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Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Hong Kong

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Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Hong Kong
لاڤڠن تربڠ انتارابڠسا هوڠ كوڠ

Hong Kong International Airport

Jenis lapangan terbangAwam
PengendaliAirport Authority Hong Kong
DestinasiHong Kong
LokasiChek Lap Kok, Hong Kong, Republik Rakyat China
Dibuka6 Julai 1998
Hab untuk
Bandar tumpuan untuk
Ketinggian AMSL28 kaki / 9 m
Koordinat22°18′32″N 113°54′52″E / 22.30889°N 113.91444°E / 22.30889; 113.91444Koordinat: 22°18′32″N 113°54′52″E / 22.30889°N 113.91444°E / 22.30889; 113.91444
HKG yang terletak di Hong Kong
Lokasi Lapangan Terbang di Hong Kong, Republik Rakyat China.
HKG yang terletak di China
HKG (China)
HKG yang terletak di Asia Timur
HKG (Asia Timur)
HKG yang terletak di Asia
HKG (Asia)
Arah Panjang Permukaan
ft m
07R/25L 12,467 3,800 Asphalt konkrit
07L/25R 12,467 3,800 Asphalt konkrit
Statistik (2017)
Kargo (metrik tan)4,938,000
Sumber: Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Hong Kong[2]
Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Hong Kong
Tulisan Cina Tradisional
Tulisan Cina Ringkas
Lapangan Terbang Chek Lap Kok
Tulisan Cina Tradisional
Tulisan Cina Ringkas

Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Hong Kong (IATA: HKGICAO: VHHH) adalah sebuah lapangan terbang utama di Hong Kong. Ia juga dikenali sebagai Lapangan Terbang Chek Lap Kok (赤鱲角機場) dalam pertuturan, dibina di atas pulau Chek Lap Kok melalui penebusgunaan tanah dam juga untuk membezakannya dari pendahulunya, Lapangan Terbang Kai Tak yang sudah ditutup.

Nombor Penerbangan, pada Maklumat Syarikat Penerbangan dan Destinasi.[3]
Kawasan daftar masuk Terminal 1
Balai perlepasan Terminal 2
Kawasan daftar masuk Terminal 2
Pemandangan lapangan terbang dari kereta kabel Ngong Ping 360 (2007)
Peta yang menunjukkan tanah tebus guna Pulau Lantau, Lam Chau dan Chek Lap Kok.
Pandangan hadapan Lapangan Terbang Hong Kong (2008)
Bahagian luar Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Hong Kong pada waktu malam

Lapangan Terbang Chek Lap Kok direka bentuk sebagai pengganti bekas Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Hong Kong (biasanya dikenali sebagai Lapangan Terbang Kai Tak) yang dibina pada tahun 1925. Terletak di Kowloon City District yang dibina padat. dengan landasan tunggal memanjang ke Teluk Kowloon, lapangan terbang Hong Kong telah menghidupkan lampu landasan untuk pembesaran bagi menghadapi trafik udara yang semakin meningkat. Menjelang 1990-an, Kai Tak telah menjadi salah satu lapangan terbang tersibuk di dunia - ia jauh melebihi kapasiti reka bentuk penumpang dan kargo tahunannya, dan satu daripada setiap tiga penerbangan mengalami kelewatan, sebahagian besarnya disebabkan kekurangan ruang untuk pesawat, pintu masuk dan landasan kedua.[4] Selain itu, mitigasi hingar mengukur penerbangan waktu malam yang terhad, kerana pencemaran bunyi yang teruk (melebihi 105 dB(A) di Bandar Kowloon) menjejaskan jumlah anggaran sekurang-kurangnya 340,000 orang.[5][6]

Kajian perancangan 1974 oleh jabatan Jabatan Penerbangan Awam Hong Kong dan Jabatan Kerja Raya Hong Kong mengenal pasti pulau kecil Chek Lap Kok, di luar Pulau Lantau, sebagai tapak penggantian lapangan terbang yang mungkin akan datang. Jauh dari pusat bandar yang sesak, laluan penerbangan akan dialihkan melalui Laut China Selatan berbanding kawasan bandar yang ramai penduduk, membolehkan operasi 24 jam yang cekap bagi pelbagai landasan. Pelan induk lapangan terbang Chek Lap Kok (CLK) dan pengajian kejuruteraan awam telah disiapkan masing-masing menjelang akhir tahun 1982 dan 1983. Pada Februari 1983, bagaimanapun, kerajaan menangguhkan projek itu atas sebab kewangan dan ekonomi. Pada tahun 1988, Kajian Strategi Pembangunan Pelabuhan & Lapangan Terbang (PADS) telah dijalankan oleh perunding, diketuai oleh Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited, melaporkan pada Disember 1989. Kajian ini melihat ramalan untuk kedua-dua lapangan terbang dan trafik pelabuhan ke tahun 2011 dan menghasilkan tiga strategi yang disyorkan untuk pembangunan strategik keseluruhan di Hong Kong. Salah seorang daripada tiga diandaikan mengekalkan lapangan terbang sedia ada di Kai Tak; yang kedua menganggap kemungkinan lapangan terbang di Pelabuhan Barat antara Pulau Lantau dan Pulau Hong Kong, dan yang ketiga menganggap lapangan terbang baharu di Chek Lap Kok. Perunding menghasilkan analisis terperinci untuk setiap senario, membolehkan Kerajaan mempertimbangkan penilaian ini untuk setiap tiga "Strategi Disyorkan". Pada Oktober 1989, Gabenor Hong Kong mengumumkan kepada Majlis Perundangan bahawa keputusan telah dibuat mengenai strategi pembangunan pelabuhan dan lapangan terbang jangka panjang untuk wilayah itu. Strategi yang akan diguna pakai ialah yang termasuk lapangan terbang gantian di Chek Lap Kok dan memasukkan terminal kontena baharu 8 dan 9 di Pulau Stonecutters dan masing-masing di timur pulau Tsing Yi.[7]

Dalam kajian PADS, perunding menasihatkan bahawa lapangan terbang paling awal boleh dibuka ialah Januari 1998.[8] Walau bagaimanapun, dalam mencapai keputusan kerajaan, tarikh ini telah diubah suai kepada Januari 1997, enam bulan sebelum penyerahan Hong Kong kepada China. Pembinaan lapangan terbang baru bermula pada tahun 1991.[9] Semasa pembinaan berjalan, persetujuan telah dicapai dengan China bahawa sebanyak mungkin lapangan terbang itu akan disiapkan sebelum penyerahan kepada China pada Julai 1997. Dalam acara itu, Perdana Menteri British John Major membuka Jambatan Tsing Ma, akses utama ke Pulau Lantau dan lapangan terbang serta komuniti sokongannya pada Mei 1997, sebelum pemindahan kedaulatan kepada China. Lapangan terbang itu sendiri dibuka pada Julai 1998.

Tempoh pembinaan sangat tergesa-gesa; pakar menganggap bahawa hanya tempoh 10-20 tahun adalah mencukupi untuk projek besar ini. [perlu rujukan] Satu lagi punca tergesa-gesa ini adalah disebabkan masa depan pembinaan lapangan terbang yang tidak menentu selepas pemindahan kedaulatan ke atas Hong Kong kepada Republik Rakyat China. Tidak lama selepas kerajaan kolonial Inggeris ketika itu di Hong Kong mengumumkan rancangan untuk membina lapangan terbang baharu, kerajaan China di Beijing mula menyuarakan bantahan terhadap pelbagai aspek projek besar-besaran itu, yang mendorong institusi kewangan menangguhkan melanjutkan pembiayaan projek. Tanpa akses kepada pembiayaan ini, banyak syarikat yang telah memperoleh kontrak untuk membina pelbagai bahagian projek menghentikan pembinaan, mengakibatkan kelewatan yang mendorong pembukaan sebenar lapangan terbang, pada asalnya dirancang untuk berlaku sebelum peralihan dalam kedaulatan sehingga satu tahun selepas . Apabila persetujuan dicapai dengan kerajaan di China, Beijing menghapuskan kebanyakan bantahannya dan kerja kemudian diteruskan, walaupun di belakang jadual.[perlu rujukan]

Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Hong Kong dibina di atas pulau buatan besar yang dibentuk dengan meratakan dan meratakan bekas pulau Chek Lap Kok dan Lam Chau (3.02 kilometer persegi (1.17 bt2) dan 0.08 km2 (0.031 bt2) masing-masing) dan menebus guna 9.38 km2 (3.62 bt2) dasar laut bersebelahan. Tapak lapangan terbang 12.48-kilometer-persegi (4.82 bt2), dengan penambakan, menambah hampir 1% kepada jumlah luas permukaan Hong Kong, menghubungkan ke bahagian utara Pulau Lantau berhampiran bandar baharu Tung Chung.[10]

Pembinaan lapangan terbang baharu hanyalah sebahagian daripada Program Teras Lapangan Terbang, yang turut melibatkan pembinaan jalan baharu dan perhubungan rel ke lapangan terbang, dengan jambatan dan terowong yang berkaitan, dan projek tebus guna tanah utama di kedua-duanya Hong Kong Pulau dan di Kowloon. Projek itu memegang rekod untuk projek lapangan terbang paling mahal yang pernah ada, menurut Guinness World Records. Pembinaan lapangan terbang baharu itu turut diundi sebagai salah satu daripada 10 Pencapaian Pembinaan Teratas Abad ke-20 di persidangan ConExpo pada tahun 1999.[11]

Reka bentuk terperinci untuk terminal lapangan terbang telah dianugerahkan kepada konsortium yang diketuai oleh Mott Connell (pejabat Hong Kong perunding UK Mott MacDonald) dengan British Airports Authority sebagai pereka pakar untuk aspek berkaitan lapangan terbang, Foster and Partners sebagai arkitek dan Ove Arup sebagai pereka struktur pakar untuk bumbung. Mott Connell adalah pereka untuk asas, semua komponen struktur lain dan kerja mekanikal dan elektrik. Bahagian tepi terminal, kebanyakannya kaca, direka bentuk untuk pecah semasa angin berkelajuan tinggi, melegakan tekanan dan membolehkan terminal itu menahan taufan yang kuat.[12]

