Aqbeż għall-kontentut

Nies Maltin li mietu fl-2022

Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa

Din hija lista ta' nies notevoli Maltin li mietu fl-2022.

F'din il-lista jidhru biss ismijiet ta' nies li l-mewt tagħhom hija kkonfermata peremezz ta' rapport/i minn sorsi verifikabbli. Żidiet bla referenza għal sors verifikabbli jitneħħew minn hawn u jitpoġġew fil-paġna ta' diskussjoni sakemm jiġu verifikati sew.

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Nota: id-data tal-mewt m'għandix tkun dik ta' meta tħabbret imma ta' meta seħħet.

  1. ^ "Beloved doctor Victor Calvagna dies, one week after car accident". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-01-04. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  2. ^ "Philanthropist and Puttinu Cares founder Victor Calvagna dies at 63". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  3. ^ Galea, Owen (2022-01-12). "Tmut Connie Vella li għal 30 sena tat għajnuna lill-pazjenti Maltin fi sptarijiet fl-Ingilterra" (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  4. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-01-12). "Tmut Connie Vella; għal 30 sena għenet Maltin morda fl-Ingilterra". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  5. ^ Attard, Mark (2022-01-12). "Imut Maurice Walsh, ex plejer u leġġenda ta' Sliema Wanderers" (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  6. ^ "Legendary ex-Sliema Wanderers player, Maurice Walsh, passes away aged 91". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  7. ^ "Demise of Maurice Walsh". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  8. ^ Malta and International Football Collection. "Malta and International Football Collection - Maurice Walsh 16th April 1930 – 12th January 2022 The Golden Boy is no More". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  9. ^ "Lino Vella, editor of The Maltese Herald in Australia, dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-01-16. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  10. ^ "Lino Vella, pioneer community leader for migrants in Australia, dies at 85". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  11. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-01-16). "Imut George Dingli, eks plejer u eks kowċ ta' Senglea Athletic F.C." Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  12. ^ Replay (Net Television). "Tħabbret il-mewt tal-eks plejer, eks kowċ u membru tal-Kumitat ta' Senglea Athletic F.C. u ta' Senglea Athletic FC Nursery għal diversi snin, George Dingli". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  13. ^ Rjali, Tim Strada (2022-01-16). "Is-Sengleani Jibku T-Telfa Ta' George Dingli - Eks Kows U Eks Plejer" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  14. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  15. ^ Gatt, Thomas; Gatt, Thomas. "Profs. Joseph Eynaud -". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  16. ^ Gatt, Thomas; Gatt, Thomas. "Dr Biagio Vella -". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  17. ^ Mangion, Fabian (2022-02-27). "Appreciation: Joseph Muscat: the 'grandad' of Maltese maritime history". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  18. ^ Cini, George (2005-06-20). "The old Maltese man and the sea". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  19. ^ Camilleri, Valhmor (2022-01-30). "Former San Ġiljan and Malta goalkeeper Sandro Cosby dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  20. ^ Camilleri, Valhmor (2022-01-30). "Former San Ġiljan and Malta goalkeeper Sandro Cosby dies". SportsDesk (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  21. ^ "Former Malta, San Giljan keeper Sandro Cosby dies - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  22. ^ "Sfortunatament Ħalliena Sandro Cosby, Eks-Goalkeeper Ta' San Ġiljan". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  23. ^ "Announcements - February 5, 2022". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-02-05. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  24. ^ Guillaumier, Joyce (2007). "Muzicisti Maltin 2 : program 8 : Andrew Sapiano" (bil-Malti). Ċitazzjoni journal għandha bżonn |journal= (għajnuna)
  25. ^ Ellul, James Aaron (2022-02-05). "Titħabbar il-mewt ta' Andrew Sapiano" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  26. ^ Newsroom, T. V. M. (2022-02-05). "Tenor Andrew Sapiano dies" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  27. ^ "Announcements - February 11, 2022". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-02-11. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  28. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-02-07). "Imut Harry Zammit Cordina; eks segretarju tal-bord tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  29. ^ "Il-Ħamrun jibki t-telfa ta Harry Zammit Cordina | Radio 105". 2022-10-04. Arkivjat mill-oriġinal fl-2022-10-04. Miġbur 2024-01-27.Manutenzjoni CS1: BOT: url-oriġinali status mhux magħruf (link)
  30. ^ "Announcements - February 11, 2022". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-02-11. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  31. ^ "Announcements – February 9, 2022". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-02-09. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  32. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  33. ^ "Silvio Zammit, John Dalli's controversial former aide, dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-02-11. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  34. ^ "Silvio Zammit, Dalligate personality in 10-year bribery saga, dies at 57". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  35. ^ Diacono, Tim (2022-02-11). "Silvio Zammit, Restaurateur And Former Aide To John Dalli, Dies At 57" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  36. ^ Newsroom, minn TVM (2022-02-11). "Imut l-imprenditur Silvio Zammit fl-għomor ta' 57 sena" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  37. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  38. ^ "Announcements – February 15, 2022". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-02-15. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  39. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-02-15). "Imut l-artist Anton Tanti, ħu Joe tal-Greenfields". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  40. ^ Galea, Owen (2022-02-18). "Imut il-kantant Chris Scicluna" (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  41. ^ ""B'Qalb Maqsuma Nsellem Lill-Maħbub Raġel Tiegħi Chris" – Moira Stafrace Tħabbar Il-Mewt Ta' Żewġha". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  42. ^ Rjali, Tim Strada (2022-02-18). "Imut Il-Kantant Chris Scicluna" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  43. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-02-18). "Imut Chris Scicluna, ta' Chris & Moira". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  44. ^ "Musician and Eurovision contestant Chris Scicluna dies aged 62". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-02-18. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  45. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-02-18). "Imut Chris Scicluna, ta' Chris & Moira". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  46. ^ "'Pa, m'intix se ttellagħni l-artal għat-tieġ' – bint Chris Scicluna" (bl-Ingliż). 2022-02-18. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  47. ^ "Chris Scicluna, star of 1994 Eurovision song More Than Love, passes away". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  48. ^ "Charles is-City Gatt, Malta's 'father of jazz', dies aged 77". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-02-19. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  49. ^ "Charles 'City' Gatt, father of Maltese jazz, passes away at 77". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  50. ^ Xerri, Jurgen (2022-02-19). "Imut Charles 'City' Gatt" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  51. ^ "International award-winning architect Martin Xuereb dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-03-02. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  52. ^ "Leading contemporary architect Martin Xuereb passes away". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  53. ^ Missionary Society of St Paul. "MSSP announcement". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  54. ^ "Tony Sciberras" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  55. ^ ""Maħsuda Bl-Aħbar Tal-Mewt Għall-Għarrieda Ta' Patri Tony Sciberras MSSP, Fl-Età Ta' 69 Sena." - Id-Djoċesi T'Għawdex". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  56. ^ "Melbourne Catholic Parish Websites". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  57. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-03-09). "Imut Patri Tony Sciberras; serva bħala Rettur tas-Seminarju ta' Għawdex". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  58. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-03-11). "Imut Mario Azzopardi 'Il-Mulej'". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  59. ^ Newsroom, minn TVM (2022-03-11). "Imut il-poeta u d-direttur teatrali Mario Azzopardi" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  60. ^ Amaira, Christine (2022-03-11). "Imut il-poeta Mario Azzopardi" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  61. ^ "Mario Azzopardi, anti-establishment theatre director and poet, dies at 77". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  62. ^ "Award-winning poet and playwright Mario Azzopardi dies at age 77". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-03-11. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  63. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  64. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  65. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  66. ^ Newsroom, minn TVM (2022-03-14). "Imut id-DJ Louis Fenech" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  67. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-03-14). "Imut DJ Louis Fenech ta' Calypso Radio". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  68. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-03-16). "Tmut l-attriċi Karmen Azzopardi; kellha 88 sena". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  69. ^ Galea, Owen (2022-03-16). "FILMAT: Tmut l-attriċi veterana Karmen Azzopardi" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  70. ^ "Veteran actress Karmen Azzopardi passes away aged 88". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  71. ^ "Veteran actress Karmen Azzopardi dies aged 88". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-03-16. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  72. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-03-23). "Imut l-attur u direttur Victor Soler". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  73. ^ "Louis Cilia, ex government consultant, pensioners activist dies aged 78". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-04-08. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  74. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-04-20). "Imut l-attur Frank Tanti". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  75. ^ "Doctor and former MP John Rizzo Naudi dies aged 96". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-04-23. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  76. ^ "Former MP John Rizzo Naudi dies aged 96". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  77. ^ Camenzuli, Mark (2022-04-23). "Imut Prof. John Rizzo Naudi". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  78. ^ "Former parliamentary secretary John Rizzo Naudi dies, aged 96 - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  79. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  80. