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Sesame Street
Gordon tries to start his car
Air date January 4, 1978
Season Season 9 (1977-1978)
Production October 22, 1977
Sponsors E, F, 5


Picture Segment Description

SCENE 1 Big Bird encounters Gordon working on his car, hoping to drive it downtown later today. As Bob and Luis offer suggestions on things to check with the engine, Big Bird goes to the front of the car and points out not-so-helpful parts that might be the problem such as the windshield wiper and the headlight. He notices a small door open on the side and assumes something's deep inside that's not making the car work. When Gordon explains what the real purpose for the fuel tank is, both he and Susan realize that neither of them filled it with gas; Big Bird beams with pride about his mechanic prowess.
Film Kids watch as construction workers paint a number 5 on the street using a stencil.
(First: Episode 0497)
Cartoon The story of a king who learns to take a bath.
Artist: Bruce Cayard
Muppets The Count hires Ernie to answer his phone so that he won't be bothered with calls while he is counting. However, when the phone rings, the Count wants to count the rings, and won't let Ernie pick up the phone until it's too late. "I told you it wouldn't be easy," the Count explains.
(First: Episode 0539)
Cartoon A penguin repeats the rhythms of the sounds it hears, which include a drum, a door knock, a saw and a typewriter.
Artists: The Hubleys
(First: Episode 0239)
Animation A grape blows reveille and inspects the "troops" -- 12 raisins on a slice of white bread.
(First: Episode 0618)
SCENE 2 After putting gas in the car, Gordon runs his engine but thinks it sounds a little strange. A Muppet mechanic named Buck passes by and offers to do some expert tinkering with it. He makes an adjustment with a screwdriver which ends up making the engine sound like a horse whinnying and galloping (“I’ve been repairing too many Mustangs and Colts lately,” explains Buck). After tuning it up to make the sounds of a rooster and a pig, he finally gets the engine to sound the way it's supposed to - like a cat purring (with the occasional meow).
Cartoon Frances Fairy displays several F words.
(First: Episode 0335)
Muppets "Bein' Green", with Lena Horne and Kermit.
(First: Episode 0637)
Cartoon Two guys row their oars in different directions, until they decide to cooperate and row together.
(First: Episode 0510)
Film A scuba diver swims away from.
(First: Episode 0537)
Video Scanimate kids intro
(First: Episode 0798)
SCENE 3 Gordon is doing some final touches on the car, so Susan and the kids go for a pretend drive on the stoop of 123 Sesame Street. When their ride is through, Gordon finally gets the car in working order and heads downtown.
Cartoon A rabbit crosses the STREET, and almost gets run over.
Artist: Cathryn Aison
(First: Episode 0778)
Cartoon Typewriter: F for Fly
(First: Episode 0781)
Film Building a log cabin
(First: Episode 0602)
Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentBig Bird and Scottie read a "ONE WAY" sign.
(First: Episode 1051)
Muppets Waiter Grover: Mr. Johnson orders bacon and eggs, but he can't decide how many of each he wants. Mr. Johnson says that Grover takes too long and asks for two hot dogs and two pickles for lunch. Grover then throws a tantrum in the kitchen.
(First: Episode 0408)
Cartoon Cloud blows things FFFFFFFF
(First: Episode 0387)
Insert The Count leads everyone in doing "The Transylvania Polka."
(First: Episode 1052)
Cartoon A self-proclaimed "handsome" fly (voiced by Casey Kasem) is indignant about appearing in a segment about the letter F with a "fat and ugly" frog. The frog solves the problem by eating the fly.
(First: Episode 0034)
Song Joe Raposo sings "Frog Struggle Song."
(First: Episode 0492)
Pinball 05
Cartoon Pinball Number Count #5
(First: Episode 0991)
Muppets Here Is Your Life: A loaf of bread is profiled.
(First: Episode 0709)
Cartoon "One to Five Counting Animals Song"
(First: Episode 0780)
Film Animals and children bathe in water.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0615)
SCENE 4 Bob sings "Can Do" with the kids about all the things they know how to do.
Cartoon E for elephant, eagle, everything, and egg.
(First: Episode 0002)
Muppets Marshal Grover tries mounting Fred the Wonder Horse using a "run and jump" technique. But every time he gets close, Fred moves away from him, causing onlookers in the saloon to laugh at them. Fred finally explains that he doesn't appreciate the act, as it hurts his back. Grover promises never to run and jump onto his back again, and asks him to roll over so he may do so on his belly.
(First: Episode 0825)
Cartoon A concert pianist shows up in a construction worker's lunchbox, singing the alphabet.
(First: Episode 0449)
Film Sesame Street Animal Films: A widow bird flies from one tree to another.
(First: Episode 0391)
Cartoon A door opens behind a mouse, who shrieks when she sees the E.
Artist: Bruce Cayard
(First: Episode 0616)
Ice Skating Whistle
Muppets Ice Follies: Oscar blows his whistle, then goes into hiding, causing the other Muppets (Big Bird, Bert, Betty Lou, Grover, Cookie Monster and the Count) to find the source.
(First: Episode 0939)
Letters form FUN
Insert Jerry Nelson narrates three letters coming together to form the word FUN. The letters celebrate with confetti and streamers.
(First: Episode 0458)
Cartoon A real Indian boy tells two boys who are playing Cowboy and Indian that Indians don't say "ugh." The other kids tell him that they heard the expression on TV.
(First: Episode 0771)
Muppets Kermit's Lectures - Kermit watches some live bears do exercises.
(First: Episode 0044)
Film Sesame Street Animal Films: Seahorse
(First: Episode 0183)
Muppets Ernie & Bert — Ernie comes home to a sleeping Bert and tries to think of things to do that won't wake him up. He can't watch TV, and he can't play with his ball. Bored, he decides to take a nap too -- but then he starts to snore. This awakens Bert, who wonders out loud where the noise is coming from, in the process arousing Ernie, who gets mad at being woken up.
(First: Episode 0280)
Counting 10 to 1
Cartoon Counting 10 to 1.
(First: Episode 0480)
Cartoon E for Erase
(First: Episode 0486)
SCENE 5 Bob and Damian help Ruby practice riding her bicycle as Gordon announces the sponsors.

CLOSING SIGNS The Count holds the Sesame Street sign, and Ernie and Bert hold the Children's Television Workshop sign.


  • During scene 1, Susan comments that she's not much of a mechanic. In future episodes she would eventually become one in addition to her job as a traveling nurse.

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Episode 1082 Episode 1084