- The weekly task triage meetings continue to be open to volunteers, usually on Tuesdays at 12:00 (noon) PDT (19:00 UTC). Learn how to join the meetings and how to nominate bugs at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. You do not need to attend the meeting to nominate a bug for consideration as a Q1 blocker, though. Instead, go to Phabricator and "associate" the main VisualEditor project with the bug.
If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
How can we improve Wikimedia grants to support you better?
My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.
The Wikimedia Foundation would like your feedback about how we can reimagine Wikimedia Foundation grants, to better support people and ideas in your Wikimedia project. Ways to participate:
- Respond to questions on the discussion page of the idea.
- Join a small group conversation.
- Learn more about this consultation.
Feedback is welcome in any language.
With thanks,
I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.
(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) through MediaWiki message delivery. 19 aug 2015 01:08 (CEST)
I have created hundreds alternate Wikivoyage banners (which I think look better than many of the default banners that exist on Engvoy/Wikidata) for prominent locations
I am one of the current few active editors on the Hebrew Wikivoyage. In recent years, while spending a lot of time creating/expanding articles in the Hebrew Wikivoyage, in many instances I came across banners I disliked (for various reasons). As a result, in many instances I ended up creating alternative banners (mostly for prominent places, which I think highly deserve better banners) which I think are an improvement to what existed (I had to work with what was available on Flickr + Wikicommons, and had a license that allowed me to create derivative images). Those alternative banners were primarily made for usage in the Hebrew Wikivoyage, altough through the last two years I have suggested in various instances that the English Wikivoyage consider using some of these banners as well, instead of their current banners (and as a result the English Wikivoyage community did eventually decide to use some of these alternative banners instead of the previous banners they used).
Either way, you are more than welcome to go over all of the alternative banners I created and consider using some/all of the alternative banners you might think would look better in your articles. ויקיג'אנקי (overleg) 24 aug 2015 19:31 (CEST)
Introducing the Wikimedia public policy site
Hi all,
We are excited to introduce a new Wikimedia Public Policy site. The site includes resources and position statements on access, copyright, censorship, intermediary liability, and privacy. The site explains how good public policy supports the Wikimedia projects, editors, and mission.
Visit the public policy portal:
Please help translate the statements on Meta Wiki. You can read more on the Wikimedia blog.
Yana and Stephen (Talk) 2 sep 2015 20:12 (CEST)
(Sent with the Global message delivery system)
Open call for Individual Engagement Grants
My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.
Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals until September 29th to fund new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental ideas that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers. Whether you need a small or large amount of funds (up to $30,000 USD), Individual Engagement Grants can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.
- Submit a grant request
- Get help with your proposal in IdeaLab or an upcoming Hangout session
- Learn from examples of completed Individual Engagement Grants
I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation. 4 sep 2015 22:52 (CEST)
(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) through MediaWiki message delivery.
Wikimediahoogtepunten, Augustus 2015
- Honderden Engelse 'black hat' Wikipedia-accounts geblokkeerd na onderzoek
- De jacht op Tirpitz
- Mijn leven als autistische Wikipediaan.
- Vertalingsupdates van de content van Wikimania 2015
- Wikipedia gebruiken om inheemse Colombiaanse talen te behouden.
- Als cultureel erfgoed een digitaal leven krijgt
Only one week left for Individual Engagement Grant proposals!
(Apologies for using English below, please help translate if you are able.)
There is still one week left to submit Individual Engagement Grant (IEG) proposals before the September 29th deadline. If you have ideas for new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well. Support is available if you want help turning your idea into a grant request.
- Submit a grant request
- Get help with your proposal in IdeaLab
- Learn from examples of completed Individual Engagement Grants
I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources 22 sep 2015 23:01 (CEST)
Reimagining WMF grants report
(My apologies for using English here, please help translate if you are able.)
Last month, we asked for community feedback on a proposal to change the structure of WMF grant programs. Thanks to the 200+ people who participated! A report on what we learned and changed based on this consultation is now available.
Come read about the findings and next steps as WMF’s Community Resources team begins to implement changes based on your feedback. Your questions and comments are welcome on the outcomes discussion page.
With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) 28 sep 2015 18:56 (CEST)
VisualEditor News #5—2015
In een andere taal lezen • Inschrijflijst voor deze meertalige nieuwbrief
Wist je dat?