Lapangan terbang itu dibuka secara rasmi dalam majlis perasmian oleh Presiden Republik Rakyat China dan Setiausaha Agung Parti Komunis Jiang Zemin pada tengah hari (Waktu Hong Kong) pada 2 Julai 1998. Beberapa jam kemudian, Air Force One, membawa Presiden Amerika Syarikat Bill Clinton, mendarat di lapangan terbang baharu dan menjadi pelawat asing pertama yang tiba di lapangan terbang baharu.[13] Operasi sebenar lapangan terbang itu bermula pada 6 Julai 1998, menamatkan pembinaan selama enam tahun yang menelan belanja AS$20 bilion. Pada hari itu pada 06:25 (Waktu Hong Kong), Cathay Pacific Penerbangan CX 889 dari New York Lapangan Terbang JFK menjadi penerbangan komersial pertama yang mendarat di lapangan terbang, mengeluarkan CX 292 yang asal daripada Rom yang merupakan ketibaan pertama yang dijadualkan.[14] Bagaimanapun, lapangan terbang itu sudah mula mengalami beberapa masalah teknikal pada hari pertama pembukaan. sistem paparan maklumat penerbangan (FIDS) telah ditutup secara tiba-tiba yang menyebabkan kelewatan yang lama. Tidak lama selepas itu, pautan komunikasi kargo dengan Kai Tak, di mana semua data yang diperlukan disimpan (beberapa masih disimpan di sana ketika itu), terputus. Dalam tempoh masa yang sama, seseorang telah memadamkan pangkalan data penting untuk perkhidmatan kargo secara tidak sengaja. Ini bermakna kargo perlu disimpan secara manual. Pada satu ketika, lapangan terbang terpaksa menolak semua kargo udara dan barang yang menuju dan dieksport dari Hong Kong (kecuali bekalan makanan dan perubatan) sementara ia menyelesaikan kekacauan besar. HKIA tidak dapat bersaing tanpa sistem komputer pembantu automatik.[12] Selama tiga hingga lima bulan selepas pembukaannya, ia mengalami pelbagai masalah organisasi, mekanikal dan teknikal yang teruk yang hampir melumpuhkan lapangan terbang dan operasinya. Gangguan komputer kebanyakannya dipersalahkan untuk krisis besar. Lau Kong-wah, ahli politik Hong Kong, dipetik berkata

"Ini bertujuan untuk menjadi projek kelas pertama, tetapi ia telah bertukar menjadi lapangan terbang kelas sembilan dan memalukan. Lapangan terbang kami telah menjadi bahan ketawa dunia."

[15][16] Pada satu masa, kerajaan membuka semula terminal kargo di Lapangan Terbang Kai Tak untuk mengendalikan trafik kargo kerana kerosakan di terminal kargo baharu, dinamakan Super Terminal One (ST1).[17] Bagaimanapun, selepas enam bulan lapangan terbang itu mula beroperasi seperti biasa.

Pada 31 Julai 2000, Todd Salimuchai, seorang pendatang tanpa izin tetap di Hong Kong dengan tiada kewarganegaraan yang boleh dibuktikan, memaksa melalui pusat pemeriksaan keselamatan menggunakan pistol palsu, mengambil seorang wanita sebagai tebusan, dan menaiki sebuah Pesawat Cathay Pacific. Dia menuntut untuk diterbangkan ke Burma, yang didakwanya sebagai negara asalnya tetapi enggan menerimanya kerana kekurangan dokumen. Dia menyerah diri kepada polis dua setengah jam kemudian.[18]

Dibuka secara rasmi pada Jun 2007, terminal lapangan terbang kedua, dipanggil T2, (kemudahan daftar masuk sahaja) dikaitkan dengan MTR Airport Express pada platform baharu. Terminal ini juga mempunyai pusat beli-belah baharu, SkyPlaza, menyediakan pelbagai jenis kedai dan restoran, bersama dengan beberapa kemudahan hiburan. T2 juga menempatkan stesen bas 36 ruang untuk bas ke dan dari tanah besar China dan 56 kaunter daftar masuk syarikat penerbangan, serta kemudahan kastam dan imigresen.

Selain T2, Padang Golf SkyCity Nine Eagles telah dibuka pada tahun 2007 manakala hotel lapangan terbang kedua, Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel; dan terminal feri rentas sempadan kekal, Skypier, masing-masing mula beroperasi pada 2008 dan 2009. Pembangunan sekitar T2 juga termasuk AsiaWorld-Expo yang telah mula beroperasi pada akhir 2005.[19] Concourse penumpang kedua, North Satellite Concourse (NSC), dibuka pada 2010, diikuti oleh Midfield Concourse pada Disember 2015.[20]

Sepanjang Ogos 2019, lapangan terbang itu ditutup beberapa kali kerana demonstrasi diadakan di dalam lapangan terbang semasa bantahan Hong Kong 2019-20, lebih 160 penerbangan telah dibatalkan kerana kedua-dua bahagian ketibaan dan pelepasan lapangan terbang telah diduduki.[21]

Landasan ketiga, dikenali sebagai Landasan Utara, dibuka pada 2021, merupakan bahagian pertama Pelan Induk Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Hong Kong 2030 yang dibuka. Landasan Pusat kemudiannya ditutup untuk memudahkan kerja pembinaan dan naik taraf.

Syarikat penerbangan dan destinasi

[sunting | sunting sumber]


