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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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“ You bring violence and war to thwart the Dark Realm, but conflict was born in Hell. It is inevitable... a fire that fuels creation and gives purpose where there is none. Stand and fight, Slayer. Honor your true God. Fight, and show me your purpose. „
~ Davoth challenging Doomguy.

Davoth, also known as the Dark Lord, is the main antagonist of the Doom franchise.

He is the supreme ruler of Hell and the creator and master of the demons that destroyed and erased countless civilizations and races under his command, including the Dark Priests, the Spider Mastermind and the Icon of Sin. He is also the creator, alternate evil counterpart and arch-nemesis of Doomguy.

He is voiced by Piotr Michael.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • After he was betrayed, his anger and hatred turned Jekkad, a prosperous realm, into Hell.
  • After he and his demon armies broke out from Hell, they destroyed many civilizations, including Argent D'Nur and Earth. Even after Davoth was defeated and imprisoned in his life sphere, Hell continued to wage war against all of creation.
  • He had several humans and animals transformed into demons by minions of his like Olivia Pierce, Khan Maykr and the Hell Priests.
  • He manipulated time so in all countless timelines and endless possibilities, the Maykrs were destined to be destroyed by Doom Slayer in order to get his revenge on them.
  • As the creator of Hell and leader of demons, he is responsible for Doomguy/Doom Slayer's pet rabbit Daisy and family dying at the hands of demons.
  • He struck a deal with the Maykrs to create an Argent energy refinery in Hell directed to Urdak without the Night Sentinels' knowledge, making him responsible for the torture and soul desecration of millions of humans.
  • He would have destroyed all of existence and the Observable Universe if he had not been defeated Doom Slayer.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He has a genuine tragedy. He cared very deeply about Jekkad and wanted to make its people immortal just like himself and to achieve this goal, he created the Maykrs. After they discovered the secrets of immortality, they realized that Davoth's measures to eradicate death from Jekkad will be devastating for existence, so they betrayed him and sealed him and Jekkad. This treachery enraged Davoth and led to him creating Hell. In his fight with Doom Slayer, he claims that if not for the treachery for his servants, then the people of Jekkad would have been perfect.
  • He is very honorable and is able to show respect to others, as is shown during his confrontation with the Doom Slayer, where he fought honestly and revealed his story and the truth about how everything started, as well as the reasons for his actions.
  • He does show remorse for his atrocities while being respectful and honorable to others, and is originally a benevolent god before his descent into villainy. This confirms that, unlike the more irredeemable Khan Maykr, Davoth has a heart and compassion for others, and is capable of not refusing any chance of redemption.
  • Lastly, his biggest redeeming feature is that, when defeated, he accepts his fate and punishment with dignity, and politely asked Doomguy if he had anything to say before killing him, to which Doomguy casually says "No" and pierced his heart with the Doomblade, giving Davoth an honorably peaceful death.


  • Davoth so far is the only Doom villain to be Near Pure Evil.

External Links[]