Sinds de laatste nieuwsbrief heeft het team achter de visuele tekstverwerker veel bugs gefixt, nieuwe mogelijkheden toegevoegd, en kleine veranderingen in het ontwerp gemaakt. Het team publiceert wekelijks een rapport op Een overzicht van hun huidige werkzaamheden is beschikbaar in Phabricator. Het team werkt er momenteel aan de ondersteuning voor talen als Japans en Arabisch te verbeteren, het bewerken op mobiele telefoons en tablets makkelijker te maken, en uitgebreide bewerkingsmogelijkheden voor formules, grafieken, galerijen en uploaden te bieden.
Recente verbeteringen
Gebruikerseducatie: De eerste keer dat je de visuele tekstverwerker gebruikt, wordt je aandacht gevestigd op de knoppen voor "Koppeling" en "⧼visualeditor-toolbar-cite-label⧽". Als je op deze knoppen klikt, wordt uitgelegd waar ze voor zijn. (T108620) Hiernaast is de welkomstboodschap voor nieuwe gebruikers eenvoudiger gemaakt, om nieuwe gebruikers zich meer welkom te doen voelen. (T112354) Er zijn plannen om nog meer gebruikerseducatie in de software op te nemen.
Koppelingen: Het is nu makkelijker om te zien of de tekst die je typt wordt toegevoegd aan een koppeling, of dat het buiten de koppeling terecht komt. (T74108, T91285) De visuele tekstverwerker heeft nu volledige ondersteuning voor koppelingen op basis van ISBN-, PMID- en RFC-nummers. (T109498, T110347, T63558) Er is een speciale interface voor het bewerken van deze "magische koppelingen".
Uploaden: Geregistreerde gebruikers kunnen afbeeldingen en andere media nu naar Commons uploaden tijdens het bewerken. Klik op de nieuwe tab onder "Invoegen -> Afbeeldingen en media". Je wordt door het uploadproces geleid zonder dat je de visuele tekstverwerker hoeft te verlaten. Aan het einde van het proces wordt de afbeelding in de pagina ingevoegd. Dit proces ondersteunt maar één bestand tegelijk, de gebruiker moet er zelf de rechten op hebben, en het bestand moet worden vrijgegeven onder de standaardlicentie van Commons. Voor minder eenvoudige gevallen wordt de gebruiker doorverwezen naar meer geavanceerde uploadmethoden. Je kunt ook een afbeelding rechtstreeks de pagina inslepen. Dit zal in de toekomst ook in de broncodemodus mogelijk gemaakt worden.
Mobiele telefoons: Binnen de mobiele Wikipedia site was de visuele tekstverwerker voorheen alleen voor tablets beschikbaar. Nu kan het op alle mobiele apparaten, zoals smartphones, gebruikt worden. (T85630) Voorheen konden bewerkingsconflicten niet afgehandeld worden op de mobiele website. Dit werkt nu, zowel in de broncodemodus, als in de visuele tekstverwerker. (T111894) Soms konden sjablonen en dergelijke dingen niet verwijderd worden op de mobiele website. Als ze geselecteerd waren, verdween in sommige browsers het toetsenbord. Er is nu een nieuwe knop met "Verwijderen", zodat deze objecten ook verwijderd kunnen worden als het toetsenbord buiten zicht is. (T62110) Cellen in tabellen kunnen nu ook op de mobiele website bewerkt worden.
Uitgebreide bewerkingsmogelijkheden: Je kunt nu bladmuziek toevoegen en bewerken in de visuele tekstverwerker.(T112925) Er zijn aparte tabs voor geavanceerde opties, zoals MIDI- en Ogg-audiobestanden. (T114227, T113354) Tijdens het bewerken van formules en andere blokken worden eventuele foutmeldingen al tijdens het bewerken getoond. Het is ook mogelijk om sommige soorten grafieken te bewerken; ondersteuning voor het toevoegen van nieuwe grafieken, en ondersteuning voor nieuwe soorten grafieken, komt nog.
Op de Engelse Wikipedia is de visuele tekstverwerker nu automatisch beschikbaar voor iedereen die een nieuwe account aanmaakt. De optie om de visuele tekstverwerker aan of uit te zetten is verplaatst naar de normale locatie, onder Speciaal:Voorkeuren.