[sunting | sunting sumber]
Aeroflot Moscow–Sheremetyevo [22][23]
AirAsia Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Lumpur–Antarabangsa, Pulau Pinang [References 1]
AirAsia X Musiman: Kuala Lumpur-Antarabangsa [32]
Air Astana Almaty
Air Busan Busan
Air Canada Toronto–Pearson (resumes 26 March 2023), Vancouver
Air China Beijing–Capital, Chengdu-Tianfu, Chongqing, Hangzhou [33] [34]
Air France Paris–Charles de Gaulle [35]
Air India Delhi [36]
Air Mauritius Mauritius
Air New Zealand Auckland
Air Niugini Port Moresby
Air Seoul Seoul–Incheon
All Nippon Airways Osaka–Kansai, Tokyo–Haneda, Tokyo–Narita [37][38][39][40]
Asiana Airlines Seoul–Incheon [41]
Bangkok Airways Koh Samui [42]
Batik Air Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta [43]
Batik Air Malaysia Kuala Lumpur–Antarabangsa [44]
Beijing Capital Airlines Qingdao-Jiaodong [45]
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Dhaka
British Airways London–Heathrow [46]
Cambodia Airways Phnom Penh
Cathay Pacific Adelaide, Amsterdam, Auckland, Bangalore, Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi, Beijing–Capital, Boston, Brisbane, Cebu, Chengdu-Tianfu, Chennai, Chicago–O'Hare, Colombo, Delhi, Denpasar (resumes 27 November 2022) [perlu rujukan], Dhaka, Dubai–International, Frankfurt, Fukuoka, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Haikou, Hangzhou, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta–Soekarno-Hatta, Johannesburg–O. R. Tambo, Kaohsiung, Kathmandu, Kuala Lumpur–Antarabangsa, London–Heathrow, Los Angeles, Madrid, Manchester, Manila, Melbourne, Milan–Malpensa, Mumbai, Nagoya–Centrair, New York–JFK, Osaka–Kansai, Paris–Charles de Gaulle, Pulau Pinang, Perth, Phnom Penh, Phuket, Rome–Fiumicino, San Francisco, Sapporo–Chitose, Seoul–Incheon, Shanghai–Pudong, Singapore, Surabaya, Sydney, Taipei–Taoyuan, Tel Aviv, Tokyo–Haneda, Tokyo–Narita, Toronto–Pearson, Vancouver, Wuhan, Xiamen, Zürich
Musiman: Barcelona, Christchurch [47]
[References 2]
Cebu Pacific Iloilo (Dimulakan semula 27 Oktober 2024[51]), Manila
China Airlines Kaohsiung, Tainan, Taipei–Taoyuan [52]
China Eastern Airlines Beijing-Daxing, Kunming, Nanjing, Ningbo, Shanghai–Pudong, Taiyuan [53], Wuhan, Xi'an [54][55][56][57][53]
China Southern Airlines Beijing-Daxing, Changsha, Dalian, Wuhan, Shenyang, Ürümqi, Yiwu [58][59][60][61]
EgyptAir Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi, Cairo
El Al Tel Aviv [62]
Emirates Airline Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi, Dubai–Antarabangsa [63][64][65]
Ethiopian Airlines Addis Ababa, Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi
EVA Air Taipei–Taoyuan [66]
Fiji Airways Nadi/Viti Levu [67]
Finnair Helsinki
Garuda Indonesia Denpasar/Bali, Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta [68][69]
Greater Bay Airlines Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi, Bandaraya Ho Chi Minh (Ditamatkan 22 Februari 2024[70]), Manila, Osaka-Kansai, Seoul-Incheon, Singapura (Bermula 26 April 2024[71]), Taipei–Taoyuan, Tokyo–Narita, Yonago (Bermula 27 Oktober 2024[72]) [References 3]
GX Airlines Nanning [84]
Hainan Airlines Haikou [85], Xian [86][87]
HK Express Bangkok-Don Mueang (Dimulakan semula 25 April 2024[88]), Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi, Beijing-Daxing (Bermula 12 Mac 2024[89]), Busan, Chiang Mai, Da Nang, Fukuoka, Hanoi, Hiroshima (Dimulakan semula 1 November 2024[90]), Ishigaki, Jeju, Kagoshima, Kaohsiung, Kumamoto, Manila, Nagasaki, Nagoya–Centrair, Naha, Nha Trang, Ningbo, Osaka–Kansai, Phuket, Phu Quoc (Bermula 6 Disember 2024[91]), Pulau Pinang (Bermula 21 November 2024[92]), Saipan, Seoul–Incheon, Shimojishima, Siem Reap, Taichung, Taipei–Taoyuan, Takamatsu, Tokyo–Haneda, Tokyo–Narita [References 4]
Hong Kong Airlines Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi, Beijing–Capital, Chengdu–Shuangliu, Chengdu-Tianfu, Chiang Mai (Bermula 27 Oktober 2024[102]), Chongqing, Denpasar, Fukuoka, Gold Coast (Dimulakan semula 17 Januari 2025[103]), Guiyang, Haikou, Hakodate, Hangzhou, Hanoi, Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Malé (Dimulakan semula 19 Januari 2024[104])[105], Manila, Nagoya-Centrair, Naha, Nanchang, Nanjing, Nanning, Osaka–Kansai, Phuket, Sanya, Sapporo–Chitose, Seoul–Incheon, Shanghai–Hongqiao, Shanghai–Pudong, Taipei–Taoyuan, Tokyo–Narita, Urumqi [106], Yonago [References 5]
IndiGo Delhi [118]
Indonesia AirAsia Denpasar/Bali, Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta (Bermula 1 Oktober 2024 dari Denpasar & 8 Oktober 2024 dari Jakarta[119][120])
Japan Airlines Tokyo–Haneda, Tokyo–Narita [121]
Jeju Air Jeju, Seoul–Incheon
Jetstar Japan Osaka–Kansai, Tokyo–Narita
Jin Air Seoul–Incheon (Tidak jadi dimulakan[122])
Juneyao Air Nanjing
KLM Amsterdam [123][124][125][126]
Korean Air Seoul–Incheon [127][128][129]
Lion Air Charter: Denpasar
Loong Air Hangzhou [130][131]
Lucky Air Kunming [132]
Lufthansa Frankfurt, Munich (resumes 27 March 2023)
Malaysia Airlines Kuala Lumpur–Antarabangsa
Mandarin Airlines Taichung [133]
MIAT Mongolian Airlines Ulaanbaatar [134][135]
Myanmar National Airlines Yangon
Nepal Airlines Kathmandu
Pacific Airlines Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City
Penerbangan Peach Osaka–Kansai [136][137]
Philippine Airlines Manila
Seasonal: Clark
Philippines AirAsia Manila
Qantas Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney (resumes 30 January 2023)
Qatar Airways Doha
Qingdao Airlines Qingdao-Jiaodong (melalui Zhangjiajie[53]), Zhangjiajie [53] [53]
Royal Air Philippines Caticlan [139][140]
Royal Brunei Airlines Bandar Seri Begawan [141]
Royal Jordanian Amman–Queen Alia (resumes 26 March 2023), Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi (resumes 26 March 2023)
Ruili Airlines Nanning [53], Xishuangbanna (melalui Nanning[53]) [53]
S7 Airlines[142] Novosibirsk, Vladivostok (both suspended) [143]
Scoot Singapore
Shandong Airlines Jinan, Qingdao-Jiaodong [144][145]
Shanghai Airlines Shanghai-Hongqiao, Shanghai-Pudong [146]
Sichuan Airlines Chengdu-Tianfu, Wuyishan [147][148]
Singapore Airlines Singapura [149]
Syarikat Penerbangan Spring Shanghai–Pudong, Fuzhou
SriLankan Airlines Colombo–Bandaranaike
Swiss International Air Lines Zürich
Thai AirAsia Bangkok–Don Mueang, Chiang Mai, Phuket (Ditamatkan 1 September 2024[150][151]) [152]
Thai Airways International Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi
Thai Lion Air Bangkok-Don Mueang (Bermula 1 Oktober 2024[153])
Tianjin Airlines Tianjin [154]
Turkish Airlines Istanbul
United Airlines Chicago–O'Hare, Newark, San Francisco [155][156]
VietJet Air Bandaraya Ho Chi Minh, Phu Quoc [157]
Vietnam Airlines Hanoi, Bandaraya Ho Chi Minh [158]
Vistara Delhi [159]
XiamenAir Fuzhou, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Xiamen [160]
AeroLogic Bangalore, Leipzig/Halle,[161] Singapore[162]
Air France Cargo Bahrain, Dammam, Dubai–International, Jeddah, Kuwait City, Paris–Charles de Gaulle
Air Hong Kong Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi, Beijing–Capital, Cebu, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta–Soekarno-Hatta, Manila, Nagoya, Osaka–Kansai, Penang, Seoul–Incheon, Shanghai–Pudong, Singapore, Taipei–Taoyuan, Tokyo–Narita
AirBridgeCargo Airlines Almaty, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow–Domodedovo, Moscow–Sheremetyevo, Moscow–Vnukovo, Singapore, Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg (all suspended)
ANA Cargo Nagoya–Centrair, Naha, Osaka–Kansai, Tokyo–Narita
Asiana Cargo Seoul–Incheon
ASL Airlines Belgium Dubai–International, Liège
CAL Cargo Air Lines Liège, Tel Aviv[163]
Cargolux Abu Dhabi, Almaty, Amman–Queen Alia, Baku, Barcelona, Beirut, Budapest, Chicago–O'Hare, Columbus–Rickenbacker, Dammam, Doha, Dubai–International, Helsinki, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta–Soekarno-Hatta, Karaganda, Komatsu, Kuwait City, London–Stansted, Los Angeles, Luxembourg, New York–JFK, Riyadh, Singapore, Taipei–Taoyuan, Upington, Vienna
Cargolux Italia Almaty, Dubai–International, Milan–Malpensa, Osaka–Kansai
Cathay Pacific Cargo Amsterdam, Anchorage, Atlanta, Bangalore, Calgary,[164] Chengdu, Chennai, Chicago–O'Hare, Chongqing, Colombo–Bandaranaike, Columbus, Dallas, Delhi, Dhaka, Dubai–Al Maktoum, Frankfurt, Guadalajara, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Houston, Hyderabad, Jakarta–Soekarno-Hatta, Kolkata, London–Heathrow, Los Angeles, Manila, Melbourne, Mexico City, Miami, Milan–Malpensa, Mumbai, New York–JFK, Osaka–Kansai, Paris–Charles de Gaulle, Penang, Phnom Penh, Portland (OR), Riyadh, Seoul–Incheon, Shanghai–Pudong, Singapore, Sydney, Taipei–Taoyuan, Tokyo–Narita, Toowoomba, Toronto–Pearson, Xiamen, Zhengzhou
China Airlines Cargo Manila, Taipei–Taoyuan
China Cargo Airlines Qingdao, Shanghai–Hongqiao, Shanghai–Pudong
DHL Aviation Anchorage,[165] Bagram, Bahrain,[166] Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi,[167] Beijing–Capital,[168] Cincinnati,[169] Delhi,[170] Dubai–International,[171] Ho Chi Minh City,[172] Jakarta–Soekarno-Hatta, Leipzig/Halle,[173] Los Angeles,[174] Manila,[175] Nagoya–Centrair,[176] Osaka–Kansai,[177] Penang,[172] Seoul–Incheon,[178] Shanghai–Pudong,[179] Singapore,[180] Taipei–Taoyuan,[181] Tokyo–Narita[182]
Donghai Airlines Chengdu–Shuangliu, Shenzhen
Emirates SkyCargo Delhi, Dubai–Al Maktoum, Kabul, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram
Ethiopian Airlines Cargo[183] Addis Ababa, Chennai, Maastricht/Aachen[184]
Etihad Cargo Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Chicago–O'Hare, Chittagong, Delhi, Dhaka, Miami
EVA Air Cargo Taipei–Taoyuan[185]
FedEx Express Almaty, Anchorage, Delhi, Manila, Memphis, Osaka–Kansai, Paris–Charles de Gaulle, Seoul–Incheon, Singapore, Taipei–Taoyuan, Tokyo–Narita
Flexport Los Angeles[186]
Garuda Cargo Jakarta–Soekarno–Hatta
Hong Kong Airlines Cargo Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi, Dhaka, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Osaka–Kansai, Kuala Lumpur–International, Nanning, Shanghai–Pudong, Singapore, Taipei–Taoyuan, Xiamen, Zhengzhou[187]
IAG Cargo
operated by Qatar Airways Cargo
KLM Cargo Amsterdam, Chennai, Dubai–Al Maktoum, Kuwait City, Mumbai
Korean Air Cargo Seoul–Incheon
K-Mile Air Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi, Hanoi[189]
Lufthansa Cargo Almaty, Bahrain, Bangalore, Frankfurt, Leipzig/Halle
MASkargo Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi,[190] Kuala Lumpur–International, Manila, Penang
Nippon Cargo Airlines Tokyo–Narita[191]
Polar Air Cargo Singapore
Qantas Freight[192] Auckland, Cairns, Sydney
Qatar Airways Cargo Doha, Singapore,[193] Tehran–Imam Khomeini
Saudia Cargo Dammam, Jeddah, Riyadh
SF Airlines Ningbo, Shenzhen,[194] Wuhan,[195] Xiamen[196]
Silk Way Airlines Baku
Singapore Airlines Cargo[197] Anchorage, Seattle/Tacoma, Sharjah, Singapore
SpiceXpress Guwahati,[198] Kolkata
Suparna Airlines Chengdu, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Shanghai–Pudong, Tianjin, Zhengzhou
Transmile Air Services Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur–International, Kuala Lumpur–Subang
Tri-MG Intra Asia Airlines Cebu, Clark
Turkish Cargo Almaty, Bishkek, Delhi, Istanbul[199]
ULS Cargo Bangkok–Suvarnabhumi, Beijing–Capital, Manila, Nagoya–Centrair, Osaka–Kansai, Penang, Seoul–Incheon, Shanghai–Pudong, Singapore, Taipei–Taoyuan, Tokyo–Narita
UPS Airlines Anchorage, Clark, Cologne/Bonn, Dubai–International, Honolulu, London–Stansted, Louisville, Mumbai, Ontario, Osaka–Kansai, Philadelphia, Sapporo–Chitose, Seoul–Incheon, Singapore, Sydney, Taipei–Taoyuan

