Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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The hero we needed
~ 3D Print Guy about Blue

Blue is the main protagonist of Among Us: Hyper Realistic Horror, by the animator YouTuber, 3D Print Guy. He is an unseen character in Part 1, a minor heroic antagonist in Part 2, and the main protagonist of Part 3.

He is part of the crew that was sent to a planet similar to Polus to perform research, until things got quite darker when an alien from said planet infiltrated the ship and disguised itself as one of the crewmates, leading to a series of events in which the crew tried to find out who the impostor was, and eject them.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • From the crew photo, it can be assumed he was good friends with the crew before the series's events.
  • He, along with the rest of the crew, tried finding out who was the impostor and eject them in order to protect them and the planet they were going back to.
  • While he was okay with ejecting Cyan, his own friend, the Impostor framed Cyan in a way the only logical explanation seemed to be that they were the Impostor.
  • When he woke up, as the Imposter failed to properly kill him, he, injured, went through the ship to find out what had happened, discovering the Imposter took over the ship and planted lots of Imposter eggs in it.
  • He was horrified going through his friends' data only to find out all of them were murdered.
  • When all of the crew was brutally killed, he tried to stop the Impostor by overheating the Ship's core.
  • Protecting himself with the Core's control, he self-exploded the ship, sacrificing himself to defeat the Imposter and stop it from getting to the planet.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He lacks enough characterization to be Pure Good, with some little reactions and a photo being as deep as his personality is explored. However, he does sacrifice himself to save a planet, meaning this is a minor prevention.