Het zal binnenkort mogelijk zijn om van wikitekst naar de visuele tekstverwerker over te schakelen nadat je begonnen bent met bewerken. (T49779) Momenteel is het alleen mogelijk om in de omgekeerde richting te wisselen, van de visuele tekstverwerker naar wikitekst. Als het eenmaal mogelijk is om in beide richtingen te wisselen, maakt dat een gecombineerde bewerkingsknop mogelijk. (T102398) Dit project zal de knoppen "Bewerken" en "Brontekst bewerken" combineren tot één knop met "Bewerken" erop, net als nu al het geval is op de mobiele website. Deze knop zal de laatst gebruikte bewerkingsomgeving openen.
Laten we samenwerken
- Deel je ideeën en stel vragen op VisualEditor/Feedback. Flow wordt gebruikt voor discussies op deze feedbackpagina.
- Kun je Koreaans of Japans lezen en typen? David Chan werkt aan de taalondersteuning en heeft mensen nodig die weten welke programma's mensen gebruiken om in sommige talen te typen. Als je Japans of Koreaans spreekt, kun je hem helpen om de ondersteuning voor deze talen te testen. Als je kunt helpen, zie dan de instructies voor wat je kunt testen, en meld problemen in Phabricator (Koreaans - Japans) of op Wikipedia (Koreaans - Japans).
- Lokale beheerders kunnen automatische bronvermeldingen via Citoid opzetten voor hun wiki. Als je hulp nodig hebt, stuur ons dan een verzoek in het Citoid-project op Phabricator, met links naar de TemplateData voor de belangrijkste bronvermeldingssjablonen op je wiki.
- De wekelijkse triagevergaderingen staan open voor vrijwilligers. Zie mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings voor instructies voor het deelnemen aan deze vergaderingen en het nomineren van bugs. Je hoeft niet deel te nemen aan de vergadering om een bug te nomineren: je kunt naar Phabricator gaan en het "hoofdproject" voor VisualEditor toevoegen aan de bug.
Als je dit niet in je voorkeurstaal leest, help ons dan alsjeblieft met vertalen! Schrijf je in voor de mailing list voor vertalers of neem rechtstreeks contact met ons op, zodat we je het kunnen laten weten als de volgende nieuwbrief klaar is. Dankjewel!
Here below the touristic division of the Italian region in the topic that has been developed on it:voy:
- 1st level:
- 2nd level:
I suggest you to use the above touristic division instead of the administrative one because only the first one makes sense for travel purpose.
Cheers, --Andyrom75 (overleg) 8 nov 2015 09:07 (CET)
Community Wishlist Survey
Hi everyone! Apologies for posting in English. Translations are very welcome.
The Community Tech team at the Wikimedia Foundation is focused on building improved curation and moderation tools for experienced Wikimedia contributors. We're now starting a Community Wishlist Survey to find the most useful projects that we can work on.
For phase 1 of the survey, we're inviting all active contributors to submit brief proposals, explaining the project that you'd like us to work on, and why it's important. Phase 1 will last for 2 weeks. In phase 2, we'll ask you to vote on the proposals. Afterwards, we'll analyze the top 10 proposals and create a prioritized wishlist.
While most of this process will be conducted in English, we're inviting people from any Wikimedia wiki to submit proposals. We'll also invite volunteer translators to help translate proposals into English.
Your proposal should include: the problem that you want to solve, who would benefit, and a proposed solution, if you have one. You can submit your proposal on the Community Wishlist Survey page, using the entry field and the big blue button. We will be accepting proposals for 2 weeks, ending on November 23.
We're looking forward to hearing your ideas!
Wikimania 2016 scholarships ambassadors needed
Hello! Wikimania 2016 scholarships will soon be open; by the end of the week we'll form the committee and we need your help, see Scholarship committee for details.
If you want to carefully review nearly a thousand applications in January, you might be a perfect committee member. Otherwise, you can volunteer as "ambassador": you will observe all the committee activities, ensure that people from your language or project manage to apply for a scholarship, translate scholarship applications written in your language to English and so on. Ambassadors are allowed to ask for a scholarship, unlike committee members.
Wikimania 2016 scholarships subteam 10 nov 2015 11:47 (CET)
Harassment consultation
Help met het vertalen in uw taal
The Community Advocacy team the Wikimedia Foundation has opened a consultation on the topic of harassment on Meta. The consultation period is intended to run for one month from today, November 16, and end on December 17. Please share your thoughts there on harassment-related issues facing our communities and potential solutions. (Note: this consultation is not intended to evaluate specific cases of harassment, but rather to discuss the problem of harassment itself.)