Kumpulan Rujukan

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ "UPS Air Operations Facts - UPS Pressroom". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 12 Mei 2015. Dicapai pada 10 Mei 2015. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (bantuan)
  2. ^ "Provisional Civil International - Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA" (PDF). December 2018. Dicapai pada 11 June 2018.
  3. ^,_Julai_2018.jpg
  4. ^ Genzberger, Christine (1994). Hong Kong Business: The Portable Encyclopedia for Doing Business with Hong Kong. World Trade Press. m/s. 239. ISBN 978-0-9631864-7-8.
  5. ^ Hong Kong Advisory Council on the Environment (Julai 1995). "Proposal to Optimise Kai Tak Capacity" (PDF). Diarkibkan daripada yang asal (PDF) pada 11 Jun 2011. Dicapai pada 13 Jun 2006.
  6. ^ Dempsey, Paul (1999). Airport Planning and Development Handbook: A Global Survey. McGraw-Hill Professional. m/s. 106. ISBN 978-0-07-134316-9.
  7. ^ Port & Airport Development Strategy Study, Final Report, December 1989 by Study Consultants Mott MacDonald Hong Kong et al. for Lands and Works Branch of Hong Kong Government Secretariat
  8. ^ "PADS Government Secretariat Lands & Works Branch Port & Airport Development Strategy Final Report" (PDF). Dec 1989. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal (PDF) pada 23 May 2019. Dicapai pada 23 May 2019.
  9. ^ "19 years of Hong Kong International Airport - Discovery". 2019-05-23. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2019-05-23. Dicapai pada 2019-05-23.
  10. ^ Plant, G.W.; Covil, C.S; Hughes, R.A.; Airport Authority Hong Kong (1998). Site Preparation for the New Hong Kong International Airport. Thomas Telford. m/s. 1, 3–4, 43, 556. ISBN 978-0-7277-2696-4.
  11. ^ CONEXPO-CON/AGG '99 (1999). Top 10 Construction Achievements of the 20th Century Diarkibkan 26 November 2005 di Wayback Machine. ISBN 0-9530219-5-5. Retrieved 10 November 2005
  12. ^ a b "Building Hong Kong's Airport". Extreme Engineering. Musim 1. Episod 7. 14 May 2003.
  13. ^ "Clinton leaves with democracy plea". BbC News. 3 July 1998. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 11 January 2018. Dicapai pada 11 January 2018.
  14. ^ "Hong Kong's flying start". BBC News. 5 July 1998. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 5 September 2017. Dicapai pada 30 December 2015.
  15. ^ Gordon, Alastair (September 2004). Naked Airport. Metropolitan Books. ISBN 0-8050-6518-0.
  16. ^ Landler, Mark (9 July 1998). "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS; Problems Continue to Mount at New Hong Kong Airport". The New York Times.
  17. ^ "Calendar of Events". Hong Kong Yearbook. 1998. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 20 July 2011. Dicapai pada 15 August 2009.
  18. ^ "The tale of a man with no country", The Standard, 10 Julai 2006, diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 21 Oktober 2011, dicapai pada 28 Mei 2011
  19. ^ Hong Kong International Airport – About AA – SkyCity Brochure Diarkibkan 27 April 2006 di Wayback Machine
  20. ^ Siu, Phila (2016-04-01). "Hong Kong International Airport splashes out HK$5 billion on a new midfield... concourse". South China Morning Post (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 26 April 2017. Dicapai pada 2019-05-23.
  21. ^ "Hong Kong airport cancels flights over protests" (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 2019-08-12. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 12 August 2019. Dicapai pada 2019-08-12.
  22. ^ Mpoke Bigg, Matthew; Chokshi, Niraj (March 5, 2022). "Aeroflot says it will suspend international flights". The New York Times. Dicapai pada March 6, 2022.
  23. ^ "AEROFLOT RESUMES MOSCOW – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM LATE-DEC 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 21 September 2023. Dicapai pada 28 September 2023. Aeroflot Russian Airlines this week announced service resumption on Moscow Sheremetyevo – Hong Kong route, on board Airbus A330-300 aircraft. From 23DEC23, the airline will operate this route 3 times weekly.
  24. ^ Olivia Miwil (2 Januari 2023). "AirAsia reinstates Hong Kong direct flight to Kota Kinabalu". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). New Straits Times (Malaysia). Dicapai pada 3 Januari 2023. Sabah is receiving 64 weekly direct international flights with the latest addition from Hong Kong, following AirAsia's reinstatement of the HKG-BKI route.
  25. ^ The Vibes (2 Januari 2023). "AirAsia resumes Hong Kong-KK flights". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). The Vibes (Malaysia). Dicapai pada 3 Januari 2023. Noredah Othman, CEO of Sabah Tourism Board said, “I am glad that finally, AirAsia has reactivated its Hong Kong-Kota Kinabalu route, adding another international connection to Sabah.”
  26. ^ The Star (2 Januari 2023). "Penerbangan KK-HK AirAsia bantu lonjak pelancongan Sabah". Majoriti (Malaysia). Dicapai pada 3 Januari 2023. AirAsia kini menghubungkan Kota Kinabalu ke lima bandar antarabangsa utama: Singapura, Manila, Bangkok, Taipei dan Hong Kong.(dalam bahasa Bahasa Melayu)
  27. ^ MUGUNTAN VANAR (2 Januari 2023). "Resumption of AirAsia's KK-HK flights good for Sabah tourism, says STB chief". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). The Star (Malaysia). Dicapai pada 4 Januari 2023. Sabah began 2023 with AirAsia resuming its direct flights from Hong Kong to the state.
  28. ^ "AIRASIA RESUMES PENANG – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM AUGUST 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 29 Mei 2023. Dicapai pada 29 Mei 2023. AirAsia from August 2023 plans to resume Penang – Hong Kong nonstop service, last served by the airline until May 2013. Upon resumption on 10AUG23, the airline will offer 3 weekly flights on this route, with Airbus A320ceo aircraft.
  29. ^ "AirAsia expands Asia presence with Penang-Hong Kong route". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 7 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 8 Jun 2023. AirAsia continues to expand its presence in Asia with a route to Hong Kong from its third biggest hub in Penang starting 10 August 2023.
  30. ^ "AirAsia memperluas rangkaian Asia dengan pelancaran laluan Pulau Pinang-Hong Kong". 7 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 8 Jun 2023. AirAsia terus meluaskan rangkaiannya di Asia dengan pelancaran laluan ke Hong Kong dari hab ketiga terbesarnya di Pulau Pinang bermula 10 Ogos 2023.(dalam bahasa Bahasa Melayu)
  31. ^ "亚航推出槟城飞往香港航线扩展亚洲市场". (dalam bahasa Cina). 7 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 8 Jun 2023. 亚航继续扩大其在亚洲的业务,将从 2023 年 8 月 10 日起开始运营从槟城第三大枢纽飞往香港的航线。
  32. ^ "AIRASIA X SCHEDULES LIMITED-TIME HONG KONG SERVICE IN NW23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 9 Oktober 2023. Dicapai pada 14 Oktober 2023. AirAsia X during Northern winter 2023/24 season plans to add service to Hong Kong, appeared in recent schedule filing. The airline’s schedule is displaying 4 weekly flights between 14DEC23 and 06JAN24, 5 weekly flights from 01FEB24 to 29FEB24.
  33. ^ Jim Liu (19 Ogos 2024). "AIR CHINA RESUMES HANGZHOU – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM SEP 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Dicapai pada 4 Oktober 2024. Air China from mid-September 2024 plans to add Hangzhou – Hong Kong route, a service resumption since October 2006. The Star Alliance carrier will operate this route on daily basis, effective 15SEP24.
  34. ^ "Chengdu Tianfu NS23 International Network – 21MAR23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 21 Mac 2023. Dicapai pada 22 Mac 2023. At the launch of Northern summer 2023 season, all international/regional service to/from Chengdu will shift from Chengdu Shuangliu (成都双流; CTU) to Chengdu Tianfu (成都天府; TFU), with the exception of Vietnam Airlines, as it continues to list service to/from Shuangliu (CTU) from Da Nang, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
  35. ^ "AIR FRANCE MOVES HONG KONG SERVICE RESUMPTION TO DEC 2022". Dicapai pada 25 August 2022.
  36. ^ "AIR INDIA JULY – OCTOBER 2023 HONG KONG FREQUENCY CHANGES". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 14 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 14 Jun 2023. Air India since mid-March 2023 filed service changes on Delhi – Hong Kong route for the second half of Northern summer 2023 season. The Star Alliance member previously filed service increase from 3 to 4 weekly from 06JUL23, however this is no longer in effect. Between 06JUL23 and 28OCT23, AI continues to operate 3 weekly flights with Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner aircraft, The 4th weekly flight is tentatively scheduled to resume on 02NOV23 at earliest. Further changes remain possible.
  37. ^ "ANA JUNE 2023 TOKYO HANEDA – HONG KONG AIRCRAFT CHANGES". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 25 Mei 2023. Dicapai pada 26 Mei 2023. ANA during the month of June 2023 is adjusting operational aircraft on Tokyo Haneda – Hong Kong route. From 01JUN23 to 30JUN23, 5 of 7 weekly flights to be operated by Boeing 777-300ER, instead of 787-8.
  38. ^ "ANA INCREASES TOKYO NARITA – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM MID-JAN 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 21 Disember 2022. Dicapai pada 21 Disember 2022.
  39. ^ "ANA 2Q23 MAINLAND CHINA SERVICE RESTORATIONS – 24APR23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 25 April 2023. Dicapai pada 25 April 2023. ANA yesterday (24APR23) announced further network restoration in Mainland China, including service from Osaka.
  40. ^ "ANA NS24 ASIA SERVICE CHANGES – 24JAN24". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 25 Januari 2024. Dicapai pada 29 Januari 2024. ANA this week announced planned service changes to its operation in Asia, for Northern summer 2024 season.
  41. ^ "ASIANA AIRLINES RESTORES ADDITIONAL HONG KONG SERVICE FROM MID-JULY 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 9 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 9 Jun 2023. Asiana Airlines from mid-July 2023 plans to restore additional service on Seoul Incheon – Hong Kong route, currently scheduled 7 weekly. From 14JUL23, the Star Alliance member will increase service to 11 weekly, with OZ721/722 operated by Airbus A321 aircraft. By 01SEP23, the airline will return to 14 weekly level, returning to pre-pandemic frequencies.
  42. ^ "BANGKOK AIRWAYS RESUMES KOH SAMUI – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM JULY 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 12 Mei 2023. Dicapai pada 14 Mei 2023. Bangkok Airways from July 2023 plans to resume Koh Samui – Hong Kong service, previously served until March 2020. The airline will be operating 3 weekly flights when it resume service on 01JUL23, with Airbus A319 aircraft.
