
Sommie is a non-playable character in Fire Emblem Engage. It is a creature that lives in the Somniel. It is as tall as a loaf of bread and as heavy as two peaches.

Sommie tends to cheerfully chase Alear whenever it sees them. However, given its old age, it also doesn't like seeing anyone it knows die.

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Sommie first appears after clearing Chapter 4 and returning to the Somniel. It is initially found inside the grotto, where it stands on its shrine. According to Vander, he has little to no knowledge about the creature, but does know that it existed before the Somniel was discovered, and Lumera used to play with it when she was younger. Afterwards, Alear decides take care of Sommie the best they can.

Interacting with the shrine will trigger a Virtual Pet-like minigame with three options; Feed, Pet, and Dress Up. All three options can raise Sommie's affection by a couple of points, but feeding and petting it will also grant the player 100 Bond Fragments. If its affection reaches 50%, Sommie will start following Alear around the Somniel, and—optionally—can also appear in Strength Training, Fishing, and Wyvern Ride, where it can serve as an assist.

Sommie can provide the following assists in these minigames:

  • Strength Training: Can prevent strikes up to six times.
  • Fishing: Halves the captured fish's energy.
  • Wyvern Ride: Will always hit Bomb and Powerup targets (excluding those from Wild targets).

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Sommie appears in Fire Emblem Heroes alongside a Winter duo variant of Male and Female Alear, appearing in their artwork and sprite. It cannot be controlled directly by the player.

Additionally, Sommie has also made minor appearances as a stuffed animal for the Inn amenity in Aether Resort, as well as a beach ball to its likeness held by a summer variant of Female Alear.


  • According to the afterword of the first volume of the Engage Manga, Sommie was originally supposed to be a cat. This changed when the development team came up with its name.