This is a message regarding the proposed 2015 Free Bassel banner. Translations are available.
Hi everyone,
This is to inform all Wikimedia contributors that a straw poll seeking your involvement has just been started on Meta-Wiki.
As some of your might be aware, a small group of Wikimedia volunteers have proposed a banner campaign informing Wikipedia readers about the urgent situation of our fellow Wikipedian, open source software developer and Creative Commons activist, Bassel Khartabil. An exemplary banner and an explanatory page have now been prepared, and translated into about half a dozen languages by volunteer translators.
We are seeking your involvement to decide if the global Wikimedia community approves starting a banner campaign asking Wikipedia readers to call on the Syrian government to release Bassel from prison. We understand that a campaign like this would be unprecedented in Wikipedia's history, which is why we're seeking the widest possible consensus among the community.
Given Bassel's urgent situation and the resulting tight schedule, we ask everyone to get involved with the poll and the discussion to the widest possible extent, and to promote it among your communities as soon as possible.
(Apologies for writing in English; please kindly translate this message into your own language.)
Thank you for your participation!
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 21:47, 25 November 2015 (UTC) • Translate • Get help
Community Wishlist Survey
Hi everyone! Apologies for posting this in English. Translations are very welcome.
We're beginning the second part of the Community Tech team's Community Wishlist Survey, and we're inviting all active contributors to vote on the proposals that have been submitted.
Thanks to you and other Wikimedia contributors, 111 proposals were submitted to the team. We've split the proposals into categories, and now it's time to vote! You can vote for any proposal listed on the pages, using the {{Support}} tag. Feel free to add comments pro or con, but only support votes will be counted. The voting period will be 2 weeks, ending on December 14.
The proposals with the most support votes will be the team's top priority backlog to investigate and address. Thank you for participating, and we're looking forward to hearing what you think!
Community Tech via
This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.
As many of you know, January 15 is Wikipedia’s 15th Birthday!
People around the world are getting involved in the celebration and have started adding their events on Meta Page. While we are celebrating Wikipedia's birthday, we hope that all projects and affiliates will be able to utilize this celebration to raise awareness of our community's efforts.
Haven’t started planning? Don’t worry, there’s lots of ways to get involved. Here are some ideas:
- Join/host an event. We already have more than 80, and hope to have many more.
- Talk to local press. In the past 15 years, Wikipedia has accomplished extraordinary things. We’ve made a handy summary of milestones and encourage you to add your own. More resources, including a press release template and resources on working with the media, are also available.
- Design a Wikipedia 15 logo. In place of a single icon for Wikipedia 15, we’re making dozens. Add your own with something fun and representative of your community. Just use the visual guide so they share a common sensibility.
- Share a message on social media. Tell the world what Wikipedia means to you, and add #wikipedia15 to the post. We might re-tweet or share your message!
Everything is linked on the Wikipedia 15 Meta page. You’ll find a set of ten data visualization works that you can show at your events, and a list of all the Wikipedia 15 logos that community members have already designed.
If you have any questions, please contact Zachary McCune or Joe Sutherland.
Thanks and Happy nearly Wikipedia 15!
-The Wikimedia Foundation Communications team
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery, 18 dec 2015 21:58 (CET) • Help met het vertalen in uw taal • Hulp
Password Strength RFC
We vragen op meta commentaar om de regels voor paswoorden strenger te maken voor gebruikers die MediaWiki:Common.js kunnen bewerken, of toegang hebben tot checkuser of Oversight.
Deze soorten accounts hebben toegang tot speciale delen van onze websites en kunnen veel problemen vormen wanneer ze in verkeerde handen vallen. Op dit moment moet een paswoord slechts 1 teken lang zijn. We willen de minimumlengte van een paswoord 8 tekens (bytes) maken, en eenvoudige of voorspelbare paswoorden afkeuren.
Door paswoorden aan meer regels te laten voldoen voor belangrijke accounts, hopen we Wikimedia wikis veiliger te maken voor iedereen. Lees het volledige voorstel hier, en laat je stem horen door te reageren.