  43. ^ "BATIK AIR ADDS HONG KONG SERVICE IN FEB 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 9 Januari 2023. Dicapai pada 10 Januari 2023. Indonesian carrier Batik Air from February 2023 plans to add service to Hong Kong, which sees the airline operates Jakarta – Hong Kong once a day, with Boeing 737-800 aircraft. First flight is scheduled on 10FEB23.
  44. ^ "BATIK AIR MALAYSIA RESUMES HONG KONG SERVICE FROM AUGUST 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 19 Mei 2023. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2023. Batik Air Malaysia has revised planned service resumption on Kuala Lumpur – Hong Kong route, which sees first flight scheduled on 01AUG23, instead of previously filed 01OCT23. The airline will operate this route on daily basis, with Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft.
  45. ^ "CAPITAL AIRLINES ADDS QINGDAO – HONG KONG SERVICE IN LATE-DEC 2022". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 16 Disember 2022. Dicapai pada 17 Disember 2022.
  46. ^ Ma, Jess. "Covid-19: Hong Kong lifting hotel quarantine won't make much difference for international travel, IATA chief warns". South China Morning Post. Hong Kong. Dicapai pada 28 September 2022.
  47. ^ Jim Liu (9 Ogos 2024). "Cathay Pacific Extends Christchurch Seasonal Service to March 2025". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Aeroroutes. Dicapai pada 30 Ogos 2024. Cathay Pacific has extended seasonal operations for Hong Kong – Christchurch route, previously scheduled from 13DEC24 to 27FEB25. Latest schedule update now sees the airline opened reservations for flights until 26MAR25 (Hong Kong departure).
  48. ^ "CATHAY PACIFIC NS24 MILAN OPERATIONS – 04JAN24". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 5 Januari 2024. Dicapai pada 11 Januari 2024. Cathay Pacific during Northern summer 2024 season is increasing Hong Kong – Milan Malpensa service, as the airline recently opened reservation for 4th weekly flight, operating on Fridays from 05APR24.
  49. ^ "CATHAY PACIFIC 2Q24 NEPAL SERVICE INCREASES". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 8 Januari 2024. Dicapai pada 12 Januari 2024. Cathay Pacific in the second quarter of 2024 plans to increase service to Nepal, with the addition of 5th weekly flight between 31MAR24 and 30JUN24. The carrier's Hong Kong – Kathmandu service is operated by Airbus A330-300 aircraft.
  50. ^ "CATHAY PACIFIC FEB 2024 FRANKFURT AIRCRAFT CHANGES". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 16 Januari 2024. Dicapai pada 16 Januari 2024. Cathay Pacific during the month of February 2024 plans to resume Boeing 777-300ER service on Hong Kong – Frankfurt route, replacing Airbus A350-1000XWB aircraft. The 3-class 777 will operate daily from 01FEB24 to 29FEB24.
  51. ^ Jim Liu (29 Julai 2024). "CEBU PACIFIC TO RESUME ILOILO – HONG KONG SERVICE IN NW24". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Aeroroutes. Dicapai pada 2 Ogos 2024. Cebu Pacific in Northern winter 2024/25 season plans to resume Iloilo – Hong Kong service, last served until February 2020. Upon service resumption on 27OCT24, the airline will offer 4 weekly flights, an increase from 3 weekly prior to service cancellation.
  52. ^ "CHINA AIRLINES RESUMES KAOHSIUNG – HONG KONG SERVICE IN MARCH 2023" (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 20 Januari 2023. Dicapai pada 20 Januari 2023. China Airlines in March 2023 plans to resume Kaohsiung – Hong Kong service, initially scheduled once a day. First flight is scheduled on 01MAR23, with Boeing 737-800 aircraft.
  53. ^ a b c d e f g h "MAINLAND CHINESE CARRIERS FEB – APR 2024 HONG KONG ROUTES ADDITION". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 13 Februari 2024. Dicapai pada 15 Februari 2024. Mainland Chinese carriers between February and April 2024 plans schedules additional new routes to Hong Kong, including a service resumption.
    China Eastern (MU)
    Taiyuan – Hong Kong eff 25MAR24 2 weekly 737 (Last served until February 2020),
    Qingdao Airlines (QW)
    Qingdao – Dayong – Hong Kong eff 02APR24 3 weekly A320neo,
    Ruili Airlines (DR)
    Nanning – Hong Kong eff 19FEB24 4 weekly 737 (Service operating as Jinghong – Nanning – Hong Kong from 31MAR24).
  54. ^ name="China Eastern Airlines adds Beijing/Daxing - Hong Kong route services"
  55. ^ "CHINA EASTERN ADDS BEIJING – HONG KONG SERVICE IN MARCH 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 6 Februari 2023. Dicapai pada 6 Februari 2023. China Eastern from March 2023 is adding service between Beijing and Hong Kong, as the airline schedules Beijing Daxing – Hong Kong service from 02MAR23.
  56. ^ "CHINA EASTERN ADDS NEW ROUTES TO HONG KONG IN NOV/DEC 2022". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 28 November 2022. Dicapai pada 29 November 2022.
  57. ^ "CHINA EASTERN RESUMES XI'AN – HONG KONG / MACAU SERVICE IN NW23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 26 Oktober 2023. Dicapai pada 6 November 2023. China Eastern Airlines at the launch of Northern winter 2023/24 season plans to resume regional service from Xi’An, as the Skyteam member resumes service to Hong Kong and Macau.
  58. ^ "CHINA SOUTHERN INCREASES BEIJING – HONG KONG SERVICE IN NW23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 14 November 2023. Dicapai pada 19 November 2023. China Southern at the launch of Northern winter 2023/24 season expanded service on Beijing Daxing – Hong Kong route, with the addition of 2nd daily flight. CZ5009/5010 service was launched (from Beijing) on 29OCT23.
  59. ^ "CHINA SOUTHERN RESUMES ADDITIONAL HONG KONG ROUTES IN JAN 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 2 Januari 2023. Dicapai pada 3 Januari 2023.
  60. ^ "CHINA SOUTHERN RESUMES NONSTOP URUMQI – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM MID-JULY 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 28 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 28 Jun 2023. China Southern from mid-July 2023 plans to resume Urumqi – Hong Kong nonstop service, last served in September and October 2012. From 16JUL23, Boeing 737-800 is scheduled to operate this route twice weekly.
  61. ^ "CHINA SOUTHERN RESUMES YIWU – HONG KONG FROM LATE-DEC 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 21 Disember 2023. Dicapai pada 24 Disember 2023. China Southern from late-December 2023 is resuming Yiwu – Hong Kong service, last operated until October 2019. The airline will operate this route with Boeing 737-800 aircraft, effective 27DEC23, twice weekly. This will be the airline’s 7th route to Hong Kong in Northern winter 2023/24 season.
  62. ^ Scheer, Steven; Smith, Alexander (5 September 2022). "Israel's El Al to resume Hong Kong flights after COVID curbs eased". Reuters (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Jerusalem. Dicapai pada 6 September 2022.
  63. ^ "EMIRATES RESUMES NONSTOP HONG KONG A380 SERVICE IN LATE-MARCH 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 11 Januari 2023. Dicapai pada 12 Januari 2023. Emirates in this week’s update filed changes to Dubai – Hong Kong nonstop service, set to resume on 30MAR23. Upon service resumption, the airline will now operate 3-class A380 aircraft on daily basis, instead of previously filed 777-300ER.
  64. ^ "EMIRATES INCREASES HONG KONG SERVICE FROM NOV 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 7 September 2023. Dicapai pada 16 September 2023. Emirates in Northern winter 2023/24 season plans to expand service to Hong Kong, as the airline resumes 2nd daily Dubai – Hong Kong terminator flight.
  65. ^ "EMIRATES NW24 PRELIMINARY SERVICE CHANGES – 24JAN24". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 24 Januari 2024. Dicapai pada 29 Januari 2024. Emirates in the last few weeks filed preliminary changes to its Northern winter 2024/25 operations.
  66. ^ "EVA AIR RESTORES ADDITIONAL TAIPEI – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM JULY 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 8 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 8 Jun 2023. Star Alliance member EVA Air from July 2023 plans to restore 5th daily Taipei Taoyuan – Hong Kong flight, operating as BR857/858. This flight will be offered once again during evening hours with A321 or A330-200, from 01JUL23.
  67. ^ "FIJI AIRWAYS AUGUST 2024 ONE-TIME A350 HONG KONG SERVICE". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 13 Disember 2023. Dicapai pada 13 Disember 2023. Fiji Airways in late-August 2024 schedules one-time Airbus A350-900XWB aircraft on Nadi – Hong Kong route, replacing A330-200/-300 aircraft.
  68. ^ "GARUDA INDONESIA RESUMES DENPASAR – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM JULY 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 23 Mei 2023. Dicapai pada 24 Mei 2023. Garuda Indonesia from July 2023 plans to resume Denpasar – Hong Kong service, with first flight scheduled on 03JUL23. The Skyteam member plans to operate this route twice weekly, with Airbus A330-300 aircraft.
  69. ^ "GARUDA INDONESIA PLANS DENPASAR – HONG KONG SERVICE IN NW23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 14 Julai 2023. Dicapai pada 4 Ogos 2023. Garuda Indonesia in Northern winter 2023/24 season intends to resume Denpasar – Hong Kong service, on board Airbus A330-300 aircraft. The Skyteam member currently schedules 2 weekly flights, effective 30OCT23.
  70. ^ "GREATER BAY AIRLINES DISCONTINUES VIETNAM SERVICE FROM LATE-FEB 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 2 Februari 2024. Dicapai pada 13 Februari 2024. Greater Bay Airlines from late-February 2024 is suspending service to Vietnam, as the airline removed operational schedule for Hong Kong – Ho Chi Minh City route, for travel on/after 22FEB24.
  71. ^ "GREATER BAY AIRLINES ADDS SINGAPORE IN LATE-APRIL 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 9 Februari 2024. Dicapai pada 14 Februari 2024. Hong Kong's Greater Bay Airlines earlier this week announced new route launch, as it opened bookings for Hong Kong – Singapore service.
  72. ^ Jim Liu (20 Ogos 2024). "GREATER BAY AIRLINES ADDS HONG KONG – YONAGO SERVICE IN NW24". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Dicapai pada 4 Oktober 2024. Hong Kong’s Greater Bay Airlines in Northern winter 2024/25 season plans to add new scheduled service to Japan, as the airline lists 3 weekly Hong Kong – Yonago route. Boeing 737-800 aircraft will operate this route from 27OCT24.