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-04-25). "Imut Anthony Pizzuto; serva bħala president tal-Għaqda Mużikali Madonna tal-Karmnu Fgura". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  81. ^ "Announcements – May 2, 2022". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-05-02. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  82. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  83. ^ "Former judge Patrick Vella dies, aged 78". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-05-10. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  84. ^ "Former judge Patrick Vella dies - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  85. ^ "Imut il-preżentatur ta' ONE Radio Lesley Gladwish - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2022-05-17. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  86. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-05-16). "Imut l-attur u xandar Leslie Gladwish". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  87. ^ Newsroom, minn TVM (2022-05-17). "Imut il-preżentatur u attur Leslie Gladwish" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  88. ^ Rjali, Tim Strada (2022-05-17). ""Il-Ħajja Qasira Mmens...Grazzi Ta' Kollox" - L-Aħħar Kliem Ta' Leslie Gladwish Fuq ONE Radio" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  89. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-05-18). "Leslie Gladwish jingħata l-aħħar tislima f'Santa Venera". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  90. ^ "Popular DJ, Bay Radio 'legend' Ian Lang dies, aged 55". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-05-19. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  91. ^ Newsroom, minn TVM (2022-05-19). "Imut id-DJ magħruf Ian Lang" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  92. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-05-19). "Imut ix-xandar Ian Lang ta' 89.7 Bay". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  93. ^ "Well-known DJ Ian Lang passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  94. ^ Camilleri, Valhmor (2022-05-20). "Former Birkirkara FC president Joe Gauci passes away". SportsDesk (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  95. ^ Farrugia, Liam (2022-05-20). "Titħabbar il-mewt tal-eks president ta' Birkirkara Joe Gauci" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  96. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-05-20). "Imut Joe Gauci, eks President ta' Birkirkara F.C." Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  97. ^ (2022-05-20). "Titħabbar il-mewt ta' Joe Gauci". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  98. ^ Sport, minn TVM (2022-05-20). "Luttu fil-futbol lokali jmut l-eks President ta' Birkirkara Joe Gauci" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  99. ^ "Trade unionist Tony Zarb dies, aged 68". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-05-29. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  100. ^ "Updated: Trade unionist Tony Zarb dies, aged 68 - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  101. ^ "Former General Workers' Union secretary general Tony Zarb dies". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  102. ^ Bonnici, Julian (2022-05-29). "Tony Zarb, Former GWU General Secretary, Dies Aged 68" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  103. ^ Balzan, Jurgen (2022-05-29). "Former union boss Tony Zarb dies aged 68". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  104. ^ "Imut Tony Zarb fl-età ta' 68 sena - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2022-05-29. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  105. ^ Cassar, Simon (2022-05-29). "Imut Tony Zarb fl-età ta' 68 sena" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  106. ^ "Titħabbar il-mewt ta' Charles Mock, ex goalkeeper u kowċ tal-Waterpolo" (bl-Ingliż). 2022-06-02. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  107. ^ "Former Balluta WPC goalkeeper, long-time coach Charles Mock dies - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  108. ^ "Former waterpolo goalkeeper Charles Mock dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-06-02. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  109. ^ Camilleri, Valhmor (2022-06-02). "Former waterpolo goalkeeper Charles Mock dies". SportsDesk (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  110. ^ "Tħabbret il-mewt tal-ex plejer u kowċ tal-waterpolo Charles Mock - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2022-06-02. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  111. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-06-02). "Imut Charles Mock, eks ġurnalist sportiv ma' RTK". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  112. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-06-12). "Imut Joe Bartolo, preżentatur fuq One Radio". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  113. ^ "Singer, pianist Godwin Lucas dies - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  114. ^ "Well-loved singer Godwin Lucas dies, aged 63". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-06-18. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  115. ^ Newsroom, T. V. M. (2022-06-18). "Singer Godwin Lucas passes away" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  116. ^ "Veteran singer, musician, Godwin Lucas passes away at 63". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  117. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-06-18). "Imut il-kantant u mużiċist Godwin Lucas, l-iżgħar fost l-aħwa Lucas". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  118. ^ (2022-06-18). "Kantanti u mużiċisti maħsudin bit-telfa ta' Godwin Lucas". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  119. ^ Francalanza, Maria (2022-06-18). "Imut il-kantant Godwin Lucas" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  120. ^ Zammit, Frederick (18 Ġunju 2024). "Sentejn mill-mewt ta' Godwin Lucas". Newsbook (bil-Malti).