(In naam van het Wikimedia Foundation team) BWolff (WMF) (overleg) 21 dec 2015 09:21 (CET)
Delivered using the distribution list
VisualEditor News #6—2015
Wist je dat?
Lees dit in een andere taal • Abonneer je op de meertalige nieuwsbrief
Sinds de vorige nieuwsbrief heeft het visuele tekstbewerkerteam veel bugs opgelost en de tool voor wiskundige formules uitgebreid. Hun werkschema is beschikbaar op Phabricator. Hun huidige prioriteiten zijn het verbeteren van ondersteuning van talen zoals Japans en Arabische en het leveren van rijke media tools voor formules, grafieken, galerijen en uploaden.
Recente verbeteringen
Jij kan schakelen van de wikitekstbewerker naar de visuele tekstbewerker nadat je met bewerken gestart bent. De LaTeX wiskundige formules bewerker is aanzienlijk uitgebreid. (T118616) Je kan de formule zien als de LaTeX code verandert. Je kan op knoppen klikken om de correcte LaTeX voor veel symbolen in te voegen.
Het enkele bewerkknop zal de "Bewerken" en "Brontekst bewerken" knoppen combineren in een enkele "Bewerken" knop, zoals het systeem voor de mobiele website dat al gebruikt. (T102398, T58337) Initieel opent de "Bewerken" knop de laatst gebruikte bewerkomgeving. Voor niet ingelogde gebruikers wordt een cookie gebruikt om die keuze op te slaan. Voor ingelogde gebruikers wordt dat bij de voorkeuren opgeslagen. Ingelogde gebruikers kunnen een standaard bewerker instellen op het Bewerken tabblad van Speciaal:Voorkeuren in het drop-down menu voor "Bewerkingsmodus:".
De visuele tekstbewerker zal aangeboden worden aan de bewerkers van de volgende Wikipedias begin 2016: Amharisch, Buginees, Min Dong, Cree, Manx, Hakka, Armeens, Georgisch, Pontic, Serbo-Croatisch, Tigrinya, Mingreliaan, Zhuang, and Min Nan. (T116523) Post alsjeblieft je commentaar en de talen die je getest hebt op de feedback discussie op De ontwikkelaars willen weten hoe goed het werkt. Vertel ze alsjeblieft wat voor computer, webbrowser en klavier je gebruikt.
In 2016 zullen de feedback pagina's over de visuele tekstbewerker op veel Wikipedias doorverwijzen naar (T92661)
- Probeer alsjeblieft het nieuwe systeem voor de enkele bewerkknop op Je kan terwijl je nog uitgelogd bent zien hoe het werkt voor niet-ingelogde bewerkers, of je kan een apart account aanmaken om je accountvoorkeuren in te kunnen stellen. Deel alsjeblieft je gedachten over de enkele bewerktab op de feedback discussie op of meld je aan voor formeel gebruikersonderzoek (type "single edit tab" bij de vraag over andere gebieden waarin je geïnteresseerd bent). Het nieuwe systeem is nog niet afgerond en je feedback kan de uitkomst bepalen. Het team wil in het bijzonder je gedachten weten over de opties bij Speciaal:Voorkeuren. De huidige instelmogelijkheden in Speciaal:Voorkeuren zijn:
- Laatste tekstverwerker onthouden,
- Waar mogelijk de visuele tekstverwerker gebruiken,
- Altijd wikitekst bewerken, en
- Beide bewerkingstabbladen weergeven. (Dit is de huidige instelling voor mensen die de visuele tekstbewerker al gebruiken. Geen van deze instellingen zal zichtbaar zijn wanneer je de visuele tekstbewerker hebt uitgeschakeld in de voorkeuren op je wiki.)
- Kan je lezen en typen in Koreaans of Japans? Taalingenieur David Chan heeft mensen nodig die weten welke tools mensen gebruiken die in bepaalde talen typen. Als je Japans of Koreaans spreekt kan je hem helpen ondersteuning te testen voor deze talen. Bekijk alsjeblieft de instructies op Wat te testen als je kan helpen en meldt dat op Phabricator (Koreaans - Japans) of op Wikipedia (Koreaans - Japans).
Als je dit niet in je favoriete taal leest, help dan alsjbelieft met vertalingen! Abonneer je op de Vertalers verzendlijst of neem rechtstreeks contact op zodat je bericht kan krijgen wanneer het volgend exemplaar klaar is. Bedankt!