  73. ^ "Greater Bay Airlines July 2023 Service Increase". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 19 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 19 Jun 2023. Greater Bay Airlines from July 2023 plans to increase service to Bangkok and Taipei, reflected in recent schedule update: Hong Kong – Bangkok Suvarnabhumi 01JUL23 – 31AUG23 Increase from 7 to 9 weekly and Hong Kong – Taipei Taoyuan eff 05JUL23 Increase from 7 to 9 weekly.
  74. ^ "GREATER BAY AIRLINES 1Q24 SERVICE INCREASES". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 7 Disember 2023. Dicapai pada 10 Disember 2023. Hong Kong’s Greater Bay Airlines in the first quarter of 2024 plans frequency increase to Thailand and Japan, appeared in recently schedule filing:
    Hong Kong – Bangkok Suvarnabhumi eff 01FEB24 Increase from 1 to 2 daily,
    Hong Kong – Osaka Kansai eff 01FEB24 Increase from 1 to 2 daily,
    Hong Kong – Tokyo Narita eff 23DEC23 Increase from 7 to 11 weekly, 14 from 01JAN24.
  75. ^ "GREATER BAY AIRLINES ADDS HO CHI MINH CITY SERVICE FROM JULY 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 22 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 22 Jun 2023. Greater Bay Airlines from mid-July 2023 plans to add service to Vietnam, as the airline this week opened reservation for Hong Kong – Ho Chi Minh City route. The carrier currently schedules 2 weekly flights with Boeing 737-800 aircraft, effective 18JUL23.
  76. ^ "Greater Bay Airlines Plans Taipei / Tokyo Additions in NW22". Aeroroutes. 23 October 2022.
  77. ^ "GREATER BAY AIRLINES ADDS MANILA FROM NOV 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 13 Oktober 2023. Dicapai pada 19 Oktober 2023. Greater Bay Airlines in Northern winter 2023/24 season is adding service to The Philippines, as the airline schedules Hong Kong – Manila launch on 08NOV23.
  78. ^ "GREATER BAY AIRLINES EXPANDS OSAKA FLIGHTS FROM SEP 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 12 Julai 2023. Dicapai pada 4 Ogos 2023. Greater Bay Airlines from September 2023 plans gradual service increase on Hong Kong – Osaka Kansai route. From 04SEP23, the airline will increase service from 3 to 5 weekly, further increase to 7 weekly from 05OCT23.
  79. ^ "GREATER BAY AIRLINES CONFIRMS SEOUL MID-JAN 2023 LAUNCH". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 10 Disember 2022. Dicapai pada 10 Disember 2022.
  80. ^ "GREATER BAY AIRLINES INCREASES SEOUL SERVICE FROM SEP 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 3 Ogos 2023. Dicapai pada 7 Ogos 2023. Greater Bay Airlines from September 2023 plans to increase service to South Korea, with additional service opened for reservation this week. From 01SEP23, Hong Kong – Seoul Incheon route will be served 7 weekly, instead of 4 weekly.
  81. ^ "Greater Bay Airlines Plans Taipei / Tokyo Additions in NW22". Aeroroutes. 23 October 2022.
  82. ^ "GREATER BAY AIRLINES EXPANDS HONG KONG – TAIPEI SERVICE IN 4Q23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 27 Oktober 2023. Dicapai pada 6 November 2023. Greater Bay Airlines in Northern winter 2023/24 season is expanding Hong Kong – Taipei Taoyuan service, currently served 9 times weekly.
  83. ^ "GREATER BAY AIRLINES 1Q24 VIETNAM SERVICE EXPANSION". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 1 Januari 2024. Dicapai pada 7 Januari 2024. Hong Kong's Greater Bay Airlines from late-January 2024 schedules service increase on Hong Kong – Ho Chi Minh City route, currently scheduled twice weekly.
  84. ^ "GX AIRLINES ADDS NANNING – HONG KONG IN DEC 2022". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 20 Disember 2022. Dicapai pada 20 Disember 2022.
  85. ^ Jim Liu (2 Ogos 2024). "HAINAN AIRLINES DOUBLES HAIKOU – HONG KONG FLIGHTS FROM MID-AUG 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Aeroroutes. Dicapai pada 2 Ogos 2024. Hainan Airlines from August 2024 plans to expand service on Haikou – Hong Kong route, where the airline plans to launch 2nd daily flight. From 12AUG24, the new flight will operate in the morning hours, with 737-800 aircraft.
  86. ^ "Hainan Airlines Begins Hong Kong Service From mid-Nov 2022". Aeroroutes. 16 November 2022.
  87. ^ "Hainan Airlines Adds Xi'An – Hong Kong Service From mid-April 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 4 April 2023. Dicapai pada 4 April 2023. Hainan Airlines later this month is adding new route to Hong Kong, with the addition of Xi’An – Hong Kong nonstop flight. Inaugural flight is scheduled on 15APR23, with Boeing 737-800 aircraft operating 3 weekly flights.
  88. ^ "HK EXPRESS ADDS BANGKOK DON MUEANG IN 2Q24". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 11 Februari 2024. Dicapai pada 14 Februari 2024. HK Express in the second quarter of 2024 is expanding service to Bangkok, with the introduction of Hong Kong – Bangkok Don Mueang route. Initially scheduled as 6 weekly flights (Day x5) from 25APR24, service will expand to daily by 03MAY24, with 174-seater Airbus A320 aircraft.
  89. ^ "HK EXPRESS ADDS BEIJING DAXING SERVICE FROM MARCH 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 19 Januari 2024. Dicapai pada 21 Januari 2024. HK Express yesterday (18JAN24) announced new route launch to Mainland China, where the airline opened reservation for Hong Kong – Beijing Daxing route. First flight is scheduled on 12MAR24, with Airbus A320 aircraft operating on daily basis.
  90. ^ Jim Liu (30 Ogos 2024). "HK EXPRESS RESUMES HIROSHIMA SERVICE IN NOV 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Dicapai pada 4 Oktober 2024. HK Express in Northern winter 2024/25 season plans to resume Hong Kong – Hiroshima service, last served regularly until 2020. Upon service resumption on 01NOV24, the airline will serve this route 3 times weekly with Airbus A320 aircraft.
  91. ^ Jim Liu (23 Ogos 2024). "HK EXPRESS ADDS PHU QUOC FROM DEC 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Dicapai pada 4 Oktober 2024. HK Express from December 2024 is launching new service to Vietnam, as the airline yesterday (22AUG24) opened reservations for Hong Kong – Phu Quoc route. The carrier’s Airbus A320 aircraft will operate this route on daily basis from 06DEC24.
  92. ^ Jim Liu (15 Ogos 2024). "HK Express Schedules Penang late-Nov 2024 Launch". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Aeroroutes. Dicapai pada 30 Ogos 2024. HK Express yesterday (14AUG24) opened reservation for its latest network addition in Malaysia, with 1 daily Hong Kong – Penang service scheduled. Airbus A320 aircraft to operate this route from 21NOV24.
  93. ^ "HK Express resumes Bangkok service from late-March 2019". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 8 January 2019. Dicapai pada 8 January 2019.
  94. ^ "HK Express 1Q23 Korea Service Restorations". Aeroroutes. 15 November 2022.
  95. ^ "HK Express Plans Thailand Service Increase From Dec 2022". Aeroroutes. 11 October 2022.
  96. ^ "HK Express Schedules late-April 2023 Hanoi Launch". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 11 April 2023. Dicapai pada 11 April 2023. HK Express in late-April 2023 plans to add new service to Vietnam, where the airline schedules Hong Kong – Hanoi nonstop flight, on board Airbus A320 aircraft. This route will be offered on daily basis, effective 28APR23.
  97. ^ "HK Express 1Q23 Korea Service Restorations". Aeroroutes. 15 November 2022.
  98. ^ "HK EXPRESS 2Q23 JAPAN SERVICE RESUMPTIONS". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 4 Mei 2023. Dicapai pada 4 Mei 2023. HK Express in the second quarter of 2023 schedules additional service resumption to Japan, including Kagoshima and Takamatsu.
  99. ^ "HK EXPRESS NW23 TAIWAN SERVICE INCREASES". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 20 September 2023. Dicapai pada 27 September 2023. HK Express in Northern winter 2023/24 season plans to expand operational frequencies to Taiwan, including Kaohsiung, Taichung, and Taipei.
  100. ^ "HK EXPRESS ADDS MANILA SERVICE FROM MID-OCT 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 17 Ogos 2023. Dicapai pada 31 Ogos 2023. HK Express today (17AUG23) announced new route launch to The Philippines, where it plans to operate Hong Kong – Manila route. Subject to government approval, the airline will operate 1 daily flight from 13OCT23.
  101. ^ "HK Express 4Q22 Japan Operations – 05OCT22". Aeroroutes. 6 October 2022.
  102. ^ Jim Liu (3 September 2024). "HONG KONG AIRLINES PLANS CHIANG MAI LATE-OCT 2024 LAUNCH". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Dicapai pada 4 Oktober 2024. Hong Kong Airlines at the launch of Northern winter 2024/25 season plans to launch new route to Thailand, where it schedules Hong Kong – Chiang Mai nonstop service. From 27OCT24, Airbus A320 aircraft to operate this route on daily basis.
  103. ^ Jim Liu (22 Ogos 2024). "HONG KONG AIRLINES RESUMES GOLD COAST SERVICE IN 1Q25". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Dicapai pada 4 Oktober 2024. Hong Kong Airlines in the first quarter of 2025 plans to resume service to Australia, as the carrier opened reservations for Hong Kong – Coolangatta (Gold Coast) service, from 17JAN25 to 14FEB25 (Hong Kong departure).
    The airline last served Gold Coast until October 2018. Upon service resumption, the airline operates this route 4 times weekly with A330-300 aircraft.
  104. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES PLANS 1Q24 MALDIVES SERVICE RESUMPTION". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 13 Oktober 2023. Dicapai pada 19 Oktober 2023. Hong Kong Airlines intends to resume service to The Maldives, operating Hong Kong – Male route from 19JAN24 and 25FEB24, on board Airbus A330-300 aircraft. The airline plans to operate this route 3 times weekly.
  105. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES NS24 MALDIVES OPERATION". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 18 Januari 2024. Dicapai pada 21 Januari 2024. Hong Kong Airlines during Northern summer 2024 season once again schedules service to The Maldives on seasonal basis. Currently not available for reservation, the airline intends to operate Hong Kong – Male service with Airbus A330-300 aircraft, from 12JUL24 to 30AUG24. Service initially scheduled 4 times weekly, increasing to 1 daily for the period of 21JUL24 – 25AUG24.
  106. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES ADDS URUMQI SERVICE FROM LATE-JUNE 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 13 Februari 2024. Dicapai pada 14 Februari 2024. Hong Kong Airlines during Northern summer 2024 season plans to operate nonstop service to Xinjiang, as the airline schedules Hong Kong – Urumqi route. From 22JUN24, 292-seater A330-300 aircraft will operate this route 3 times weekly.
  107. ^ "Hong Kong Airlines Resumes Beijing Service From Nov 2022". Aeroroutes. 15 November 2022.