  121. ^ Balzan, Jurgen (2022-06-21). "Former AFM commander Maurice Calleja dies". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  122. ^ "Former AFM commander Brig. Maurice Calleja dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-06-21. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  123. ^ "Former AFM Commander Maurice Calleja passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  124. ^ "Former army commander Maurice Calleja dies". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  125. ^ "Imut l-eks Kap Kmandant tal-Forzi Armati ta' Malta Maurice Calleja - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2022-06-21. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  126. ^ "'Such a gentleman' - Former AFM commander Maurice Calleja passes away". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  127. ^ Camilleri, Valhmor (2022-06-26). "Tributes flow as former cyclist and national coach Jack Schiavone dies, aged 52". SportsDesk (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  128. ^ "Tributes pour in as Jack Schiavone, prominent former cyclist, passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  129. ^ "Tributes flow as former cyclist and national coach Jack Schiavone dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-06-26. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  130. ^ "Imut L-Eks Ċiklist u Kowċ Nazzjonali Jack Schiavone - Bosta Jsellmu L-Memorja Tiegħu". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  131. ^ "Morta Irene Fargo, sfiorò per due volte la vittoria a Sanremo". la Repubblica (bit-Taljan). 2022-07-02. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  132. ^ TG24, Sky (2022-07-04). "Addio a Irene Fargo, la cantante bresciana aveva 59 anni". (bit-Taljan). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  133. ^ Rainews, Redazione di (2022-07-02). "Lutto nel mondo della musica, addio a Irene Fargo". RaiNews (bit-Taljan). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  134. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-07-14). "'Se nħossu t-telfa tiegħek imma mhux se ninsewk' – Janvil". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  135. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  136. ^ "Musician Jesmond Tedesco Triccas dies aged 59". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-08-10. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  137. ^ "Triccas, singer and voice of 1980s' subversive 'Hotel California' pastiche, dies at 59". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  138. ^ "Musician, actor Jesmond Tedesco Triccas passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  139. ^ "It-Triccas iħalli din id-dinja - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2022-08-10. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  140. ^ Cremona, Robert (2022-08-10). "AĠĠORNATA: Imut il-kantant popolari Triccas" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  141. ^ "Imut il-kantant Jesmond Tedesco Triccas fl-età ta' 59 sena" (bl-Ingliż). 2022-08-10. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  142. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-08-10). "Imut Jesmond Tedesco Triccas". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  143. ^ MaltaDaily (2022-08-10). "Singer Jesmond Tedesco Triccas passes away aged 59" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  144. ^ Vella, Sasha (2022-08-10). "'My Superstar Uncle': Roberta Metsola Mourns Passing Of Local Guitarist 'It-Triccas'" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  145. ^ "Imut Kevin Abela – missier u fotografu uffiċjali tal-Gvern ta' Malta" (bl-Ingliż). 2022-08-14. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  146. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  147. ^ "Government photographer Kevin Abela passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  148. ^ Cilia, Johnathan (2022-08-14). "Prime Minister, Ministers, Loved Ones Send Tributes To Kevin Abela, State Photographer Who Died" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  149. ^ Ellul, James Aaron (2022-08-14). "Imut Kevin Abela – missier u fotografu tad-DOI" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  150. ^ "ONE News isellem il-memorja tal-fotografu Kevin Abela - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2022-08-14. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
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  152. ^ "Heritage Malta pays tribute to one of its founding fathers, Mario Tabone". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-08-22. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
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  155. ^ "Appreciation: Mario Tabone, an exceptional mind". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-08-28. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
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  164. ^ "Four hurt as underage driver smashes into wall in 1.30am Swieqi crash". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-09-24. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  165. ^ "Charity event to celebrate life of 21-year-old crash victim Ben Laferla". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2024-05-10. Miġbur 2024-05-18.
