Ninjago Wiki


Ninjago Wiki

i dont get why jay cant take some things seriously but he is funny hes a tresure in a way as are all the ninja like zane he can be funny like kai he can be hot headded and rushed like cole he can be a leader he is smart he just dosent show itLovemeaviva (talk) 22:05, July 30, 2012 (UTC)


Umm...Excuse me but 2014 news is out please edit crew members.

Jay 2014

Chewa444 (talk) 12:27, October 11, 2013 (UTC)

I like jay he's cool but some times can get silly but that's what make's a good sense of humer good and lightning LOVE IT JAY CEEP IT GOING JAY if it was u and kai u have my fote Fnafboss77 (talk) 03:52, October 28, 2015 (UTC)


He is soooo cutee and sweet and funny ahhh Yuminette (talk) Yuminette

Jay needs to go back to the Ninja. Seriously, man. This isn’t the Ninjago that we know and love. I hope it will happened in Dragons Rising Season 3 Part 1 (if I have to wait for Part 2, so be it). If something bad happens, we should petition to Lego to meet our demands.Lenny7092 (talk)

Jay's story arc in Dragons Rising is very good and was necessary. Since 14 years the writers don't take any risks, almost no characters died, ALL the ninjago content was about the OG 6, no stories about other characters or that takes place in another time (the serpentine war for example) and Dragons Rising finally changes that by introducing new main characters and taking some risk in the scenrio such as jay's arc. This is a real revival for Ninjago. This story arc is much better for Jay than if he had just rejoined the team in DRs1 like the others and followed them in their aventure, his arc gives him more character and above all his own story detach from the ninjas' one. In addition this brings his relationship with Nya back into the spotlight being very complexe now, while it was a long, quiet river, a bit too boring since many season now. Lego and the writer shouldn't listen to what the fans want, they should do what's good for the show and the franchise, they must not accede fans demands regarding the script and story and they are currently doing a great job. PixX26 (talk)