  108. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES RESUMES CHENGDU SERVICE FROM LATE-SEP 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 29 Ogos 2023. Dicapai pada 2 September 2023. Hong Kong Airlines from late-September 2023 plans to resume Hong Kong – Chengdu service, after 6-month hiatus. Upon service resumption on 22SEP23, the airline’s Airbus A320 aircraft will operate flights to/from Chengdu Tianfu (TFU), initially 4 weekly.
    Service will expand to daily from 30SEP23.
  109. ^ "Hong Kong Airlines Resumes Beijing Service From Nov 2022". Aeroroutes. 15 November 2022.
  110. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES JULY – OCT 2023 FUKUOKA AIRCRAFT CHANGES". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 22 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 22 Jun 2023. Hong Kong Airlines from mid-July 2023 plans to increase capacity on Hong Kong – Fukuoka service, as the airline schedules Airbus A330-300 aircraft from 13JUL23. 2 of 7 weekly flights will be operated by the A330, instead of A320.
  111. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES NW23 NETWORK ADDITIONS – 11OCT23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 11 Oktober 2023. Dicapai pada 19 Oktober 2023. Hong Kong Airlines in Northern winter 2023/24 season plans to introduce 3 additional regional routes, including service to resumptions: Hong Kong – Hakodate 18DEC23 – 26FEB24 4 weekly A330-300, new route, Hong Kong – Hanoi eff 02DEC23 3 weekly A320 and Hong Kong – Yonago 18DEC23 – 26FEB24 4 weekly A320.
  112. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES RESUMES KUMAMOTO SERVICE FROM DEC 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 29 September 2023. Dicapai pada 30 September 2023. Hong Kong Airlines from December 2023 plans to resume Hong Kong – Kumamoto service, previously served until April 2016. The carrier plans to operate this route 3 times weekly, effective 02DEC23, with Airbus A320 aircraft.
  113. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES ADDS NAGOYA / YONAGO SERVICE FROM JULY 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 23 Mei 2023. Dicapai pada 24 Mei 2023. Hong Kong Airlines in July 2023 plans to add 2 routes to Japan, with new service to Nagoya, while resuming service to Yonago: Hong Kong – Nagoya eff 08JUL23 4 weekly A330-300 (1 daily A320 from 21AUG23) dan Hong Kong – Yonago 18JUL23 – 20AUG23 Service resumption since February 2020, 3 weekly A320.
  114. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES RESUMES PHUKET SERVICE FROM MID-DEC 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 24 Oktober 2023. Dicapai pada 3 November 2023. Hong Kong Airlines from December 2023 plans to resume Hong Kong – Phuket service, after brief suspension since early-September 2023 (except 29SEP23 – 06OCT23). The airline will operate minimum 1 daily flight starting 15DEC23.
  115. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES RESUMES A330 TAIPEI FLIGHTS FROM MID-JULY 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 30 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 30 Jun 2023. Hong Kong Airlines from mid-July 2023 plans to increase capacity on Hong Kong – Taipei Taoyuan route, where the airline resumes Airbus A330-300 widebody service. From 13JUL23, 1 of 2 daily flights to be operated by the A330, instead of A320.
  116. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES RESTORES ADDITIONAL TAIPEI SERVICE FROM SEP 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 7 Ogos 2023. Dicapai pada 7 Ogos 2023. Hong Kong Airlines from September 2023 plans to restore additional service on Hong Kong – Taipei Taoyuan route. From 03SEP23 to 28OCT23, the airline resumes 3rd daily flight, on board Airbus A320 aircraft. Schedules on/after 29OCT23 remains pending.
  117. ^ "HONG KONG AIRLINES OCT 2023 TAIPEI SERVICE INCREASES". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 20 September 2023. Dicapai pada 27 September 2023. Hong Kong Airlines during the month of October 2023 is restoring 4th daily Hong Kong – Taipei Taoyuan service, returning to pre-pandemic level. From 01OCT23 to 28OCT23, the airline operates this route with Airbus A320 and A330-300 aircraft.
  118. ^ "INDIGO ADDS DELHI – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM OCT 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 25 Ogos 2023. Dicapai pada 1 September 2023. Indian low-cost carrier IndiGo from October 2023 plans to resume service to Hong Kong, with the new Delhi – Hong Kong service on board Airbus A321neo aircraft scheduled. From 05OCT23, the airline will operate this route on daily basis.
  119. ^ AirAsia (6 Ogos 2024). "Indonesia AirAsia Lebarkan Sayap ke Asia, Buka Penerbangan Langsung Ke Hong Kong dari Bali dan Jakarta". (dalam bahasa Indonesia). Newsroom AirAsia (Malaysia). Dicapai pada 27 Ogos 2024. Pembukaan rute ini merupakan upaya Indonesia AirAsia dalam memperluas konektivitasnya ke negara-negara di Asia lainnya.
  120. ^ Jim Liu (5 Ogos 2024). "INDONESIA AIRASIA SCHEDULES HONG KONG 4Q24 LAUNCH". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Aeroroutes. Dicapai pada 27 Ogos 2024. Indonesia AirAsia in the fourth quarter of 2024 plans to launch service to Hong Kong, with service scheduled from Denpasar and Jakarta. This will mark the airline’s return to Hong Kong, where it previously operated Medan – Hong Kong service until September 2011.
  121. ^ "JAL DEC 2023/JAN 2024 TOKYO NARITA – HONG KONG SERVICE CHANGES". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 25 Disember 2023. Dicapai pada 26 Disember 2023. JAL starting late-December 2023 temporarily reduces Tokyo Narita – Hong Kong service, where the airline schedules 5 weekly flights, instead of 7 weekly. From Tokyo, planned frequency reduction is in effect from 28DEC23 to 10JAN24. This route is operated by Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner, although selected dates to see 767 or 787-9 aircraft operating.
  122. ^ "JIN AIR CANCELS PLANNED SEOUL – HONG KONG SERVICE IN NW23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 17 November 2023. Dicapai pada 25 November 2023. Jin Air in the last few days cancelled planned service on Seoul Incheon – Hong Kong route, previously scheduled to commence on 24DEC23.
  123. ^ name="KLM China Direct flights resumed"
  124. ^ "KLM NS23 GREATER CHINA SERVICE CHANGES – 08FEB23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 9 Februari 2023. Dicapai pada 9 Februari 2023. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines this week filed further changes to its service to Greater China Region, for Northern summer 2023 season, as the Skyteam member resumes nonstop service to Mainland China and Hong Kong.
  125. ^ "KLM NW23 INTERCONTINENTAL NETWORK CHANGES – 26MAY23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 27 Mei 2023. Dicapai pada 27 Mei 2023. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines this week filed latest changes to its intercontinental operation for Northern winter 2023/24 season, effective 29OCT23. Most comparison listed below is based on comparison 26MAR23 vs 26MAY23, including those listed as “previously filed”, For service to East Asia, KLM is restore pre-pandemic routing (Northern winter 2019/20 season), including Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila and Taipei: Amsterdam – Hong Kong eff 29OCT23 Increase from 3 to 4 weekly, 777-200ER (4 weekly flights scheduled entire NW23. Previously planned 6 weekly from 31JAN24 removed).
  126. ^ "KLM NS24 INTERCONTINENTAL NETWORK CHANGES – 12OCT23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 13 Oktober 2023. Dicapai pada 19 Oktober 2023. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines this week gradually filed service changes to its intercontinental operation for Northern summer 2024 season, effective 31MAR24 – 26OCT24.
  127. ^ "KOREAN AIR ADDS A380 HONG KONG FLIGHTS IN OCT 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 10 Julai 2023. Dicapai pada 10 Julai 2023. Korean Air in last week’s schedule update filed Airbus A380 service on regular basis on Seoul Incheon – Hong Kong route, scheduled from 01OCT23 to 28OCT23 (Seoul departure). The A380 is scheduled to operate on 1 of 2 daily flight as KE177/178.
  128. ^ "KOREAN AIR INCREASES HONG KONG FLIGHTS IN NW23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 1 September 2023. Dicapai pada 2 September 2023. Korean Air today (01SEP23) opens reservation for its planned service resumption of 3rd daily Seoul Incheon – Hong Kong flight, scheduled from 29OCT23.
  129. ^ "KOREAN AIR MARCH 2024 HONG KONG SERVICE REDUCTIONS". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 21 Disember 2023. Dicapai pada 24 Disember 2023. Korean Air during the month of March 2024 is reducing Seoul Incheon – Hong Kong service, citing demand control. From Seoul, overall service between 03MAR24 and 30MAR24 will be reduced from 4 to 3 daily, as KE179/180 service closed for reservation since earlier today (21DEC23).
  130. ^ "Loong Air Adds Hangzhou – Hong Kong Service in late-June 2022". Aeroroutes. Dicapai pada 12 July 2022.
  131. ^ "LOONG AIR EXPANDS HANGZHOU – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM JAN 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 15 Disember 2023. Dicapai pada 17 Disember 2023. Loong Air from January 2024 plans to increase Hangzhou – Hong Kong service, with the addition of second daily flight, effective 08JAN24.
  132. ^ "LUCKY AIR ADDS KUNMING – HONG KONG FLIGHTS IN 1Q23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 20 Disember 2022. Dicapai pada 20 Disember 2022.
  133. ^ "CHINA AIRLINES GROUP NW23 ROUTES REMOVAL – 23MAY23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 24 Mei 2023. Dicapai pada 25 Mei 2023. China Airlines Group during the week of 15MAY23’s schedule update tentatively adjusted its operation for Northern winter 2023/24 season, effective 29OCT23 – 30MAR24. Initial adjustment saw the removal of following routes, despite reservation never opened.
  134. ^ "MIAT JAN 2024 BOEING 787 HONG KONG OPERATIONS". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 27 Disember 2023. Dicapai pada 28 Disember 2023. MIAT Mongolian Airlines during the month of January 2024 schedules Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner aircraft on Ulaanbaatar – Hong Kong route, scheduled on 1 of 5 weekly flights.
  135. ^ "MIAT MONGOLIAN AIRLINES EXPANDS HONG KONG SERVICE FROM JULY 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 17 Mei 2023. Dicapai pada 18 Mei 2023. MIAT Mongolian Airlines from July 2023 plans to expand Ulaanbaatar – Hong Kong route. Announced by the airline, existing 3 weekly flights will increase to 7, effective 01JUL23. This route is operated by a mix of 737-700/-800/MAX 8 aircraft.