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  168. ^ "Exorcist Fr Elija Vella has died". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-10-10. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  169. ^ "Nationalist MP Robert Arrigo dies, aged 67". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-10-18. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
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  174. ^ "Father of PN MP David Agius passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  175. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-10-18). "Imut missier David Agius". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  176. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-10-18). "Imut missier David Agius". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  177. ^ "Father of PN MP David Agius passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  178. ^ "Former museums director Marius Zerafa dies, aged 93". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-10-23. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  179. ^ "Fr Marius Zerafa, who played vital role in recovering stolen Caravaggio painting, dies aged 93". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  180. ^ Cachia, Paul (2022-10-23). "Imut il-qassis li solva l-każ tas-serq ta' San Ġilormu". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  181. ^ "Appreciation: Fr Marius Zerafa Boffa, OP". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-10-31. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  182. ^ "Former Prime Minister Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici dies, aged 89". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-11-05. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
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  184. ^ "Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, whose premiership was marred by harrowing 1980s, dies at 89". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
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  187. ^ "Five issues that tarnished Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici's legacy". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-11-13. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  188. ^ "Tony Abela, former PN parliamentary secretary, dies aged 66". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-11-08. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  189. ^ "Notary Tony Abela, former PN parliamentary secretary, dies at 66". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  190. ^ "Blast from the past: the return of Tony Abela". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
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  194. ^ "Carmen Tanti, voice of Maltese folk revival band The Greenfields, passes away". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  195. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-12-01). "Tmut Carmen Tanti tal-Greenfields". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
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  198. ^ Calleja Bayliss, Emil (2 Diċ 2022). ""B'Niket Inħabbru L-Mewt Ta' Loreto Scicluna" – Radju Lauretana". Gwida (bil-Malti).
  199. ^ "Appreciation: Loreto Scicluna". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2023-01-01. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  200. ^ Saliba, Kevin (2022-12-03). "Imut Fra' John Edward Critien fl-età ta' 73 sena". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  201. ^ "Fra' John Edward Critien, leading member of Order of Malta, dies aged 73". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-12-03. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  202. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-12-09). "Tmut Lilian Miceli Farrugia; fl-1963 Madre Tereża kienet għażlitha personalment biex tgħinha". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  203. ^ "SOS Malta founder Lilian Miceli Farrugia dies aged 98". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-12-09. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  204. ^ "Former Labour Minister, Speaker Daniel Micallef passes away aged 94 - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  205. ^ Zammit, Frederick (2022-12-09). "Imut l-eks ministru Daniel Micallef; kien serva wkoll bħala Aġent President tar-Repubblika". Newsbook (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  206. ^ "Imut l-eks Ministru Laburista u eks Speaker Daniel Micallef - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2022-12-09. Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  207. ^ Cremona, Robert (2022-12-09). "Imut l-eks Ministru Laburista Daniel Micallef" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  208. ^ Newsroom, T. V. M. (2022-12-09). "WATCH: Former Speaker of the House Daniel Micallef dies, aged 94" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  209. ^ "Titħabbar il-mewt tal-eks Speaker Daniel Micallef". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  210. ^ Camilleri, Valhmor (2022-12-25). "Maltese Basketball in mourning as legendary John Tabone dies aged 71". SportsDesk (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  211. ^ "Legendary basketball player, coach John Tabone passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-01-27.
  212. ^ Borg, Mario (2022-12-26). "'A True Giant Of Maltese Basketball': Iconic Former Player And Coach John Tabone Mourned By Maltese Community" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-27.

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