  136. ^ "Peach Resumes Hong Kong Service From late-January 2023". Aeroroutes. 16 November 2022.
  137. ^ "PEACH INCREASES OSAKA – HONG KONG FLIGHTS FROM SEP 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 21 April 2023. Dicapai pada 21 April 2023. Japanese low-cost carrier Peach in late-September 2023 plans to expand Osaka Kansai – Hong Kong service, where the airline schedules 2nd daily flight from 24SEP23.
  138. ^ "PHILIPPINE AIRLINES ADDS SEASONAL CLARK – HONG KONG FLIGHTS FROM DEC 2022". AeroRoutes. Dicapai pada 3 November 2022.
  139. ^ "ROYALAIR PHILIPPINES 3Q23 INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CHANGES". AeroRoutes. Dicapai pada June 2, 2023.
  140. ^ "ROYALAIR PHILIPPINES 3Q23 INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CHANGES". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 1 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 2 Jun 2023. Royalair Philippines from July 2023 plans to add new international service from Caticlan, with nonstop Caticlan – Hong Kong route scheduled 3 times weekly. First flight is scheduled on 09JUL23, on board Airbus A320 aircraft and In addition, the airline has revised planned Caticlan – Taipei Taoyuan service. Initially scheduled to increase from 3 weekly to 7 weekly from 21JUN23 to 01SEP23, the airline will now increase to 5 weekly from 22JUN23 to 15AUG23.
  141. ^ "ROYAL BRUNEI NS24 REGIONAL SERVICE INCREASES". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 1 Disember 2023. Dicapai pada 3 Disember 2023. Royal Brunei in Northern summer 2024 season plans to increase service on a number of regional routes:
    Bandar Seri Begawan – Hong Kong eff 01JUL24 Increase from 4 to 5 weekly,
    Bandar Seri Begawan – Kota Kinabalu eff 31MAR24 Increase from 7 to 8 weekly (6 in NS23),
    Bandar Seri Begawan – Kuala Lumpur eff 31MAR24 Increase from 9 to 10 weekly (8 in NS23),
    Bandar Seri Begawan – Surabaya eff 01JUL24 Increase from 4 to 5 weekly.
  142. ^ "S7 Airlines flight schedule". S7 Airlines.
  143. ^ Pranjal Pande (4 March 2022). "Russian S7 To Suspend All International Flights Amid Airspace Bans". Simple Flying. London. Dicapai pada 5 March 2022.
  144. ^ "Shandong Airlines schedules Jinan – Hong Kong Jan 2018 launch". routesonline. 3 January 2018. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 4 January 2018. Dicapai pada 3 January 2018.
  145. ^ "SHANDONG AIRLINES RESUMES QINGDAO – HONG KONG IN JAN 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 8 Januari 2024. Dicapai pada 12 Januari 2024. Shandong Airlines in the first quarter of 2024 resumes Qingdao – Hong Kong service, with first flight scheduled later this week. From 12JAN24, Boeing 737-800 aircraft to operate this route 3 times weekly.
  146. ^ Jim Liu (14 Ogos 2024). "Shanghai Airlines Adds Shanghai Pu Dong – Hong Kong Service From Sep 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Aeroroutes. Dicapai pada 30 Ogos 2024. Shanghai Airlines from September 2024 plans to operate Shanghai Pu Dong – Hong Kong service, on board Boeing 737-800 aircraft. From 01SEP24 to 20OCT24, the carrier will operate this route on weekly basis on Sundays.
  147. ^ "Chengdu Tianfu NS23 International Network – 21MAR23". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 21 Mac 2023. Dicapai pada 22 Mac 2023. At the launch of Northern summer 2023 season, all international/regional service to/from Chengdu will shift from Chengdu Shuangliu (成都双流; CTU) to Chengdu Tianfu (成都天府; TFU), with the exception of Vietnam Airlines, as it continues to list service to/from Shuangliu (CTU) from Da Nang, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
  148. ^ "SICHUAN AIRLINES ADDS WUYISHAN – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM LATE-JUNE 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 28 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 28 Jun 2023. Sichuan Airlines last week added new sector to Hong Kong, which saw the inaugural of Wuyishan – Hong Kong nonstop service on 22JUN23. This route is scheduled 3 times weekly, with Airbus A320 aircraft, The full routing of this service is Chengdu Tianfu – Wuyishan – Hong Kong.
  149. ^ "Singapore Airlines Increases Hong Kong Service From July 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 19 Jun 2023. Dicapai pada 19 Jun 2023. Singapore Airlines from July 2023 plans to resume 4th daily Singapore – Hong Kong flight, 3 months earlier than planned. The mid-afternoon departure from Singapore and evening departure from Hong Kong, SQ894/895, is scheduled to operate from 01JUL23, with 777-300ER.
  150. ^ Newsroom AirAsia (31 Julai 2024). "Travel Advisory : Thai AirAsia (FD) Suspends Phuket-Hong Kong Route". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). AirAsia (Malaysia). Dicapai pada 1 Ogos 2024. Thai AirAsia (FD) has announced the suspension of services between Phuket and Hong Kong effective 1 September 2024 onward as part of its ongoing consumer demand and fleet management strategy.
  151. ^ Jim Liu (31 Julai 2024). "THAI AIRASIA DISCONTINUES PHUKET – HONG KONG SERVICE FROM SEP 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Aeroroutes. Dicapai pada 2 Ogos 2024. Thai AirAsia today announced the cancellation of Phuket – Hong Kong route, currently served 4 times weekly. The airline’s last flight on this route is scheduled on 30AUG24, on board Airbus A320 aircraft.
  152. ^ "Thai AirAsia Ready to Fly Hong Kong to Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket and Macao to Bangkok". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). airasia newsroom (airasia). 29 Mac 2023. Dicapai pada 30 Mac 2023. Mr.Krid Pattanasan, Head of Government Relations, Thai AirAsia added that AirAsia resumed Hong Kong and Macao routes to Bangkok (Don Mueang) because it sees great potential and demand among travelers with Thailand remaining a top destination for tourists from both Hong Kong and Macao.
  153. ^ "THAI LION AIR ADDS BANGKOK – HONG KONG FROM OCT 2024". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 29 Ogos 2024. Dicapai pada 8 September 2024. Thai Lion Air from October 2024 plans to launch service to Hong Kong, as the airline yesterday (28AUG24) opened bookings for Bangkok Don Mueang – Hong Kong route. From 01OCT24, Boeing 737-800 aircraft to serve this route on daily basis.
  154. ^ "Tianjin Airlines Adds Tianjin – Hong Kong Service From Dec 2022". Aeroroutes. Dicapai pada 14 November 2022.
  155. ^ Singh, Jay (5 February 2022). "United Airlines Pulls Down Transpacific Flying Through Fall". Simple Flying. London. Dicapai pada 6 February 2022.
  156. ^ "United Airlines to resume flights to Hong Kong". 16 March 2022.
  157. ^ "VIETJET AIR RESUMES HONG KONG SERVICE IN FEB 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 6 Januari 2023. Dicapai pada 8 Januari 2023. VietJet Air in February 2023 plans to resume service to Hong Kong, as the airline opened bookings for Ho Chi Minh City – Hong Kong route.
  158. ^ "VIETNAM AIRLINES ASIA SERVICE ADJUSTMENT FROM JUNE 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 24 Mei 2023. Dicapai pada 25 Mei 2023. Vietnam Airlines from June 2023 plans additional frequency restorations on various routes in Asia, including aircraft changes.
  159. ^ "VISTARA ADDS HONG KONG SERVICE FROM LATE-OCT 2023". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 19 September 2023. Dicapai pada 27 September 2023. Vistara at the launch of Northern winter 2023/24 season is launching Delhi – Hong Kong route, on board Airbus A321neo aircraft. The airline will operate this route once daily, effective 29OCT23.
  160. ^ "China Southern / Xiamen Airlines NW22 International / Regional Operations – 16OCT22". Aeroroutes. 19 October 2022. Dicapai pada 19 October 2022.
  161. ^ "Aerologic". Dicapai pada 2021-07-06.
  162. ^ "Freight Arrivals | Singapore Changi Airport". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Dicapai pada 2021-07-06.
  163. ^ CAL Cargo Airlines, Ltd. [@CALCargoAir] (September 10, 2020). "CAL is now flying to #HongKong! ✈️🇭🇰 #HKG #LGG #TLV #aircargo #cargo #logistics #airfreight #shipping #freight #freightforwarder #export #aviation #import #boeing #b747 #CALCargoAirLines #ChallengeAccepted" (Twit) – melalui Twitter.
  164. ^ "Facilities & Equipment". YYC Calgary International Airport. Dicapai pada 7 May 2021.
  165. ^ "Polar Air Cargo 948". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  166. ^ "Kalitta Air 247". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  167. ^ "Ahk Air Hong Kong Limited 831". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  168. ^ "Ahk Air Hong Kong Limited 769 AHK769 / LD769". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  169. ^ "Southern Air 276". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  170. ^ "Kalitta Air 250". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  171. ^ "AeroLogic 513". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  172. ^ a b "Ahk Air Hong Kong Limited 562". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  173. ^ "2013 summer schedule". Aero Logic. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 8 August 2013. Dicapai pada 13 August 2013.
  174. ^ "Southern Air 96". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
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  176. ^ "Ahk Air Hong Kong Limited 216". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  177. ^ "Ahk Air Hong Kong Limited 224". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  178. ^ "Ahk Air Hong Kong Limited 128". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  179. ^ "Ahk Air Hong Kong Limited 782 AHK782 / LD782". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  180. ^ "Ahk Air Hong Kong Limited 327". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  181. ^ "Ahk Air Hong Kong Limited 680". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  182. ^ "Ahk Air Hong Kong Limited 208". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 January 2018. Dicapai pada 7 January 2018.
  183. ^ "CARGO WITH CARE | For the Period March 30 - October 25, 2014". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 11 April 2014. Dicapai pada 20 Jun 2016.
  184. ^ "Ethiopian moves 'DHL' flights to Maastricht". 27 October 2015. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 November 2017. Dicapai pada 20 June 2016.
  185. ^ "Flight Timetable" (PDF). EVA Airways Cargo.
  186. ^ Brett, Damian (28 February 2018). "Flexport adds freighter service". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 16 January 2020. Dicapai pada 2020-02-16.
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